DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
Senior Member
Mar 24, 2009
@MonaLazy @Gessler @Dark Sorrow @IndianHawk and others
What's the advantage to having an indigenous mission computer? Does it help in integration of other weapons, avionics or EW suite?
Yes, having indigenous mission computer helps in integration of weapons, avionics and EW suite.
If we import mission computer and don't own the source code then we have to go to original developer and pay them for every new integration.
It is like owning your own car where by you can do whatever you want and getting car from someone else whereby you have to take permission of the other fellow for every modification and also compensate for the same.
Best example we can integrate anything we want in Su-30 MKI or Tejas but not in Rafale without getting Thales and Dassault involved.
Up-gradation of the aircraft also comes in question.

An additional advantage of having indigenous mission computer is that we can reprogram the mission computer for every scenario as we deem necessary we face but for aircraft like Rafale we have to get all possible scenario pre-developed.
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Senior Member
Aug 17, 2021
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Yes, having indigenous mission computer helps in integration of weapons, avionics and EW suite.
If we import mission computer and don't own the source code then we have to go to original developer and pay them for every new integration.
It is like owning your own car where by you can do whatever you want and getting car from someone else whereby you have to take permission of the other fellow for every modification and also compensate for the same.
Best example we can integrate anything we want in Su-30 MKI or Tejas but not in Rafale without getting Thales and Dassault involved.
Upgradation of the aircraft also comes in question.
Referring to the posted pics above of Mirage-2000 and Darin-III mission computers, are they indigenous or just manufactured in India? If indigenous, can we integrate weapons onto them theoretically? (I think some end user clause will still be their in terms of taking their permission)


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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What exactly will this be?? MALE type, bayyatkar/Rustom 1 class or just some small UAV launched through hand or perhaps a sling. SDD don't deal with big projects I guess??
The cost of a single drone here is ~₹6 crore a piece, dunno how come a MALE UAV become that affordable.

Edit: Ukraine purchased 12 Bayraktar TB2 UCAVs including ground stations and weaponry for $69 Mn
Which roughly translates to ₹44 crores a drone including ground stations, training, weapons. So you decide.
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Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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What exactly will this be?? MALE type, bayyatkar/Rustom 1 class or just some small UAV launched through hand or perhaps a sling. SDD don't deal with big projects I guess??
Probably a small drone but specifically designed for high altitude ie Siachen , laddakh type of environment.

Will probably be used for surveillance or dropping food / small weapons / ammunition to forward troops.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Baba, elaborate for noobs like us whenever you get time
Mission computer creates entire picture of battlefield using all sensors data. It provides interface to connect all kinds of weaponary.
It choses profiles for swing role aircrafts based on what kind of mission is to be performed ( air to air / interceptor/ strike etc ) and aids pilots by adjusting flight control laws ( within programmed parameters ofcourse). And much more regarding EW , spj and other electronics. All of which together are now termed as sensor fusion.

Dark Sorrow

Respected Member
Senior Member
Mar 24, 2009
Referring to the posted pics above of Mirage-2000 and Darin-III mission computers, are they indigenous or just manufactured in India? If indigenous, can we integrate weapons onto them theoretically? (I think some end user clause will still be their in terms of taking their permission)
Mission computers for Mirage-2000 and Darin-III upgrade are designed by Mission and Combat Systems Research and Design Centre (MCSRDC) which is a R&D Centre for development of avionics systems. Its an sub-division of HAL.
Even if mission computer are designed in India all its sub-components namely semiconductor and system software like OS and device-drivers are imported from western countries (mainly US). These mission computers are manufactured in India.
As the software is developed in India we can integrate indigenous weapons onto them. Howerver the flight characteristic and end-users requirement will play a key role.

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