Civil war in Ukraine

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Sep 22, 2012
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So the chocolate seller did not know about the Banderovtsy and the Ukro-Nazis that paved the way for his ascendancy to the dictatorship he is occupying now? What was he doing for the last one year? Stuffing his pie-hole with chocolates?


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Sep 22, 2012
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Ukraine's bond rating falls as Russia refuses deal

KIEV, Ukraine, March 25 (UPI) -- A downgrade in Ukraine's bond-issuing rating coincides with a debt restructuring program and suggestions the country may soon default on its obligations.

"Although negotiations over the specific details of restructuring are only now getting underway, Moody's believes that the likelihood of a distressed exchange, and hence a default on government debt taking place is virtually 100 percent," Moody's Investor Services said Tuesday in announcing Ukraine's downgrade from Caa3 status to Ca, the second-lowest grade and one grade above default.

Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko said Ukraine had no alternative but to proceed with debt restructuring negotiations with creditors, and the implied understanding foreign private lenders will incur substantial losses instead of expected returns on the bonds they hold. Russia holds a $3 billion bond due for a December payment, and Moscow has repeatedly said it expects to be paid in full, noting it is not a private creditor and will not participate in negotiations.

She added the Kiev government must follow orders of a $15.3 billion debt restructuring program ordered in an International Monetary Fund rescue plan intended to provide $17.5 billion if Ukraine can meet its conditions.

"It is our hope that all of our sovereign bond holders will come to the table and try and find a sustainable solution to Ukraine's debt problem. We hope for creditor negotiations to be very transparent, we don't see any other opportunity or path right now."

The military conflict in eastern Ukraine has plunged Ukraine into recession. Economic output declined by 15 percent in the last quarter of 2014 and is expected to fall another 11 percent in the first quarter of 2015. Its inflation rate currently stands at 28 percent.

Read more: Ukraine's bond rating falls, Russia refuses deal -


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Sep 22, 2012
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The monetary bazooka that threatens Europe

Even if you have been worrying about the impact of the European Central Bank's €1.1 billion quantitative easing project on stock markets, you haven't worried enough, says Guy Monson, chief investment officer at Sarasin & Partners, and his colleague Subitha Subramaniam, chief economist.

In a newly-published strategy note, they say: "The ECB has earned the dubious distinction of being the world's most daring and experimental central bank."

As the graph illustrates, €855 billion is dedicated to the purchase of European central bonds by the ECB over 18 months, with the rest comprising covered bonds and asset backed securities. This total is far higher than the combined government deficits in the eurozone of €337 billion. By comparison, even when US QE was in full swing in 2011, net purchases by the Federal Reserve of $630 billion were significantly smaller than the $1.3 trillion US deficit.

European sovereign issuance over 18 months is only likely to total €400 billion. In the case of Germany, ECB demand for German bonds should exceed €200 billion, against issuance totaling a paltry €6 billion.

As Monson writes: "The ECB will have to fund almost all of its German bond purchases from domestic and foreign investors." He says its action amounts to a "monetary bazooka" at the heart of Europe.

The scenario painted by Monson and Subramaniam implies yields on 10-year sovereign bonds will collapse into negative territory, as peripheral returns steadily fall towards zero. "Safe" assets will cease to be so, as their prices rise. After surrendering their bonds to the ECB, investors will end up buying equities, real estate and infrastructure – in fact, any asset class which offers a halfway decent income.

Greece could refinance its debt, with the help of this surplus cash, which is (maybe) what the ECB thought would happen from the off. Improved loan demand could help to prop up Europe's ailing banks, who are being charged 20 basis points to deposit money with the ECB. In due course, the ECB's actions could be felt in the furthest corners of world markets, now the US Federal Reserve has softened its stance on raising rates. The money might even come in handy rebuilding Ukraine.

As asset values soar to increasingly unrealistic levels, Monson & Co aren't the only people getting worried. In a blog published by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, earlier this month, Stefan Bielmeier, chief economist at DZ Bank, reluctantly agreed that (for now) the only way is up. But he added: "It feels as if the markets are programmed to crash when the ECB's programme nears its end, if not before."

We have been warned.

The monetary bazooka that threatens Europe | TheTally - comment and analysis from Financial News |


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Sep 22, 2012
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Ukraine's Oligarchs Joust, Putin Laughs

By Leonid Bershidsky

As if its festering conflict with Russia and war-torn economy weren't enough, Ukraine is facing a growing self-inflicted problem: a showdown between the government in Kiev and an influential billionaire with his own private army.

Sadly, this is not a righteous fight on either side.

The standoff -- which started last week -- entered a new phase today when President Petro Poroshenko fired the billionaire, Igor Kolomoisky, as governor of the economically and politically important Dnipropetrovsk region. The dismissal, ostensibly requested by Kolomoisky, comes as the two have been vying for control of state-owned oil pipeline monopoly Ukrtransnafta and oil and gas producer Ukrnafta -- a battle in which Kolomoisky has reportedly threatened to send troops to Kiev and actually deployed camouflage-clad fighters at an Ukrtransnafta office.

Initially unsure how to react, given Kolomoisky's stature as a leading opponent of the pro-Russian insurgency who sponsored volunteer battalions, Poroshenko went on the offensive. "No governor will have his own armed forces!" he tweeted on Monday. The head of Ukraine's domestic intelligence service deemed Kolomoisky's fighters an illegal armed unit and accused two of his deputies of hampering an investigation into a major smuggling ring. One of the deputies, Gennady Korban, spoke out against the government in response: "Thieves are sitting in Kiev today, and it's time for these thieves to go."

Kolomoisky has backed off, at least for now. Both the deputies resigned, and a pro-Kolomoisky rally in Dnipropetrovsk, originally scheduled for today, has been postponed until next Saturday, with the newly-appointed governor invited to take part. Pro-Poroshenko observers presented the developments as a victory for the government, which sees regaining control of state-owned companies as a crucial goal. But it might have as much to do with both sides' desire to see Ukraine secure financial support from the West. Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. ambassador in Kiev, met with Kolomoisky during the stand-off and said in a radio interview afterward that the Dnipropetrovsk governor realized "the law of the jungle" no longer applied, and that state companies needed to be run as the law required.

Nothing in Ukraine is clear-cut, though. The government itself may be furthering powerful private interests at Kolomoisky's expense. The chief executive it appointed to run Ukrtransnafta is a former employee of Igor Yeremeev, a legislator who owns a gas station network that competes with Kolomoisky's. Poroshenko signed a bill allowing state-controlled companies to ignore the opinion of its minority shareholders, making Kolomoisky's 43 percent stake in Ukrnafta largely worthless. The new Dnipropetrovsk governor, Valentin Reznichenko -- like Kolomoisky, a pillar of the city's powerful Jewish community -- is a former business partner of Boris Lozhkin, the multimillionaire publisher now serving as Poroshenko's chief of staff.

Kolomoiskiy still has ample means to fight Poroshenko. He owns Privatbank, the backbone of the country's financial infrastructure. He is also hugely popular in Dnipropetrovsk, where he is seen as a savior from the Russian invasion. The government has so far failed to deliver on its promises of more autonomy for the regions, and Kolomoisky's team is already making that its battle cry. "I don't rule out a stake on early elections, depending on what target is chosen -- the parliament or the president," Mustafa Nayyem, a legislator with Poroshenko's electoral bloc, wrote on Facebook.

This could all play into the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who wants Ukraine to turn into a weak federal state that is neither welcome in Western alliances nor capable of joining them. That said, Kolomoisky hates Putin and would rather suffer setbacks in an independent Ukraine than see it come under Kremlin influence. Moscow propaganda outlets hit a wall when they started calling Kolomoisky's allies in hopes of obtaining anti-Kiev comments. Borys Filatov, a pro-Kolomoisky legislator, proudly posted his response to a Moscow TV journalist on Facebook: "Even if we finally split with Poroshenko, I am not going to talk to invaders, liars and warmongers."

Patriotic as its oligarchs may be, Ukraine will not benefit as they part ways in search of power and economic gain. It remains a strife-riven no-man's land in the middle of Europe, struggling to define itself in terms others will understand, and getting bogged down in complexity entirely its own.

To contact the author on this story:
Leonid Bershidsky at [email protected]

To contact the editor on this story:
Mark Whitehouse at [email protected]

Ukraine's Oligarchs Joust, Putin Laughs - Bloomberg View


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Sep 22, 2012
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Ultra-nationalist Ukrainian battalion gears up for more fighting

(Reuters) - The far-right Azov battalion, whose symbol resembles a black swastika on a yellow background, is preparing to defend the port city of Mariupol in southeastern Ukraine against a widely expected attack by pro-Russian separatists.

The 1,000 strong ultra-nationalist militia has a reputation as a fierce pro-government fighting force in the almost year-old conflict with the Russia-backed rebels in east Ukraine, and is disdainful of peace efforts.

But the radical views of the commanders of a group affiliated to Ukraine's national guard which works alongside the army, and the use of symbols echoing Nazi emblems have caused alarm in the West and Russia, and could return to haunt Kiev's pro-Western leadership when fighting eventually ends.

"We don't like the ceasefire at all. As with the previous ones, it'll only lead to another offensive by the enemy," Azov commander Andriy Biletsky told Reuters while watching artillery drills at Urzuf, on the shores of the Sea of Azov, about 40 km south-west of Mariupol.

"Appeasing the aggressor will only lead to more aggression. This war will inevitably continue - either until our complete defeat or until our full victory and return to our land in all east Ukraine and Crimea. We believe in the second scenario," said the 35-year-old from the city of Kharkiv.

As the drills continued, other members of the battalion were in combat with the separatists at the village of Shirokino, some 60 km (38 miles) to the northeast.

Shirokino, where Ukrainian and rebel positions are separated by only a few kilometers of village dwellings, is one of several places along the line of contact where fighting has continued despite a February ceasefire.

Mariupol, which Azov helped recapture from the rebels last year, is a big prize. Its capture would offer the separatists the chance to open a road further south a year after Russia annexed the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea from Ukraine. [ID:nL5N0W30SQ]

Kiev and the West say Russia drives the rebellion in east Ukraine and has sent in troops as well as weapons to help the separatists. Moscow has sided with the rebels but denies direct military involvement.


The Azov battalion originated from Biletsky's paramilitary national socialist group called "Patriot of Ukraine", which propagated slogans of white supremacy, racial purity, the need for authoritarian power and a centralized national economy.

"Patriot of Ukraine" opposed giving up Ukraine's sovereignty by joining international blocs, called for rolling back of liberal economy and political democracy, including free media.

In 2008, Biletsky urged "thousands of young fanatic apostles" to advance its ideas. Local media have reported on several violent incidents in which the group was involved.

Since Azov was officially created last May, it has been involved in fighting on the outskirts of the rebel stronghold of Donetsk, a battle for the town of Illovaysk which Ukrainian forces lost last summer and across the coast of the Sea of Azov.

But, since Azov was enrolled as a regiment of Ukraine's National Guard in September and started receiving increased supplies of heavy arms, Biletsky has toned down his rhetoric.

Most of "Patriot of Ukraine" websites are now down or under restricted access. He denied Azov's symbol was a reference to Nazism, saying it was rather a Ukrainian nationalist symbol.

Biletsky said he now has infantry and artillery units and was building a proper tank force. His troops training on the cannons in Urzuf were heavily armed with quality uniforms.

Biletsky said his troops, all volunteers, were "officially" making 6,000 hryvnia ($316) a month but in fact around 10,000 hryvnia. Apart from getting funds from the interior ministry, Azov is believed to be getting support from among Ukrainian super-rich oligarchs.

Biletsky did not say whether and how his views have changed since he wrote the "Patriot of Ukraine" program but said his priority now was extinguishing the pro-Russian rebellion.

"We have only one goal right now - fighting for the homeland until all of it is freed. And then we will try to build a new Ukraine that we could all be proud of. We are patriots. We believe in our nation, nationalism is our ideology," he said.

Biletsky, a historian by education who is married with a son, was detained in 2011 on charges of assaulting a man.

He was released after an amnesty in February 2014 and his aides dismiss the case as an example of political persecution of Ukrainian nationalists under Ukraine's ousted president and Moscow ally Viktor Yanukovich.

He has since been elected to the Ukrainian parliament, riding a wave of an increased nationalist sentiment in Ukraine triggered by the war.


Some Ukrainian politicians have defended Biletsky and his troops as patriots. There is lingering doubt, however, over what role Azov might play when the military conflict ends and whether its members could challenge President Petro Poroshenko and his government or threaten the wider public security.

Biletsky has criticized Poroshenko for losing out on in an information war against Russia and the rebels, and is dismissive of the chances for a negotiated solution to the conflict.

"How can we settle it peacefully if part of our territory is occupied? Will they give us Crimea back? How can there be a peaceful way to stop an aggression?," he said.

In a sign of persistent tensions between the pro-Ukrainian volunteer battalions and Ukraine's regular army, Biletsky blamed Ukraine's top military commanders for battlefield defeats.

He said he has lost about 60 men in the conflict and wants a revamp of Ukraine's armed forces to promote a new generation of field commanders who have fought on the ground in a conflict that has killed more than 6,000 people.

"We have loads of generals brought up in the Soviet Union who have no idea of combat, who rose as state officials in uniforms rather than commanding officers in the field. These people don't want to and don't know how to fight."

Ultra-nationalist Ukrainian battalion gears up for more fighting | Reuters


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Apr 13, 2013
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US has done a huge favor for EU, not just providing military help, but nowadays weakened Euro; it is almost the same level than dollar, giving EU export industry a boost. New BMW has never been this cheap for Americans ( hopefully for Indians also, I havent checked rupee lately...)
This is another help of US to Eu

Sahra Wagenknecht: Russia Sanctions Only Good for the US
The German MP and vice-president of The Left party explains cutting economic ties to Russia suits US, harms the EU and devastates Ukraine

The Ukrainian economy is on the edge of collapse not just on account of the war in Donbass, but also — and in the first place — because of efforts by the West to destroy the cooperation of the country with Russia, declared the German deputy and vice-president of the Left Party Sahra Wagenknecht, in an interview with news agency Sputnik.

"The Ukrainian economy has been seriously shaken; the heavy industry concentrated mostly in the east exports what it produces to Russia, not to the EU, where it will never find fluid markets. Russia was its one market. If you cut the economic links with it, Ukraine will have no prospects."

According to her, Ukraine has a real need to "reintegrate a common economic space," a space that does not exclude economic cooperation with the EU, without the price of confrontation with Russia." For Sahra Wagenknecht, "Kiev would do well to work in both directions."

"Ukraine needs peace, investments, re-industrialization. But the conditions now prevailing, notably in the framework set by the IMF, do not favor this evolution of matters. These conditions will not do anything but stifle the country," affirmed the Bundestag member.

Asked about the policy of the US, Ms Wagenknecht let it be known that the priorities of Washington were economic.

"When the US talks about democracy and human rights, they are just thinking about their economic interests, including the chance to exploit energy resources. Ukraine is no exception. It is public knowledge that the US vice president's son is a board member of a Ukrainian energy firm. Also known is that American corporations, as well as British ones, have evinced a lively interest in developing Ukrainian shale gas. Further, agricultural consortiums have evinced an interest in getting access to Ukraine and its fertile soil. What is Ukraine good for? Exploitation. I very much doubt that this policy corresponds to the good of Ukraine's population."

According to her, the sanctions decreed against Russia mostly profit the US.

"These measures primarily impact the European economy, the German economy. In contrast, the situation suits the US perfectly. The US has never had substantive trade exchanges with Russia."

"One knows that the US has every interest in driving Russian gas out of Europe, to be able to replace it with their own shale gas, at much greater cost. We see that it is a matter of concrete economic interest. I think that Europe ought not show itself to be so stupid as to act contrary to its own interests." declared Mme Wagenknecht.

And to conclude? "The economic sanctions go against the interests of Europe."
Sahra Wagenknecht: Russia Sanctions Only Good for the US - Russia Insider


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
The efficacy of USA's economic policy in Ukraine will be reflected in UAH. - USD/UAH Chart

The chart shows parabolic rise as any technical analyst would attest.

How will Poroshenko avert his nightmare??

The forces of nature are much stronger than forces of men. The man who forgets this is called a fool by history.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Kosovo, Serbia. Thanks to our brothers for support!
Хвала вам пуно на подршци, драга наша браћо



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Mar 21, 2009
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26th of March, 2015. Lugansk, Novorossiya.
Around 700 people of different youth organizations of the LPR arranged a march, the aim of which was to show that young people of LPR are not going to leave their Republic despite the hard times. People carried the Russian flag and flags of their organizations. They shouted "We're from Lugansk and we're proud of it!", "Lugansk is the best city!", "Lugansk is a Russian city!", "We will not leave our cities!"
The organizers of the march intend to arrange it annually, they also proposed to declare March 26 the Day of the LPR youth.



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Mar 21, 2009
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25th March 2015, city Kiev, fascist state Ukraine
World's warmongers want war
Today to Ukraine flew first 10 HMMWV from USA, Ukrainian fascists very happy and awaiting fast deaths of "separatists-terrorists". These idiots didn't try to think that these vehicles are good targets for forces of Donetsk and Lugansk republics.
As wrote more smart supporters of junta, these HMMWV were used before. So, criminal regime of USA just sending their outdated shit to their puppets in Ukraine. These HMMWV are piece of 3 billions military aid to Ukraine, for sure some USA officials got bribes and other kind of profit from this contract. No doubt in future USA representatives be claim to return 3 billions $, because they tried to get from Iraq money for bombs which "help to overthrow dictator Saddam and bring freedom to Iraq, so Iraq people must to pay for our help". Some congresswoman, I forgot her name, few years ago told that in US Congress. I don't know got USA regime money from Iraq for "democracy and freedom", or not; but this kind of idea able come to heads of somebody from USA regime.
I want to get your attention to this fact, yesterday US House of Representatives approved the resolution, which urges Obama to send lethal arms to Ukraine. Today, 1 C-130 with 10 HMMWH flew to the Ukraine. It is impossible if about resolution US military got information after vote. Bureaucrats are the same everywhere, the paperwork and receiving of permits take time. It will take time sending vehicles to an airport, the output of the aircraft, loading of vehicles into aircraft, etc. Also, the US military had to get permission to fly from the US to Ukraine, all these takes time, it is impossible to do during 24 hours.
It is obvious that the aircraft with vehicles was ready in advance, as well as the route of flight was ready. Ron Paul wrote that the vote on this resolution was without discussion in Congress, even in a special congressional committee wasn't discussed this resolution. It is obvious that the owners of the world's major corporations need a war ...
After military supply of Al-Qaeda and ISIS by US/EU/Israel, the provision of weapons to Ukrainian fascists isn't surprising.
I want to advise our readers from the United States to begin the anti-war marches. Obviously, the Kiev junta will lose and the next step of regime in US will be sending army in the Ukraine.
3 photos below were took from account of Yuriy Biryukov, military adviser of Petr Poroshenko.



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Mar 21, 2009
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Barcelona, Spain. 22/03/2015
Thanks for your support and solidarity! Muchas gracias!



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Mar 21, 2009
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24th March 2015, Ternopil region, fascist state Ukraine
2 days ago, at 22nd March, representatives of Catholic Church in Ukraine together with fascists tried to capture Ortodox Church in the Ternopil region. Many same attempts, few were successful, happened from time of "victory" of fascists in the Kiev.
As said Basil Moysyuk, Priest of the church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in the village Stinka of Buchatsky area of Ternopil region, 22 March at Sunday at 3 p. m. dozen priests of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church staged provocation near the temple of courtyard of the parish which he headed. This action of Uniate [Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church] supported Andrei Buchynskyi MP of Buchatsky District Council (from fascist party "Svoboda"). He was accompanied by more than 50 masked youths in camouflage, posing as representatives of the "Right Sector". Militant gunmen tried to enter the temple as if to pray. Orthodox believers from village community refused to let them come in, explaining that each person can enter the temple, when he want to perform worship. But to the the house of God they must come unarmed and open-faced.
In the video you see priests of Greek Catholic Church in the street.(belong to Catholic church, haven't any relation to Greece or Greek people, this name got Rome Catholic Church in Ukraine in order to force Ortodox Russians in modern western Ukraine to became Catholic, from 15th century. Ortodox Christianity came to Slavic tribes from 9 century from Byzanthy Empire which was Greek Empire actually. So Catholic Church tried to attract more Russians by fake name) Also you can see fascist thugs in street, police which just watching. Black- red flag is old flag of Ukrainian fascists and flag of terrorist organization with fascist ideology "Right sector". Local people, mostly women, you can see in yard of church. Defenders are inhabitants of village, they speak with same accent as invaders. Some villagers stand in street, outside church.
At that Sunday people who worship to Ortodox church won, but fascists and Ukrainian catholic able to burn down church and homes of faithful defenders. Catholic church of Ukraine which supported fascist coup want to capture Ortodox churches with it s properties. Many churches were attacked and some churches were captured, as well as priests were forced to run.
This is western democracy which came to Ukraine
By Konstantin


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Mar 21, 2009
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Photos from the bloggers. "Ukrainian punishers. Photos for those who still believes that Ukraine is not fascism. The slogans" death Orthodox "hatred based on ethnicity, weapons, swastikas and other Nazi simvolika- all it is an integral attribute of today's Ukrainians. "



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Mar 21, 2009
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Note to journalists. "The US private intelligence-analyst firm Strategic Forecasting Inc. (Stratfor) published projections for the development of events in Ukraine in case of violation of the armistice Kiev. According to American experts, most likely three scenarios in the event of a resumption of hostilities, but under any scenario happen rapid defeat of the Ukrainian army, even when their military support to NATO forces.



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Mar 21, 2009
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Posted by Edward Basurina. "Ukrainian security officials recently transferred to the regions and Shirokino Gorlovki 35 sabotage and reconnaissance groups. Since the beginning of the week MAT 220 times bombarded territory DNR. In just four days, beginning on Sunday, there were more than 220 violations of the Ukrainian party mode cease-fire. For the past week marked 180 attacks. As a result, four people were killed more than 20 wounded. The increase in the intensity of the attacks on security forces Ukrainian, compared with last week twice. Of particular concern is that the intensity of the attacks on the Ukrainian side, compared to the previous week, has more than doubled. But in this difficult situation of our units to strictly implement the orders of the ceasefire and not to succumb to provocations. For information on these violations submitted to the Joint Center for control and coordination of the ceasefire and communicated to the representatives of the OSCE monitoring mission. " In the video, the battle near the airport with ukrami erupt. "


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Mar 21, 2009
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Posted by journalists. "The volunteer battalions were ordered to leave the conflict zone. However battalions Kolomoiskiy refused to disarm and uehat.Komandovanie punitive operation in the New Russia ordered a volunteer battalion, not members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard under the so-called, before April 1, leave the conflict zone. Write about it local media. Order relates primarily to combat units extremist organization right quadrant, banned in Russia. Those who want to stay in the Donbass, alternatively asked to write a report and join the official're coming out units. In the most extremist organization concluded their militants regard as a betrayal . A previously heard allegations that the right sector is not bound by the decision of the Kiev authorities to dissolve the volunteer battalions, if such will appear. "
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