ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter


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Mar 18, 2022
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Turks have 5th gen ?
It's not because you have a jet with internal weapons bay and twin outcantered tail that it ias a 5th gen operationnal fighter.
As for now KAAN is a nice aero show jet. The first video of it in the sky shows a bird flying slowly, in a straight direction, with landing gear extended. The road is very long before having a mature weapon system.
And what about the radar, the electronic systems, the weapons?
All that you say may be correct but they have something that flies. All we see are Kuntal Biswas pictures. both of Mk2, AMCA & TEDBF. Until then we can sing:

Ae [Tejas Mk2 | AMCA | TEDBF] mere kab honge darshan tere.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Officials said the first LCA Mk2 is expected to be ready for serial production by 2027 and work is already underway to get the prototype ready. They added that jigs and fixtures to produce the aircraft are already in place and work is progressing as per schedule for the first flight. The MK2 will be capable of staying in the air longer than previous versions and will also have significantly more weapons payload capacity.

By Manu Pabby
‘If it does not happen by March 2027; the official who came up with date gets prosecuted and the whole bunch connected with the development is sent to a private company to build and deliver.


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Jun 3, 2022
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‘If it does not happen by March 2027; the official who came up with date gets prosecuted and the whole bunch connected with the development is sent to a private company to build and deliver.
And private company will deliver?

Corvus Splendens

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Dec 8, 2021
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‘If it does not happen by March 2027; the official who came up with date gets prosecuted and the whole bunch connected with the development is sent to a private company to build and deliver.
This has to do with the GE 414 engine shipment delayed to 2027.


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Dec 24, 2015
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I know mosts of subsystems turkey uses in its weapons are partially made & assembled in turkey.
Like the radar for there upgrades of f16. Which is jv with British firm. Which they are using on akinci drone. I dont think they even got a single most important technologies through it. They will never gets most important techs. Neither it is as advance this Europeans countries are using.
Same is the case with there Hisar defence systems a knock off of french-italian eurosam. No elite tech is given to turkey neither is made in turkey..
Same will be the case with kaan.
As compared to india, we do have our sub-systems like radars now GaN based, IR systems like for su30s upgrade.
Fly by wire , RAM, composites, EOTS is under testing now, MAWS, EW suits, many more such systems..
This takes alot of time. Koreans & Turks have skipped it and just brought it from western firms..
everything is stucked because of engine.
Deal with Safran should be signed as early as possible. I think we are stucked because of f414.
If they have radar for F16 upgrade, why are they purchasing F16V kits from USA ? Radar is the critical part of this upgrade.


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Dec 24, 2015
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Sensor fusion is a part of the requirements on the Tejas Mk2, to use the AESA, IRST and EW suite to give the pilot a very good picture of the threats and targets.
Sensor fusion is not an easy technologie.
It can be just a copy and past of all the differents sources (radar, IRST, electronic counter measures feed backs) on a single screen.... Or a smart comparison of the differents input so as to remove the "false" alarm and present a clear and well balanced situation. All the new birds are said to have sensor fusion, but some field test leaks (ex : Swiss in 2011) shoed that they are not of equal value.


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Mar 19, 2020
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Sensor fusion is not an easy technologie.
It can be just a copy and past of all the differents sources (radar, IRST, electronic counter measures feed backs) on a single screen.... Or a smart comparison of the differents input so as to remove the "false" alarm and present a clear and well balanced situation. All the new birds are said to have sensor fusion, but some field test leaks (ex : Swiss in 2011) shoed that they are not of equal value.
The requirements for how the data must be presented in a "fused" manner will come from the IAF and NFTC test pilots who are going to be a part of the Tejas Mk2 program.

The IAF is now exposed to sensor fusion and how the data is presented on multiple platforms, including Rafale F3R, F-21, Typhoon and Gripen E. Obviously they'll be most well versed with sensor fusion as it stands on the Rafale F3R.

But they are smart enough to come up with their own requirements and their own solutions to presenting the fused scenario picture to the pilot in the most clear way.


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Mar 19, 2020
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If they have radar for F16 upgrade, why are they purchasing F16V kits from USA ? Radar is the critical part of this upgrade.
The reason for that is that the Turks have the source codes for only their 35 odd F-16 Block 30s, not the Block 50s in their inventory. Their Özgür upgrade is only for these 35 F-16 Block 30s.

These F-16V kits are to upgrade the remaining Block 50s that they can't upgrade on their own.



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Dec 23, 2016
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HVT showing SPORT simulator.
Kind of sensor fusion represented in lca sport is a new thing to iaf but gripin e one is entirely different, the thing I want to see in mk2 are seamless multi target tracking and engaging using third-party radar solution, combined ew, I don't know how much of this possible in mk2


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Jan 7, 2016
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That is the xxxxxxx point
JF17 already have it and LCA don't , may be in future ................maybe & the maybe depend on IAF
Future contains a lots of uncertainty - but unlike you Im not talking about uncertainty but reality that is already happened
My advice - don't become a easy prey/victims of ADA
Golden era of LCA started when HAL developed LCA mk1A and LCA going to dominate Indian skies from 2025 onwards
Do you want to hear a funny thing.- normally user[air force] declared FOC, but in LCA case ADA cleared FOC
I think currently IAF not interested in giving FOC to lca mk1 but giving top priority to mk1a, may be iaf ditch i derby er in favour of astra 1 & 2. Since astra2 already going through test phase, 1st sqn of lca mk1a comes with internal gun, asraam, astra 1 and 2 and fill the gap created by mig21 [2025] currently IAF using MKI and MK1 to fill the gap created by Jaguar. Equipping AshM and ARM not a top pirority for IAF - AShM role is done by MKI and LCA mk2/ MKI carry ARM, also so far ARM success rate is around 25%. IAF shown very little interest in DRDO LGB and Glide bombs, that is why now DRDO offering griffin LGB kit and IAF purchased JDAM ER. Don't you think Brahmos NG is little heavy for LCA mk1 ?? Dhruvastra and SANT also become part of LCA. Plz dont compare LCA vs jf17, LCA mk1a is more advanced than current MKI, and pl15 aesa is not going to give any edge for if17 against LCAmk1a. LCA mk1a also gets next gen ASPJ from drdo and israel
Follow HAL or IAF to get a better understanding about LCAmk1a and its future insisted of ADA
At present - LCA doing the best job it can do - dropping bombs on targets with high accuracy with ease [better than rafale/jaguar/M2k] @ supersonic & subsonic speeds.[im following LCA developments since its first flight]
It is not only BVR but BVR and Radar combo which determines the range. You rightly say that PL 15 will be useless until its radar can detect Tejas Mk1. Poor quality of Chinese AESA which is air cooled and exaggerated PL15 shall not be effective against Tejas as Tejas will detect JF 17 from far longer range because of powerful AESA radar and bigger cross section of JF 17. On the other hand, JF a7 may have to come much closer to detect Tejas Mk1A to fire BVR. Even with Astra Mk1, Tejas can detect and fire at JF 17 atleast 30 more distance than JF 17 can fire at Tejas Mk1.


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Dec 24, 2015
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It is not only BVR but BVR and Radar combo which determines the range. You rightly say that PL 15 will be useless until its radar can detect Tejas Mk1. Poor quality of Chinese AESA which is air cooled and exaggerated PL15 shall not be effective against Tejas as Tejas will detect JF 17 from far longer range because of powerful AESA radar and bigger cross section of JF 17. On the other hand, JF a7 may have to come much closer to detect Tejas Mk1A to fire BVR. Even with Astra Mk1, Tejas can detect and fire at JF 17 atleast 30 more distance than JF 17 can fire at Tejas Mk1.
We all don't know the exact perf of the Tejas and JF17 radar.
Those are very secret datas, and depend of so many parameters.... (how each bird is loaded, is it in front, on side, clutter treatment, electronical environnment etc...)

I think (and expect) russian and chinese electronical exuipment less advanced than west ones. Nothing very impressive was seen in Ukraine for exemple. 2 x A50 mainstay airborn radars seemed to have been shoot these last 2 months...


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Jan 7, 2016
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We all don't know the exact perf of the Tejas and JF17 radar.
Those are very secret datas, and depend of so many parameters.... (how each bird is loaded, is it in front, on side, clutter treatment, electronical environnment etc...)

I think (and expect) russian and chinese electronical exuipment less advanced than west ones. Nothing very impressive was seen in Ukraine for exemple. 2 x A50 mainstay airborn radars seemed to have been shoot these last 2 months...
Chinese AESA is air cooled , which clearly indicated less power consumption and hence weak. You rightly said that data are confidential but there are other indications.

Chinese radars even can not ditect Brahmos or Iranian missiles fared on Pakistan.