China Economy: News & Discussion


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Why? CCP helps India in many ways such exporting tons of goods to India, helping India develop its own economy.
View attachment 259127

View attachment 259128
Chang your masters the CCP hasn't even spared you - the Han slaves , the same ethnic stock the CCP & you come from & you're trying to convince us the CCP is into social service. This is the reason I've stated the MSS must make Gaokao pass the standard for admission into the MSS. Otherwise the results are before us
i_f25 (1).png


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2020
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Chang your masters the CCP hasn't even spared you - the Han slaves , the same ethnic stock the CCP & you come from & you're trying to convince us the CCP is into social service. This is the reason I've stated the MSS must make Gaokao pass the standard for admission into the MSS. Otherwise the results are before us View attachment 259132
What's 1+1?


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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That's a stupid article. India's not competing with Mexico for investments. Our primary competition for investments & markets are within our region. It's Asia & Africa followed by Europe & Americas in that order .
the Chang does not understand facts, Mexico and India have good relations because number 1 our economic relation is win to win,, second in our history there is no history of war, there is trade and commerce between our countries but this is in a capitalist manner.

With China is different, in general terms we careless about doing business with them, but a USA-China war will impact us. Trade also is problematic to us because the USA is our main trading partner and there are 40 million Mexicans in the USA.

A nuclear war will pollute Mexico too.


Sonalinka is free to do business in Mexico


same bajaj

Presence of Indian companies in Mexico
“Several Indian companies have already invested in Mexico in recent years to take advantage of the nearshoring phenomenon,” recognizes the Indian Embassy in its document on commercial relations between both nations.

According to the Indian Embassy in Mexico, the three highest performing areas for Indian investments in the country are the information technology, pharmaceutical and automotive sectors.

Their data indicates that Indian investments in Mexico, until March 2024, are around $4 billion, with the presence of more than 200 companies.

Although the Embassy accounts for those 4,000 million dollars of investment from India in Mexico, in the Foreign Direct Investment registered by the Ministry of Economy there is an amount of only 292.3 million dollars between 2006 and the first quarter of 2024.

Almost all major Indian IT and ICT companies have operations in Mexico, such as TCS, HCL, Infosys, Tech Mahindra, NIIT, Aptech, Hexaware, Cognizant, Wipro, BirlaSoft and Zoho.

Within the pharmaceutical sector, the companies Lupine, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, Zydus, Claris, Life Sciences, Hetero Drugs, Sun Pharma and Solara stand out.

In the food processing sector is Parle-G, with its only manufacturing plant in all of America.



Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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That's a stupid article. India's not competing with Mexico for investments. Our primary competition for investments & markets are within our region. It's Asia & Africa followed by Europe & Americas in that order .
The demand for engineers in the high-tech industry has brought large numbers of Indians to the city of Guadalajara. Beyond the benefits that their presence brings to the organizations in which they work, their stay in the city is an opportunity to see each other from another cultural perspective.

The people of Guadalajara are kind and supportive. Its road culture is surprising, especially its respect for pedestrians. Furthermore, the liberal nature of its society is notable. Don't you believe it? Ask Sreekanth, Sai Prasad and Sandeep.

These three young Indians came to Guadalajara to work in information technology companies—mainly Tata Consultancy Services and, to a lesser extent, IGATE—and have joined the life of the city.

Of them, Sreekanth is the newcomer. He's only been in town for two weeks. This is his first work trip and he is just settling in to a land he had only heard about because of its tequila and its food.

“I thought it was a good country, I was happy to come,” he says, sitting on the couch in the house he shares with four other colleagues in Zapopan. “I like the atmosphere, the people are very good; “I like interacting with people, the nature of people and their culture.”
But the learning process is mutual. The main reason why their companies send these young people to Mexico is precisely so that they help with the development of their Mexican counterparts.

“In this case, not only Indians arrive, Europeans also arrive and Americans arrive, but the most important thing is that they help develop talent here in Mexico,” explains the president of the Western headquarters of the National Chamber of the Electronics and Technology Industry. of Information, César Castro.

“We have to give the kids [from Mexico] more experience, we have to give them more support, and I think the people who are arriving bring the experience.”

In this way, the aim is to reproduce a process that already occurred in the electronic manufacturing industry, whose companies were originally developed by foreign managers, mainly American.

“Engineers or certain executive levels arrive, they stay for one or two years; So, they give the know-how to people, and many directors are already Mexican, or technicians are already Mexican.” However, this does not exempt the entity from the urgency of formulating parallel strategies to create the engineering cadres that projects in the country require, recognizes the industry representative.

One in four Mexican higher education students studies an engineering and technology degree, according to the Ministry of Public Education. Furthermore, the growth in enrollment in this type of studies from the 2000-2001 to 2013-2014 school year (65 percent) has barely been less than that of the total number of bachelor's degrees (68 percent).

Even so, 24 percent of engineering courses in this school year is significantly lower than the 37 percent of economic-administrative courses, which implies that the surprise is that there are companies that want to come to a country where there are not enough human resources. , considered Alonso Castillo Pérez, director of the Electronics and Computing Division of the University Center of Exact Sciences and Engineering (CUCEI) of the UdeG. “We do not have the great production of engineers in India: it is not at all strange that these companies [software developers] have to supply themselves from there.”

Although the proportion of engineers seems high, it is still dominated by traditional engineering—such as industrial, civil, and mechanical—and not by those that focus on high technology. The diagnosis made by Castillo Pérez is very clear in the number of applicants to enter the UdeG in the 2014 “B” calendar: of the 5,271 who sought to enter the cucei, only 611 wanted to do so in Computer Engineering; 244 to Communications and Electronics and 308 to IT. In contrast, in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, 4,452 wanted to enter Medicine; 2 thousand 36 to Law; 1,465 to Nursing; 1,256 to Psychology; 1,193 to Accounting and 1,021 to Administration.

In this phenomenon, the fear of mathematics is fundamental. Unfortunately, in Mexico it continues to be taught in an absurd way, as a series of problems to be solved. On the contrary, it must be shown as the modern science that it is, so that students know its true importance. “If mathematics has not made a boy feel intelligent, he has not made him feel valuable, how can you ask him to like it?”

Despite everything, Palacios considers that the generation of engineers in Jalisco is a competitive advantage that continues to be an attraction for investments. In fact, in November he plans to lead a tour to India to visit high-tech companies.

Indians in Guadalajara High technology

In the academic's opinion, the other problem is bilingualism, an ideal that has never been fulfilled in Mexico. José Palacios, Secretary of Economic Development of Jalisco, agrees with this: “What we are asking of all universities is that it is very important, especially in engineering, that they have at least the English language and, if they are polyglot, even better. ”.

“What we are doing is trying to row against the current: going to high schools to convince students, especially women; make bilingual educational centers. “It is quite a struggle,” he noted. Meanwhile, Tata Consultancy Group (TCS) is doing the same to generate its tables. The most important software services company in India, and one of the ten largest in the world, completed its first decade of operations in Mexico last year.

Four years after opening its offices in Mexico City, it inaugurated its Global Delivery Center in Guadalajara in 2007 and, a couple of years later, in Querétaro. Currently it already has two facilities in the capital of Guadalajara.

“Many factors make Mexico a very important link in tcs' expansion strategy in the region; among them, the proximity in distance and time zones with the United States, political and economic stability, and a high level of its university professionals,” he reads.

According to journalistic reports published in El Economista and El Informador, this year the company has around five thousand people in the three cities—mostly Mexicans and half in Guadalajara—and estimates that by 2015 they may reach seven thousand.

IGATE Global Solutions Mexico, the other Indian company in the sector with operations in Guadalajara, employs fifty people in its facilities in Guadalajara, from which it offers its services to its clients in North America.

“It is Tata's strategy, just as it has been with other international companies, to bring people who are used to a specific work environment, to the way they work, and bring them when they have a new plant, because they normally know the internal procedures. and how to do things, especially since we are talking about technical aspects,” says José de Jesús Urzúa, professor in the International Business area of the University Center for Economic and Administrative Sciences of the University of Guadalajara.

“It is easier to work with people who know and are used to a certain climate and, later, once trained, people from another country join this, than to train and train people in very specific things, especially in these intangible aspects, such as work cultures.”

But the majority of Indians who come to the country will not even reach the four years required for the Mexican authorities to grant permanent residence, says Rocío Alejandra Cortés Dueñas, deputy director of Migration Regulation of the Jalisco delegation of the National Migration Institute.

“Perhaps, if they are very young families who do not yet have children, they may have Mexican children who will perhaps create other types of roots in the country, but the cases are few. They are families that already enter as such, little children, perhaps; But the same jobs generate opportunities for them in other countries and they do not reach the four years that we ask for as a minimum to generate a permanent residence,” she says.

“In reality, due to the type of employment, what we have seen is that it is an average of young families, but they are already finished, so to speak: they already have two children, normally, and they are not very extended families. There are many who come at a younger age, who come single.”

Indians in Guadalajara High technology On their days off, Joseph and his wife usually meet in a park with a group of friends of different nationalities to play volleyball.

Different but equal

“Relations between India and Mexico have always been friendly, warm and cordial, as they are characterized by mutual understanding, the growth of bilateral trade and comprehensive cooperation,” reads the website of the Indian Embassy in Mexico.

“Both are large emerging economies, with similar priorities and limitations in social and economic development; Likewise, they have democratic, secular and pluralistic systems, and they also share a vision of the world in general.”

But there are differences. For example, it is estimated that in Mexico, in July 2014, there were just over 120 million inhabitants, which puts the country in 12th place in this area in the world; India occupies second place, only below China, with more than 1,236 million people. That is, in a territory that is 67 percent larger than Mexico, ten times more people live.

The average age in both countries is very similar, and is around 27 years, although life expectancy is higher in Mexico, with 75.4 years compared to 67.8 for Indians, according to the CIA data book.

Another similarity is that both are countries that heavily support their economies on remittances sent by citizens who have emigrated. According to the World Bank, last year money transfers to the developing world would increase by 6.3 percent to reach 414 billion dollars and in 2016 they would reach 540 billion.

India and China represent almost a third of total transfers to developing countries. The main recipients of officially recorded remittances in 2013 are India (with approximately 71 billion), China (60 billion), the Philippines (26 billion), Mexico (22 billion), Nigeria (21 billion) and Egypt (20 billion). Other important recipient countries are Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Ukraine.

In economic matters there are important differences: the growth of the Indian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in previous years has even exceeded 10 percent, as in 2010; although in 2012 it was 4.7 percent. In Mexico it grew 5.1 percent and 3.8 percent, respectively in those years, according to the World Bank.

"It is evident that they have many problems, they do not deny them, but with these three orientations of their goals - tolerance, democracy and education -, right now India has more or less 1.2 billion inhabitants and more than 450 million are middle class. With these three axes of work, they brought the middle class forward,” says Xavier Orendain Martínez Gallardo, honorary consul of India in Guadalajara.

And although the average school age expectation is one year longer in Mexico (13 years of studies) than in India (12 years), the approach to generating engineers that has occurred in that nation has become an example for the world. “Indians have set a goal in education, which is excellence, especially in engineering; "You don't see many lawyers, you don't see many administrators: India is the country that trains the most engineers per year."

The report “Engineering: issues, challenges and opportunities for development”, published in 2010 by UNESCO, coincides with this vision: “In recent years, India has registered GDP growth of between 8 and 9 percent, mainly due to information technologies,” the text reads.

Indians in Guadalajara High technology

“This may correlate with the increasing availability of a young and confident talent pool. From being an importer of various goods and recipient of aid, India has become an exporter of finished goods and services, and has offered support to less developed nations. Globalization has opened up opportunities for India, such as outsourcing of IT and engineering services within the country.” Inside and outside the country, Tata and IGATE are proof of this. But the similarities go beyond needs and economic situations, says researcher Urzúa. “We have some very things in common between Mexican food and Indian food, which wouldn't create such a strong clash, culturally, at the end of the day: tropical fruits, the climate, the spices, the chili.”

“In general, Indians and Mexicans are more similar than it seems at first glance. Our worldview, our way of seeing life, family, religion - even if they are different religions -, food, respect for adults, the way we have fun, even jokes; "We Indians and Mexicans are much more similar than, say, Mexicans and Americans," agrees Orendain Martínez Gallardo.

With the exception of the language - in fact, the three of them recommended that their countrymen learn the basics of Spanish before coming to Mexico -, Sreekanth, Sai Prasad and Sandeep did not notice a great culture shock either, although they did find themselves surprised by two situations: Sandeep says that The people from Guadalajara do not like to be packed in the truck, something they are used to. The other custom that strongly caught their attention is put on the table by Sai Prasad: due to the traditions of her country, Indian women usually cover practically their entire bodies, although some do not agree.

“In India you have to follow some particular traditions (…), here there is more freedom, that is, in India this does not happen,” she explains. When I tell them that it is strange that they point out that this is a liberal society because of the way the people from Guadalajara dress, since Guadalajara has a reputation for being a conservative place, they all laugh: “So, what will the people of Mexico City be like?” ?”

Meanwhile, these young people have plans to enjoy the country: they want to go to Cancún, Puerto Vallarta and other beaches; continue admiring the beautiful Mexican women, escape to the nightlife that the city offers, get to know the culture, learn more Spanish - Sreekanth asks about schools for foreigners - and, even, in the case of Sandeep, take advantage of an offer of extreme sports and ecotourism which he will not have when he returns to his country.

At the end of the interviews, they are the ones who ask: Is the city unsafe? What dishes do I recommend? Is this the first time I'm talking to people from India? That I thought?

I tell them that I believe that knowledge of cultures can be enriching for everyone, and I am left wishing that someday we will be the liberal, supportive and civilized citizens that these young people who come from the other side of the world see. m.




Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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TORONTO (AP) — Canada's government is investigating whether to impose a surtax on imports of Chinese-made electric vehicles.

A 30-day consultation on the issue will begin on July 2 to counter what Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said Monday is a clear effort by Chinese companies to generate a global oversupply.

Canada’s move comes weeks after both the United States and the European Commission announced plans to impose higher import tariffs on Chinese EVs this summer.

“Our automotive sector supports nearly 550,000 good paying Canadian jobs,” Freeland said. “Canadian workers and the auto sector are facing unfair competition from China's intentional state directed policy of overcapacity that is undermining Canada's EV sector ability to compete in domestic and global markets.”

The consultation will seek input on what is driving China’s surging EV exports, including unfair market practices as well as labor and environmental standards.

In addition to a surtax, the consultation will consider whether Canada should change which cars are eligible for the federal EV purchase rebate worth up to $5,000 Canadian ($3,661) per vehicle.

It will also look at whether to expand investment restrictions in Canada.

Right now the only Chinese-made EVs imported into Canada are from Tesla, made at the company’s Shanghai factory. There are no Chinese-branded EVs sold or imported at the moment.

Freeland said Canada will act in concert with its allies in the United States and the European Union. She noted North America has an integrated auto sector, and said her government would ensure Canada doesn't become a dumping ground for Chinese oversupply.

U.S. President Joe Biden has said Chinese government subsidies for EVs and other consumer goods ensure that Chinese companies don’t have to turn a profit, giving them an unfair advantage in global trade.



Regular Member
May 15, 2024

Is India's trade dependence on China rising or falling?
FP Staff April 2, 2024, 12:27:49 IST

India’s reliance on the EU and China rose by 1.2 percent annually in 2023, while it declined in the case of Saudi Arabia by 0.6 percent, according to the UNCTAD estimates.
Is India's trade dependence on China rising or falling?

Days after a report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) showed that India’s trade dependence on China and the EU increased in 2023 while it reduced on Saudi Arabia, the commerce and industry ministry refuted the claim saying that the country’s import from China declined 3% in calendar year 2023 over 2022 and exports to both China and the EU rose 7.1% and 2.1%, respectively during the period.Advertisement
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in its Global Trade Update on March 22 said that India’s dependence for trade on the European Union and China is rising as global trade has seen a restructuring along the geopolitical lines in the past two years.The estimates of UNCTAD based on national statistics stated that India’s reliance on the EU and China rose by 1.2 per cent annually in 2023, while it declined in the case of Saudi Arabia by 0.6 per cent.The report highlights a significant shift in global supply chains due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine-Russia war, resulting in soaring prices of food and fuels.

It notes a recent trend of increased political proximity in trade since late 2022, favouring countries with similar geopolitical stances, a phenomenon termed as “friend-shoring.” Additionally, there’s a growing concentration of global trade towards major trade relationships, although this trend has eased in the last quarter of 2023.
The war has led Russia to enhance ties with China, increasing its dependence on the latter by over 7.1 per cent, primarily driven by oil imports. Conversely, Ukraine’s dependence on the EU has risen by 5.8 per cent, while Russia’s reliance has decreased by 5.3 per cent.
In contrast, the US witnessed a slight reduction in its reliance on China by 1.2 per cent. Conversely, the UK saw a notable increase in its dependence on the EU by 1.6 per cent.

Sector-wise, most sectors reported a decline in trade except for pharmaceuticals, transportation equipment, and road vehicles, particularly fuelled by the sale of electric vehicles.
The report highlights a continuous decline in the value of global merchandise trade since mid-2022, although trade in services maintained growth during this period. Overall, the global trade update forecasts that global trade in 2023 will reach around $31 trillion, marking a contraction of nearly $1 trillion (or 3 per cent) compared to the record high of 2022.


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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yes troll how many lies?


rankingsort descendingInstituteCountrySizeVisibilityRich Filesscholar
1National Institutes of Health1225
2National Aeronautics and Space Administration731918
3Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS2331932
4Max Planck Gesellschaft452134
5(1)Chinese Academy of Science CAS / 中国科学院32355931
6Centers for Disease Control and Prevention7342842
7US Department of Veterans Affairs5315567
8Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC2660116
9National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration3062268
10Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR2256159
11Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory3726521
12Smithsonian Institution14113171
13US Geological Survey25123266
14National Institute of Standards and Technology42142183
15Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization20321627
16Karlsruher Institüt für Technologie / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology15382435
17US Environmental Protection Agency19883151
18Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique31433650
19Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale108175138
20Argonne National Laboratory162541848
21Oak Ridge National Laboratory240462354
22Fraunhofer Gesellschaft90288767
23Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare62121140
24University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center518111424
25Sloan Kettering Memorial Cancer Center368107626
26Los Alamos National Laboratory246662062
27Commissariat a l'Ënergie Atomique1441572522
28Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique INRA291023552
29Academia Sinica56746264
30Howard Hughes Medical Institute117912310617
31Russian Academy of Sciences14119314213
32National Cancer Institute19820211745
33Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory260705885
34University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center492163736
35Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris273382912
36Mount Sinai Health System New York City70916419423
37European Space Agency2823219303
38Institute of Physical and Chemical Research1541288956
39Brookhaven National Laboratory2091263488
40Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard189191861
41National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology1181255791
42Scripps Research Institute3441122698
43Children's Hospital of Philadelphia5271384774
44Agency for Science, Technology and Research Singapore5552444639
45NYU Langone Medical Center45120319832
46Institut de Recherche pour le Développement652517855
47Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital3349245141
48National Renewable Energy Laboratory5017961171
49Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam10583891025
50Sandia National Laboratories1959765147
51Rand Corporation27630109353
52Jet Propulsion Laboratory502414877
53Johns Hopkins Medicine37045253815
54Natural History Museum London9762102318
55University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio36616730117
56Forschungszentrum Jülich1592365984
57National Bureau of Economic Research119271700181
58Polish Academy of Sciences11027948643
59Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules962394493
60Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory10311317237
61Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften35181120125
62Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute9920038123
63Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences116171103122
64Japan Science & Technology Agency429253858
65Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY16721373101
66Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution27710164226
67Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center8982328178
67Institut Pasteur35018452129
69American Museum of Natural History30749114405
70Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle5516595153
71European Bioinformatics Institute EMBL3911839276
72European Southern Observatory4477262308
72Fundação Oswaldo Cruz8315091172
74Leiden University Medical Center6414691251
74UK Meteorological Office25668140325
76National Center for Biotechnology Information259208574
77Wake Forest Baptist Health70521451105
78University Medical Center Utrecht12125463330
79Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations10133411267
80Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas6850117244
80University Health Network17514765338
82Hungarian Academy of Sciences MTA1874287557
83Space Telescope Science Institute15895189252
84Centrum Voor Wiskunde en Informatica67422174780
85Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica2412955095
86Hospital for Sick Children11653274272
87Massachusetts General Hospital539106253810
88Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development12594101210
89Cleveland Clinic34041253834
90Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam112052813828
91US National Science Foundation7124232860
92German Cancer Research Center6923378468
93Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen5655944346
94University Medical Center Groningen7336271449
95Carnegie Institution for Science79721294129
96International Agency for Research on Cancer60964608328
97Rush University Medical Center82722166138
98Instituto de Salud Carlos III176267228106
99Observatoire de Paris383158266166
100(1)VU University Medical Center Amsterdam5477345541




Regular Member
May 15, 2024
AstraZeneca to harness China's explosion of innovation to boost cell therapy R&D
By James Waldron May 21, 2024 8:27am
AstraZeneca China Cell & Gene Therapy cell therapy
AstraZeneca Cambridge Biomedical Campus aerial
AstraZeneca's Cambridge Biomedical Campus in Cambridge, England, including the Discovery Center (AstraZeneca)
AstraZeneca’s growing presence in China will play a key role in the Big Pharma’s cell therapy strategy, CEO Pascal Soriot told investors as he set out a bold ambition to almost double global revenues to $80 billion by 2030.
Innovation in China has “exploded,” Soriot explained in his presentation to kick off an investors’ day at AstraZeneca’s Discovery Center in Cambridge, U.K. “They are extremely fast and extremely innovative in the new technology and new medicines that are developing.”

The company already has an R&D center in Shanghai, and Soriot said China “has become a very fundamental part of our R&D network in many ways.”

The CEO alluded to AstraZeneca’s flurry of China-focused dealmaking over the past two years, which has included acquiring Gracell Biotechnologies and its CD19 dual-targeting autologous CAR-T for $1 billion as well as paying $24 million for the rights to Usynova’s small molecule inhibitor.
AstraZeneca pays $1B to take the wheel of Gracell’s CAR-T ‘fast car’
“We also intend to actually leverage our Chinese presence for cell therapy,” Soriot added. “Cell therapy in China has a very specific aspect to it, which is in the early phase of clinical development you can move much faster than anywhere else in the world.”

He continued: “We have the ability to leverage that specificity, which is mostly regulatory-driven, but also the way people operate, that will help us save time and be much faster."
Scientist in AstraZeneca's Clinical Pharmacology & Safety Sciences lab

A scientist in AstraZeneca's Clinical Pharmacology & Safety Sciences lab in Cambridge, England(AstraZeneca)
“It's important to actually connect with that new world of innovation and partner with it so we can actually benefit from it but also help them globalize their medicines,” the CEO said.
The main event at today’s presentation was unveiling Soriot’s ambition to grow revenues from a 2023 level of $45.8 billion to $80 billion by 2030. This growth will be driven by existing blockbusters Enhertu and Imfinzi as well as a planned launch of 20 new medicines including antibody-drug conjugates and the oral selective estrogen receptor degrader camizestrant.

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AstraZeneca estimates that “many” of these new drugs have the potential to generate more than $5 billion of peak-year revenues. In fact, the $80 billion figure is risk-adjusted, Soriot pointed out, and there is potential to exceed this level if some of the new drugs are “very successful” and stretch to multiple indications.
AstraZeneca prepares fresh COVID push to regulators after antibody's phase 3 success
Beyond China, AstraZeneca hasn’t let up on the drive for dealmaking over the past year, with standouts including the $2 billion acquisition of targeted radiotherapy specialist Fusion Pharmaceuticals in March and the $800 million buyout in March of endocrinology biotech Amolyt Pharma.
The pharma’s M&A strategy “accelerated” over the last 18 months, Soriot said. “Now, the focus of the teams is execution, integration of all these technologies, and we've made very good progress doing this."


Regular Member
May 15, 2024
On Tuesday, #CATL Chairman Zeng Yuqun announced at the 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, World Economic Forum that the company's civilian electric passenger aircraft project is progressing, with an expected range of 2,000-3,000 kilometers by 2027-2028. The 8-ton aircraft, currently under development, follows the successful test flight of a 4-ton electric plane. Additionally, the cost, lifespan, and low-temperature performance of CATL's next-gen sodium-ion batteries, expected next year, will soon be improved.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
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yes troll how many lies?


rankingsort descendingInstituteCountrySizeVisibilityRich Filesscholar
1National Institutes of Health1225
2National Aeronautics and Space Administration731918
3Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS2331932
4Max Planck Gesellschaft452134
5(1)Chinese Academy of Science CAS / 中国科学院32355931
6Centers for Disease Control and Prevention7342842
7US Department of Veterans Affairs5315567
8Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC2660116
9National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration3062268
10Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR2256159
11Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory3726521
12Smithsonian Institution14113171
13US Geological Survey25123266
14National Institute of Standards and Technology42142183
15Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization20321627
16Karlsruher Institüt für Technologie / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology15382435
17US Environmental Protection Agency19883151
18Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique31433650
19Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale108175138
20Argonne National Laboratory162541848
21Oak Ridge National Laboratory240462354
22Fraunhofer Gesellschaft90288767
23Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare62121140
24University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center518111424
25Sloan Kettering Memorial Cancer Center368107626
26Los Alamos National Laboratory246662062
27Commissariat a l'Ënergie Atomique1441572522
28Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique INRA291023552
29Academia Sinica56746264
30Howard Hughes Medical Institute117912310617
31Russian Academy of Sciences14119314213
32National Cancer Institute19820211745
33Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory260705885
34University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center492163736
35Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris273382912
36Mount Sinai Health System New York City70916419423
37European Space Agency2823219303
38Institute of Physical and Chemical Research1541288956
39Brookhaven National Laboratory2091263488
40Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard189191861
41National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology1181255791
42Scripps Research Institute3441122698
43Children's Hospital of Philadelphia5271384774
44Agency for Science, Technology and Research Singapore5552444639
45NYU Langone Medical Center45120319832
46Institut de Recherche pour le Développement652517855
47Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital3349245141
48National Renewable Energy Laboratory5017961171
49Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam10583891025
50Sandia National Laboratories1959765147
51Rand Corporation27630109353
52Jet Propulsion Laboratory502414877
53Johns Hopkins Medicine37045253815
54Natural History Museum London9762102318
55University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio36616730117
56Forschungszentrum Jülich1592365984
57National Bureau of Economic Research119271700181
58Polish Academy of Sciences11027948643
59Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules962394493
60Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory10311317237
61Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften35181120125
62Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute9920038123
63Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences116171103122
64Japan Science & Technology Agency429253858
65Deutsche Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY16721373101
66Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution27710164226
67Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center8982328178
67Institut Pasteur35018452129
69American Museum of Natural History30749114405
70Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle5516595153
71European Bioinformatics Institute EMBL3911839276
72European Southern Observatory4477262308
72Fundação Oswaldo Cruz8315091172
74Leiden University Medical Center6414691251
74UK Meteorological Office25668140325
76National Center for Biotechnology Information259208574
77Wake Forest Baptist Health70521451105
78University Medical Center Utrecht12125463330
79Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations10133411267
80Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas6850117244
80University Health Network17514765338
82Hungarian Academy of Sciences MTA1874287557
83Space Telescope Science Institute15895189252
84Centrum Voor Wiskunde en Informatica67422174780
85Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica2412955095
86Hospital for Sick Children11653274272
87Massachusetts General Hospital539106253810
88Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development12594101210
89Cleveland Clinic34041253834
90Academic Medical Center University of Amsterdam112052813828
91US National Science Foundation7124232860
92German Cancer Research Center6923378468
93Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen5655944346
94University Medical Center Groningen7336271449
95Carnegie Institution for Science79721294129
96International Agency for Research on Cancer60964608328
97Rush University Medical Center82722166138
98Instituto de Salud Carlos III176267228106
99Observatoire de Paris383158266166
100(1)VU University Medical Center Amsterdam5477345541
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Senior Member
Nov 24, 2023
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"This reflects India’s evolving policy and firm stance against adhering to China’s perceived double standards. It highlights India’s readiness to escalate if China continues to ignore its concerns and leverage its position."


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2023
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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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yes yes what about the great smart Chinese scientist who claims more than 50% of prostate cancer is in women great science in fact papers which are seldom quoted and has a lot of plagarism yes great science.

Beijing--Three recent cases of plagiarism by Chinese scientists have triggered a vigorous national discussion of the problem and how institutions should respond. Although Chinese officials took swift action in these cases, there is no consensus on the best way to reduce or eliminate such unethical behavior.

Most important battle in our lives’: 11 Chinese university students overthrow professor accused of faking data

China has named and shamed more than 600 medical workers linked to some 520 faked papers since June 2021, as part of an ongoing crackdown on plagiarism and other misconduct in the medical community that has dented the country’s scholarly reputation.

The faked papers were revealed in a string of statements published from last June to March this year on the website of the Ministry of
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Regular Member
May 15, 2024
Australia quietly expel four Indian spies

The latest eviction of the spies is being hailed as a huge blow to the Modi government in Australia as well

Web Desk
Australia quietly expel four Indian spies

Australia quietly expel four Indian spies
Sydney: Australia has quietly expelled four Indian spies for targeting defense technology, politicians and airport security.
The latest eviction of the spies is being hailed as a huge blow to the Modi government in Australia as well.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in its investigation revealed the expulsion of four spies from India.
Despite strong public relations between Canberra and New Delhi, in 2020 Australian authorities discovered an Indian espionage network aimed at gaining access to defense technology, security protocols, and sensitive information about former and current politicians and to monitor the Indian Australian community.
India's espionage activities have already been exposed in Canada and the US, and a network of spies was being created to influence Australian lawmakers.
In 2021, Australian intelligence chief Mike Burgess uncovered an unnamed ‘network of spies’ in India and exposed spies masquerading as diplomats.
Burgess confirmed that spies posing as diplomats developed relationships with politicians and state police and sought classified information about airport security.
The ABC revealed that the ousted spies were targeting Australian politicians and individuals and organisations associated with defense technologies as a result of the investigation.
However, these spies have been quietly removed from the country by the authorities so as not to be a source of embarrassment and shame for the Modi government, but voices are being raised from within Australia for not publicly condemning espionage.
Greens’ Senator David Shoebridge has demanded that Australia publicly condemn India, that Australia should speak openly about the matter and name the country whose espionage network has been caught.

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