ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter


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Sep 13, 2010
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Issue right now is engine tech and amca
Mk2 is done and dusted for nest 5-7 years as funds approved they will go through development and must be look past 2029 when ready to enter service
I am worried of amca bcoz see ccs not clearing funds is serious concern that seems something is very serious
1)engine selection for amca mk2 and general industry based on it
2)spv for manufacturing amca
Until these things not finaled then don't elect ccs to clear and AFAIK that these things will take definitely more than 2 years so expect PD coming every year and postponing the project by an year
No LCA MK.2= no AMCA, TEDBF etf.

some entity inside MoD has played a blinder here for the import lobby, a few lines in the MK.2 funding agreement that can never be fulfilled (just when did the US ever agree to full ToT for their engine tech?)

Who thought it was a good idea to put a gun to the head of LCA MK.2 and demand ToT from the US of all countries?

attitude towards LCA MK.2 and AMCA has been lukewarm at best under Modi, CAS can’t stop blathering on about MRFA. Until they get their foreign toys it doesn’t seem like india will have an airforce


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Jun 27, 2020
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don't Iaugh, but, I don't know whether it is feasible or not, but if we can add a 2nd combustor between HPT & LPT, & increase OPR from current 21 to 30, then Kaveri can theoretically produce 75KN dry thrust with same 1700K TET & possibly same SFC as earlier, only drawback is its weight & complexity will increase


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Sep 13, 2010
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don't Iaugh, but, I don't know whether it is feasible or not, but if we can add a 2nd combustor between HPT & LPT, & increase OPR from current 21 to 30, then Kaveri can theoretically produce 75KN dry thrust with same 1700K TET & possibly same SFC as earlier, only drawback is its weight & complexity will increase
If it was easy or feasible it would’ve been done. Wasn’t safran meant to use the Kaveri core to come up with something to meet the original spec requirements?

just a lost cause (Kaveri and the entire LCA/AMCA program), these mfers at the top don’t want success, they want foreign $$$. India is just a more successful version of Pakistan- bootlicking brown sepoys that run things never left

jai jaganath

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Jul 3, 2022
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No LCA MK.2= no AMCA, TEDBF etf.

some entity inside MoD has played a blinder here for the import lobby, a few lines in the MK.2 funding agreement that can never be fulfilled (just when did the US ever agree to full ToT for their engine tech?)

Who thought it was a good idea to put a gun to the head of LCA MK.2 and demand ToT from the US of all countries?

attitude towards LCA MK.2 and AMCA has been lukewarm at best under Modi, CAS can’t stop blathering on about MRFA. Until they get their foreign toys it doesn’t seem like india will have an airforce
Mk2 will turn into reality yes with damn delay and all those shits but mk2 is reality
Regarding orders they will get inducted as the shortage is such that iaf can't control itself
We must be worried about amca and the 110kn engine
This is where even import lobby is trying to destroy majorly usa as they want their f-35 into our service
F-414 has been arrived in India for prototype construction and this report by janes is damn bogus
But mk2 will be inducted and with ge-414 engine such bogus clause can't exist
Moreover GE I ready to license manufacture the engine here with no technical ToT so that's done and dusted
Problem is amca and it's engine as now mk2 is in hands of design and development agencies


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Sep 13, 2010
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Mk2 will turn into reality yes with damn delay and all those shits but mk2 is reality
Regarding orders they will get inducted as the shortage is such that iaf can't control itself
We must be worried about amca and the 110kn engine
This is where even import lobby is trying to destroy majorly usa as they want their f-35 into our service
F-414 has been arrived in India for prototype construction and this report by janes is damn bogus
But mk2 will be inducted and with ge-414 engine such bogus clause can't exist
Moreover GE I ready to license manufacture the engine here with no technical ToT so that's done and dusted
Problem is amca and it's engine as now mk2 is in hands of design and development agencies
Why would anyone print the article and that too in an outlet as reputable as Janes with 0 supporting evidence? It would be such a bizarre thing to simply pull out of thin air- as bizarre as attaching such a clause to funding the LCA MK.2 in the first place but here we are, after witnessing the sh!t these clowns pull on EVERY semi-decent IDDM product made in the last 15 years there’s nothing i wouldn’t put past them.


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Aug 19, 2009
If we could warp speed it then why are we snail speeding it?
I meant devoting more resources and getting that flying test bed and wind tunnel facilities so we can iterate each version improving on the next instead of doing this in a piecemeal fashion and dragging out the process.

jai jaganath

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Jul 3, 2022
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Why would anyone print the article and that too in an outlet as reputable as Janes with 0 supporting evidence? It would be such a bizarre thing to simply pull out of thin air- as bizarre as attaching such a clause to funding the LCA MK.2 in the first place but here we are, after witnessing the sh!t these clowns pull on EVERY semi-decent IDDM product made in the last 15 years there’s nothing i wouldn’t put past them.
Janes has reported wrong many times their recent one was 5 regiment of QRSAM orders


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Sep 15, 2021
The realisation that without engine there will be no plane to fly.

It makes sense that funding will be approved only when all the decks are cleared to avoid prohibitively costly delays later. If they cannot strike a deal in next 6 months then it's better to strike an alternate deal with EJ or Safran in 12 months rather than work with a 5 year delay 2 years down the line and rework the program from the design stage- like the jump to F404 delayed Tejas by 5 years. That LCA approach was costly in terms of all three- time, money and effort.

Why don't ADA pit an M-88 vs EJ200 vs F414 powered Mk2 to MoD? Then the leadership can simultaneously talk to three govts and go with whoever gives the best deal first? Probably because it is too costly and ADA is already saddled with AMCA & TEDBF so may not have the band width.
ADA rejected ej200 due to cost. M88 lacks required power at that time.
This is damn useless it seems and bit a nail on my trust on Jane's
I don't think such conditions would exists
It exists - read first pages of this thread or ge sites
Seems fake, funds were cleared for prototype construction back in September 2022 itself.
Also, the GE F414 engines were selected for Tejas Mk2 in 2010 itself, and deliveries of the initial lot began in September 2015.
Yes, & under construction [i think] but GoI still can hold the entire process to save money if they think GE is going to cheat

GE F414 selected in 2009 by ADA, rejecting EJ200 with 100% tech transfer to HAL for local manufacturing[SK also doing/done the same]. If tech transfers fails, then LCA mk2 gets stuck and forced to start from stage 1 - engine selection. Another issue is GoI sanction/fine against GE.
No mk2 then no tedbf & amca, also if current deal fails, then no point of using GE engine for amca/tedbf better to make a deal with EJ & redesign mk2 for ej200 asap.

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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ADA rejected ej200 due to cost. M88 lacks required power at that time.

It exists - read first pages of this thread or ge sites

Yes, & under construction [i think] but GoI still can hold the entire process to save money if they think GE is going to cheat

GE F414 selected in 2009 by ADA, rejecting EJ200 with 100% tech transfer to HAL for local manufacturing[SK also doing/done the same]. If tech transfers fails, then LCA mk2 gets stuck and forced to start from stage 1 - engine selection. Another issue is GoI sanction/fine against GE.
No mk2 then no tedbf & amca, also if current deal fails, then no point of using GE engine for amca/tedbf better to make a deal with EJ & redesign mk2 for ej200 asap.
But for prototype the engines are here as per last update
So for atleast prototype things can move forward and regarding tech transfer usa will definitely approve ToT for manufacturing not critical tech if some differences can be sort out in the testing period we have time for that


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Sep 13, 2010
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This guy is perhaps one of the most credible Indian defence journalists out there and he’s effectively confirming the news about the ToT clause

IF such a clause exists we may as well stop talking about LCA MK.2, AMCA and TEDBF, they are already dead.

a few units may have been delivered for some flight testing but without $$$ these projects are going to die slow and painful deaths and blow past each and every deadline, if you wanted to sabotage the Indian aerospace industry you could not do a better job than this


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Nov 21, 2022
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This guy is perhaps one of the most credible Indian defence journalists out there and he’s effectively confirming the news about the ToT clause

IF such a clause exists we may as well stop talking about LCA MK.2, AMCA and TEDBF, they are already dead.

a few units may have been delivered for some flight testing but without $$$ these projects are going to die slow and painful deaths and blow past each and every deadline, if you wanted to sabotage the Indian aerospace industry you could not do a better job than this
This is either pure moronic or a blatant attempt at sabotage.
Such clause gives murica ability to hold us by balls.
Imagine they only allow ToT/production after we select American jet in MRFA.
Hm F-35 me autonomy ke liye RR kar rhe the wo mk2 me maar ke chale gaye😑😑😑


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Sep 13, 2010
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But for prototype the engines are here as per last update
So for atleast prototype things can move forward and regarding tech transfer usa will definitely approve ToT for manufacturing not critical tech if some differences can be sort out in the testing period we have time for that
No money, no honey. The clause contained within the funding CCS cleared last year is ToT for the engines, the USG is sat on that so the GoI is sat on that tranche of funding

it makes sense why all these reports recently started emerging about LCA MK.2 deadlines suddenly slipping, as always HAL/ADA were taking the blame but if HAL was using the MK.1’s FSED funding to get the MK.2 project this far then it all adds up.

this is all very sinister, it seems like multiple parties have conspired here and got their win, the GoI has itself played a part. Selling a huge loss as a win is insidious stuff, I fully expect talk of F35 to gather pace now. It’ll predate the AMCA and LCA MK.2 into Indian service


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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This is either pure moronic or a blatant attempt at sabotage.
Such clause gives murica ability to hold us by balls.
Imagine they only allow ToT/production after we select American jet in MRFA.
Hm F-35 me autonomy ke liye RR kar rhe the wo mk2 me maar ke chale gaye😑😑😑
How many H1bs were granted after this?

Indians can be bought very very cheaply


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Jan 21, 2017
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If what Janes has reported is indeed true, then the first person who should be sacked is Rajnath Singh and his deputy (Minister of State for Defence). The Air Chief and the Secretary of Defence Production ought to be next in line. I don't even know what to say anymore.

I guess its time to close this thread and shift the discussion to the MRFA one. It seems, at the end of the day, the IAF gets what the IAF wants. The country be damned.