AWACS will change Asia's military dynamics


New Member
Oct 14, 2009
Strong in Radar , Avionics systems and Powerplant ! Formidable !


Member of The Month JANUARY 2010
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Aug 14, 2009
India's second AWACS (KW3552) undergoing trials in Tel-Aviv. September 2009.​

Copyrights: Seigi


Member of The Month JANUARY 2010
New Member
Aug 14, 2009
KW-3551 (First one) by Seigi in Tel-Aviv awesome shots:goodstuff::goodstuff:



Global Defence Moderator
New Member
Apr 20, 2009
or rather the other way round the KJ-2000 is a clone of the IAI Phalcon/A-50I


Founding Member
New Member
Feb 17, 2009
it looks like a clone of KJ2000
You are right, similarly in a manner, F-16 is a clone of J-10, Mig-21 is a clone of F-7, Mig-19 is a clone of J-7 and J-8. World is doing everything it can to steal and copy Chinese technology.:twizt:


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
True, KJ2000 was copied from this, so obviously they look like one another :D
well, Israel revised the layout of Phalcon according to the suggestion of the chief-engineer of KJ2000,Mr.Wang Xiaomo.

at that time ,Mr. Wang xiaomo as the leader of Chinese engineer team in Isarel suggested that the inital layout of Phalcon cause blind area of radar and recommended the current layout.
here is the inital layout of Phalcon. its radars are posted on the two sides of airframe and has not the mushroom.

the layout are adopted by both Phalcon and KJ2000.

To some extent, Phalcon and KJ2000 are actually two varieties of the same project cooperated by Israel and CHina.
they are twins,instead of clones.


On Vacation!
New Member
Apr 5, 2009
well, Israel revised the layout of Phalcon according to the suggestion of the chief-engineer of KJ2000,Mr.Wang Xiaomo.

at that time ,Mr. Wang xiaomo as the leader of Chinese engineer team in Isarel suggested that the inital layout of Phalcon cause blind area of radar and recommended the current layout.
here is the inital layout of Phalcon. its radars are posted on the two sides of airframe and has not the mushroom.

the layout are adopted by both Phalcon and KJ2000.

To some extent, Phalcon and KJ2000 are actually two varieties of the same project cooperated by Israel and CHina.
Such rotodome designs on AWAVS have existed even before Israel started making AWACS. So, take your BS somewhere else.


Founding Member
New Member
Feb 17, 2009
well, Israel revised the layout of Phalcon according to the suggestion of the chief-engineer of KJ2000,Mr.Wang Xiaomo.

here is the inital layout of Phalcon. its radars are posted on the two sides of airframe and has not the mushroom.

at that time ,Mr. Wang xiaomo as the leader of Chinese engineer team in Isarel suggest that the inital layout cause blind area of radar and recommend the current layout.

the layout are adopted by both Phalcon and KJ2000.

To some extent, Phalcon and KJ2000 are two varieties of the same project cooperated by Israel and CHina.
Oh yes, this is the reason, why every major country including US, Russia, Europe, India, Isreal first approch Chinese leader in his tample for his blessings and accordingly worship him. This is the reason why we see, E-2 sentry hawkye in US, A-50 in Russia and Phalcon in India and Isreal. Soon all this country going to build a Temple to worship such a great chinese leader and spread his preaching among their masses.:viannen_51:


Global Defence Moderator
New Member
Apr 20, 2009
:rofl: :rofl: sure thing Zoomji all hail Baddy


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
Such rotodome designs on AWAVS have existed even before Israel started making AWACS. So, take your BS somewhere else.
for your reference....Phalcon is the first AWAC with AESA radar..which made Phalcon feasible to abandon traditional design of rotodome at first...because AESA radar need not whirl at all.


Founding Member
New Member
Feb 17, 2009
for your reference....Phalcon is the first AWAC with AESA radar..which made Phalcon feasible to abandon traditional design of rotodome at first...because AESA radar need not whirl at all.
Thank God, above post is testimony to the fact that Chinese leader has finally woken up and certainly became happy from continous worshipping by major countries, as result of this he made such path breaking discovery as spouted above. We should all highly graceful about such blessings. In fact, he is now in the process of blessing US to help them made F-23, a close cousin of F-22, but only with silver colour hair and oversize breast like design. Badguy, please keep up such update.:help::help::help:


New Member
May 25, 2009
for your reference....Phalcon is the first AWAC with AESA radar..which made Phalcon feasible to abandon traditional design of rotodome at first...because AESA radar need not whirl at all.
The A-50 first entered service in the Soviet Union in 1984. It was based on the IL-76 platform and carried a Mechanically steered array. The Chinese tried getting an AESA based A-50 in 2000, which was sanctioned by the US. The Israelis signed the AESA based A-50 with India in 2002 after the China deal failed. The Condor sold to Chile was based on the Boeing 707 while the Indian Phalcon is based on the IL-76. The Russians supplied both India and China with the platform. The Israelis supplied India with the AESA radar while China has tried making one on their own based on whatever they could get from Israel.

The AWACS with China and India look the same, but they are different in capability.

The Indian Phalcon has 3 AESAs in the rotodome. That means, they needn't whirl and will get a 360deg surveillance every 2 seconds.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Oct 10, 2009
Country flag
Indian AWACS History

Contrary to popular perception The Phalcon is not the first AWACS operated by the IAF, there are rumors of the IAF having operated the Tu-126 Moss in 1971(The IAF has never admitted the same) the IAF has also operated two leased Beriev A-50 mainstays from Russia during 2000.The berievs were apparently used to familiarize crews with how an AWACS inside an Il-76 is laid out.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has been keen to acquire an effective AWACS system for many years to give it a competitive edge in it’s long running dispute with Pakistan. In early April 2000 Russia agreed to lease two A-50 Mainstay aircraft to the IAF and during July 2000 these aircraft were used along the border with Pakistan to see exactly how far inside the other country the radar could identify targets. Eventually in 2004 India decided not to buy the A-50 Mainstay ‘off-the-shelf’ and instead concluded a $1.1 billion deal with Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) for them to install a version of their Phalcon radar on three IL-76MD aircraft. The first aircraft was delivered from the Tashket factory in Uzbekistan to the IAI factory in Israel in Apr 2005 and the other two following in May and June 2005. The first IL-76MD fitted with the Phalcon radar will be delivered around Dec 2007, with the second aircraft following in Sep 2008 and the final aircraft in Mar 2009. These aircraft will probably work alongside a number of smaller Embraer EMB-145 AEW aircraft, equipped with a phased array radar developed in India by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in a seven year programme costing $3,88.9 million. Currently it is planned to mount the radar above the fuselage in a similar manner to the Ericsson PS-890 Erieye radar.

The IAF couldn't have done so without achieving air superiority. The latter also
allowed the IAF to fly more photo-reconnaissance missions for accurate damage assessment. The IAF's
performance (in some cases) was so good that some authors [26] began to estimate that the missions were
conducted under AWACS control of a 'loaned' Soviet Tu-126 Moss
. Both Yeager and Russian personnel [
Source see attached file also Wikipedia says the same read the page on Tu-126

Quickgun Murugan

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
Few questions

Where is first phalcon AWACS stationed and where is the 2nd one going to be stationed?

Which fighter plane is likely to escort this beauty and how many?

Now Phalcon AWACS operate in IL 76 platform right? After Russian AF grounded IL 76 planes, shouldn't IAF be worried about carrying such AWACS in IL 76 platform? Can Phalcon be fitted in C-17 globemaster?

Have IAF started the data integration process of the AWACS with its fighters?


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
Where is first phalcon AWACS stationed and where is the 2nd one going to be stationed?
agra. most probably the next two also.

Which fighter plane is likely to escort this beauty and how many?
my guess- su 30mki or mig 29s.

Now Phalcon AWACS operate in IL 76 platform right? After Russian AF grounded IL 76 planes, shouldn't IAF be worried about carrying such AWACS in IL 76 platform?
they have not grounded like the russians. so safe to assume they have checked and validated. btw IAF is known to be good in maintainence. malaysia also services its migs in india.

Have IAF started the data integration process of the AWACS with its fighters?
must have started but will be fully utilised when AFNET is in full operation.


New Member
Oct 20, 2009

India is reviving the development of an indigenous Airborne Early Warning And Control System (AEWACS), which it had abandoned in 1999. “We have submitted a proposal to build an AEWACS with a next-generation active phased-array radar installed on a smaller aircraft, unlike the rotating antenna in the earlier Airborne Surveillance Platform (ASP),” said K.U. Limaye, director, Centre for Air Borne Systems (CABS). Limaye, who is also Director of the Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE) of the state-owned Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), added that the airborne radar could be integrated on a Brazilian Embraer 145 aircraft.

The new AEWACS' mission avionics and sensors will be integrated via a dual MIL-STD 1533 B digital databus, with software programmes providing tactical aids, cues and alerts. The mission system will provide automatic radar control, automatic detection and track initiation, reduced false alarms, improved track continuity, sensor and databus fusion and modern communications management. It will also provide adaptive tracking performance, fast track update rate, reliable local situation display and computer-assisted decisions.

The LRDE-developed roof-mounted radar will be an active phased-array, pulse compression, Doppler radar operating in the S-band. The fixed antenna, with extremely low sidelobe levels, will comprise 200 transmitter/receiver modules mounted on top of the aircraft's fuselage. The best range performance will be achieved in a 150 degree sector sideways, with the performance reduced in forward and aft directions outside of this sector. The instrumented range will be 243nm and the typical detection range for a combat aircraft-sized contact will be 190nm. The radar's electronically scanning beam will be controlled by an automatic and intelligent energy management system which will optimise the beam position and compared to conventional, rotodome solutions, will provide quicker detection verification, increased tracking range, and improved tracking performance even for highly manoeuvring targets.

Work on the ASP's Technology Demonstrator (TD) began in earnest and the first flight of the TD, an Avro HS-748 twin-turboprop aircraft equipped with a rotodome fabricated by BAE Systems, took place in November 1991 at the ASTE's Bangalore facility. By 1994, the LRDE and state-owned Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) had completed development and fabrication of the ASP's radar and related electronics and a fresh round of technology evaluation and flight testing got underway, following a funding of Rs 250 million from the DRDO. By mid-1996, work on most aspects of the AWACS project had been completed, and the LRDE radar demonstrated an effective range of 300km when called upon to detect a low-flying target cruising at Mach 1.5 speed. However, the sole ASP TD perished in a fatal crash at Arrakonam near Chennai in January 1999, killing eight personnel, and the ASWAC project was consequently put on hold.

-- From Force Magazine - April 2004

Within two months of signing the $1.1-billion Phalcon Airborne Early Warning and Control Systems contract, India is looking to revive its own $400-million AWACS project.

To be called the Mini-AWACS system, the project harkens back to the indigenous airborne surveillance platform (ASP) effort shelved by India's Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) in 1999 after a modified Avro HS-748 crashed, killing four scientists and four air force officers on board. The accident was blamed on a rotodome that blew off, indicating a failure in the modification process.

However, this time DRDO is expected to mount the Mini-AWACS' phased-array radar on an in-production executive jet, according to K.U. Limaye, director of the Electronics and Radar Development Establishment and head of CABS. An experimental radar is already in testing, he added.

-- India's Big AWACS Plans; Mini-concept provides another chance to use research begun in 1999 from AWST - April 2004

In addition to these India has been offered full transfer of technology of the latest Super Hornet's AN/APG-79 AESA radar technology if it chooses the Super Hornet in its presently active 9 billion $ tender.
Sir, i beg to differ on you regarding the complete ToT of APG - 79. I am well awar of the present discussion that is going on & US has agreed to provide india with unpreceedented ToT in SH but complete ToT of APG- 79 seems impossible at this moment as USA dosnt seem to have come up with an AWAC which is way better than APG - 79. Even APG 77 , though some what better in crude power generation, it is not substantially better than APG 79 in performance. For most of the mainstay USAF figheter jets of 4.5 gen will continue to have APG 79 as the standered radar for a long time to come.So its unlikely that US will share its frontline tech of such a vital importance with another country.

