Civil war in Ukraine

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Jun 14, 2012
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Oh no, Ukreality is flowing from your post with too much strength, it is destroying my brain!

Dear DFI forum-mates, look at how the USA is creating a Russian "Pakistan" on a territory Russia has been originated from by reformatting brains of Russian people with Satan-level propaganda.

You the are the pitiful victim of false and destructive Ukrainian identity.
I am Russian! Ho. thank God, is not a citizen of Russia. When you already understand that Ukraine is not Russia?


Regular Member
May 5, 2014
I am Russian! Ho. thank God, is not a citizen of Russia. When you already understand that Ukraine is not Russia?
There even is no word "Russian" as a nationality in Ukrainian language, there is only a world meaning "a citizen of the Russian Federation". So who you are, an "Ukrainian Russian"? You can't even translate it to your country's state language!

"Ukraine is not Russia" (c) L.D. Kuchma.

I know. So I wish it to return to it's natural borders of Galicia and Volyn.


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
There even is no word "Russian" as a nationality in Ukrainian language, there is only a world meaning "a citizen of the Russian Federation". So who you are, an "Ukrainian Russian"? You can't even translate it to your country's state language!

"Ukraine is not Russia" (c) L.D. Kuchma.

I know. So I wish it to return to it's natural borders of Galicia and Volyn.
That's just we do not want. Therefore, Putin switched to Syria, although threatened to capture Kiev and Odessa.


Regular Member
May 5, 2014
That's just we do not want. Therefore, Putin switched to Syria, although threatened to seize Kiev and Odessa.
Putin "threatened to seize Kiev and Odessa" only in your Ukreality.

In actual reality Russia has always declared and followed the following goals:

- Constitutional reform;
- Status of Russian language;
- Disarmament of nationalistic groups;
- Ban of neo-Nazi ideology;
- Nonaligned status.

This was an actual policy 2 years ago, and it is still so. Just the situation for Ukrainian government became much worse. But it HAS to implement all these points, and sooner or later, it or the following government WILL do that. Personally I would like Ukraine to change it's name after that, too much shit is now connected with the world "Ukraine".

Statement by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the events in Ukraine


Russia is extremely concerned about the development of the situation in Ukraine.
There have been armed confrontations between violent youths, extreme right nationalist organisations and units of law enforcement agencies, who defended peaceful civilians and interests of the state, in the capital and several other cities recently.

The agreement on settlement of the crisis in Ukraine of the 21 February is not observed despite the fact that its signature was certified by Foreign Ministers of Germany, Poland and France, as well as the United States, the European Union and other international bodies welcomed this document.

Militants have not been unarmed, they refuse to leave the streets of cities, which are actually under their control, refuse to free administrative buildings, continue acts of violence.

We are surprised that several European politicians have already sprung to support the announcement of presidential elections in Ukraine this May, although the agreement of the 21 February envisages that these elections should take place only after the completion of the constitutional reform. It is clear that for this reform to succeed all the Ukrainian political forces and all regions of the country must become its part, but its results should be approved by a nationwide referendum. We are convinced that it is necessary to fully take into account concerns of deputies of eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, the Crimea and Sevastopol, which were expressed at the conference in Kharkov on the 22 February.

We are deeply concerned about the actions in the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada in terms of their legitimacy. Actually referring to the “revolutionary appropriateness” only, they are stamping “decisions” and “laws”, including those aimed at deprivation of humanitarian rights of Russians and other national minorities living in Ukraine.

There are calls to prohibition the Russian language almost fully, lustration, liquidation of parties and organisations, closing of undesirable mass media, removal of restrictions for propaganda of Nao-Nazi ideology.

The course is to suppress those, who do not agree to this, in different Ukrainian regions by dictatorship and even terrorist methods.

There are threats to Orthodox sanctities.

National radicals continue to scoff at monuments in different Ukrainian cities, while like-minded persons in some European countries besmear memorials to Soviet warriors.

Such development of events disrupts the Agreement of the 21 February, discredits its initiators and guarantors, and creates a threat to civil peace, stability in the community and safety of nationals.

We are forced to note that some of our western partners are not concerned about the fate of Ukraine, but rather their own unilateral geopolitical considerations. There are no principled assessments of criminal actions of extremists, including their Neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic manifestations. All the more so, such actions are intentionally or unintentionally promoted. We cannot but get a sustainable impression that the Agreement of the 21 February with silent consent of all its external sponsors is used as a cover only to promote the scenario of change of Ukrainian power by force through the creation of “facts on the ground”, without any wish to search for a Ukraine-wide consensus in the interests of national peace. We are especially worried about the attempts to involve international structures, including the UN Secretariat, into the approval of this position.

We insistently appeal to all those who are part of this crisis in Ukraine to demonstrate maximum responsibility and to prevent further degradation of the situation, to return it to the ambit of the law, and to decisively stop those extremists, who are seeking power.

24 February 2014

Statement by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the events in Ukraine

The agreement on the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, which was signed on the 21 February and certified by the German, Polish and French Foreign Ministers, is still not being fulfilled. Militants have still not laid down arms, they have not freed administrative buildings, or announced their intention to “make order” in all the Ukrainian regions. There are threats of physical reprisals, as the President Viktor Yanukovych emphasised in his statement today.

The agreement to jointly investigate acts of violence and the obligation to create a national unity government, have been forgotten. Instead, as Maidan puts it, a “government of champions”, which includes representatives of national extremists, is being created.

The agreements about constitutional reform, which should precede presidential elections according to the Agreement of the 21 February, have been forgotten. We are convinced that only a constitutional framework, ensuring the interests of all responsible political forces and all regions of Ukraine, corresponds to the interests of national peace and stability in the long term.

We appeal to those western partners, who initially supported the opposition and who supported the Agreement of the 21 February, to become fully aware of their responsibility for its implementation. The statements that this document has already played its role are not serious. All the taskslisted and agreed on the 21 February, have not lost their meaning, in fact they have become even more topical to prevent further polarisation of the community as a result of radical actions.

We must stop interference inchurch affairs, the besmearing of Orthodox temples, memorials in honour of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, who freed Ukraine from fascism, and other monuments.

We are seriously concerned about the cancellation of the Law on the Foundations of the State Language Policy in violation of Ukraine’s international obligations, which leads to further deprivation of the rights of minorities, restriction of the freedom of mass media, bans on the activities of individual political parties.

We currently note frequent appeals to Russia,by western countries, for cooperation about issues related to the situation in Ukraine. We proposed this long ago, long before this crisis ever entered its hot phase, however, at the time our colleagues were not disposed towards this.

Nevertheless, we are ready to interact, understanding clearly that it must be done honestly, based on the ability not only to agree, but also to fulfil the agreements, which should take into account the interests of all the Ukrainian people, as well as all partners of Ukraine. The implementation of obligations under the Agreement of the 21 February would become an important step along this path.

The attempts to replay agreed actions unilaterally every time, the lack of any wish to perceive the real situation as it is, never leads to anygood. When NATO starts reviewing the situation in Ukraine, it sends the wrong signal. It even seemed appropriate for the NATO Secretary General to mention that “Ukraine’s membership of NATO is not an urgent priority of the Ukrainian leadership”. Does this mean that membership should be a priority, but not an urgent one? They are attempting to decide for the Ukrainian people again.

We insistently recommend that everybody should refuse provocative statements and respect the out-of-bloc status of Ukraine, which is formalised in its Law on the Foundations of Domestic and Foreign Policy.

27 February 2014!OpenDocument


Jun 14, 2012
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Putin "threatened to seize Kiev and Odessa" only in your Ukreality.

In actual reality Russia has always declared and followed the following goals:

- Constitutional reform;
- Status of Russian language;
- Disarmament of nationalistic groups;
- Ban of neo-Nazi ideology;
- Nonaligned status.

This was an actual policy 2 years ago, and it is still so. Just the situation for Ukrainian government became much worse. But it HAS to implement all these points, and sooner or later, it or the following government WILL do that. Personally I would like Ukraine to change it's name after that, too much shit is now connected with the world "Ukraine".!OpenDocument
I did not say that this person said Putin. In Ukraine, all economically bad,:bounce: but I have raised salaries and pensions.:biggrin2: Salary: August - 5500 hrn. September - 6000 UAH. Retirement: August - 2500 UAH. September - 2800 hrn.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
US Satellites Work In Syria, But Not Ukraine
We have crystal clear color images of Russian equipment in Syria but only grainy black & white photos with little dots on them to prove “Russian aggression” in Ukraine

E. Sokolov | (Neo Presse) | Russia Insider

They need to fix the one over Ukraine...

This article originally appeared in Neo Presse. Translated by Boris Jaruselski for Russia Insider.

The Ukraine crisis has been almost completely removed from the focus of the mainstream media. There are some contributions from time to time, like the one in connection with the UN General Assembly, where the Ukrainian Presidnet Petro Poroshenko, who was elected after the coup d’etat, delivered an expectedly Russophobic speech.

However, over the last few days, Syria is very big news in the western press. Russia has commenced massive weapons and humanitarian deliveries to the Syrian government, something that has become indisputable. On the one hand, even the Russian President Vladimir Putin has admitted to it repeatedly, most recently during the CBS interview. On the other, there is meaningful evidence from satellite images of the Syrian airport Basil al-Assad, located in the seashore town of Latakia.

The remarkable thing about that, especially when contrasted with ‘reporting’ of the Ukraine crisis by the western press, is how quickly tangible evidence became available, in the form of highly resolved satellite images of the Russian interventions in Syria. The first rumours surfaced at the end of August and beginning of September, seeded by the Israeli news papers Ynet and Haaretz. Proof was not available back then, and the intervention was dismissed by many commentators – even by the “Saker” for example, who regularly publishes geopolitical analyses regarding Russia.

Several sources published satellite images of the Basil al-Assad airport on the 20th of September, made by the GeoNorth company. The image from the 19th of September, showed four Russian multi-role Su- 30SM fighters, followed by later images, showing in great clarity in high resolution, Su-25 ground support bombers and the interceptor fighter Su-24. Besides those, there were also images of Russian infantry fighting vehicles of the type BTR-82 and the main battle tanks T-72 or T-90.

Nothing comparable was presented last year during the western media hysteria, which spoke in almost daily unison of a Russian invasion. Instead, only rough-grained, black-and-white images of supposed Russian positions were shown, from which it wasn’t possible to recognize what was shown, or where the images were taken and to whom the equipment actually belonged.

One of the best images of “Russian equipment” in Ukraine…

And now in Syria…



Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Ukraine's other Russians.

Muutama lainaus:

"'It seems to be that those people who come to power in Russia, they come to power just to get money, to steal money," Shirobokov continues, as he works his thoughts back to politics. "But their job should be to help the people. Here [in Ukraine] at least I can show my opposition, I can demonstrate action. I act as an opposition here. I see this war to be an aggression by Russia, and I am strongly against this."

Shirobokov had previously tried to join anti-Putin organisations in his home city – he found none. "It's almost impossible to be a real activist and show opposition in Russia," he laments, "that's why I felt like I had to come to Ukraine.'
" (Artyom Shirobokov).


"Thirty-year-old Spuk speaks in short bursts, but with clear conviction. "There is nothing strange about me being here," he remarks, swinging his gun from in front of him and letting it settle against his back. "It was like a calling of my heart," he continues, letting his guard down a little and starting to speak with more confidence. "For me I feel the justice is on this side. Putin has made the people of Russia his servants, and now he is looking to make servants out of Ukrainians.'" (Spuk).


"'The Russian government put me on a list saying I'm an extremist," Anton exclaims. "And that was before I even came to Ukraine, after that I had no choice but to come here.'" (Anton).


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Who is this Mahatma Lainaus?

Anyway, @jouni, keep posting news about NGO under heat in Russia. If you look hard enough, you will find many such NGOs under heat in India as well. Given them asylum in Finland so that they can set up a kebab shop. Am I right? :eyebrows:


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Who is this Mahatma Lainaus?

Anyway, @jouni, keep posting news about NGO under heat in Russia. If you look hard enough, you will find many such NGOs under heat in India as well. Given them asylum in Finland so that they can set up a kebab shop. Am I right? :eyebrows:
Finnish forums predict that Putin gets rid of current rebel leaders. They are not suitable for the de-escalation in East-Ukraine. There is a need for more sophisticated ones.

Putins eye is on Syria now, he needs to stir it up to get oil prices up. Reserve funds run out in less than a year in Russia without prices going up...


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finnish forums predict that Putin gets rid of current rebel leaders. They are not suitable for the de-escalation in East-Ukraine. There is a need for more sophisticated ones.
Ok, that is one hypothesis.

Putins eye is on Syria now, he needs to stir it up to get oil prices up. Reserve funds run out in less than a year in Russia without prices going up...
I don't know you could stir up something that is already stirred up. Can you cook cooked food?

Anyway, whether Putin is intervening in Syria to get the oil prices up or to counter the NATO-supported and not-NATO-supported terrorists, is open to speculation. It is however true that increase in oil prices will benefit the Russian economy.


Regular Member
May 5, 2014
Finnish forums predict that Putin gets rid of current rebel leaders. They are not suitable for the de-escalation in East-Ukraine. There is a need for more sophisticated ones.
Looks like Finnish forum users are just as slooooow, as Estonians are. That already happened a year ago, when the most furious commanders were send to permanent vacation, like Strelkov, Bezler and Kozicin.

But that does not mean, that Russia will ever allow Ukraine to solve it's "Russian question" by force.

Putins eye is on Syria now, he needs to stir it up to get oil prices up. Reserve funds run out in less than a year in Russia without prices going up...
Lol, neither oil prices will go up because of Syria, nor Russian reserve funds will run out anytime soon. But you can believe in what you want to believe.

P.S. Some boring figures from Russian Central Bank:
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Jun 14, 2012
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hello my Ukrainian friend !

I am curious why do you hate Russians? so many Ukrainians I have seen as anti Russian . your democracy was a joke it had developed to Balkan menace . protest and militarized group marching on road. You sold off politicians had sold off your nation to west just to get on EU and NATO . You just lost Donbass and Sevastopol because of your US paid politicians . Good luck Ukrainians !
Strange logic. We are to blame, that Russia had occupied in the Crimea and the Donbass. China and Pakistan are also not to blame, if the take away part of the territory of India.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Ha-Ha-Ha. You really have to shut your Ukropatriotic f*ck up, in order not to scare the other users with your moral deviations.
What has happened to you? You used to discuss so civilized way. This forum has already enough blind fate patriotic-lite fools.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
What has happened to you? You used to discuss so civilized way. This forum has already enough blind fate patriotic-lite fools.
Agreed, pseudo-patriotic ones.
They have became pain in the ass in Europe and now came to crap their hate and nazism to INDIAN forum!!!

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Jun 14, 2012
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Agreed, pseudo-patriotic ones.
They have became pain in the ass in Europe and now came to crap their hate and nazism to INDIAN forum!!!

Отправлено с моего XT1080 через Tapatalk
Is that why you escaped to Poland?


Jun 14, 2012
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I am in Kharkov, in difference to you, sitting in Poland and loving Ukraine from There
And I'm in Odessa and unlike you coward, in 2014,was preparing to defend the Homeland. You're like a mouse who only shits at his house.
It's not just you. I have all the traitors that attitude.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Ты похож на мышь, которая

And I'm in Odessa and unlike you coward, in 2014,was preparing to defend the Homeland. You're like a mouse who only shits at his house.
Defend from whoom, you idiot?
If Russia would want to invade, you could not do anything - ECM and ALCMs will kill Ukrainian army (by making it headless mess even more then it is now) and government machine in 8-12 hours without land invasion.
If you have seen how Russia makes war in Syria and still believe in Russian troops on Donbass, you have to go to the psychologist or psychiatrist.
I've never believed that Russia will invade - it's not suitable in political meanings.

BTW, you have Polish IP.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Defend from whoom, you idiot?
If Russia would want to invade, you could not do anything - ECM and ALCMs will kill Ukrainian army (by making it headless mess even more then it is now) and government machine in 8-12 hours without land invasion.
If you have seen how Russia makes war in Syria and still believe in Russian troops on Donbass, you have to go to the psychologist or psychiatrist.
I've never believed that Russia will invade - it's not suitable in political meanings.

BTW, you have Polish IP.
If Ukraine is so bad, why dont you move to Russia? I am sure that it is today similar utopia as in the thirties, all who loves the motherland should move back there.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
If Ukraine is so bad, why dont you move to Russia? I am sure that it is today similar utopia as in the thirties, all who loves the motherland should move back there.
Why shoul I move? It's my home.
I have no hate or disputes to my land I live on, I just hate american puppets and nazis in Kiyev, who kill our people on war and squising it economically.
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