ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter


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Mar 6, 2011
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I wonder why people so much optimistic about Modi. I live in Gujarat and actually, there is nothing extraordinary here. Not that I hate Modi, but i dont like him either. His work will be seen after 1 yr in office.
In case you lived in TN with 8 hour rolling power cuts as the norm for last six years with govt owned liquor shops at every road corner, with a recent survey indicating close to 10 percent of school going students in TN are alcoholic thanks to free liquor sale drive by state govt, you would have been lot wiser!!!


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Mar 6, 2011
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And your qualifications for criticising the marshals ? Flying an office desk at mach 2 vis'-a-vis' men who actually serve and are better placed to understanding the requirements and evaluating the programs ? I'd chose the judgement of the latter. What will you do if your "new man in charge" continues to buy "foreign toys"? Send him to Andaman too ? :troll:
Fartsy matsy in Vayu stratpost conferece 2014 calls tejas mk1 below Mig-21 bison level.

But Suneeth krishna the IAF group catain and the most experienced test pilot of tejas mk1 calls it "at least equal to upgraded mirage-2000".

Please tell me when IAF Worthy Mateswaran put his ass on the tejas pilot seat and "intimately knew " that it was below Mig-21 bison.

Who is the armchair pilot here? Suneeth krishna or Matheswaran?

So whom will we send to Andaman?

And this is what Cmde Jaydeep Maolankar, Test Pilot of the Tejas program and Cmdr Sukesh Nagaraj think about tejas mk1 as posted by karthik in bharath rakshak forum.

Attended my first Aero India this Saturday. I won't describe the difficulties in getting into the show, but once I did, it was quite alright. The highlight for me was the conversations I had with Cmde Jaydeep Maolankar, Test Pilot of the Tejas program and Cmdr Sukesh Nagaraj (Deputy Project Director, NLCA).

I was lucky to spot Mao sir alone and walked up to him, introduced myself and spoke of my association with BRF and then we had a conversation on the Tejas program for half an hour..he was incredibly frank, friendly, didn't hold back any facts and only left when he got a call from are the salient points of our conversation, some of which we already know but am listing it anyway.

- Tejas LSP6 is the platform on which the spin chute will be integrated but it's not here as yet. Will get done before FOC.

- Tejas Mk1 has achieved the IOC AoA limit of 22 deg (in IOC-2 it was officially stated that it has cleared 24 deg AOA and will reach 26 to 28 deg according to test pilot Suneeth krishna )and they will go a couple of degrees further in tests, when the spin chutes are integrated on LSP6.

This is to ensure that they know that the airplane is safe even at higher alpha although the FBW will restrict it to the AoA limit for FOC for service pilots (which is higher than 22 deg, but he didn't say how much)

- Mao Sir scoffed at the suggestion that the engine was choking at higher alpha. He said there is no such thing, but rather because it was designed initially for the Kaveri's airflow and had to redesign it for the F-404. They have already tried various intakes on the LCA, with/without spring mounted doors on the intakes.

- Tejas MK2 will get an approx 10mm increase in diameter for the increased air flow requirement of the F-414 (Cmdr Sukesh Nagaraj confirmed this as well). Too small a difference to be visible to the naked eye for us jingos. The spring mounted doors may also be bigger if needed

- When asked about the STR and ITR rates of the Tejas, he simply smiled and said "it's enough, let me put it that way". When I queried him further, asking about the ASR that the IAF had set based on the Mirage-2000 and MiG-29's STR and ITR, his smile vanished and he got serious.

He said that when people look at 10 different brochures and come up with requirements, without looking at whether meeting all those requirements is even possible for ANY one fighter, they set themselves and the program up for failure.

He was very frank about this, stating that even those brochure specs were just that- brochure specs that even those famed fighters sometimes don't meet. But they were taken as benchmarks anyway and then, without even bothering to look at the technological base in India, the ASR was prepared.

- He was full of praise for the handling of the Tejas. It's a true delight to fly and both he and Grp Cpt Suneet Krishna have tremendous confidence in the aircraft itself. He said that they both push the aircraft to its current limits without any worry since the FCS is very good. He did mention that they didn't push the Tejas Mk1 to its limits at the airshow but just wanted to display that it is maneuverable enough.

- When I asked him whether the Navy fully backs the NLCA program, he laughed and said "I'm here, aren't I?". So all in all, it appears that the IN is backing the program fully

- NP1 hasn't flown more than 4 flights because they're re-designing some of the structures on board. This is the additional strengthening required for handling the thumping that is a carrier landing. The landing gear is being re-designed since its overweight and NP2 is going to fly soon.

- I brought up the point he made at AI-2011 about how the Tejas should've started as a carrier variant and then gone on to the IAF variant. He seemed genuinely happy that someone had remembered that point of his and described the main issue with the NLCA NP1.

The issue as he described it was that the LCA didn't have a central keel to pass the structural loads to, something he said that the AMCA won't face since it's a twin engine fighter. This meant that they had to put new attachment points which aren't the ideal solution and result in the bulky appearance of the current landing gear.
- I was going to ask him about the AMCA naval variant and he said that currently there is no plan for it.

At this point he had to leave and I was disappointed since I hadn't gotten to discussing anything about the Elta 2032/MMR, Litening LDP and the weapons on the Mk1 such as the Derby/Python V/R-77/Astra and Sudarshan..
When asked about the STR and ITR rates of the Tejas, he simply smiled and said "it's enough, let me put it that way". When I queried him further, asking about the ASR that the IAF had set based on the Mirage-2000 and MiG-29's STR and ITR, his smile vanished and he got serious.

He said that when people look at 10 different brochures and come up with requirements, without looking at whether meeting all those requirements is even possible for ANY one fighter, they set themselves and the program up for failure.

He was very frank about this, stating that even those brochure specs were just that- brochure specs that even those famed fighters sometimes don't meet. But they were taken as benchmarks anyway and then, without even bothering to look at the technological base in India, the ASR was prepared.

So looking at ten different brochures and adding them all up in one ASR, without even bothering to know whether it is possible technically is the view of Cmde Jaydeep Maolankar on the so called shortfalls.

And that too expecting them to be met in hot indian conditions where wing lift drops 12 percent and engine thrust falls 10 percent is even more unrealistic.because most of the fancy ITRs and STRs mentioned for other fancy fighters are for IDSA conditions where temp and atmospheric conditions are vastly different from the punishing indian conditions.

In a recent flight from france to reunion islands rafale with two external fuel tanks and no weapons needed refuelling every 1500 Km, that too even for an optimal high altitude ferry range flight conditions in hot inidan ocean climate!!!

Incidentally IOC-2 tejas mk1 press release(when center line fuel tank was not validated!!!) says that tejas has a range of 1700 Kms

If we add extra fuel tanks and weapons on rafale for combat mission in punishing high temperature low altitude intrusion flight profile in the sub continent, how much will be optimal combat range?

It will be nice if IAF releases what the six famed MMRCA contenders achieved as top specs in these hot indian conditions. Why those details are kept in sealed covers?

Tejas mk1 has a half fuel TWR of 1.07 with a wing loading much lower than Gripen C, rafale, typhoon, F-16 , F-18, Mig-35 or for that matter any other fighter plane in the world.

A good enough combination for good ITRs (which enable HMDS enabled visually cued high off boresight deadly R-73 WVR missile shot , which even rafale does not have) for which it was designed. SO expecting higher STR from this platform is unrealistic.

And the so called old hag rants of AIR INTAKE BAD was completely rejected by Cmde Jaydeep Maolankar.

And IOC-2 clearly says that AOA 24 deg reached. SO there can be no problem with air intakes , if they can sustain such high alpha . And it is slated to go to 26-28 range within fly by wire restrictions , which is pretty much the norm for any fly by wire fighter.

And even for 98 Kn engine tejas mk2 they are proposing just 10 mm size increase in air intake. SO why are people criticizing the 84 Kn engined tejas mk1's air intake as small and inadequate?

If IAF asks Dssault to give a radar as big as SU-30 MKI, along with thrust vectoring engine and tail boom radar in rafale , will dassault be able to do it?

And that too expecting brochure specs to be met in hot indian conditions where wing lift drops 12 percent and engine thrust falls 10 percent is even more unrealistic.

Because most of the fancy ITRs and STRs mentioned for other fancy fighters are for IDSA conditions where temp and atmospheric conditions are vastly different from the punishing indian conditions.

It will be nice if IAF releases what the six famed MMRCA contenders achieved as top specs in these hot indian conditions. Why those details are kept in sealed covers?

Even if the IAf does not disclose it because it was bound by secrecy laws in MMRCA contracts, the makers of these 6 MMRCA contenders can publicly declare what are the extreme specs achieved by their mean machines in indian conditions.

But none of them has done so. Why?


Value outside opinions. These would be good for you as well as IAF. There are few training, procurement and structural problems with IAF. They just dropped to ground a brand new $400 million transport plane. Accident rates are very high in IAF and Marshals know about it but can do nothing. They at the moment are hell bent on acquiring a very expensive Rafale, even if it bankrupts the nation, not even with the initial purchase price of $20 billion but with spares, training and excessive repairs after every one hour flight, year after year. There is not much TOT, which the French would give you that easily with this deal.

Rely on MK1 fighter. It is the best in business. We already have 200 of these another hundred can be ordered. MK1 can shoot any plane which Pakistan and China can put out against IAF in an air battle. Wait until PAKFA is ready in five to seven years. Plug the Medium fighter hole in the IAF inventory with upgraded LCA 2. India can seek outside help at tenth of the Rafale cost. Swedes have already offered that. The latter would be cheaper and educate the IAF and HAL, DRDO better.

Marshals have Rafale stuck in their head. As long as tax payers are footing the bill, they wish to have merry go round. They have stopped thinking of anything else. Sometime to break this logjam, a few Marshals, the experts have to be relieved of their duties so an alternative could be more objectively looked at.

Now do you get my point.

Stay away from making disparaging remarks about other members. You made some about me in your post 548. Who knows others may be better qualified than you are. At 72 years of age I have earned a huge distinction of offering better advice than the most.
Ask him to reply to this post , he will be quiet for a few weeks!!!!
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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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I don't neglect anything. I know about all the failures and achievements of this program, which you don't. Which is clear from the fact that you didn't even know that LCA Mk1 failed to meet requirements of ASR

I have seen this brochure. You are moron if you think that LCA is still supposed to be a Mig21 replacement. It has supposed to do much more now.
And Mig 21 will still beat LCA in interception missions because of its high speed. Read about interception missions before coming back here before blabbering like an idiot.
Really? tell me how long will Mig-21 fly with mach 2 speeds?

So mig-21 can also beat Rafale which too has lower top speed?

Even the under powered HF-24 marut could outfly the mig21 in speeds above 400 knots. the mig-21 never managed to catch one at speeds above 400 knots, this was told by none other than IAf pilots!!!

So if mig-21 couldn't intercept maruts flying above 400 knots how does it beat rafale and tejas?

And put a mig-21 and tejas head to head. Which has the biggest radar, which will track first, lock first and shoot first?

Are you sure with a pony 40 Km range tracking radar Mig-21 is going to shoot down tejas mk1 whose radar is supposed to track 120 Km once quratz radome is fixed?

please dont repeat fartsy matsy stuff here!!!!?

before calling others morons try to learn some stuff , that will help in avoiding posting BS like this.
Yes I do. There is nothing state of art about its avionics. The avionics of LCA were installed on Western and Russian fighters 20-30 years ago. Since you know nothing about that, don't try to lecture me on this.
The mig-29 has as many dials on the cock pit as is the number of stars in the sky , is what a western pilot remarked after seeing it.
Also it takes nine switch clicks to lock and fire a BVR missile in Mig-29 is what is commonly told.

So please tell me what are the issues with Tejas cockpit and which fighter in IAf has better cockpit ergonomics, with HOTAS enabled stick?
Its Relaxed Static Stability (RSS). If you are going to copy paste things you don't understand, at least do the copying job correctly. Rest of the things, again, have been available for decades. F16 sported Digital FBW back in 1970s. If you think that is state of the art, you are a moron.

How many fighters in IAF have all digital fly by wire four channel fly by wire Relaxed Static Stability (RSS) air frame which gives the best possible Instantaneous turn rate for the airframe concerned?
That is confidential. However as clearly written in the document published by CEMILAC. LCA Mk1 did not meet requirements. Since you deny this, probably you are saying that the agency which certified LCA is wrong and you are correct. Good going.
Requirements were kept on revised by IAF. SO some requirements were deferred for Tejas mk2 is the right way of putting it.

The reason being just for 40 fighter order ADA can not work till the end of the world for achieving each and every IAf wish that kept on increasing every year.

With in the achieved specs it can still beat many famed IAF platforms once its flight envelope is fully opened and gets its quartz radome fixed, enabling it to fire 120 Km range Akash missiles in future.How many fighters in IAF stable can do that with a clean config RCS of less than 0.3 sq meter , which makes it a deadly combo. Answer--NONE.

Once it's heavy RCS long range BVR missiles are launched and external fuel tanks are dropped, its RCS goes to 0.3 square meter. How many fighter in IAF's present fleet have this crucial spec which is essential for survival in air combat? Answer-None

In air to air BVR regime it is as good as any 4.5th gen fighter available in the market at fancy billions of dollars.
Where did I say that? Comprehension issues? You were simply asked to prove your allegations which you couldn't, and now you are crying here.

Another allegation without proof. Clear sign of a moron.

I know LCA Mk1 achieved a lot of things. However it did not meet requirements of ASR, and as an Indian, I am proud of LCA's achievements and I feel no shame in accepting the fact that it did not meet requirements, as I showed in post #544. It is you who are having a hard time accepting the truth written in the CEMILAC document. So either grow yourself emotionally and accept the fact that LCA Mk1 did not meet requirements, or you are welcome to go f8ck yourself.
Okay , tell me what was achieved in tejas mk1 and what was not?

In case you dont want to go in to it, Read the last 5 posts of mine.

More than enough has been achieved. So as an indian you can always take pride in it. never believe the old hag tales on tejas.
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New Member
Aug 13, 2014
Sir, a question- Why are accident rates so high in IAF? Is it because of bad spares, maintenance, or just bad training? Also, as far as cancelling Rafale is concerned, wouldnt it delay our Air Force Modernisation by a huge margin?
no cancel a rafale

buy Super Su30MKI instead - will be cheaper, will perform all roles and missions rafale is supposed to perform

Invest the money saved in MK2, AMCA & FGFA program

Defcon 1

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Nov 10, 2011
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no cancel a rafale

buy Super Su30MKI instead - will be cheaper, will perform all roles and missions rafale is supposed to perform

Invest the money saved in MK2, AMCA & FGFA program
We already have too many heavy fighters. Buying More Su30 will only increase their number. Plus we will become even more dependent on Russia.

Rafale actually brings in lots of new technology to India. The weapons package of Rafale (MICA/Meteor/SCALP, etc) is much more advanced as compared to what is available on Russian platforms (R73/R77/Kh series). Plus it brings deep strike capabilities to us.

Anyways, this thread is not for Rafale. There are other threads present where this can be discussed further.
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New Member
Aug 13, 2014
We already have too many heavy fighters. Buying More Su30 will only increase their number. Plus we will become even more dependent on Russia.

Rafale actually brings in lots of new technology to India. The weapons package of Rafale (MICA/Meteor/SCALP, etc) is much more advanced as compared to what is available on Russian platforms (R73/R77/Kh series). Plus it brings deep strike capabilities to us.

Anyways, this thread is not for Rafale. There are other threads present where this can be discussed further.
but we are developing our own weapons package

Astra 1 tested and also astra 2 ready to test
ALCM Brahmos
Helina - Air launched version of Nag missiles

so should we look forward to our own weapons package or go for french package ?

Defcon 1

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Nov 10, 2011
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but we are developing our own weapons package

so should we look forward to our own weapons package or go for french package ?
These are not good enough

Astra 1 tested and also astra 2 ready to test
Astra 1 has range of only 44 Km at an altitude of 25k feet. Astra 2 will have a longer range. Even then its propulsion system will be a generation behind that of Meteor. Ramjet propulsion of Meteor ensures higher kill probability even at longer ranges.

ALCM Brahmos
Brahmos will never be carried by LCA. Plus its not ready. We have not even tested the heavier version of Brahmos ALCM which can only be carried by MKI. Developing a lighter version which can be carried by Mig29 and MMRCA will take years.

Not good enough. Only 50 Sudarshan have been ordered. Next version still under development. Plus we don't have GPS guided indigenous PGMs

Helina - Air launched version of Nag missiles
Will only be carried by helicopters.

Our indigenous weapons package will mature only in the next decade. What French are offering today is much more advanced than what our neighbors possess.


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Mar 6, 2011
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These are not good enough

Astra 1 has range of only 44 Km at an altitude of 25k feet. Astra 2 will have a longer range. Even then its propulsion system will be a generation behind that of Meteor. Ramjet propulsion of Meteor ensures higher kill probability even at longer ranges.

Please list the range of al current BVR missiles at 25 k altitude.
Brahmos will never be carried by LCA. Plus its not ready. We have not even tested the heavier version of Brahmos ALCM which can only be carried by MKI. Developing a lighter version which can be carried by Mig29 and MMRCA will take years.

Not good enough. Only 50 Sudarshan have been ordered. Next version still under development. Plus we don't have GPS guided indigenous PGMs

Will only be carried by helicopters.

Our indigenous weapons package will mature only in the next decade. What French are offering today is much more advanced than what our neighbors possess.
The lighter version of brahmos is yet to enter development. SO it is premature to bar it from being carried on tejas.

All that needs to be there on tejas is a hard point strong enough to carry he lighter version of brahmos.

navy is spear heading tejas mk2 development . So they should have some idea about whether Brahmos can be had in tejas mk2 or not.


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Jun 15, 2014
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Defcon - Buying meteor in bulk? Isn't it super costly? And as far as i know it is planned to be inducted in 2018 only?

Defcon 1

New Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Defcon - Buying meteor in bulk? Isn't it super costly? And as far as i know it is planned to be inducted in 2018 only?
All the partner nations are buying it in bulk. Cost is around 1 million Euro. Anyways, meteor won't be the regular BVR for Rafale since MICA itself has a range between 50-70 Km, so its good enough for the job. The expected date of induction of Meteor is same as expected date of Rafale's induction into IAF, assuming that the deal is signed soon. So, no worries.

Dhairya Yadav

New Member
Feb 27, 2012
In case you lived in TN with 8 hour rolling power cuts as the norm for last six years with govt owned liquor shops at every road corner, with a recent survey indicating close to 10 percent of school going students in TN are alcoholic thanks to free liquor sale drive by state govt, you would have been lot wiser!!!
Lol. i understand.
Just so you know, even here it is the same. Dry state distinction is a fass really. But lets not go off topic again.


New Member
Oct 5, 2011
It will be nice if IAF releases what the six famed MMRCA contenders achieved as top specs in these hot indian conditions. Why those details are kept in sealed covers?

Tejas mk1 has a half fuel TWR of 1.07 with a wing loading much lower than Gripen C, rafale, typhoon, F-16 , F-18, Mig-35 or for that matter any other fighter plane in the world.

A good enough combination for good ITRs (which enable HMDS enabled visually cued high off boresight deadly R-73 WVR missile shot , which even rafale does not have) for which it was designed. SO expecting higher STR from this platform is unrealistic.

And the so called old hag rants of AIR INTAKE BAD was completely rejected by Cmde Jaydeep Maolankar.

And IOC-2 clearly says that AOA 24 deg reached. SO there can be no problem with air intakes , if they can sustain such high alpha . And it is slated to go to 26-28 range within fly by wire restrictions , which is pretty much the norm for any fly by wire fighter.

And even for 98 Kn engine tejas mk2 they are proposing just 10 mm size increase in air intake. SO why are people criticizing the 84 Kn engined tejas mk1's air intake as small and inadequate?

If IAF asks Dssault to give a radar as big as SU-30 MKI, along with thrust vectoring engine and tail boom radar in rafale , will dassault be able to do it?

And that too expecting brochure specs to be met in hot indian conditions where wing lift drops 12 percent and engine thrust falls 10 percent is even more unrealistic.

Because most of the fancy ITRs and STRs mentioned for other fancy fighters are for IDSA conditions where temp and atmospheric conditions are vastly different from the punishing indian conditions.

It will be nice if IAF releases what the six famed MMRCA contenders achieved as top specs in these hot indian conditions. Why those details are kept in sealed covers?

Even if the IAf does not disclose it because it was bound by secrecy laws in MMRCA contracts, the makers of these 6 MMRCA contenders can publicly declare what are the extreme specs achieved by their mean machines in indian conditions.

But none of them has done so. Why?

Ask him to reply to this post , he will be quiet for a few weeks!!!!
Marshals & Dogs will not stop wagging their tails, in the company of a few members on this forum.
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New Member
Aug 13, 2014
These are not good enough

Astra 1 has range of only 44 Km at an altitude of 25k feet. Astra 2 will have a longer range. Even then its propulsion system will be a generation behind that of Meteor. Ramjet propulsion of Meteor ensures higher kill probability even at longer ranges.

Brahmos will never be carried by LCA. Plus its not ready. We have not even tested the heavier version of Brahmos ALCM which can only be carried by MKI. Developing a lighter version which can be carried by Mig29 and MMRCA will take years.

Not good enough. Only 50 Sudarshan have been ordered. Next version still under development. Plus we don't have GPS guided indigenous PGMs

Will only be carried by helicopters.

Our indigenous weapons package will mature only in the next decade. What French are offering today is much more advanced than what our neighbors possess.
how can we say "not good enough"
we can say battle proven yes or no
but without putting them in battle how can we say battle proven

we can only do a user test and if in user tests it meets the test parameters they need to be said "good enough"

Astra ground test will be carried out at this year

isnt 44kms good enough for WVR combat ?

astra 2 will have 110km range isnt it good enough ?

plus i dont think real ranges will be put out in brouchers / internet/website ?

cant branhmos at less than 3 tonnes be carried by Tejas mk2 ?

for PGMs it is just a ordering problem - if we have not orered more - it dosent mean they are not good enough - we can always order more

GPS enabled ? it will be IRNSS / Glanoss enabled not a great stumbling block i think ?

Defcon 1

New Member
Nov 10, 2011
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how can we say "not good enough"
By knowing the specs of the system and the technology used.

Astra ground test will be carried out at this year

isnt 44kms good enough for WVR combat ?
Astra will be used a BVR missile. R73 will be used as WVR missile for LCA. Astra cannot be used as WVR missile, its too heavy to be used as one.

astra 2 will have 110km range isnt it good enough ?
Astra 2 will be inducted after many years, and still won't come with Ramjet propulsion.

plus i dont think real ranges will be put out in brouchers / internet/website ?
Same goes for foreign systems as well.

cant branhmos at less than 3 tonnes be carried by Tejas mk2 ?
No it can't. Tejas doesn't have a pylon to support a 3 tonne missile. Anyways, the air launched Brahmos carried by MKI will weigh 2.5 tonnes and the lighter version carried by MMRCA and Mig29 will weight 1.5 tonnes. Tejas doesn't have a pylon to support even 1.5 tonnes.
for PGMs it is just a ordering problem - if we have not orered more - it dosent mean they are not good enough - we can always order more
We have not ordered because they haven't met requirements. Next version is in development.
GPS enabled ? it will be IRNSS / Glanoss enabled not a great stumbling block i think ?
No, it is laser guided. We are yet to develop GPS/IRNSS/GLONASS guided PGMs
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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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Lol. i understand.
Just so you know, even here it is the same. Dry state distinction is a fass really. But lets not go off topic again.
It was you who made a perfectly OT post in the first place.

There are lot of colorful threads for Modi bashing fest here,with lot of colorful eggspert posters who hold elected MPs responsible for sewage disposal and street light problems.

We can go off topic, on topic, under the topic , above the topic, and all topics there.

Lets spare this thread .


New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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All the partner nations are buying it in bulk. Cost is around 1 million Euro. Anyways, meteor won't be the regular BVR for Rafale since MICA itself has a range between 50-70 Km, so its good enough for the job.

Good enough for what job?
Do you know the range of MICA in 25 K altitude?
How different is it from Astra mk1?
The expected date of induction of Meteor is same as expected date of Rafale's induction into IAF, assuming that the deal is signed soon. So, no worries.
What is the range of meteor and MICA in 25 K altitude? 200 Km perhaps?


New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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By knowing the specs of the system and the technology used.

Astra will be used a BVR missile. R73 will be used as WVR missile for LCA. Astra cannot be used as WVR missile, its too heavy to be used as one.

Astra 2 will be inducted after many years, and still won't come with Ramjet propulsion.

Same goes for foreign systems as well.

No it can't. Tejas doesn't have a pylon to support a 3 tonne missile. Anyways, the air launched Brahmos carried by MKI will weigh 2.5 tonnes and the lighter version carried by MMRCA and Mig29 will weight 1.5 tonnes. Tejas doesn't have a pylon to support even 1.5 tonnes.

We have not ordered because they haven't met requirements. Next version is in development.

No, it is laser guided. We are yet to develop GPS/IRNSS/GLONASS guided PGMs

some info on BVR missiles here.

The other important technological development
of this period was the air-breathing throttled
rocket ramjet engine. Vympel made the critical
breakthrough during the 1990s and widely marketed
the RVV-AE-PD or 'ramjet Adder', subsequently
licencing the technology to the French, via ONERA,
who used it in the MBDA Meteor missile for the
Eurofighter Typhoon, Dassault Rafale and SAAB
Gripen Eurocanards. While the Russian missile has
yet to appear outside mockups, the Meteor is now
well into its development with an IOC planned for
What ramjet missiles provide is not only more
range than rocket missiles of equal mass, as
the oxidizing agent is the air mass itself, they
importantly provide thrust during the endgame
phase of the missiles' flight
SO even if meteor is not used in Tejas a future russian ramjet missile (that will come with FGFA ) integration will give tejas mk1 a ramjet missile in BVR range, which should not be very difficult.

And ADA chief is on record stated to Ajai Shukla in Broad sword interview that tejasmk2 "will have the interface" to carry meteor.

It is tejas mk1 that does not have a pylon to support 1500 Kg.

Not mk2.

Mk2 is also going to have the same seven pylons , but external stores will be 5 tons.

So most probably a 1.5 ton missile can be carried on at least one of its pylons.

Since it is the Navy that is involved more in tejas mk2 program , they sure would have asked for such a config, provided brahmos is going to be their main anti ship missile in future.

We will know that when tejas mk2 prototype flies.

It says that tejas can carry 1.5 ton bomb, needs some clarification.
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Dhairya Yadav

New Member
Feb 27, 2012
It was you who made a perfectly OT post in the first place.

There are lot of colorful threads for Modi bashing fest here,with lot of colorful eggspert posters who hold elected MPs responsible for sewage disposal and street light problems.

We can go off topic, on topic, under the topic , above the topic, and all topics there.

Lets spare this thread .

I dont hate modi, he will be a good PM. My thoughts are in above forum.

