Civil war in Ukraine

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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Then explain why prices for food and consumer goods in Russia are growing? About medications I agree. Ukraine imports a large part of the drug from Russia.
The price of food and consumer goods is increasing in India also. Still India's GDP is growing 5+ percentage every year.

The price increases due to printing of money - when money is more than economy's output.

Russia has lot of pensions etc. (same with Ukraine) which makes for too much State expense and printing of money.


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
The price of food and consumer goods is increasing in India also. Still India's GDP is growing 5+ percentage every year.

The price increases due to printing of money - when money is more than economy's output.

Russia has lot of pensions etc. (same with Ukraine) which makes for too much State expense and printing of money.
Are you a millionaire? I don't. I spit on the macroeconomy. Speak like a normal person
In Russia for the year has never been indexed wages for the year. But the dollar rose from 35 to 47 rubles and cheese that Russia bought from Ukraine, is the same 8 dollars, but in rubles he had risen.
Ukraine and Greece suffer from the economic crisis, but these countries are able to feed themselves, and Russia half of food imports.


Jun 14, 2012
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Are you sure your soldiers will not turn back and run away when under strong fire.

The fact is that your army is losing to separatists since August. Your military is abandoning positions.

This is a stupid question. Since August, the Ukrainian army is fighting with the regular Russian army.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Are you a millionaire? I don't. I spit on the macroeconomy. Speak like a normal person
In Russia for the year has never been indexed wages for the year. But the dollar rose from 35 to 47 rubles and cheese that Russia bought from Ukraine, is the same 8 dollars, but in rubles he had risen.
Ukraine and Greece suffer from the economic crisis, but these countries are able to feed themselves, and Russia half of food imports.
You cannot be a normal person when you post on this discussion board. Normal persons do not post here. You are up against highly informed and intelligent people.

When you write something, it will be analyzed for accuracy. It is unlikely that everybody will take your word. You need to justify what you say.

Let us see - your cheese is $8. So in rubles it has gone from ruble 280 to ruble 376.
Now let us look at your local currency. Can you provide the price?

Are Ukrainians able to feed themselves??

Your agricultural production cannot save you from doom. India is a big agricultural country too. Now only a small amount of India's GDP comes from agriculture.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
This is a stupid question. Since August, the Ukrainian army is fighting with the regular Russian army.
It does not make any difference. The important point is your government is losing.


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
You cannot be a normal person when you post on this discussion board. Normal persons do not post here. You are up against highly informed and intelligent people.

When you write something, it will be analyzed for accuracy. It is unlikely that everybody will take your word. You need to justify what you say.

Let us see - your cheese is $8. So in rubles it has gone from ruble 280 to ruble 376.
Now let us look at your local currency. Can you provide the price?

Are Ukrainians able to feed themselves??

Your agricultural production cannot save you from doom. India is a big agricultural country too. Now only a small amount of India's GDP comes from agriculture.
In Ukraine, the export of agricultural products ranked second after exporting metallurgy. This is a pretty large percentage. Don't compare domestic prices and export. Ukraine does not bind the internal prices of the products to the dollar. Therefore, they are 2-2 .5 times cheaper than in Russia and 1.5-2 times cheaper than in Belarus. Last year I bought potatoes - 3 UAH. per kilogram, this year it is 4 UAH/kg, although the dollar has risen by almost 2 times. The pork I bought 40 UAH/kg, now it is 50 UAH./kg. It everyday examples. Internal rates strongly increase, if you have imported components. So greatly decreased the production of buses and trucks, whith have Indian and German agregats, but increased production of trolleybuses, trams, electrobuses, because there Ukrainian electromotors. You know Newton's third law?


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
@Akim, Ukraine's industrial production is down by 36%. Russia's industrial production is up.

So clearly the foreign exchange rate is having big impact on Ukraine.

It is a wrong assumption that Russia does not have food. Russia is a big country.

Clearly Russia is not sustaining its industry on hungry people.

Can you give examples of Russian prices?? You can easily find Russian prices also. So let us see what is food inflation in Russia.
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
This is for you chess?
Your English is poor. I did not get your point. I said that it does not matter. Your government is fighting a war and it is losing.
Kiev has support of 20+ NATO countries. Donetsk has support of only one country - Russia. So what is the big deal??


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
@Akim, Ukraine's industrial production is down by 36%. Russia's industrial production is up.

So clearly the foreign exchange rate is having big impact on Ukraine.

It is a wrong assumption that Russia does not have food. Russia is a big country.

Clearly Russia is not sustaining its industry on hungry people.

Can you give examples of Russian prices?? You can easily find Russian prices also. So let us see what is food inflation in Russia.

In Ukraine decreased only industry, which is in the occupied territories of Donbass and Crimea. The rest of the industry is working on wards.
trolley-electrobus "Electron"

suburban electric train

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Regular Member
Nov 30, 2014
Opening the Gates to World War III

by Paul Craig Roberts

According to news reports, Washington has decided to arm Ukraine for renewed military assault on Russian ethnics in Donetsk and Luhansk.

A Russian foreign ministry official condemned Washington's reckless decision to supply weapons to Kiev as a violation of agreements that would make a political resolution of the conflict less likely. This statement is perplexing. It implies that the Russian government has not yet figured out that Washington has no interest in resolving the conflict. Washington's purpose is to use the hapless Ukrainians against Russia. The worse the conflict becomes, the happier Washington is.

The Russian government made a bet that Europe would come to its senses and the conflict would be peacefully resolved. The Russian government has lost that bet and must immediately move to preempt a worsening crisis by uniting the separatists provinces with Russia or by reading the riot act to Europe.

It would be a costly humiliation for the Russian government to abandon the ethnic Russians to a military assault. If Russia stands aside while Donetsk and Luhansk are destroyed, the next attack will be on Crimea. By the time Russia is forced to fight Russia will face a better armed, better prepared, and more formidable foe.

By its inaction the Russian government is aiding and abetting Washington's onslaught against Russia. The Russian government could tell Europe to call this off or go without natural gas. The Russian government could declare a no-fly zone over the separatist provinces and deliver an ultimatum to Kiev. The Russian government could accept the requests from Donetsk and Luhansk for unification or reunification with Russia. Any one of these actions would suffice to resolve the conflict before it spins out of control and opens the gates to World War III.

The American people are clueless that Washington is on the brink of starting a dangerous war. Even informed commentators become sidetracked in refuting propaganda that Russia has invaded Ukraine and is supplying weapons to the separatists. These commentators are mistaken if they think establishing the facts will do any good.

Washington intends to remove Russia as a constraint on Washington's power. Washington's arrogance is forcing a stark choice on Russia: vassalage or war.



Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
Your English is poor. I did not get your point. I said that it does not matter. Your government is fighting a war and it is losing.
Kiev has support of 20+ NATO countries. Donetsk has support of only one country - Russia. So what is the big deal??
I already posted. Brake repeat again. I do not know the answer to this question. Neither NATO country we do not put a single cartridge.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014

The popular narrative that the West wanted to break Ukraine away from Russia is simply a myth, spread by the Kremlin's propaganda machine. For years, the EU was extremely cautious not to provoke Russia. Germany was always taking Russian positions into account: Former German leaders Helmut Kohl and Gerhard Schröder were sympathetic to Russian interests, and current German Chancellor Angela Merkel's previously close relationship with Putin is well-known.


Senior Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Sure supporting a coup was totally in Russian interests.
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

The popular narrative that the West wanted to break Ukraine away from Russia is simply a myth, spread by the Kremlin's propaganda machine. For years, the EU was extremely cautious not to provoke Russia. Germany was always taking Russian positions into account: Former German leaders Helmut Kohl and Gerhard Schröder were sympathetic to Russian interests, and current German Chancellor Angela Merkel's previously close relationship with Putin is well-known.
"The popular narrative that the West wanted to break Ukraine away from Russia is simply a myth," in itself is a myth, spread by Finnish propaganda newspaper called the "Moscow" Times.

Angela Merkel has been the Chancellor since 2005. This is 2014.

Current German Chancellor's activities for the last 7 years at expanding EU and engulfing Ukraine is well known, as exposed by an earlier post citing Der Spiegel Article, a known mouthpiece of the German government.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Moscow Cuts Off Coal Deliveries - Deepening Ukraine's Energy Crisis

There is little chance alternate sources can be found

Ukraine needs 1-2 million tons to get through the winter

Andy Tully [SOURCE]

This article originally appeared at

First it was a cutoff of Russian natural gas, now Ukraine faces Moscow's suspension of coal deliveries as winter approaches.

As a result, Kiev has been forced to declare a state of emergency in its electricity market as it faces the onset of a dark, frigid winter.

Historically, Ukraine has been self-sufficient in coal, but fighting between government forces and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk regions has closed more than half the coal mines there and shut down rail lines needed to ship coal to power plants, according to Europe's coal association, Eurocoal.

Because of the fighting, Ukraine had been relying on coal from Russia, but on Nov. 24 its largest energy company, DTEK, said Moscow had suspended those imports three days earlier. Ukraine has imported about 1.3 million tons of Russian coal since August.

DTEK said in a statement that the suspension came without warning and that Ukraine had made advance payments to its Russian suppliers under the terms of their contract.

"We hope the situation will be clarified soon and supplies will be resumed in regular regime," the statement added.

Until then, Ukraine will need to import between 1 million and 2 million metric tons of coal to compensate for the loss before the spring thaw in 2015.

Meanwhile, the country's hydro and nuclear power plants also are working hard to satisfy its energy needs, but Ukraine's aging power infrastructure is old and probably not up to the task.

The situation is ironic because Ukraine has been one of Europe's leading coal producers. In 2013 it produced 60 million metric tons of coal, but the fighting, which Western leaders say is fomented by the Russian government, has shut down 66 coal mines in eastern Ukraine, leaving only 60 more still in service. Until the fighting broke out, Ukraine used coal to generate about 40 percent of its electricity.

In an interview with the television channel 112 Ukraine, Dmitry Marunich, a co-chairman of the Ukrainian Energy Strategies Fund, said Russia's suspension of coal deliveries comes at the worst possible time because Kiev has "little chance to find other sources to substitute for it."

Marunich said that Ukraine is already too busy contending with other problems involving Russia to devote the time and money to arranging imports from other countries.

One such contract, he said, was signed with South Africa to help wean Ukraine from Russian coal, but South Africa cut off shipments earlier in November, citing political instability in Ukraine.

As a result, Marunich warned of power shortages and resulting rolling blackouts during the coming winter.

Making matters worse is the status of the gas Ukraine needs to import from Russia. Moscow shut off that supply in June because of a dispute over unpaid bills and pricing.

In October, with the help of the European Union, Kiev and Moscow reached a tentative deal to restore gas shipments, but they haven't resumed because Russia demanded that Ukraine pay for the gas in advance and Ukraine has yet to do so.

Ukraine has some gas in storage, but the amount it now holds would meet the country's needs for only about three-and-a-half months.
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