China Military News & Updates


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
Chinese will do anything to prove that they are the original!

The evolution to man originated in China!


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
I am certainly not an expert in this, but at least I know the difference between a light helo and an heavy armed Apache. Mrs, Brigadier.
If you think I am a Mrs, I presume you consider yourself as In Between - neither here nor there, right.

Either get civil or seek an exit. No more lip from you.

You know the difference between the variety of helicopters so well that you would sometimes think you are Japanese!


New Member
Aug 18, 2009
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French don't plan on sending any engines until 2015. How the Chinese are mass producing these helicopters is a mystery.
And the definition of mass production has a new meaning ,only 8 WZ-10 have been built so far? The French engines
will very llikely have a strict no export clause. Defense manufacturers don't need China to be a middleman cutting into
their markets with their own engines,repeating the stupidity of the Russians .
The WZ-10 runs on the dozen P&Ws they got before they were cut off by US investigations. There are only three or four testing samples. Chinese wish for their own engine is just a dream. They are importing Turbomeca like it is going out of style. They can't mass produce Z-10.
Armand claimed there are 4 WZ-10s, and LF claimed there are 8.

What a joke? Why don't you have a fight to find out who is right about it.

By the way, how did you get the number? By counting them on the pictures posted by Chinese netizens?


New Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Think it looks same as the helicopter used to attack the abottabad building of Osama-Bin-Laden......
if the Z19's tail looks like this, then you're right. Its definately a copy of the Abottabad raid stealth UTILITY helicopter

PS i'm fluent in sarcasm


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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They will do what they do best reverse engineer and pass it of as being better than the original.
This sums up almost everything in defense China has done.
When they stop doing business with Turbomeca, then you know they have something. Until that day = NO


New Member
Oct 20, 2011
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The WZ-10 runs on the dozen P&Ws they got before they were cut off by US investigations. There are only three or four testing samples. Chinese wish for their own engine is just a dream. They are importing Turbomeca like it is going out of style. They can't mass produce Z-10.

The WZ16 powerplant. 1700shp output, while humble when compared with the 2000shp engines used in the West, it is really a quantum leap when compared with the meek 1000shp like the WZ-9.


New Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Turbomeca ships engines and assemblies several times a year. There are hundreds on order. Not for the Z-10. They can't mass produce it as they can't make helicopter engines.
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Mass production. And its interesting that the front fuselage is 100% composite. bake and cured in autoclave in single piece. But then according to Armand, China's aviation materials industry is "non-existant"


New Member
Aug 15, 2010
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The chinese guys do not know what the word TROLLING means.....

Just making a comparison does not mean that I am trolling. I want the MODS to make a statement here. I am not trolling and if making a comparison is said to be trolling then everyone in this forum are trollers. Such is the statement by our chinese member here. This shows how poor the chinese are in understanding english.


New Member
Jan 2, 2011
just few weeks ago,people in DFI still insisted that the engines of new J-11 are not WS-10.


New Member
Jan 22, 2010
Chinese military technology and the actual gap in the West is only 5-10 Yrs

Russian media said the Chinese military technology and the actual gap in the West is only 5-10 years « Military of China, force comment.
Russian media said the Chinese military technology and the actual gap in the West is only 5-10 years

February 7, according to News of the Russian military, the PLA is rapidly realizing modernization, now has aircraft carriers, developed the unmanned aerial vehicle and stealth fighter, the real fighting power than outsiders imagine. Although the Chinese military representatives claimed that there are 25-30 year gap in military technology with the West. Western experts say that this gap may be only 5-10 years.

Russian media said the 10 French military reporters delegation to visit China in September last year, visited the People's Liberation Army forces, including the near Beijing, the 24th Airborne Division, near the naval base in Shanghai, Nanjing Military Academy, and 179 mechanized infantry trip. Involved in the reception one of the drafters of China's National Defense White Paper, General Chen Zhou pointed out that China is learning how to achieve transparency in the military field, but can not be completed overnight. There are many limitations in this regard, after all, can not put national security at risk.

Russian media said the Chinese representatives repeatedly mentioned the topic of the military technology gap between China and the West. General Chen Zhou pointed out that the technological gap between the People's Liberation Army and the Western forces are at least 25-30 years, the Chinese army did not even complete the mechanization process, now have to shift to the digital age, military equipment, digital is the biggest technical challenges faced by the People's Liberation Army. General Qian Lihua, director of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense Foreign Affairs Office, pointed out that the technical equipment of the PLA is still in the early stages of digital lags far behind Western countries, EU countries to China to sell high-tech military products. However, this possibility does not seem, because the EU has yet to lift the arms embargo on China implementation since 1989. Last December, the EU Foreign and Security Policy High Representative Paddy Ashdown also relations with China and reports that the arms embargo is the main obstacle to improve the China-EU relationship between General Qian Lihua, if the EU to lift the ban on the sale will contribute to the cooperation between China and Europe.

Russian media said, in the static display flying into the J-10 fighter before the People's Liberation Army's 24 Airborne Division Commander, Colonel Yan Feng pointed out that in the next decade, we hope can be equipped with more advanced performance fighter . Naval base in Ningbo, Hu Wei, China (sound) captain pointed out that the Chinese Navy's core strength is the spirit and the will, the greatest weakness is the technology and equipment performance. Will continue to improve the technical level, strive for the elimination of France, Britain, and especially the technology gap between the United States. China for nearly a generation behind the plane level. Chinese navy to catch up with other great powers will take time. However, with the growth of economic strength, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China must play their role, can not still be the five permanent members of the only aircraft carrier.

Russian media said the Chinese military officials apparently too modest, they say the gap in military technology capabilities, may be inconsistent with the facts. At least, China's official defense reported that as a result of a series of important technological breakthroughs, the technological level of China's military industry in the various fields of aviation equipment, electronic equipment, IT, professional and technical equipment, etc. has reached a high level. Western diplomats believe that the level of military technology gap with the West only 5-10 years. Of course, this gap is difficult to accurately determine. However, the Pentagon in 2011 on military-technical aspects of Chinese military power report mentioned concerns somewhat alarmist. (Compiled: woodlands) ★


Air Warrior
New Member
Aug 18, 2010
Chinese officials asked to prepare for 'war' in Tibet: Report

Describing the situation in Tibet as "grave", China has ordered authorities there to prepare themselves for "a war against secessionist sabotage" by the Dalai Lama amid reports that security forces shot dead two Tibetans protesters.

Officials in the Tibet Autonomous Region have been ordered to recognise the "grave situation" in maintaining stability and to ready themselves for "a war against secessionist sabotage", Chen Quanguo, regional Communist Party chief of Tibet told official Tibet Daily.

The orders come ahead of the February 22 Tibetan New Year and this year's Chinese Communist Party Congress to elect new leaders.

The Congress would elect new leaders replacing the President Hu Jintao and Prime Minister, Wen Jiabao who are set to retire later this year.

Chen and other top officials called for extra vigilance to foil any attempts by the Buddhist Monks and supporters of the Dalai Lama pointing out that the Tibetan spiritual leader has a spoken of a "decisive battle" to be launched ahead of this year's Communist Party Congress, likely to be held in November this year.

Meanwhile, US based broadcaster Radio Free Asia today said that two Tibetan brothers, who have been on the run after protesting against Chinese rule have been shot dead.

Yeshe Rigsal, a 40-year monk, and his 38-year-old brother, Yeshe Samdrub, had been pursued by the authorities after they participated in January 23 protests against Chinese rule.

The two brothers had been on the run for more than two weeks, and had been hiding in the hills in a nomad region when they were surrounded and fired upon.

The fight against the Dalai Lama clique is a "long-term, complicated and sometimes even acute" one, Chen was quoted as saying.

Xu Zhitao, an official with the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party Central Committee, told state-run Global Times that "secessionists led by the Dalai Lama appeared more determined to plot conspiracies this year."

The Dalai Lama clique had claimed that they might carry out some schemes to wreck the upcoming Tibetan New Year, which falls on February 22 this year, Xu said.

This year the region saw self immolations by Buddhist Monks calling for the return of Darla Lama from his self exile in Dharmashala. So far 17 monks and nuns have attempted suicides.

So far 17 monks and nuns have attempted suicides. Many of these attempts were confined to the Sichuan province, neighbouring Tibet and the Tibetan officials fear that the restive monks would attempt some thing big during the New Year celebrations in Lhasa, the provincial capital.

Global Times which carried the Tibet story today with banner headlines 'Tibet officials prepare for war' also mentioned discussions on Tibet during External Affairs Minister S M Krishna's just concluded visit here to inaugurate the new Indian Embassy building.

"Separately, during a meeting with Krishna in Beijing on Wednesday, Zhou Yongkang, a senior leader of the party stated that the question concerns China's national interests and that the Chinese government will crack down on secessionists and safeguard its territorial integrity," the Times said.

"Krishna reiterated that India recognises Tibet as a part of China and will not tolerate "anti-China activities" on Indian territory", it quoted a report by state-run Xinhua which also carried an interview with him.

Chinese foreign ministry also carried a statement Zhou appreciating India's stand.

On beefing up the local administration the daily also carried a stern warning that those officials in Tibet who were found to be lax will be punished.

"For those irresponsible officials who walk away from their duties, fail to implement policies or are found guilty of dereliction of duty in maintaining stability, they shall be immediately removed from their posts, pending punishment, regardless of how great the contributions they made in the past or what kind of position they held," Chen said.

Chen asked local officials to "improve the precautionary and emergency management mechanism," and ensure the government's ability to immediately and resolutely handle any emergency.

"We should make every effort to win the tough battle to maintain stability, and seize the initiative in our fight against separatism," Chen said.

Xiong Kunxin, a professor with the Minzu University of China, said the further tightening could be related to a string of recent self-immolations in Tibetan areas of the provinces of Sichuan and Qinghai bordering Tibet.

"There are five regions that are inhabited by Tibetan people in China. Turbulence in one area can affect others," said Xiong, referring to Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces where Tibetan communities are located as well as Tibet itself.

An official surnamed Gou with the publicity department of Ganzi in Sichuan told the Global Times that cases of violence were isolated and that the majority of Tibetan people in the prefecture yearn for stability.

"Such tragic incidents in Sichuan's Tibetan area have to do with geographic and historical factors, which made Tibetan people there more aggressive," Xiong said.

"Meanwhile, less strict management in this area also led to this problem," he said.

The Ganzi Daily earlier quoted Liu Daoping, Party chief of Ganzi, as saying that the Dalai Lama clique had claimed to wage "a decisive battle," posing great challenges to the stability-maintaining tasks.

Xiong said such violence and self-immolation cases have violated the creeds of Tibetan Buddhism.

Chinese officials asked to prepare for 'war' in Tibet: Report - The Times of India


New Member
Sep 6, 2011
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Killing 2 monks have been reported only Buddha knows how much went unrecognized. Will the fight with Tibet police with missiles and aircraft ? It's hightime the recognized there is problem and need to be sorted out.

ice berg

New Member
Nov 18, 2011
PLA new dock landing ship conducts maiden maritime training

China Military Online English Edition

The picture features the "Jinggangshan" amphibious dock landing ship that was launched in the China Shanghai Shipbuilding Cooperation, LTD.

  Right after the Spring Festival of 2012, the newly commissioned "Jinggangshan" amphibious dock landing ship of a landing ship flotilla under the South China Sea Fleet of the Navy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) conducted the first-ever joint training with helicopters and air cushion boats, unveiling the training of the new-type dock landing ship after the Spring Festival.

  It is learned that the "Jinggangshan" ship, 210 meters long, 28 meters wide, is the latest dock landing ship with a displacement of 19,000 tons. Before the training, the newly commissioned ship had not conducted joint actual-combat training with helicopters and air cushion boats. Therefore, the training is also a real test for the improved ship, especially for the training level of the crew.

  With the successful completion of the joint training, Mr. Ji, the commander of the flotilla, told the reporters, "Although she hasn't served for long, the "Jinggangshan" ship has got the basic capacity for carrying out tasks and can soon perform military exercise mission with the Chinese naval ship formation in high seas. We are fully confident in that."

  By Qian Xiaohu and Xiao Delun


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009

China is honing up on amph warfare.

Will be of great use in the South China Sea.


New Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Ouias, it won't be much use in blue water with such limited crew space.


The Chairman
New Member
Apr 17, 2009
The Chinese are very ingenuous and they are good at making the Guinness Book of Records!

Who knows what they do?

Something that would be totally unthinkable for normal people I presume!

Something totally abnormal!

