Civil war in Ukraine

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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
current megalomaniac Russian leadership remembers the Winter War, Finland is safe. No Russian general wants his troops to enter Finnish forests and get massacred by the nearly 300,000 troops and 600,000 reservists Finland can muster. Finland, if attacked, can field twice (!) as many ground troops as Italy, Germany, France, Spain and the UK combined (!).

Finland – Sparta of the North -Euromaidan Press |

Russian imperialism, in the guise of Soviet communism, has already tried to conquer Finland once before, but the Finns butchered enough Russians for Stalin to reconsider. A lesson every nation must learn: Russia will break whatever treaty you signed with them (i.e. the Soviet–Finnish Non-Aggression Pact) and attack you on false pretexts (i.e. Shelling of Mainila), create a puppet government to administer the occupied territories (i.e. Finnish Democratic Republic), and will only relent if enough Russian soldiers are killed. The Finns killed over 1,200 Russians a day and thus got Russia to drop its plan to occupy and annex all of Finland. Theirs is a magnificent example to study, emulate and revere by all other nations under Russian threat.

This is an article written by a German, Finnish forums did not like it. Even if it is mostly true, we prefer to quiet knowing what we can do if required.
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
It must be quite different living in a country where Army is so detached from everyday life, for us the year spent in the Army and then yearly practises are a big part of our life.
If India adopts the same policy as Finland, its reserves will be 200 million. It is clear that India can neither afford nor need such large reserves.

India has 1.3 million military and 1.5 million police (para-military + state police) which makes 2.7 million men under arms. In addition, retired military and para military men can be recalled to service.

India has NCC trained men in large numbers (in millions) who have basic military skills like shooting. This pool of young men can be used in emergency to boost manpower.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
current megalomaniac Russian leadership remembers the Winter War, Finland is safe. No Russian general wants his troops to enter Finnish forests and get massacred by the nearly 300,000 troops and 600,000 reservists Finland can muster. Finland, if attacked, can field twice (!) as many ground troops as Italy, Germany, France, Spain and the UK combined (!).
I doubt Finland will play ANY SIGNIFICANT ROLE, ever.
Your leadership will file for peace when trouble starts.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014

Ukrainians put new law to effect immediately


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Apr 13, 2013
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Plans of Ukraine-NATO psychological warfare against Russia appear online
Documents about joint plans of Kiev and NATO as well as of military structures of the USA and the UK to conduct psychological operations in eastern Ukraine, the Donbass and Russia have surfaced on the Internet.

According to the Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper, the English-language website has published a number of confidential materials on Ebola and the Islamic state. However, the folder with documents about the psychological pressure on the Russian leadership is most interesting.

The person behind the website wrote about himself the following: "My fellow countryman Drakula is a mysterious, unpredictable and attractive hero. And who knows maybe I'm his reincarnation and this blog is his confession? I strongly believe the Truth is out there. Let's look through my X-files and try to find it. But remember: For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow..."

The folder on Russia contains materials about the meeting from February 19 2015 on Strategic Communications in Riga. The file also contains a draft agreement about financial support for Ukrainian non-governmental organizations from the UK government worth more than 240,000 euro, as well as two information-psychological plan operations (IPO) called "Free Donbass" (in Ukrainian) and "Free Russia."

According to those documents, problem number one is the popularity of the Russian political leadership among the population, whereas the prime goal for the West, as the documents say, is to discredit the political and military leadership of the Russian Federation.

Plan "Free Russia", in turn, should help spread "panic and defeatist ideas among the enemy population (the different regions and public layers) to make Russian state and non-governmental media focus on the localization of ideas and moods that undermine the principles of Russian political system."

The plan also pays attention to first priority objects of influence to discredit President Putin - Russian Defense Minister Gen. Sergei Shoigu, Director of the Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov and Interior Troops Commander Colonel General Viktor Zolotov.

The officials are said to be positioned in the information-psychological operation as war criminals and invaders of Crimea.
The documents also specify regions of Russia, where separatist ideas should be disseminated among relevant organizations (Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Kuban, Western Siberia, Tuva, Yakutia, Kaliningrad, Dagestan and Chechnya).

Project executors are said to be Security Service, Head of the Anti-Terrorist operation, Central Directorate of Ukrainian Intelligence of the General Staff, 74th IPO center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (APU) and the 16th IPO unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. NATO's Center for Strategic Communication (Riga), NATO Cybercenter, Special Operations Command and the 4th group of operations of information support of the Pentagon, the 77th Brigade and the 15th Psychological Operations Group of the UK.

The folder also contains a document proving that the above-mentioned activities are largely funded through grants. Thus, it is logical to assume that the United States had found their niche in the Ukrainian conflict. This is information space, where one can achieve geopolitical goals.

Plans of Ukraine-NATO psychological warfare against Russia appear online - English


West and Ukraine against Putin and his politicians | Drakula's Blog

West and Ukraine against Putin and his politicians

Today I've got docs on Russia and Ukraine for you. The West got used to solving its problems using someone else to do the dirty work. Putin's regime is an eyesore for the U.S., UK and NATO. Regardless whether it's good or bad (everyone has his own opinion) Russia opposes the unipolar world order and western values exclusiveness. The West has a simple solution; it just needs to overthrow Putin and his close companions.

The West can't do it openly and directly. Russia isn't Yugoslavia, or Libya, or Iraq. That's why they are acting via Ukraine which is undergoing dramatical changes now. Though they are using the old methods of ideological warfare, discredit of leaders, and society values erosion.

The attached docs show that NATO and the U.S. and UK military advisors are acting in Ukraine. Non-governmental organizations are working there under the auspices of the Western and Ukrainian special services.

For instance, here's a NATO doc testifying that the popularity of the Russian leaders among the population of the Southern and Eastern regions is a challenge for Ukraine.

11 12 13

14 15


The Ukrainian non-governmental organizations mention the same issue in their docs drawn up to win the grant from the UK government.

21 22 23 24 25 26

Download: Conflict Pool Project

The Russian leaders such as Putin, Lavrov, Shoigu, etc. should be put under constant pressure. As you can see this task is included in the Free Donbass and Free Russia PSYOPs designed by the Ukrainian special services.

31 32 33 34 35 36

Download: FREE Donbass

41 42 43 44 45 46

Download: Free Russia

The later clearly defines primary targets for the information attack. These people are obviously those legs bearing Putin's throne. And as I see it that will be perfect if the Russian President knock them out by himself.

So they plan to compromise defense minister Shoigu, who is extremely popular in Russia, through facilities management and economic activity of his subordinates as well as through corruption cases revealed by the defense ministry itself. Bortnikov, the head of the secret police, can be blamed for failing to preserve Yanukovich regime in Ukraine. And general Zolotov, the Russian National Guard commander, is to be presented before Putin as a dangerous successor, potential dictator and accuse him of military coup attempts.

Since Russia and Ukraine still have common media space the idea is that Russian liberal media and opposition should take on spreading all info in the net and press created by the Ukrainian and Western secret services. The leading Western mass media are to cover this info as well.

I don't doubt that the West will initiate color revolution processes in Russia through Ukraine sooner or later.



Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
@jouni, the prediction is that Germany will stay with Anglo-American empire BUT some other States of EU will exit. Germany gains the most from EU, so it is natural that it will speak for EU and NATO.

When the nuclear war becomes real (and it will after first nuke is used in Europe), political upheaval will follow.
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
French intelligence: NATO's 'Russian invasion plans in Ukraine' are bullshit - French intelligence: NATO's 'Russian invasion plans in Ukraine' are bullshit

France's intelligence chief has questioned NATO's claims of Russia preparing to attack Ukraine as their agents failed to spot any activities signaling this - either before or after the crisis began.

A statement by the chief of France's military intelligence, General Christophe Gomart, was published on the National Assembly's website.

"NATO announced that the Russians were about to invade Ukraine. But, according to French intelligence, there is nothing to corroborate this hypothesis – we determined that the Russians were deploying neither command posts nor logistical facilities, including field hospitals, needed for a military incursion," General Gomart told a parliamentary hearing.

NATO's top brass has been incanting mantras about a "Russian invasion" ever since the crisis in Ukraine began a year ago. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, as well as his predecessor Anders Fogh Rasmussen, have lashed at Russia on numerous occasions, claiming that the Russian military is present on the ground in Ukraine, but failing to provide evidence supporting these claims.

"Our conclusion eventually proved correct because even if some Russian soldiers had indeed been seen on the Ukrainian side of the border, it was just a ploy, meant to bring pressure to bear on President Poroshenko, rather than an attempt to invade Ukraine," General Gomart said.

The French intelligence chief's remarks came in the context of France's role in NATO. Gomart noted that at the moment the alliance is dominated by US intelligence, while France's intelligence is taken not taken into consideration so much.

"France will not be fooled. France has its own sources of information and we are aware what the explanation for the crisis in Ukraine is," Philippe Migault, expert on Ukraine from the University of International and Strategic Relations, told Sputnik news agency after Gomart's remarks were published.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Ukraine Blocks 10,000 Websites, Confiscates a Newspaper
As I already reported, on April 7th the Security Bureau of Ukraine had seized and disappeared two Odessa bloggers, who were trying to get an independent investigation, and ultimate prosecution, of the individuals who participated in the 2 May 2014 massacre of regime opponents, and who burned, shot, and clubbed to death perhaps over 200 in the Odessa Trade Unions Building — the event that precipitated the breakaway of Donbass from the rest of the former Ukraine, the country's civil war.

And I also reported that April 7th saw the official announcement that, "The security service of Ukraine "¦ has discontinued operation of a number of Internet sites that were used to perpetrate information campaigns of aggression on the part of the Russian Federation aimed at violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order and territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine."

The follow-up to that story is the news on April 9th, which was reported in the courageous independent Kiev newspaper, Vesti, that "SBU has blocked more than 10,000 websites." It says that, "Law enforcers seized the servers," and that one SBU official told the newspaper, "'We have made the decision of the court and confiscated equipment.' He promised to return the servers in two months."

Another news report on April 9th in Vesti tells of seizures of that day's edition of newspapers by far-right toughs at news stands throughout the city, and the story even shows a video of Right Sector toughs raiding and emptying a Vesti delivery van headed out for distribution.

Ukraine Blocks 10,000 Websites, Confiscates a Newspaper | Oriental Review


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Apr 13, 2013
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Russia and the Ukraine – the other side of the story

We "know" how evil the Russians and Putin are, yet most Americans know little about this area of the world: a recent poll found only 1 in 5 Americans could locate the Ukraine on a map. Beyond geography, the US, a historical "newcomer", has often underappreciated the importance of history and related cultural differences.

Russians and Ukrainians, comprising the "Eastern Slavs", are ethnically related. Were it not for some tragic history, they would have had closer ties today than those afforded by the US/UK "special relationship". Their history stretches back at least 700 years before the first settlers landed in America when Kiev was the center of power of a nascent Russian state. In the early 15th century, as the center of power shifted north-eastward, Moscow assumed the mantle of power.

After Mongol domination ended in the early 15th century, Russia has had to fend of numerous threats – then powerful Poland/Lithuania union in the 15th and 16th centuries and Sweden in the 17th century, Napoleon and Turkey and the West in the 19th century, and Germany in the 20th century. At its pre-revolutionary peak, the Russian Empire included Finland, the Baltics and the Ukraine.

For centuries, the Ukraine (meaning "borderland" – initially of Poland) was a Russian Empire region known as "Little Russia", and tensions today have a lot to do with perceived Russian condescension towards their "little brothers" (more like country-bumpkin cousins), and Russian serving as the "lingua franca" in the Ukraine. Ironically, pilots bombing the East speak Russian, as do many of the soldiers fighting there. Actually not that surprising – around 50% of "Ukrainians" speak fluent Russian and still use it in everyday life.

Over time, various "gifts" from Russia and the USSR more than quadrupled the Ukraine's territory:

Today, roughly 25% of current Ukrainian population is of Russian heritage – equal to or greater than Hispanics in the US or Francophiles in Canada. The blue area – present-day rebellious "East and South" where most of the Russian population is concentrated – has been inhabited by such Russians since the 18th century when it was known as "Novorossiya" ("New Russia"). Ukrainian patriots have recently shown their gratitude to Lenin by tearing down his statues.

In 1954, without any agreement from the hugely predominant Russian population, Premier Khrushchev gave the Crimea away to the Ukrainian Republic. Today, Russians still comprise 60% of Crimea's population, Ukrainians only 15%. The idea that it took armed Russian intervention to ensure a favorable secession vote disingenuous to say the least. During my recent July 2014 visit, I found the people there, totally abandoned by the dissolution of the USSR, genuinely joyous about rejoining their homeland.

Two major events further explain present-day animosity. The first – the "golodomor". During Stalin's early 1930's agricultural collectivization, millions of Ukrainians died of starvation or were "liquidated". Proof, say Ukrainian nationalists, of barbaric Russian genocide, albeit this exact same campaign was carried out throughout the USSR, with agricultural areas along the Volga also hit hard. Moreover, this was Communist, not "Russian", driven – led by Stalin, a Georgian, and dedicated Communist followers, including a large number of Ukrainians.

The second event was the June, 1941 German invasion the USSR. Many "native" Ukrainians, especially in the West, saw Hitler – then well-known for proclaiming Slavs good only for slave labor – as their savior from Stalin. Many happily joined the German army and the SS, enthusiastically murdering "Ukrainian Russians", Poles, Belorussians, Jews and fellow Ukrainians.

Today, a "Tea Party" sized, very influential Ukrainian minority idolizes Nazi collaborationists – mainly Stepan Bandera – and, many wearing masks, routinely participates in frightening "torch marches", displaying not only Bandera's picture, but overtly Nazi symbols on clothing and flags. They may not dominate the Ukrainian political landscape, but they, unlike the Tea Party, they are an extremely active and violent armed force committed to ridding their pure Ukraine of Russians and other undesirables like Jews. At best, we see so-called "innocent" street mobs chanting "suitcase, train station, Moscow" (shut up or leave), at worst, the current genocidal war and ethnic cleansing in the East.

Today, the relatively young Ukraine appears increasingly bent on forging its identity at the expense of Russian elements. Witness the seemingly benign "campaign" shaming innocent Russian-heritage kids in this video (bellow) as well as this laminated card – the left hand column says "incorrect (Russian) name", the right the "correct", Ukrainian name (right).

Imagine US teachers telling Jose and Juan their correct names are Joseph and John, the US formally rejecting Hispanic as a de facto second language, refusing permits for Cinquo de Mayo parades, and tossing elected minorities out of office, and into garbage cans or prison? Or, Canada saying enough is enough to Francophiles.

Continued rejection of federalization and acceptance of Russian as one of two major national languages makes peaceful resolution impossible. Indeed, the "civilized" Western solution would be either federalization, or, as with Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, dissolution into separate ethnic states.

Admittedly, while some Russians retain a highly sentimental, truly genuine affinity for their fellow Slavic "brothers", many pure Ukrainians do not share these feelings. Even if such bonds are overestimated or weakening, consider other important factors:

Russia has been the Ukraine's main trading partner by a ratio of 4 to 1 over the next largest one.
The Ukraine has, since the break-up of the USSR, been receiving very favorable trade terms, rates, and outright aid from Russia.
Millions of Ukrainians legally work in Russia – coming and going freely, and sending money home to support their families. Prime Minister Mevedev's recent statement that this will likely end was not the threat widely portrayed by Western media, but a sober fact., leading to the loss of large cash inflows and millions of workers returning home to face unemployment.
About 1 in 5 Russians and Ukrainians have very close familial or blood ties. The current animosity, largely supported by the West, is literally depriving millions from seeing their close relatives again.

The headlong rush into the EU does not bode well for the average Ukrainian, already facing massive unemployment and inflation amid dramatically reduced social payments. The West cannot continue to provide handouts, and is not going to buy inferior Ukrainian goods. Finally, the related push to join NATO proves Russia's point about continued, threatening eastward expansion right up to Russia's borders (not the opposite) – a very real threat if you are a Russian.

If one polled as to whether the Ukraine should continue moving "Westward" (away from Russia), 1/3 would likely be in favor, 1/3 opposed, and 1/3 wanting to have their cake and eat it too – i.e, not have to sever relations with Russia. The question boils down to whether the West, in blaming Putin for all the ills of the Ukraine, is going to continue to stand idly by while the "new, free" Ukraine continues to basically settle scores, and foster not a democratic society, but one heavily influenced by significant and growing ultra-ring wing nationalist forces.

Stephen Ebert is the Russian Translator, Consultant, and Political Commentator. The article was originally written on January 24, 2015 but ignored by the US media then. Exclusive publication on ORIENTAL REVIEW courtesy of the author.

Russia and the Ukraine – the other side of the story | Oriental Review
@pmaitra, @jouni @sgarg etc.
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Ruble and UAH closing ranks steadily. Ruble is gaining ground while UAH is losing ground. Ruble is moving towards stability at 50 while as UAH is also moving towards 50 to USD (and then to infinity). Proves Nazism does wonders to economy.

Curbs on UAH means official rate is practically useless. Black market rates are already north of 28. What a revolution?? Compare to pre-revolution UAH rate of 8 to USD.

As Ukraine prints mountains of UAH to pay salaries, UAH keeps on going down.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
It is still going on? :shocked:

It has dropped from the headlines.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
April 13, 2015

The names of the journalists are unknown yet

KIEV, /TASS/. One of two journalists who got under fire near the Donetsk airport earlier today has escaped, Ukraine's spokesman in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination (JCCC) Andrey Leschinsky told Hromadske TV on Sunday.

"According to different reports, two local journalists were travelling in a car. According to preliminary
information, an anti-tank guided missile hit the car. One journalist died. Another journalist survived as he managed to jump out of the car. The names of the journalists are unknown yet," Leschinsky said.

The Donetsk News Agency earlier reported that two journalists were killed near the Donetsk airport. "In the evening, two journalists died near the Peski settlement. According to preliminary reports, [they were killed] when a Ukrainian shell hit a car with journalists. The investigation is underway," the source said.

Self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic's defense ministry spokesman Eduard Basurin said that the ministry cannot yet confirm the information about the incident. "For now, the circumstances of the incident are being clarified. A more detailed and comprehensive commentary will be given tomorrow," Basurin said.

Read more at - Second journalist survives shelling near Donetsk airport....DPR Testing (Turtle Shell); BMP-2 Turret on an 4 wheeled chassis (Video)


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Last Remning Ukrainian Military Aircraft for Sale from Airbase in Zaporozhye ATO Zone
Read more at - Last Remning Ukrainian Military Aircraft for Sale from Airbase in Zaporozhye ATO Zone

This 1992 Antonov An-32 Cline aircraft for sale in Republic of Moldova
is 1 of 12 similar aircraft currently available on GlobalPlaneSearch.
This aircraft is listed for $5,600,000, the average historical price for
aircraft like this is $3,241,246.
Great opportunity for Indian MOD to buy An-32 for spares.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Visit to a Mariupol Hospital Lays Bare Ukraine War's Toll

MARIUPOL, Ukraine—In All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque wrote: "A hospital alone shows what war is."

The hospital here is no exception.

The faces of soldiers, both young and old, recovering from wounds and sickness incurred on the front lines — located only eight miles away from here — speak to the innumerable contradictions of war.
Visit to a Mariupol Hospital Shows Ukraine War's Toll
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