Civil war in Ukraine

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Feb 7, 2011
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Mar 21, 2009
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Both Russian, and the insurgents, report the concentration of 14 thousand. junta troops, 200 tanks and a large number of artillery near Donetsk. You can expect so the next storm the city.

Kiev is preparing an offensive against Donetsk

Источник: Киев готовит наступление на Донецк » Политикус -

At the disposal of the Russian side there were satellite photo showing that the Ukrainian army strengthens its military presence near Donetsk and on the border with Russia. At the headquarters of the DNI was also informed that the Ukrainian army is continuing to increase the grouping to the north-west and north-east of Donetsk. In these areas already has about 14,000 troops, almost two hundred tanks, a large number of artillery. All this points to the forthcoming large-scale attack on the city. In the State Border Service of Ukraine reported that the area of "‹"‹the village Slovyansk directed six armored, eight trucks and three minibuses. This is the first part of the technique, which in the near future will come in the area of "‹"‹power operations, said the agency. Morning at the headquarters of the militia reported that the army pushed the DNR to the airport APU troops to protect civilians from attacks on the city. Who works there special forces and army assault groups of New Russia.

Источник: Киев готовит наступление на Донецк » Политикус -


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Mar 21, 2009
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29th September 2014, city Kharkov, future kharkov republic

2 days ago, at 27th September, representatives of Kiev junta who took power in the city Kharkov dispersed antiwar marsh.
People who came to the central square of city were divided by groups, because by illegal decision of the court, in the Kharkov was banned anti-war rally.
People was divided into small groups, police allow to Ukrainian fascists throw firecrakers, sticks, fireworks to the groups of anti-fascists. Also fascists provoked people by words and beaten some antifascists activists, including women and old men. Police didn't arrested fascists, police arrested anti-fascists activists.
In the video you can to see how police forced active members of Communist party to come into police bus.
In the picture below shot from video
Watch video, from 4.06 police began to push antiwar activists, who are old people mostly


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Mar 21, 2009
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28th September 2014, city Kharkov, future Kharkov republic

True hero of Kharkov, local man come to defend city from fascists.

Man in photo is Kharkov inhabitant, who bravely himself tried to defend statue of Vladimir Lenin from fascists vandals. Fascists severely beaten him, by rumors he died in ambulance.
Strange people who kept him, could be fascists medics, who firstly appear in time of Euromaidan. They are strange, they don't stop beating, they come to fascists victim then fascists stop beating. These fascists medics act as staff of "Red Cross" or "Doctors with borders", who treat victims of Libyan or Syrian "revolutionaries" between tortures. At November 2011 head of "Doctors without borders" admit that.
Something same doing these fascists doctors, also they be pretend later that this man was beaten by provocateurs.
Name of this man is unknown now, fascists destroyed his internal organs for sure.

By Konstantin — in Kharkov, Ukraine.



Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
28th September 2014, city Kharkov, future Kharkov republic

True hero of Kharkov, local man come to defend city from fascists.

Man in photo is Kharkov inhabitant, who bravely himself tried to defend statue of Vladimir Lenin from fascists vandals. Fascists severely beaten him, by rumors he died in ambulance.
Strange people who kept him, could be fascists medics, who firstly appear in time of Euromaidan. They are strange, they don't stop beating, they come to fascists victim then fascists stop beating. These fascists medics act as staff of "Red Cross" or "Doctors with borders", who treat victims of Libyan or Syrian "revolutionaries" between tortures. At November 2011 head of "Doctors without borders" admit that.
Something same doing these fascists doctors, also they be pretend later that this man was beaten by provocateurs.
Name of this man is unknown now, fascists destroyed his internal organs for sure.

By Konstantin — in Kharkov, Ukraine.

Around three thousand activists answered the call "Kharkov – it's Ukraine" and gathered on Sunday evening to demonstrate their support of the authorities in Kiev. After the main procession, a group of activists with blue and yellow Ukrainian flags and nationalist red-black banners gathered at the center of the square in front of a monument to the icon of the communist movement, Vladimir Lenin. A few of the men managed to climb the tall statue to write out "Glory to Ukraine" as well as a Nazi Wolfsangel symbol, which Ukrainian ultra-national "patriots" claim to actually be the crossed letters N and I, meaning "national idea."

the Homo Erectus of Kharkov..

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Sep 9, 2014
Russia Says Arctic Well Drilled With Exxon Strikes Oil - Bloomberg
Russia Says Arctic Well Drilled With Exxon Strikes Oil !!

Russia, viewed by the Obama administration as hostile to U.S. interests, has discovered what may prove to be a vast pool of oil in one of the world's most remote places with the help of America's largest energy company.

Russia's state-run OAO Rosneft said a well drilled in the Kara Sea region of the Arctic Ocean with Exxon Mobil Corp. struck oil, showing the region has the potential to become one of the world's most important crude-producing areas.

The announcement was made by Igor Sechin, Rosneft's chief executive officer, who spent two days sailing on a Russian research ship to the drilling rig where the find was unveiled today. The well found about 1 billion barrels of oil and similar geology nearby means the surrounding area may hold more than the U.S. part of the Gulf or Mexico, he said.

"It exceeded our expectations," Sechin said in an interview. This discovery is of "exceptional significance in showing the presence of hydrocarbons in the Arctic."

The discovery sharpens the dispute between Russia and the U.S. over President Vladimir Putin's actions in Ukraine. The well was drilled before the Oct. 10 deadline Exxon was granted by the U.S. government under sanctions barring American companies from working in Russia's Arctic offshore. Rosneft and Exxon won't be able to do more drilling, putting the exploration and development of the area on hold despite the find announced today.
Source: ONGC Videsh Ltd. via Bloomberg
The oil production platform at the Sakhalin-I field in Russia, partly owned by ONGC... Read More
"We have encountered hydrocarbons but it is premature to speculate on any potential outcome," Richard Keil, an Exxon spokesman in Irving, Texas, said by telephone. "Our current focus is on completing the well and safely winding down operations consistent with our license with the U.S. government."


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Mar 12, 2013



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Mar 12, 2013

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Mar 12, 2013


The following extract from Obama's speech contains the strongest possible indictment of the kind of rabble rousing currently being indulged by BN/UMNO politicians and Malaysian government funded extremist NGOS:

"It is no exaggeration to say that humanity's future depends on us uniting against those who would divide us along fault lines of tribe or sect; race or religion.

"¦It is the task of all great religions to accommodate devout faith with a modern, multicultural world. No children – anywhere – should be educated to hate other people. There should be no more tolerance of so-called clerics who call upon people to harm innocents because they are Jewish, Christian or Muslim. It is time for a new compact among the civilized peoples of this world to eradicate war at its most fundamental source: the corruption of young minds by violent ideology.

That means cutting off the funding that fuels this hate. It's time to end the hypocrisy of those who accumulate wealth through the global economy, and then siphon funds to those who teach children to tear it down.

"¦listen to the Imam who said, "Politics try to divide the religious in our country, but religion shouldn't be a cause of hate, war, or strife." [Barak Obama UN Speech 24/09]
Yet, Mr Obama, who had received Najib Razak and his wife Rosmah only days before in Washington, is currently ignoring the fact that this Malaysian PM and people close to him in government are openly descending to these very same divisive tactics for their own political reasons in Malaysia.

So, before they cosy with Najib too far, the President's advisors would do well to consider if they are relying on a sanitised version of current events in Malaysia, thanks to the usual expensive PR and the British public school delivery of the posh patrician PM himself?

Najib can talk about progressive liberalism and his wife can talk about education for the poor, but the US Embassy in KL cannot ignore the dash for repression being undertaken by his failing regime, which has decided to stir up the very religious and sectarian hatred that Obama rightly deplores.

All this. in a politically motivated attempt to brand his opponents as anti-Muslim or anti-Malay supremacist, in order to claw back support based on nationalism and hate.

As everyone in Malaysia knows, money is certainly being splashed around on enterprises, but it is public money on so-called public enterprises, but where the profits almost invariably and entirely end up in the private hands of the same small oligarchy who run BN.

There is no greater example currently of this state of affairs than the burgeoning scandal of 1MDB – the secretive 'sovereign wealth fund' started by Najib that has so far run up a public debt of some RM38billion, which appears largely invested in schemes of dubious benefit and limited accountability.

Mr Obama should be wary of being linked to 1MDB, either directly or indirectly, or appearing to praise Malaysia's "vibrant entrepreneurship" while being so linked. Because, 1MDB does not represent the kind of entrepreneurship that is approved of in democratic and law abiding circles associated with Mr Obama.

Frank White – DuSable's Capital Management CEO and Obama's chief political fundraiser is 1MDB's latest JV partner

Nevertheless, recent investment news reveals that President Obama's own key fundraiser, Frank White, has indeed joined with IMDB in its latest grandiose and eye-wateringly expensive power project, funded by public borrowing and, of course, sanctioned by the fund's Advisory Board Chairman, the PM and Finance Minister, Najib Razak.

politically connected Americans doing business with 1MDB ought surely to sup with a very long spoon with a fund that has raised so many questions on accountability and transparency in Malaysia and which is also raising questions across the global money markets?

Valid objections have already been raised by opposition politicians, but not answered.

For example, the cost of this IMDB solar power project has been valued at RM1billion. Yet, observers have begun pointing out that the Norwegians are building a plant in Ghana for the same capacity at an estimated less than a third of the cost, at around RM300million.

The Star – features another similar project. Rival solar power providers in Malaysia stand to be squeezed out by this preferential deal for 1MDB

Najib Razak has demonstrated a pattern of seeking to link 1MDB ventures with key connected figures in wealthy states such as Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi, giving the appearance of official state joint partnerships, which have not always existed in practice.

So, it is no surprise that a business leader, who is so intimately well-connected with the US President himself, should be welcomed into this, 1MDB's latest 'joint venture' into solar energy.
But, when Mr Obama next refers to Malaysia's "vibrant entrepreneurship" he might do better to disassociate himself more clearly from the activities of his fundraiser in a country, where such public projects are so characteristically clouded in mystery, opaqueness and massive over-spending that can never be adequately explained.

Instead, it was Mr Obama himself who agreed to ratify the 1MDB solar project during Najib's recent trip to the United States and then to promote Malaysia's "vibrant entrepreneurship" in his speech to the UN so soon after! -Sarawak Report

Full article: EXPOSED! Obama's chief fundraiser's link to rogue leader Najib's 1MDB investment unit
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