AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)


New Member
Dec 26, 2013
@Kunal Biswas

whats wrong with u man?
I can't even post something which is right giving examples??

The post was highly detailed and not a troll post.
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Mar 6, 2011
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India plans to kick-off its own fifth-generation fighter aircraft (AMCA) development project this year.

In due time we will hear "informed opinions" like "we should not sanction 4000 crore and proceed on AMCA project ,before tejas mk2 is finished, " from about to retire Imported Air Force Chair marshals of Vayu stratpost fartfest fame ,and "fake deafness analysts" , oblivious to the fact that china is flight testing two stealth fighters without finishing J-10 B.

Lets hope the current government (unlike the previous one which out AMCA on back burner citing delays in tejas mk1 FOC) has the head to see through the motivations of such voices. Increasing both financial and man power resources to both the projects is the solution. It is no movie Q to wait patiently awaiting the turn of AMCA after Tejas mk2 is done.


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Mar 6, 2011
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Solution is simple,,what i proposed above.

We cannot match a 9 trillion economy growing at 7%.

What was needed was smart choice and pakfa stage 1 was much much better for considering our paltry growth rate of 5% now.
We simply cannot start inducting 3-4 new frames at the same time.
Right course is to ditch super expensive rafale and concentrate on affordable Tejas mk1 and mk2 , Su-30 MKIs with super sukhoi upgradation and concentrate on FGFA and AMCA for future.

WHo told you 5 percent growth rate for a trillion dollar economy in these troubled economic times where countries are fighting to stay out of deflation is just "paltry"?

Even if growth rate dips to 0 percent next year china is never going to stop investing in its jet engine and 5th gen plane development.

That is the trouble with you here, You are neither economist or a defence expert to club such disparate things in such trivial manner to profess your gratuitous advice to government of india on matters that are far above your comprehension.
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Feb 17, 2009
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we need 10,000 crores of investment in this and we have to make sure that this money stays in India. That way we will have complete eco system for the plane.

We need to hire people for defence. I read some place that we have less then 20,000 people employed in defence production in private sector.


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Mar 6, 2011
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DRDO budget, difference between projection and actual allocation.

Year -------- Projection------ Allocation(in crores)

2009-10-------- 9516.63------ 8514.81
2010-11 -------- 11754.41----- 10210.33
2011-12-------- 14848.87 ------ 10014.31
2012-13 -------- 14463.66 ------ 9884.94
2013-14 ------- 16483.28 ------ 10930.17
2014-15 ------- 18495.46 ------- 15282.92


8. The Committee note that at present 7809 number of scientists (including Service Officers and Work Officers) are working in
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) against the sanctioned strength of 7932 (including 7255 Scientists, 623 Service Officers an
d 54 Work Officers) (as per Govt. Orders in 2001)

The Committee also note that while the number of projects have grown multi-fold in terms of size and technological complexity keeping in view India's strategic and tactical defence requirements but there has been no increase of scientific manpower in DRDO since 2001. The Committee feel that scientific manpower in DRDO should commensurate with the R&D requirements and projects undertaken. As intimated by the Ministry that a cabinet note for augmentation of additional posts of scientists had already been forwarded for consideration of the Government. The Committee desire that the matter may be pursued vigorously at the highest level and they are apprised of the same within three months of presentation of this report.

9. The Committee also observe that on an average of more than 65 scientists have been resigning from DRDO since 2009. Till 1st October, 2014, 23 scientists have left the organisation. The reasons given for their exodus are indicated as their personal/domestic grounds. However, the Committee opine that conducive
work environment, invigorated growth opportunities and suitable incentives can 46 control such resignations. The Committee would like to be informed about the
steps taken in this regard by the Ministry.

Performance audit of the work of scientists of DRDO
10. The Committee have also observed that there are many projects, undertaken in different DRDO labs, which are not attaining completion due to shortage of manpower. The Committee desire that all out efforts should be made by DRDO to ensure that projects undertaken by it are not delayed on account of shortage of manpower.

Hope such political lip service regarding funding DRDO is not repeated in future. projects like AMCA depend upon speedy manpower and financial resource allocation for their timely implementation with users freezing their requirement and not going for spec creep every two years .


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Mar 6, 2011
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Scuttling a 'Made in India' project: The case of the HTT-40 trainer |

Browne also stated incorrectly that the Pilatus' cost would remain Rs 30 crore per aircraft till 2017. In fact, the next 38 trainers will cost Swiss Francs 6.09 million (Rs 39.3 crore today) each under the "options clause" of the contract. The cost of the following 68 aircrafts (adding up to 106 additional PC-7 Mark II) would be negotiated afresh and would almost certainly be higher, due to inflation.

The MoD ignored Browne's letter, being disinclined then to scupper an indigenous project. However, with the IAF blocking funding for the HTT-40, HAL was forced to commit Rs 180 crore of company funds in July 2013. In early 2014, that was upped to Rs 350 crore, with three prototypes to be built for accelerated flight-testing.

With the HTT-40 on track, and racing towards its first flight next year, two corruption allegations mysteriously popped up, stalling the project. Both alleged wrongdoing in HAL's selection of the Honeywell TPE 331-12B engine after an open tender, when the alternative supplier, Pratt & Whitney, refused to allow licensed manufacture in India. With the first flight looming, Honeywell agreed to provide a 'Category B' engine – a used engine with more than 80 per cent of its service life remaining.

The first complaint came in early November from the BJP MP from Jaunpur, Krishna Pratap Singh, who complained to the CVC about the engine selection and blamed HAL's design chief, T Suvarna Raju, who oversees the HTT-40 project. Investigation began and the MoD halted engine procurement.

Contacted by Business Standard, Krishna Pratap Singh claimed that he knew nothing about the HTT-40 or the issues involved. "About three to four months ago a sajjan (person of good character), who I don't remember now, came to me and said there was corruption. I only wrote that the matter be investigated, and any wrongdoing corrected," said Singh.

The second allegation came almost simultaneously from an NGO called Rashtriya Mukti Morcha. The RMM has neither expertise nor previous interest in aerospace. It has earlier filed petitions against Sonia Gandhi's right to hold constitutional office, and in the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha bribery case.

Contacted by Business Standard, RMM chief Ravindra Kumar acknowledges filing a complaint. He said details are in his files but he repeatedly denied requests to visit his office to ascertain the basis for his complaint.

CVC investigations into the complaints unearthed no wrongdoing; It is not unusual for 'Category B' engines to be chosen for prototypes, while buying new engines for the production aircraft. HAL had powered the intermediate jet trainer prototype with a 'Category B' Larzac engine, until new engines became available.

Even so, engine procurement was halted. Meanwhile the IAF repeatedly petitioned the MoD that Swiss trainers should be quickly bought since the HTT-40 would be late.

Meanwhile, the deputy chief of air staff (DCAS), who sits on HAL's board, steadfastly opposed funding for the HTT-40. When the board allocated Rs 180 crore in July 2013, the DCAS dissented in writing, something that the IAF now denies.

The IAF has sought to associate the PC-7 Mark II with the 'Make in India' drive by seeking to build it in India to blueprints provided by Pilatus. Yet that would essentially remain a foreign aircraft, with intellectual property, technology and licensing residing abroad. In contrast, a 'Make' category project like the HTT-40 would involve far more expansive indigenisation – including ground-up design and integration, test flying and certification and eventual manufacture.
During the UF times a concerted attempt was made to close the tejas program.

hope such a fate won't befall AMCA effort.

For people asking for IAF guys on HAL chief post, this is an abject lesson why IAF should not be allowed anywhere near HAL!!!!

Ex IAF chief lying that Pliatus will cost below HTT-40 , while even the maintenance TOT is yet to be signed till date!!!!

Guys setting up "unknowing " MPs to pose questions in parliament and getting sundry NGOs who have nothing to do with aeronautics to file fake PIls to completely halt HTT-40 project.

Even a bunch of ISI hacks could not achieve what import lobby has achieved on Htt-40!!!!
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New Member
Jan 22, 2015
I'm new here..
Check the wikipedia AMCA page!
New developement!! Check the new pic!

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

Seems like we have a imposter pretending to be an AMCA, Kindly get a firing squad and replace it with original AMCA .. >>

I'm new here..
Check the wikipedia AMCA page!
New developement!! Check the new pic!


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Mar 6, 2011
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Why is it the F22,KFX,TFX, ATD-X and AMCA have pretty much the same twin engine and wing design configuration.? @ersakthivel @p2prada
That is the restriction imposed by minimum radar reflection requirements. And note most of them have compound delta RSS tech as seen in most 4.5th gen planes like gripen, tejas,typhoon and rafale. that is due to high agility relaxed static stability air frame requirements.
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Aug 13, 2014
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Spotted: New Model Of India's 5th Gen AMCA; To Be Official Project Soon
This photograph from January 17, shows Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar scoping out what appears to be a new scale model of India's Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), its fifth generation strike jet concept. Putting aside how this photograph tragically chops off the AMCA's nose, it appears that the design hasn't significantly changed since the concept's last 'outing' two years ago. The four-poster tail and X-15-like low aspect trapezoidal planform appear untouched from the last time anyone got a chance to see the concept design.
Things started with a compound trapezoidal configuration first revealed six years ago. Then came a pure trapezoidal with Hornet-like leading edge extensions in 2012. A little tinkering, and a year later the AMCA's designers appear to have arrived at a final shape, with its almost diamond-like trapezoidal wing config.
After years of wind tunnel models, design tinkering and fine-tuning of stealth characteristics, this year is truly (and hopefully) the word go. The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) will, by August this year if everything goes to plan, look to obtain official project sanction from the MoD and funding to the tune of $800 million for the preliminary engineering & development phase.
It's well known that the AMCA's tech dem vehicles will be powered by turbofans from abroad, not a modified/uprated version of the Indian GTX-35VS Kaveri, though successor programmes by the DRDO's engine research house GTRE in Bengaluru are aimed in part at powering post-prototype airframes of the AMCA in the 2020s.
I hear Parrikar, an engineer and technocrat himself, was brusque on Jan 17 when he met with programme chiefs at ADA in Bengaluru, where that photo above was taken. Told about import content on the LCA Tejas (hovering around the 60% mark), the minister said anything close to that figure would be unacceptable on the AMCA. He laid it out that the government was willing to pay special attention to the AMCA if it could be a worthy and continuous mascot for the Prime Minister's 'Make in India' ideal -- a sort of touchstone for local development, testing and manufacturing prowess.
The folks at ADA and other agencies may have been shaken up by the minister's terse manner, but the message is an important one. From where the programme stands, it may seem impossible for it to gallop along with what the government, for now informally, wants from it. But if that's the kick in the aft section that a crucial aerospace programme of strategic importance needs, then bring it on.
LIVEFIST: Spotted: New Model Of India's 5th Gen AMCA; To Be Official Project Soon

Lions Of Punjab

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Apr 21, 2013
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Indigenous 5th Gen fighter plane on track: ADA

Indigenous 5th Gen fighter plane on track: ADA |

India's ambitious plan to further expand its fighter jet development programme is making steady progress, with the design of the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) frozen now.

"The AMCA configuration has been frozen. Now, we have to have one last dialogue with the Air Force to decide how we go about the engine choice"¦. We will have a strategy for building the AMCA by the middle of this year," said P.S. Subramanyam, Director of the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) under the DRDO, who heads India's combat aircraft programme.

He was speaking to The Hindu on the sidelines of a workshop on 'Embedded Systems for Defence Applications' organised by the Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory at Nedumbassery on Friday On the choice of the engine, Mr. Subramanyam said it would be prudent to procure and integrate an available engine into the aircraft so to ensure that the project was not held up.

"Since the fighter has been designed to take on an engine with a higher thrust, we can integrate it as and when such an engine is available. This is what has been done by Dassault in the Rafael development programme."Mr. Subramanyam was confident of the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas (Mk 1) obtaining final operational clearance by year-end.
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Mar 6, 2011
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Blah blah and more blah just press releases and later delayed timelines disappointing products this is DRDO/ADA for you
Some factual report instead of blah blah,,,,,

IBNLive News Blogs, News Expert Blogs on India, World, Politics, Business, Science & Technology

e.The total spend on the programme so far has been under Rs 100 crore. The project has been taken up on the basis of a preliminary staff qualitative requirement from the Indian Air Force (IAF) and is currently in the project definition phase Dr Tamilmani believes that for around Rs 4000 crore it would be possible to build 3 or 4 flying prototypes, the first of which should take to the skies by 2020-21.
So please explain how ADA is to build AMCA within 100 crores and no big enough wind tunnel facility!!!!

And project is in definition phase only.

