China Economy: News & Discussion


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Sep 5, 2020
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  1. Abundance and Accessibility: Coal is one of the most abundant fossil fuels in the world, with large deposits in various countries including China, the United States, Russia, and India. It is relatively easy to access compared to other energy sources, making it a convenient choice for energy production.
  2. Cost-effectiveness: Historically, coal has been a cost-effective option for generating electricity. The technology for burning coal is well-established and mature, which has led to economies of scale and lower production costs.
  3. Energy Density: Coal has a high energy density, which means a small amount of coal can release a large amount of energy when burned. This is particularly beneficial for electricity generation where large amounts of energy are required.
  4. Job Creation: The coal industry provides numerous job opportunities, from mining to power plant operations, contributing to economic growth and local employment.
  5. Infrastructure: Many countries, especially those with a long history of coal use, have existing infrastructure for coal mining and power generation. This infrastructure can be utilized without the need for significant additional investment.
  6. Energy Security: Coal can contribute to energy security by diversifying the energy mix of a country. Relying less on imported fuels can enhance energy independence.
  7. Technological Advancements: Over the years, there have been significant advancements in clean coal technologies, which aim to reduce the environmental impact of burning coal. These technologies include carbon capture and storage (CCS) and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions.
If you look at satellite images, north east China has the worst SOx pollution in the whole world. Clearly China is burning tons and tons of low grade coal. Coal shortage in China is so high that the residents of NE China have to resort to whatever they can find to gear themselves in the winter. I saw a documentary where Chinese were stealing lumps of coal from a coal yard. Pretty terrible living conditions.


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Sep 5, 2020
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China’s public transit system continues to set world records — here’s what the U.S. could learn
Mike Taylor
August 17, 2023·3 min read

Other countries put the United States’ public transportation systems to shame, and China offers an especially stark comparison.
In an essay for the South China Morning Post, Anthony W.D. Anastasi detailed how the U.S. could take a cue from the Asian power by investing dramatically in public transit to fuel the economy, create jobs, help low-income communities, reduce emissions, and revitalize urban areas.
Anastasi returned to Florida this summer after three-and-a-half years abroad and found getting around without a vehicle difficult. He suggested the U.S. should go far beyond its recent steps in infrastructure investment.
What is China’s public transit like?

There are subway, light rail, tram, and maglev systems in China, many of which debuted in the last 20 years.
The country is home to the three fastest high-speed trains in the world, according to Railway Technology, and nine of the 10 longest metro rails, per Railway Gazette Group. The star may be the Shanghai Transrapid, also known as the Shanghai Maglev (for magnetic levitation), which is the fastest train of its kind.
As part of the China Railway 450 Technology Innovation Project, the country is also poised to debut the fastest high-speed train in the world, which has set a record of 453 kilometers (281 miles) per hour.
Even at such high speeds, China’s bullet trains offer incredibly smooth rides. This was especially apparent in a viral Reddit post in which a passenger balanced a coin on its end on a windowsill while their train traveled at 348 kmh (216 mph).
This year alone, China has committed $1.8 trillion to transport, expanded energy generation capabilities, and created industrial parks. According to Anastasi, that’s more than three times the U.S.’ $550 billion investment in new transport, broadband, and utilities over five years via the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
“During my years in Shanghai, I have never had the need to own a car,” Anastasi wrote in the Morning Post. “Shanghai’s 19-line, 802 km-long subway system is an incredible way to get around. Not only has it saved me money, when compared to my life in South Florida, but it has also made me healthier, thanks to walking more.”
Why is this important?
Countries worldwide must find ways to reduce their use of dirty energy to keep warming temperatures from rising more than the 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels.
In 2019, personal vehicles in the U.S. accounted for 58% of transportation emissions. The typical automobile emits 4.6 metric tons (about 5.1 tons) of carbon dioxide per year.
China accounts for one-third of global carbon dioxide emissions but intends for that output to peak by 2030 and to become carbon-neutral by 2060.
“Embracing a public transport system like China’s offers a sustainable solution that would help combat climate change and create a more beautiful environment,” Anastasi wrote. “By adopting buses, subways, and trains on a larger scale, the U.S. can significantly reduce its carbon footprint, leading to cleaner air and a healthier planet for future generations.”
How can the U.S. follow China’s lead?
It would take a massive investment, but Anastasi argued that such a move would “fuel economic growth.”
“By expanding public transport infrastructure, the U.S. could generate millions of immediate job opportunities across construction, operations, and maintenance,” he wrote.
“Additionally, accessible public transport connects low-income earners to employment centers, empowering them to secure jobs they previously could not reach. This inclusivity not only boosts individual livelihoods but also expands the overall labor force, fostering productivity and driving long-term economic growth.”
A public transit revolution could transform U.S. cities and suburbs. More importantly, it might help the country meet its goal of cutting emissions in half from 2005 levels by 2030.

This author does not realize that density in the US is very less and therefore long distance HSR is unviable. The US is working on implementing short distance HSR/semi HSR where viable, like in California, Texas, Florida. So they are doing according to their needs. HSR is an old technology that anyone can implement if they have money and a need. Remember the US and UK flew Concorde passenger planes across the Atlantic with distance between NY and London traveled in just 4 hours. If they can do that, HSR is no big deal. Pointing out that the US is behind in HSR miles is a laughable propaganda.


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Sep 5, 2020
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What about Native Americans, Asians, AfricAn-Americans?
No one stops them from innovating. Several Indian Americans have won Nobel prizes and Field medals in science, engineering and mathematics areas. The guy who invented the USB was an Indian America, for example. The guy who invented and popularized high fidelity sounds was an Indian American too - look up BOSE Systems. The key engineer responsible for power efficient AMD chips, which is a raging success now, is an Indian American too. And a lot more. But hardware innovations now happen more outside the US but the US is still able to produce innovations like SpaceX, NVIDIA, OpenAI etc.


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2021
If you look at satellite images, north east China has the worst SOx pollution in the whole world. Clearly China is burning tons and tons of low grade coal. Coal shortage in China is so high that the residents of NE China have to resort to whatever they can find to gear themselves in the winter. I saw a documentary where Chinese were stealing lumps of coal from a coal yard. Pretty terrible living conditions.

India was declared as the third-most polluted country in 2023, after Bangladesh and Pakistan, according to a report released by Swiss air quality monitoring body, IQAir.

According to the ‘World Air Quality Report 2023’, with an average annual PM2.5 concentration of 54.4 micrograms per cubic metre, India had the third worst air quality out of 134 countries in 2023 after Bangladesh (79.9 micrograms per cubic metre) and Pakistan (73.7 micrograms per cubic metre)

In 2022, India was ranked as the eighth most polluted country with an average PM2.5 concentration of 53.3 micrograms per cubic metre.

Meanwhile, in the report’s list of the top 50 most polluted cities in the world, 42 cities were in India. Begusarai was the most polluted metropolitan area of 2023, followed by Guwahati and then Delhi.

Located in Bihar, Begusarai had an average PM 2.5 concentration of 118.9 micrograms per cubic metre last year, marking a huge jump from an average of 19.7 micrograms per cubic metre in 2022. The city did not even figure in the 2022 rankings.


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Mar 11, 2021
Chinese company signs MoU with Ethiopia to light up off-grid areas
(Xinhua) 09:44, April 15, 2024
ADDIS ABABA, April 13 (Xinhua) -- The Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU) and Chinese telecom company Huawei signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Friday to bring electricity to people living in off-grid areas of Ethiopia.

The MoU, signed at the Ethiopia Green Energy Summit 2024 in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, is part of the national electrification project that aims to achieve universal access to electricity in the East African country by 2030, according to Shiferaw Telila, chief executive officer (CEO) of the EEU.

Telila said the EEU would work with Huawei to use solar energy to light up off-grid areas, which refer to locations that are not connected to the national electricity network.

"The MoU focuses on partnering with Huawei to accelerate the digitization of electricity, build and maintain data centers, and expand electric vehicle charging in Ethiopia," said Telila.

Speaking to Xinhua, Liu Jifan, CEO of Huawei Ethiopia, said the agreement aims to deepen cooperation between the EEU and Huawei to promote efficient green technology solutions in the country.

"We are providing off-grid technology solutions to Ethiopia and want to be part of the country's clean energy development," said Liu.

According to official statistics, Ethiopia's current energy production is heavily dependent on hydropower, which accounts for about 90 percent of energy production. Ethiopia has the potential to generate more than 60,000 megawatts of electricity from renewable energy sources, including wind, solar and geothermal.


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Mar 11, 2021
Work Starts on French Auto Parts Giant Valeo’s USD400.7 Million Shanghai Plant

Work Starts on French Auto Parts Giant Valeo’s USD400.7 Million Shanghai Plant
Work Starts on French Auto Parts Giant Valeo’s USD400.7 Million Shanghai Plant
(Yicai) April 12 -- Construction on Valeo’s new factory for driver assistance systems costing CNY2.9 billion (USD400.7 million) got underway in Shanghai earlier this week, as the French car components maker continues to invest heavily in China’s automobile industry.
Building of the 30,000-square-meter plant started on April 10 in Jiading district, the city's car manufacturing hub, China Securities Journal reported today. It will produce cameras for unmanned vehicles, LIDAR, domain controllers and chip-binding equipment.
It only took three months to start construction after signing the contract, six months faster than expected, thanks to the support of the Shanghai government, said Xu Kelin, general manager of Valeo Intelligent Transportation Systems Shanghai.
The new factory should be up and running as soon as the first half next year, Xu said. When operating at full blast, it will have an annual output of CNY2.5 billion (USD345.4 million).
Valeo has been hiking investment in China in recent years. In January, the Paris-based company said it will invest USD100 million in a facility in Changshu, eastern Jiangsu province that will make lights for cars.
And last May, its CNY1.1 billion (USD152 million) smart manufacturing center in Shenzhen was put into operation and it set up a driver assistance system R&D center in Shanghai.
Despite high labor costs in Shanghai and the rest of the Yangtze River Delta, Valeo continues to invest in the region because it recognizes the value of the country’s high-tech talent force in electrification and intelligentization, Zhou Song, president of Valeo China, told Yicai last month.
China now accounts for around 17 percent of Valeo’s total revenue, according to its latest annual report. Last year, Valeo’s China revenue soared 10.4 percent to CNY30 billion (USD4.1 billion).
Valeo entered China in 1994 and now has 35 plants and 14 research and development centers with around 18,000 local employees, including 4,500 R&D workers.


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Mar 11, 2021
Reporter visits CR450 Critical Systems Laboratory

High-speed rail is a successful example of China's independent innovation and an important embodiment of new quality productivity. Since entering the "14th Five-Year Plan", China's high-speed rail has been leading the world at the same time, constantly developing new technologies and developing new products. The CR450 scientific and technological innovation project led by China Railway Group is currently being fully promoted, which is a key measure to aim at the future development of high-speed rail and strive to achieve higher speed commercial operation of high-speed rail.

CR450 science and technology innovation project mainly includes CR450 EMU and 400 km/h high-speed rail lines, Bridges, tunnels and other infrastructure technology innovation. At present, the CR450 EMU sample is stepping up development, sample when the production line? What new technologies are needed to increase train speed? How to drive the development of related industries in the future? Together into the CR450 EMU sample car development line ↓↓↓

Reporter visits CR450

Critical systems laboratory

Into the CR450 EMU key system laboratory, Zhao Hongwei, chief researcher of the China Academy of Railway Sciences, first took reporters to see the digital model of the braking system. In her view, from 350 kilometers per hour to 400 kilometers per hour, the most critical technology is not whether it can run, but whether it can stop, stop steadily, and stop accurately.

Zhao Hongwei, chief researcher of China Academy of Railway Sciences: The most important thing is the braking system, which must be able to stop. Our technical specifications at the top level require that the braking distance should be consistent with the braking distance of the CR400 at 350 kilometers per hour, which is also 6500 meters, and the braking capacity of the entire train must be improved.

The reporter then simulated the brakes, and the large screen showed obvious changes in the brake cylinder data module, which was obtained from hundreds of real test records.

The red-hot disc in the lens is the brake disc being tested. It gradually changes from black to red and then from red to black under simulated extreme conditions, and the temperature difference can exceed 700 ° C. The data accumulated in the process of change will be stored in the "smart brain", build a digital model, and carry out precise calculations for each link.

Zhao Hongwei, Chief researcher of China Academy of Railway Sciences: Our original CR400 braking response time is about 2.3 seconds, this time we want to increase to 1.7 seconds, the response time can further compress the braking distance of the train.

Not just braking systems, but every critical system, from traction power to network control to safety monitoring, has its own digital model. Through precise calculations, they found the key to making the train run fast, stop steadily, and consume less energy, that is, to make its "physical strength" stronger and "weight" lighter.

Zhao Hongwei, chief researcher at the China Academy of Railway Sciences: If we want to reach 400 kilometers per hour, we still need to increase the power. The traction power of the CR400 is 9,600 kilowatts, and on the CR450 the power reaches 11,000 kilowatts, and we also reduce the weight of the train.

A number of technical breakthroughs

Make sure the CR450 reaches 400 km/h

According to the known test data, the weight of the CR450 car is about 10 tons, which is about 12% less than the existing CR400 Fuxing train; At the same time, the operating resistance and energy consumption indicators are reduced by 20%; Braking performance and traction efficiency are improved by 20% and 3% respectively, so that the train can achieve an operating speed increase of 50 kilometers per hour to 400 kilometers per hour while the braking distance, noise and energy consumption indicators are unchanged.

The CR450 EMU prototype will roll off the production line this year

Since September 2017, the Fuxing CR400, China's standard EMU, has been put into operation on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail line, setting a new benchmark for high-speed rail operation speed in the world at 350 km/h.

What new breakthroughs will be achieved in the speed of the CR450 EMU being developed, and when will it be off the line?

In the welding workshop of CRRC Changke, rows of robotic hands are welding CR450 bogies. The staff told reporters that the factory mainly uses robots to replace manual welding, and the production efficiency is greatly improved.

Xie Yuanli, chief operator of CRRC Changke Co., LTD. : The improvement of speed grade has put forward higher requirements for our welding process. Robot welding is completely in accordance with the walking path edited by the program, avoiding the interference of human factors, and can achieve no defects.

The development of the CR450 EMU is another technological breakthrough on the basis of the Fuxing CR400, the Chinese standard EMU that came off the production line in 2017, and the train's operating speed will be increased from 350 km to 400 km.

Since its launch in 2021, the CR450 Science and Technology Innovation Project has completed the development of 17 prototypes of new technology components, carried out 57 scientific research tests on CR400 comprehensive detection trains, and set new records for single EMU open line speed of 453 kilometers per hour, relative rendezvous speed of 891 kilometers per hour and tunnel rendezvous speed of 840 kilometers per hour.

Zhang Dayong, Director of the Science, Technology and Information Department of China Railway Group: At present, important progress has been made in the technological innovation of railway infrastructure with a speed of 400 km/h and the construction of a comprehensive test section with a higher speed. The CR450 EMU has completed the formulation of the top-level index and the overall plan, and has entered the construction design and sample vehicle development stage. The sample vehicle will be rolled off the production line within the year, and a series of tests will be carried out.

New lightweight materials are widely used

Leverage the big market of high-speed rail

The reporter learned in the interview that according to the design requirements, the CR450 EMU will increase its speed by 50 kilometers per hour at the same time, and the noise and energy consumption and other environmental indicators will not exceed the CR400 Fuxing train. This is due to the application of lightweight and efficient new materials and new technologies, at the same time, these new materials and new technologies have also led to the continuous upgrading of the high-speed rail industry chain.

The permanent magnet motor of CR450 traction system is the first application in China's commercial operation of high-speed trains. In the working state, it is charged at more than two thousand volts, one hundred revolutions per second, and the power is increased by 14.5%.

More than just permanent magnet materials containing rare metals, CR450 EMU uses a large number of carbon fiber composite materials, which have lower density than traditional materials, and have a series of technical indicators such as lightweight, high strength, high temperature resistance, fatigue resistance, etc., providing a preferred solution for high-speed train lightweight, which is conducive to vehicle weight reduction, speed increase and energy consumption reduction.

Nie Ying, overall senior director designer of CRRC Sifang high-speed EMU: What I am holding in my hand is a carbon fiber gaskets. Like CR450, equipment compartment and obstacle exhauster are all made of carbon fiber materials, which can reduce the weight by 30% compared with traditional materials, so that the body is lighter and the energy consumption is lower.

From 300 km/h to 350 km/h to 400 km/h, high-speed rail trains are running faster and faster, not only the materials are getting new, but also the entire high-speed rail industry chain is constantly improving and upgrading. At present, China has built characteristic industrial clusters closely related to high-speed rail in Changchun, Jilin Province, Qingdao, Shandong Province and Zhuzhou, Hunan Province.

Zhao Hongwei, chief researcher of China Academy of Railway Sciences: Like some host companies, they have a lot of supporting suppliers around them, forming an industrial scale of 100 billion. The development of high-speed rail has a very large pulling effect on the entire industrial transformation and upgrading.

Data Insights:

"Number" said high-speed rail scientific and technological innovation

The CR450 EMU, which will be offline within the year, will promote the technological innovation of China's high-speed railway EMU and infrastructure system, and fill the gap in the technical standard system of high-speed rail at 400 km/h. The relevant scientific research results obtained by the CR450 science and technology innovation project will be widely used in the field of railway construction and operation, further enhance the self-reliance ability of railway science and technology, and consolidate and expand China's world-leading advantage in high-speed rail technology.

Scientific and technological innovation makes high-speed trains run faster and faster. Relying on independent innovation, China's high-speed rail has continuously improved the level of infrastructure and mobile equipment, step by step, experienced 200 km/h, 250 km/h, 300 km/h, 350 km/h, and will open a new era of 400 km/h in the future. Today, China's high-speed railways have formed the world's largest operating network, with more than 45,000 kilometers of domestic traffic. Fuxing trains have reached 31 provinces, regions and municipalities, and more than 2.2 billion people have traveled on Fuxing trains.

Scientific and technological innovation brings the distance closer and closer. From 350 km/h to 400 km/h, the speed is increased by 50 km/h, which is not only a number, but also a reconstruction of space-time distance. The research shows that the best travel distance is less than 800 kilometers by taking the EMU at more than 200 kilometers per hour; At a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, the best travel distance is about 1,200 kilometers; At 400 km/h, the optimal travel distance will be extended to 1600 km.

Scientific and technological innovation makes the industry bigger and bigger. A train of Fuxing EMU is composed of about 500,000 parts, covering many technical fields such as machinery, metallurgy, materials, power electronics, chemical industry, information control, computers, precision instruments and so on. China Railway Group has led the establishment of a railway science and technology innovation alliance covering key enterprises, universities and research institutions inside and outside the railway industry to achieve deep integration of industry, university and research. From research and development, manufacturing, to operation and maintenance services of the whole chain of coordinated development, has formed 260 independent technical systems, design and production of EMU parts of the core enterprises more than 100, more than 2,100 associated enterprises, covering more than 20 provinces and municipalities in China.




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Nov 1, 2022
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India was declared as the third-most polluted country in 2023, after Bangladesh and Pakistan, according to a report released by Swiss air quality monitoring body, IQAir.

According to the ‘World Air Quality Report 2023’, with an average annual PM2.5 concentration of 54.4 micrograms per cubic metre, India had the third worst air quality out of 134 countries in 2023 after Bangladesh (79.9 micrograms per cubic metre) and Pakistan (73.7 micrograms per cubic metre)

In 2022, India was ranked as the eighth most polluted country with an average PM2.5 concentration of 53.3 micrograms per cubic metre.

Meanwhile, in the report’s list of the top 50 most polluted cities in the world, 42 cities were in India. Begusarai was the most polluted metropolitan area of 2023, followed by Guwahati and then Delhi.

Located in Bihar, Begusarai had an average PM 2.5 concentration of 118.9 micrograms per cubic metre last year, marking a huge jump from an average of 19.7 micrograms per cubic metre in 2022. The city did not even figure in the 2022 rankings.
But chang, India's a third world country with a per capita income of < 2800 USD & a GDP of < 4 trillion USD whereas China's a developed nation with a > 12500 USD per capita income & a > 20 trillion USD economy. With your resources it's a shame that you're one of the biggest polluters.

China still commissions nearly 2-3 thermal power plants run on the most polluting of all fuels COAL every week in spite of being an electricity surplus economy . > 60% of China's energy mix comes from coal. It's a shame CCP isn't acknowledging the problem at all & continues to contribute to climate change


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Jan 12, 2020
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But chang, India's a third world country with a per capita income of < 2800 USD & a GDP of < 4 trillion USD whereas China's a developed nation with a > 12500 USD per capita income & a > 20 trillion USD economy. With your resources it's a shame that you're one of the biggest polluters.

China still commissions nearly 2-3 thermal power plants run on the most polluting of all fuels COAL every week in spite of being an electricity surplus economy . > 60% of China's energy mix comes from coal. It's a shame CCP isn't acknowledging the problem at all & continues to contribute to climate change
he also forgets China is there and part of the pollution in India is due to desert dust, no one says we all do not need to care for the environment, what is annoying is the propaganda China has not cities with really bad quality.

In fact China still is a country with the worst cities in air pollution


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2021
But chang, India's a third world country with a per capita income of < 2800 USD & a GDP of < 4 trillion USD whereas China's a developed nation with a > 12500 USD per capita income & a > 20 trillion USD economy. With your resources it's a shame that you're one of the biggest polluters.

China still commissions nearly 2-3 thermal power plants run on the most polluting of all fuels COAL every week in spite of being an electricity surplus economy . > 60% of China's energy mix comes from coal. It's a shame CCP isn't acknowledging the problem at all & continues to contribute to climate change
China does not have a surplus of electricity.

China is the largest producer of nuclear, wind and photovoltaic power


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2021
he also forgets China is there and part of the pollution in India is due to desert dust, no one says we all do not need to care for the environment, what is annoying is the propaganda China has not cities with really bad quality.

In fact China still is a country with the worst cities in air pollution
Research shows that over half of Delhi's pollution stems from vehicular emissions. This is followed by smoke from coal-fired industries, burning of waste and dust from construction sites.


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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China does not have a surplus of electricity.

China is the largest producer of nuclear, wind and photovoltaic power
China is alarge electricty producer but the consumption pattern demands more electricity Industrial producction for goods that will generate trash and will recieve tariffs, Ideally and is what you do not want to acknowledge is all countries need to have a productive industry because local production reduces trasnportation of goods, help local economies, and another important aspect other countries have cleaner electricity production, thus China is polluting for just consumism


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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China does not have a surplus of electricity.

China is the largest producer of nuclear, wind and photovoltaic power

You've one third of the global power generation capacity Chang. Why do you need so much electricity? of 2022, China was,percent of the total consumption.

You consume 55% of the total consumption of coal in the world. What do you do with so much coal? Barbecue bats on it?


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Jan 12, 2020
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Studies show that more than half of Delhi's pollution comes from vehicle emissions, followed by soot from coal-burning industries, waste burning and dust from construction sites.
PM or particulate matter depending in the size but PM5 can be also pollen or dust.
India like any country need to clean the air but if you look at China western part also has PM pollution due to dust.

Is everything pollen? not of course not but among the most polluted cities in the world, China still has many and in CO2 emissions you surpass India



Senior Member
Mar 11, 2021
China is alarge electricty producer but the consumption pattern demands more electricity Industrial producction for goods that will generate trash and will recieve tariffs, Ideally and is what you do not want to acknowledge is all countries need to have a productive industry because local production reduces trasnportation of goods, help local economies, and another important aspect other countries have cleaner electricity production, thus China is polluting for just consumism
There is no perfect model of development,

If so, please let me know


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2021

You've one third of the global power generation capacity Chang. Why do you need so much electricity? of 2022, China was,percent of the total consumption.

You consume 55% of the total consumption of coal in the world. What do you do with so much coal? Barbecue bats on it?
Per capita electricity generation in the United States is much higher than in China,

China is catching up with the US.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Per capita electricity generation in the United States is much higher than in China,

China is catching up with the US.
What are you blabbering about Chang? What's per capita electricity consumption got to do with net consumption & more importantly pollution? The US isn't using coal or other polluting fuels on the scale China does. Why do you need so much electricity?


Senior Member
Jan 12, 2020
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There is no perfect model of development,

If so, please let me know
we are not politicians at least me I am not, I am just a high school teacher and environmentalist, however the Chinese model is unviable, because it is a consumist model, ironic that communist or so called communist have taken the capitalist consumist polluting model.

the public transportation in China has done some good steps, but selling goods and overcapacity means other countries need their own industries,

Pollution is not unique to China.

this is where my father lives, I can tell you pollution kills get us sick and if not solved will destroy your economy

Drought and heat waves cause crises in the world's hydroelectric plants
The effects of global warming have caused a decrease in hydroelectric energy production worldwide.

Hydropower production fell 75 terawatt-hours in Europe this year through September, more than Greece's annual consumption, and fell 30 percent in China last month. In the United States, generation is expected to fall to the lowest level in six years between September and October.

Last edited:


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2021

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