Al-Khalid MBT And Pakistani Armour

Defcon 1

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Nov 10, 2011
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Mate, I am not underestimating our opponents,, its a fact that al khalid is nothing but a mix of t 55s and t 72. Read it in a magazine..... Arjuns are much better..... China and pak has developed it jointly, so why has PLA not inducted Al Khalid in their Tank Fleet???? Like JF 17 Thunder, co developed by Pak and China,, PLAAF has rejected that plane...... Getting now,, what I wanted to say!!
Al Khalid is basically a pakistani version of chinese mbt 2000. So its wrong to say that China hasn't inducted it. About JF17, that is a completely different story. JF17 program has resulted in huge benefits for both pakistan & China. Those countries are not fools to invest millions in the project. Anyways, this is not the topic of this thread.

The Last Stand

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Apr 14, 2013
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Mate, I am not underestimating our opponents,, its a fact that al khalid is nothing but a mix of t 55s and t 72.

The Type-90 is a generation ahead of the T-72, and while it can be traced back to the T-72, it is a much more advanced tank.

God, I feel like a hypocrite, defending the equipment of another nation while trying to tell my fellow men that ours is not best.


New Member
Oct 24, 2013
Re: Al-Khalid 2 Main Battle Tank

The arjun ii is 65-67 tons, so ya, it is a very heavy MBT.
And you are right that we cant pour money to insane tunes on our tanks, but we can significantly outspend you in this domain. The current arjun costs $8 million per tank, with the mk ii expected to be higher,so the amount we might spend on the mkiii (the FMBT) will be even higher,maybe as much as your JF -17,(i admit its a long shot though). This will translate to better performance.
You must understand that the IA with more resources in hand will not take a tank inferior in capability to that operated by the Pak army, a national ego, if you will,and justified by higher budgets.
LMAO We can outspend pakistan on any expenditure, be it, defence or public. :p


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
May be interesting for Pakistaniu users :)

T-80UD hull composition and assumed protection:

hull composition:
(for 0. degree)
66mm RHA
gap for ERA on hull
135mm RHA
80mm ceramics
135mm HHS
gap whit distanser
80mm ceramics
135mm RHA.

Protection is at least:
630-640mm vs APFSDS without ERA
750mm vs HEAT without ERA

Turret composition for 30 degre (perpendicular to the surface):

98mm cast steel (HB270)
30mm air gap whit holders
25mm SHS or RHA plate
40mm ceramics
25mm SHS or RHA plate
40mm ceramics
50mm SHS or RHA plate
50mm HHS plate
190mm cast steel (HB270)

This layout give protection (for 30. degree):
~500mm vs APFSDS(!) without ERA
~550mm vs HEAT without ERA
Those valuesa are for smaller LOS in turret front (550mm LOS) for 0. degree when LOS is the biggest (circa 700mm LOS) we had much greater protection:
~630mm vs APFSDS, without ERA
~700-750mm vs HEAT without ERA

For this values shoud be added protection given by ERA (Kontakt-5 and it's Ukrainian clone)
+120mm RHA vs APFSDS in style like M829
+500-600mm RHA aginst HEAT warhed
Of course ERA shoud not be count as main armour for sevral obious resons:
1) HEAT warhed (SC) whit precursor will canceled ERA so it will be main armour vs main SC warhed
2) difrent APFSDS and HEAT warhed will be response in difrent way. In reaction whit ERA - for one (example: 3BM42,M829A1, or MILAN) ERA casette can reduce penetration abilities a lot , but for other cases (DM53, DM63) ERA will not reduce penetration at all. In other way ERA will help but whit marginal effect. So it's really fluent factor - depend on type of At-weapons.


contra 101

New Member
Feb 9, 2014
composite armour block..

thickened turret front


this is alkhalid-1 !!!

i saw it recently, it has a new type composite layered armour sheets separated by high strength steel plates at front and sides of turret, hull thickness also improved, and it has a new fire control computer with sequence firing mode with hunter killer ability.

The second batch has a new indigenous 125 mm main gun made at heavy machine factory and has two bulk heads (commander and gunner) with their sagem+thales thermal imagers + laser range finders.

Most interesting part is that they also made a new apfsds round for it. That round has a longer rod than DU naiza round but i didnt measure it since they didnt allow me.

It was tightly fitted in the newly made electronically controlled carousel which seemed bigger than the original carousel that i saw few years ago. It had an electronic control unit with two way circular movement which allowed sequence round firing.

All four rounds were kept side by side. I was surprised as hell, they are doing some interesting stuff at HIT.
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New Member
Sep 7, 2012
* Al khalid has a customized FCS based on indigenous+ french and british technology, it has a sequence mode which allows target cueing for multiple targets.

*Auto tracking is available on both main gun and 12.7mm anti aircraft machine gun, AAMG can be remotely controled thouhg the BMS system as well.

* Atleast two type of composite armour arrays (ceramics+nera+HHS steel+kevlar etc) are available on AK and AK-1.