Ya'll Nibbiars they said they got bored after running the site for last 15 years,even their kids are teenager now, and when asked about the ownership transfer, they didn't metioned anything.
We have few strong financial backers who can contribute money easily if needed we will ask for More,
And Some one suggested corporate more like the TeamBHP.
The new site Iike this not for commercial for profit but fir greater good.
@Haldilal ,
It's great to see the enthusiasm from folks like yourself,
@SKC ,
@mist_consecutive . It'll be amazing if y'all can pull off a clone and get it running in such a short time.
1. Once the web-hosting, development, etc. are zeroed in on, kindly make a table showing the break-up of the costs that will be incurred.
2. After this is noted, get a list of donors, the amount they are willing to contribute and how frequently they are willing to make the donation - annually, half-annually, quarterly, monthly , one-offs.
3. The highest one-offs at the moment may need not necessarily be the highest contributors over the life of the new forum, this alone should not be the criteria for them to be a stake-holder.
4. Stake should be restricted to long-timers ( date cut-offs can be consensually agreed) and should not be handed over to everyone who makes a biggie contribution. They can be nominally decorated with tags like "VIP" , "Supermod" etc.
5. The stake-holders are also technically the face of the new forum, and as such will bear the legal responsibility of the content on the forum. This has to be made clear as they will the ones answerable to any notices.
6. While it is not necessary to get approval, opinions and feedbacks from all monetary contributors must be sought before making decisions to get the website running.
These are some of the outlines of how you can proceed further, other members can feel free to pitch in on this.
I'd like to appreciate you and the rest of the lot working on the back-end to ensure DFI rages against the dying light. Keep the mojo going!!