Civil war in Ukraine

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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
No, but you must understand that Estonian own army consists of 8 APC´s there would be not much to parade without the yanks. Even if we were in NATO, I would not be happy with foreign troops in our parade. I understand your point, we have never been occupied, Estonia have been and there is a big difference in our mental approach to our defense. I am happy that Yanks show support to Estonia, they deserve it. We have plenty of hardware in our parades of our own ( although German made )

Tank concetration in the valey..?
The hapiness of Krasnopol..


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
training targets for Krasnopol shooters.. wellcome.


The withdrawal of heavy weapons and M2A:

The situation on the line of contact is generally calm. The Novorussian forces are withdrawing their heavy weapons according to schedule while the junta forces are, by most reports, not or, not much. The excuse for these delays is that "the necessary conditions have not been created". In reality, the problem is that Poroshenko has very little control over the various armed forces. Apparently, the regular armed forces do more or less obey him, and since these are the most heavily armed, there is some hope that they will eventually withdraw. The various death-squads (volunteer battalions, internal forces, etc.) will probably resist as much as possible, but since they don't have much heavy firepower, that is probably not a major obstacle right now.

There is also a very real possibility that Poroshenko himself might be preventing that withdrawal. The problem is not in the withdrawal of heavy guns by itself (the junta knows that the Novorussians will not attack) but that after completing this point of the Minsk 2 Agreement (M2A) the junta will have to go down the list and that is simply something the Nazis in Kiev cannot do. My guess is that all this talk about sending in peacekeepers has exactly the same rationale: to stop the implementation of M2A in a way that could not be blamed on Kiev. Clearly, M2A has delivered a crushing blow to the stance of the junta by forcing it to do something it cannot do: negotiate and work with the Novorussian resistance. I have no doubt that Poroshenko wants to break out of M2A, but his problem is how to do it without taking the blame for it. Hence the foot-dragging with an otherwise rather straightforward withdrawal and all that talk about peacekeepers.

US weapons to the Ukraine or Russian weapons to Iran?

The US is still determined to send more weapons to the Ukraine, even in direct violation of the spirit, if not the letter, of M2A. Russia is getting increasingly fed-up with that kind of attitude and Russian officials are now discussing selling the top-of-the-line Antey-2500 missile to Iran. This missile is arguable the most advanced air defense system on the planet and if the Russians really sell that to Iran the US and Israel will be absolutely sick with rage and frustration.

By the way, I was informed that there is a petition on the Internet trying to stop US weapons deliveries to the junta. If you can, please sign it here:

Signs of destabilization in Baderastan

The regime of Poroshenko is clearly in a very difficult situation. Roughly speaking, Poroshenko & Co represent the interests of oligarchs masquerading as Nazis while his opposition is the real thing - bona fide Nazi crackpots who feel that their "revolution of dignity" was stolen from them, that the new regime is every bit as corrupt as the old one, and far more incompetent. They are right, of course. So now more and more of these "grassroots Nazis" are threatening Poroshenko with a Third Maidan or even a revolution.

Check out this Right Sector site:

Here is my translation of this text:
A year ago, they came to power in our blood. The blood of patriots. During this year they gave up the interests of Ukraine and betrayed the idea of the Ukrainian nation. They promised to fight corruption. They promised lustration. They made us poor. They destroyed belief in justice. They killed the truth. We remember the never investigated murders of hundreds of Maidan. We remember the murder of Sasha Belyi. We remember the shameful surrender Crimea. We remember Saur-Mogila, Ilovaiisk, the Donetsk airport, Debaltsevo. The perpetrators have not been punished. It's time to hold them to account!
And just to make sure that the message gets through, here is the poster illustrating it:

Right Sector poster

The text says:

March of the Truth
March of the Right
The Maidan did not fight for a regime of traitors
It is time to hold them to account

And it is signed by the Right Sector and the organization Trezub of S. Bandera (even crazier crazies than the regular crazies).

Now, it is true that by most accounts the USA has a tight control over the hardcore Nazi crazies in the Ukraine (via leaders like Iarosh) but I am beginning to detect this very old pattern of the puppet breaking lose from the puppeteer which we have all seen in Afghanistan, in Libya and Syria. I would argue that the neo-Nazis crazies in the Ukraine are very similar to the Takfiri freaks of ISIS or the so-called "Syrian opposition". The chances of that kind of hate-filled ideology slipping out of the control of those who fostered it (the USA) is very high.

What about our NATO friends?

Sir Adrian Bradshaw
NATO has been keeping busy. In fact, according to "British Commander Land Forces Lieutenant General Sir Adrian Bradshaw" NATO is preparing to repel a Russian invasion. In his own words Russian expansionist ambitions could quickly become "an obvious existential threat to our whole being".

Apparently, the British feel that the Baltic States and Poland have greatly surpassed the UK in hysterical russophobia and fear-mongering and that now is the time to catch up with them with even more terrifying statements. What is sure is that Sir Adrian sure look extremely worried on his official picture...

Last but not least - the OSCE

The OSCE has taken notice with grave concern at the de-accreditation of over 100 Russian media sources in the Ukraine. But not because this might be a violation of free speech or journalism, no, but because, I kid you not, the OSCE is concerned that as a result of this de-accreditation "the Russian audience might be deprived from balanced reporting form the Ukraine"!!! The OSCE also added that the organization "understands that national security reasons" behind the Ukrainian decision.

Yet again, all I can say is that I fully agree with V. Nuland.

The Saker
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Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
Tank concetration in the valey..?
The hapiness of Krasnopol..
Krasnopol, "Kvitnik" not self-guided and correct projectiles to get into the tank, the operator must hold the laser marker on the target.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Krasnopol, "Kvitnik" not self-guided and correct projectiles to get into the tank, the operator must hold the laser marker on the target.
yes .. and he can ligh the target from 2+ km distanse..


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
yes .. and he can ligh the target from 2+ km distanse..
So, to get in the tank you have to sneak into enemy territory. These shells need to destroy Pillboxes, staffs and other stationary objects. Theoretically, it can destroy a tank. but so ATGM 2 generation could theoretically destroy the helicopter, but nobody does that.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Krasnopol, "Kvitnik" not self-guided and correct projectiles to get into the tank, the operator must hold the laser marker on the target.
One must not gloat about weapons. Knowledge and science is not limited to one country or one society. Truth matters not weapons.
@arpakola goes overboard with his enthusiasm. I know Western weapon systems are very capable and Kiev will surely gain many such systems in future. But Kiev will still lose. Because the leaders of Kiev are selling a fake freedom while they are just instruments of American aggression against Russia.
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
So, to get in the tank you have to sneak into enemy territory. These shells need to destroy Pillboxes, staffs and other stationary objects. Theoretically, it can destroy a tank. but so ATGM 2 generation could theoretically destroy the helicopter, but nobody does that.
I think Russia has seekers that can find a tank by its visual/IR signature. So it is not necessary to use a laser-designator.


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
One must not gloat about weapons. Knowledge and science is not limited to one country or one society. Truth matters not weapons.
@arpakola goes overboard with his enthusiasm. I know Western weapon systems are very capable and Kiev will surely gain many such systems in future. But Kiev will still lose. Because the leaders of Kiev are selling a fake freedom while they are just instruments of American aggression against Russia.
You bored me with your interpretation of the events. What are you trying to prove? I still will not agree to it. The West strongly f"helped" protect about the Russian aggression. 3 radar, 10 antimaterial rifles and 75 APC Saxon. Ukraine is bought and never got free .
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Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
I think Russia has seekers that can find a tank by its visual/IR signature. So it is not necessary to use a laser-designator.

Tank at a distance of 2 km, can destroy any ATGM.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Пресс-служба Службы безопасности Украины заявляет, что следователь СБУ на протяжении 24 часов может открыть уголовное дело против автора антимобилизационного поста. То есть, правительство Украины не только кровожадно расправляется со своим народом, но и запрещает своих граждан призывать к миру! Ничего себе – диктатура!
Мы, жители Новороссии, несмотря на боль, причиненную нашему краю войсками украинской армии, понимаем, что большинство солдат шли сюда не по своей вине и не по собственному желанию. Их ввели в заблуждение, заставили поднять руку на бывших соотечественников"¦
Те, кто сегодня выступает против войны, те, кто призывает не брать в руки оружие – наши единомышленники. Украинцы, держитесь! Вместе мы сможем достичь взаимопонимания и мира.


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
if they can spot it..
the laser lihgter that is .. not the weapon wich can be 10 km away.. (152mm artilery or mortar)

You know what is the weight of this device with the laser. It's not a flashlight. Ukraine, at the beginning of the war used these shells and mines. Therefore, in Kramatorsk and Slavyansk almost no damage.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Tank at a distance of 2 km, can destroy any ATGM.
Tank does not have a bright future in this war. Indirect fire weapons and infantry fired weapons are the most effective.
Unless western warplanes come into picture, nothing will change.

I have a feeling that USA is already supplying smart ammo for artillery to Kiev. This is the reason NovoRussia resorts to saturation fire from Rockets.

The losses will be high in this war - both material and men.

Also certain that captured Western equipment will be reverse engineered if a novel item is found. Western strategy is very likely to be copied.

The Western game is up. It is so transparent now.
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
You bored me with your interpretation of the events. What are you trying to prove? I still will not agree to it. The West strongly f"helped" protect about the Russian aggression. 3 radar, 10 antimaterial rifles and 75 APC Saxon. Ukraine is bought and never got free .
So what do you think all these loans and "humanitarian aid" for? Who gives loans to a bankrupt country?
Your weapons factories will grind to a halt without the loans.
Every borrower hopes he never has to pay back the loans. You may hope for that too. But Uncle demands blood in lieu.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Tank does not have a bright future in this war. Indirect fire weapons and infantry fired weapons are the most effective.
Unless western warplanes come into picture, nothing will change.
Tanks would have a future in the open valey if it was for fast massive attack in large numbers .
Kiev has not the administration and resources to organise such an attack . This kind of operation must be conclusive and to be followed by capturing cities. Other wise even if the tanks capture some tens of km flat land and have to stay in the open , they will become a target of grads , 152s and more accurate weapons like Krasnopole.

as for the remark previoulsy about auto infrared seaker , cannot be used in large consetrations because the target will not be able to discriminate the fresh target with a hitted already. Krasnopol is a nasty goody to have , and can be used with 152s and mortars too..


Kiev Dragging Feet on Artillery Pullout Because It Wants out of Minsk Agreement
Poroshenko can not implement the political aspects of the Minsk peace deal. He would rather see the agreement unravel before it comes to that

The situation on the line of contact is generally calm. The Novorussian forces are withdrawing their heavy weapons according to schedule while the junta forces are, by most reports, not or, not much.

The excuse for these delays is that "the necessary conditions have not been created". In reality, the problem is that Poroshenko has very little control over the various armed forces. Apparently, the regular armed forces do more or less obey him, and since these are the most heavily armed, there is some hope that they will eventually withdraw.

The various death-squads (volunteer battalions, internal forces, etc.) will probably resist as much as possible, but since they don't have much heavy firepower, that is probably not a major obstacle right now.

There is also a very real possibility that Poroshenko himself might be preventing that withdrawal. The problem is not in the withdrawal of heavy guns by itself (the junta knows that the Novorussians will not attack) but that after completing this point of the Minsk 2 Agreement (M2A) the junta will have to go down the list and that is simply something the Nazis in Kiev cannot do.

My guess is that all this talk about sending in peacekeepers has exactly the same rationale: to stop the implementation of M2A in a way that could not be blamed on Kiev.

Clearly, M2A has delivered a crushing blow to the stance of the junta by forcing it to do something it cannot do: negotiate and work with the Novorussian resistance.

I have no doubt that Poroshenko wants to break out of M2A, but his problem is how to do it without taking the blame for it. Hence the foot-dragging with an otherwise rather straightforward withdrawal and all that talk about peacekeepers.
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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
I think Russia has seekers that can find a tank by its visual/IR signature. So it is not necessary to use a laser-designator.

This NLAW is great...impossible to detect and top attack mode
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