ADA Tejas (LCA) News and Discussions

Which role suits LCA 'Tejas' more than others from following options?

  • Interceptor-Defend Skies from Intruders.

    Votes: 342 51.3%
  • Airsuperiority-Complete control of the skies.

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • Strike-Attack deep into enemy zone.

    Votes: 24 3.6%
  • Multirole-Perform multiple roles.

    Votes: 284 42.6%

  • Total voters
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Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
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Apr 17, 2014
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Again a great piece Bro....
Apart from the salary point(I think they have a handsome salary) .... Everything is nothing else But TRUTH....

he is simply wrong.
The knid of interception role Mig-21 specializes does not exist to day. In the post word war two era massed bombers fleet with huge lumbering bombers carpet bombing cities and strategic assets was the biggest threat faced by the nations.

With no worthwhile ground based missile system Mig-21 was designed as a fighter than climbs quickly and engage this lumbering fleet in high numbers . It was a simplistic design with even no radar when it was imported into india. And it had a very low range with very low fuel, because its role was not to do the role of true multi role long range fighter bombers of today.

It had to rely on ground based radars to find the bomber fleet location and designed with the intent of flyin in agile high speed flight profile to engage them.

But today due to advances in SAM tech these strategic bomber fleet is not the main threat. Fighter bombers like Mirage-2000, SU-30 MKI and F-16 do the job of hitting the target with long range stand off bombs fired from close to 100 Km distance away. They also have powerful radars to track and shoot down targets at 100 Km distance,

So the fast climbing small radar tracking range, low fuel load(very low range) interceptors like Mig21 are obsolete now.

tejas was designed for the same role as the much admired Mirage-2000 , which is a versatile multi role fighter bomber.

It was the only fighter that impressed IAF in kargil , as with high wing area structure it had the specs to precision bomb pak camps at kargil with huge impact.

because high wing area, low wing loading, high thrust to weight ration, Relaxed Static stability tail less delta airframe of Mirage-2000 was ideal for that.

That is what p2p extolled in the post cited by me.

tejas goes one step further on the above specs of mirage-2000 in every parameter.

If mirage-2000 has analogue fly by wire, tejas has 4 channel digital fly by wire,

If mirage-2000 has a thrust to weight ratio of 0.95 in half fuel load config, tejas has 1.07,

If mirage-2000 has a tail less delta relaxed Static Stability Airframe with small strakes for vortex generation, tejas has the same RSS fly by wire airframe with F-16 XL like compound or cranked delta for vortex generation,

Then how come tejas is inferior to Mig-2 in any role?

By the same token will he say that Mig-21 is superior to rafale in interception as rafale too has a top speed of mach 1.8(may be lower in hot indian weather conditions which bleed 10 percent of engine thrust and lift from wings)?

Answer is a flat no. because eventhough Nig-21 can start 30 seconds earlier than Tejas once in air its radars wont lock on to even a JF-17 at 100 Km range. If it has to face a JF-17 in interception , in a stand alone mode it will be the JF-17 which will track first and fire first and not Mig-21. So mig-21s are now good only when they are used in larger radar Su-30 MKI as we have seen in excercises with US.

But tejas like Mirage-2000 is a stand alone platform like gripen and raflae with radars bigger radar disc dia than all three of them.

And it will have 100 Km range Astra version which is being test fired from SU-30 MKI besides all other russian missiles availbale for Sukhoi. And in mk-2 ADA chief has said that tejas mk-2 will have the interface to fire meteor, the same primary weapon of rafale and gripen, but with 45 km trackin range Mig-21 can not use such llong range missiles.

So thats what I have been higlighting here. he is simply fooling folks with comparing useless topspeeds , which can not be sustained for more than a few minutes, because due to high drag the fighter will burn all its fuel and fall out of the sky. neither does it can be used to evade modern 4.5 mach BVRs. Also fighter can not undertake tighter turns at these high speeds the primary requirement to evade a missile.

I neither contest youe claim on DRDO nor approve it. What I said was that there are many labs some good, some average, some bad and some average, some not doing the work eventhough they can , some hampered by attrition and patchy fund allotments.

So we just can not say that other than missile division everything was bad. On the contrary my suspicion is the success of missile divission owes more to the non interference of armed forces and the high priority and regular funding available to them.

because there are no brokers peddlling MTCR breaking missiles with alluring bribes to higher civilian defence set up which includes the MOD, politiicans and top brass.

So the astra , tejas ,arjun and nirbhay team have to struggle and come up with world best on their debut to enter operational services against competition. That is not the case with missiles. For example when prithvi was first introduced it was a liquid motor missile with high CEP, meaning before launching it it has to be pumped with liquid propollent , which will take hours and easily detectable abd vulnerable at that time. It also had a very short range of 300 Km which meant it had to be deployed near border amplifying this vulnerability.

But since no one else was offering any competing product Army accepted this. And a production set up was created with all the inffra and priority funding. It led to world class missile development labs and infra which has now reached the level of sub launched ballistic missiles.

that is what i was saying.

Say if the army accepted tejas with R-60 missiles as mk-1 with an order of 40 odd, and let the further R-73 missile version as mk-2 and the now tejas mk-2 as mk-3(as swedes did with gripenA?b, C/D ,and noe E in the form of NG) ,

a production facility would have been set up in 2006 itself and work on present mk-1 and mk-2 would have gone on faster with better infra. But by insisting on FSED phase-2 project got only delayed. Same with Arjun, it started as a 105 mm gun 40 ton tank project. Army changer GSQR four times without giving any limited production order till mk-1 and delayed setting up of private sector firm participation and faster development.

example is the MRF facility to make rubber tracks for Arjun was set up and shut down after low order from Army. Then which private sector will guy come forward to sink in his money. But look at how TATAs are working with US heli makers Sirkosky.

By offering lame excuses and delaying phased product induction of DRDO products , what happens is many talented minds in DRDO labs get frustrated and switch jobs to lucrative shores , since there is no job satisfaction , as you and I, along with pretty much every one else(even defence journos) keep lampooning them forever.

This is what happened to fly by wire software team of tejas, with even marriage proposal not going their way, due to the poor prospects, what do one expect a talented engineer to do in DRDO lab.

And no incentive driven salary structure is adopted further compounding the woes. A product like tejas, Astra,arjun and Nirbhay save 100s of billions of dollars in cumulative forex over the years, Why not the govt announce some incentives on the completion of the products with intermediate goal based rewards? Then many indian professionals abroad will start coming back to this country.

There is no point in equating them with every other govt official who do the routine work of spending govt money.

Somehting Modi govt should focus on.


Turning into a frog
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Mar 30, 2009
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Again a great piece Bro....
Apart from the salary point(I think they have a handsome salary) .... Everything is nothing else But TRUTH....
No they do not have a handsome salary. It is minuscule compared to what they can get in any private sector job. Just think of the people involved and how bright they must be to build a plane from scratch with almost all the modern tech. included


Turning into a frog
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Mar 30, 2009
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Again a great piece Bro....
Apart from the salary point(I think they have a handsome salary) .... Everything is nothing else But TRUTH....
No they do not have a handsome salary. It is minuscule compared to what they can get in any private sector job. Just think of the people involved and how bright they must be to build a plane from scratch with almost all the modern tech. included


Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
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Apr 17, 2014
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by handsome what I meant was 6 figuers for new joinee and even 7 figure for seniors ....
What do you think they might be earning I am not comparing it with what private sector can pay or spend ... but there are alot of benefits which you get in public sector but not in private....

Yes they developed from scratch true ... They had to decide if they want to do domething new or go to private sector and wate there ability just to earn more money...

The govt should do something for job satisfaction but my belief is it doesnot come from money though its a part of it

No they do not have a handsome salary. It is minuscule compared to what they can get in any private sector job. Just think of the people involved and how bright they must be to build a plane from scratch with almost all the modern tech. included


Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
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Apr 17, 2014
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Alarge number of people here were saying it is an unrealistic deadline ...
So this delay was expected...
They have postponed it by 3 months but dont be surprised if it is again delayed...

But about validity .... They should have kept all the points in mind before goving a deadline... once you hav egiven it you must stick to it...
It simply proves your mis management and lackof understanding...

If this would have been the first time we could have given a benefit of doubt but this is not the first and If you ask me neither the last time they have not met deadlines....

Tejas FOC delayed again, Indian defence minister admits - IHS Jane's 360

but is this not an valid delay , because incorporating Gun is not easy job because of the vibration issue ?? and even BVR missile test , inflight fuel refill probe


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Mar 6, 2011
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As an aspiring superpower, we will have a combat aircrcft better than the failed neighbor. Indian Supah Powah for the win:yey:

Are you man enough to commit a date, from a magical source of yours which gave you the info that it is great for IAF?

I dont want the pilots dead just because some hypernationlistic jingowallahs decided that its better to feed a lazy bitch like DRDO instead of buying the best equipment for them. I am sorry, I love my armed forces and my nation too much to be blinded by crap DRDO sells.

Where did you get that shit from? Seriously! IAF ordered LCA way back in 2000s and even after 14 yrs. DRDO has not delivered. Its not IAF's fault. making shitty comparisons make you look like an idiot. If you want to continue along that non sense, you can continue debating yourself .

The actual truth is more like Defence forces wanted something and the DRDO being DRDO(a typical government run institution) dint deliver it on time. So Defence forces moved on to the next available option for the best of the country, that too after giving so much time. Only hypernationalistic jingowallahs fail to see it.

I dint call you a moron either:lol:. I said you are a moron if you think that customer is to be blamed for

For neutral readers, what he says is much more in tune with reality/truth. You and Shakthivel come across as fan boys :rolleyes:

PS: I used to support LCA too, when I was ignorant. Just three years of following the program and the input I got from my friend was enough to know about it.
F-35s cleared to go supersonic again and pull 3.2Gs |
Attrition: India Grows Desperate Over Unreliable Russian Engines |

For people complaining about tejas delay in FOC as grave issue for IAF the above two links are worth a read, Even after two decades of inductions , now we know that the AL-31 engine rated for 3000 hours is worth only 700 hours , and needs a "costly rebuild"after that.

No three legged cheeta's from IAF has ever opened their mouth an inch about this. A year before IAF retired the entire fleet of hundred Mig-27 fighters,

Compared to that tejas is a well researched program exclusively focussing on pilot safety and applauded by its test pilots.

Despite such pressing safety concerns and training pilots to fly SU-30 MKI on on eengines, IAF has given only 40 number of orders for tejas mk-1!!!.
And confirmed just 84 for mk-2!!!!

other than its ageing Mirage-2000 fleet , the entire IAF fleet is beset with technical issues. But IAF vetoes the ADA JV proposal to build 90 Kn Kaveri engine with Snecma for tejas, saying it is underpowered. may be for tejas mk-2 it will be underpowered. But for tejas mk-1 they are good enough.

IAF group captain Sunnet Krishna has said many times that tejas mk-1 is atleat equal to Mirage-2000 (that is upgraded at roughly twice the cost of a single brand new tejas mk-1). ANd Riaz Khokar former vice chief of NTSE has also said that right now tejas mk-1 exceeds Mirage-2000, and there is no need for IAF to insist on higher powered MK-2 as tejas mk-1 itself is good enough.He said IAF should give hundred plus order for tejas mk-1 right now for faster production.

Also the chief naval test pilot of tejas mk-1 has clearly said that tejas mk-2 was a naval requirement and mk-1 due excess weight of landing gear reducing pay load and the need to take off from carrier within a short distance with higher loads.

SO with such fleet reliability why is IAF hesitant in ordering tejas mk-1, which did have one of the most reliable and safest record so far?

Ask p2prada to answer this
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New Member
Feb 5, 2014
F-35s cleared to go supersonic again and pull 3.2Gs |
Attrition: India Grows Desperate Over Unreliable Russian Engines |

For people complaining about tejas delay in FOC as grave issue for IAF the above two links are worth a read, Even after two decades of inductions , now we know that the AL-31 engine rated for 3000 hours is worth only 700 hours , and needs a "costly rebuild"after that.

No three legged cheeta's from IAF has ever opened their mouth an inch about this. A year before IAF retired the entire fleet of hundred Mig-27 fighters,

Compared to that tejas is a well researched program exclusively focussing on pilot safety and applauded by its test pilots.
It is not secret the IAF is very eager on foreign toys killing domestic projects

But isisn't the LCA program is under miss management , they give timeline which is unrealistic many times like example FOC in December 2014, because incorporating gun , inflight refill probe & testing them to perfection & clearing out the flaws is not mean job with limited timeline set

Hope ADA will not get into this type of suituation on timeline with LCA mk2 & AMCA


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Mar 6, 2011
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Reply to the post number -3071 ,my reply to MADINDIAN who thinks I am abusing you.
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Mar 6, 2011
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It is not secret the IAF is very eager on foreign toys killing domestic projects

But isisn't the LCA program is under miss management , they give timeline which is unrealistic many times like example FOC in December 2014, because incorporating gun , inflight refill probe & testing them to perfection & clearing out the flaws is not mean job with limited timeline set

Hope ADA will not get into this type of suituation on timeline with LCA mk2 & AMCA

Timelines are unrealistic, it was known by the time of IOC-2 itself with many guys questioning the impossibility of it,

Also since it is no profit making product for HAL till now(upgraded to an independent division in HAL only last week according to news reports) not enough resources to support to speedily upgrade the LSPs to IOC-2 standards.

but it is operationally available right now and enough investment in production facilities will lead to faster induction.Delays in FOC does not matter.

other than Gun firing , nothing else is hardware related. they are all software related .

If only 100 mk1 orders and 200 mk2 orders were given, tejas program would have attracted greater indian private sector participation with faster development motivation and more financial resources.

It will also sped up mk-2 development effort and export effort. Note even Gripen NG does not have 200 number order, and recently swedes voted against public funding for gripen NG or E program. So lot of international attention will focus on tejas in case gripen encounters problem in its E effort. IAf and ADA should be alert to these chances.

Simply saying there are more number of fighters in IAF ready to be replaced with tejas mk1 and mk2 that are more obsolete than anywhere else in the world. but why just 40 Mk1 and 84 mk2 orders?

but considering that F-35 after 100 inducted has just been cleared to fly at mach 1.6 with turns of 3.2 gs, it shows the approach of USAF and IAF to product integration in sharp contrast.
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New Member
Mar 14, 2014
HAL recruited Few Grads directly through campus placement two yrs back from my college with CTC around 5.5L to 6L.. This doesn't include accommodation and transport.. :)


New Member
Feb 5, 2014
Timelines are unrealistic, it was known by the time of IOC-2 itself with many guys questioning the impossibility of it,

Also since it is no profit making product for HAL till now(upgraded to an independent division in HAL only last week according to news reports) not enough resources to support to speedily upgrade the LSPs to IOC-2 standards.

but it is operationally available right now and enough investment in production facilities will lead to faster induction.Delays in FOC does not matter.

other than Gun firing , nothing else is hardware related. they are all software related .

If only 100 mk1 orders and 200 mk2 orders were given, tejas program would have attracted greater indian private sector participation with faster development motivation and more financial resources.

It will also sped up mk-2 development effort and export effort. Note even Gripen NG does not have 200 number order, and recently swedes voted against public funding for gripen NG or E program. So lot of international attention will focus on tejas in case gripen encounters problem in its E effort. IAf and ADA should be alert to these chances.

Simply saying there are more number of fighters in IAF ready to be replaced with tejas mk1 and mk2 that are more obsolete than anywhere else in the world. but why just 40 Mk1 and 84 mk2 orders?

but considering that F-35 after 100 inducted has just been cleared to fly at mach 1.6 with turns of 3.2 gs, it shows the approach of USAF and IAF to product integration in sharp contrast.
Cancel the Rafale then you will see the Approach of IAF towards LCA , today for IAF LCA is last option and they have Rafale which is favourite baby

Eg: Govt cancelled BAE light weight M777 Howitzer , now Army is banking on Bharat forge light weight howitzer

To be honest Navy has shown great interest and support on LCA but ADA gives first preference to IAF rather than Navy:rolleyes:


Satyameva Jayate "Truth Alone Triumphs"
New Member
Apr 17, 2014
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Cancel the Rafale then you will see the Approach of IAF towards LCA , today for IAF LCA is last option and they have Rafale which is favourite baby

Eg: Govt cancelled BAE light weight M777 Howitzer , now Army is banking on Bharat forge light weight howitzer

To be honest Navy has shown great interest and support on LCA but ADA gives first preference to IAF rather than Navy:rolleyes:
I will second the nation of cancelling Rafale deal... but th ebad news is we are in a dead lock the max we can do is reduce the order size and transfer money to MK2 and AMCA....
Yes Govt cancelled M777 it was a wise decision which forced IA to go for Baba Kalyani's group Howitzer but that is still an year or two away...
On the contrary there is no latest update on the induction of Dhanush....

LCA MK2 was initiated on the request of Navy and later IAF jumped in so saying ADA prefers IAF will not be correct... These Govt Org DPSU favour prefer only money and there lazy approach nothing else....
The excuse of lack of funds and resources 10 years back was a good excuse but delays even today are no excuse....
Just saying as FOC is delayed and hence Date of Tejas MK2 will also get pushed further.....


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Mar 6, 2011
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Cancel the Rafale then you will see the Approach of IAF towards LCA , today for IAF LCA is last option and they have Rafale which is favourite baby

Eg: Govt cancelled BAE light weight M777 Howitzer , now Army is banking on Bharat forge light weight howitzer

To be honest Navy has shown great interest and support on LCA but ADA gives first preference to IAF rather than Navy:rolleyes:

The 4 part video posted on the MRCA deliberations is very illuminating. Some highlights ,

1.The evaluating group doesn't know how to calculate life cycle costs. SP Tyagi says they asked E Sreedharan for that. SO their evaluating metrics are made up on the fly, Just think about the monumental stupidity of this method.

Guys evaluating platforms without the clear idea of lifecycle cost , Don't they know that IAF has a budget and it never gets 60 percent of what it wants. SO if you buy a super expensive fighter for just six squads how is that rational? Do they think that the 126 rafales good enough for the all future needs of IAF. Where eill the budget for FGFA and AMCA will materialize?

2.The only reason for the weight cut of of 30 tons in the contract was named as "medium" was to keep the "heavy fighters" out !!!!. but there is nothing wrong in evaluating fighters with empty weight of 7 tons, 9 tons, 10 tons, and any tons till 30 tons for the MMRCA,What is the strategic doctrine behind this?

3.The RFP written had the objectives of meeting the requirements of the IAF and serve in building an industrial-aerospace infrastructure in the country!!!!!.By killing reasonable tejas mk2 numbers our MMRCA RFP writers are trying to build the aerospace industry of the nation!!!! Is there a better joke than this?

They want to build our trainer tech with pliatus, heavy fighter tech with SU-30 MKI, medium fighter tech with Rafale and kill of the only original 4.5th gen product tejas mk2 in high numbers. These guys don't know what building techsis all about.

They built their DPSA tech by killing off efforts for HF-24 marut engine by importing Jags and Mig-23s,27s. No they want to reduce tejas mk2 to lab rat status and build the fighter tech with french help .

Modi should put these guys in charge of DRDO and HAL and they will build indigenous indian tech with each and every 126 number fighter purchase from every fighter making country in the world. And we will be leaders in tech development. Envy of the world.

It is no wonder that another tech dummy former IAF chief once boasted that they can pulla a MMRCA winner rabbit from their magician hats called base repair depots within a decade!!! Immediately contradicted by his deputy though.

SOme one has to tell these guys that with 8 per year roll out 120 IAF tejas offers no incentive to any private sector giant to enter into mil aviation industry. And it will be stunted for two more decades. And the same sordid drama will be played out again after two decades by crushing AMCA between the FGFA and another future product from TOT donating western country, in the same way tejas mk-2 getting crushed by mirage-2000 upgrade contracts and Rafale buy.

4. 6:30: AM Jimmy Bhatia: We will need 50 squads to deter Pak + China, With 126 rafales at 20 billion dollar , we wil never even reach 40 squads in any immediate future..

5. 7:25: Brig G. Kanwal: If a war breaks out 80-90% it will be in the mountains. 60-70% chance it will remain in the mountains. To achieve these military goals, india will need massive air fire power - since ground forces would be limited to maneuver in the mountains. Is the IAF ready for this?

War will be mostly fought on the border mountains IAF knows it. but it is the IAF which is fantasizing in fighting a war deep inside Tibet with 126 mythical beasts called rafales in a territory filled with S-300, S-400 Awacs and 5th gen J-20s and J-31s.

By diverting 20 billion dollars towards their own mahabharatha war IAF will critically deprive Indian Army soldiers their much needed support in the form of tejas mk2 which was built exactly for that purpose. the tejas mk2 cleared the leh cold high altitude trials with ease and four of the 6 MMRCA contenders failed this test of taking off with meaning full loads from Leh within a specified runway length.

And 300 to 400 tejas mk2 will be excellent for this purpose with a bigger ASEA radar than rafale , Range does not count here as most of the actions will be border strikes. We can always have Su-30 MKI, Nirbhay for deep strike.

5.12: 30: Nitin Gokhale (NDTV): Priority to build what we need. We do not have funds for 45 squads (perhaps he meant 42)

The IAF's 20 billion rafale buy is just opposite of that. When 300 to 400 tejas mk2s will bolster the airspace of india and will be of immense help in close air support to the ground troops facing the music , IAF is spending 20 billion dollar on rafale , whose each and every job can be performed by Nirbhay and SU-30 MKI.

6. 13:43: Maj Gen A. Mehta: 1999 IAF was not prepared to fight in the mountains.

Only Mirage-2000 was fit for bombing in Himalayas. IAF found that out in the hard way. And for the LGB requirement it was the same DRDO guys along with israelis who helped it out, while french played cool. If IAF does not learn their lesson even after this.

God knows when it will learn. SO IAF will miss the numerically superior fleet of tejas mk2 by pumping forex into rafale. Is it wise. With FGFA just around the corner why is IAF splurging on rafale whose very job an be done by other platforms in IAF? Has IAF forgot that 126 rafales can not be in all the places all the time where 300 to 400 tejas can be present? IAF is not fighting some esoteric war like the one french fought with non existant enemy airforce in mali, Libiya and Afganistan. In a two front war for india it will be the numbers that count. Not 126 rafales.

7.14:15: Barbora: Agrees. many IAF fighters could not fire certain ammo beyond a certain altitude, but at Kargil IAF was innovated. On Squads: Old sqauds are limited in what they could carry (1 ton as an example). Today the new platforms carry 10 tons. Over time the # of squads sanctioned varied from 39.5 - 42 - 44 (and in 1974 there was a report suggesting 55 squads - if required). But the newer platforms can carry a lot and change their requirements in the air. States that he feel that IAF cannot afford more than 30 squads (??????????).

But how much they carry when taking off from Leh and other future high altitude makeshift air fields in two front war? That is why this rafale can deliver 9 tons across 3000 Km BS is totally irrelevant here. IAF has Nirbhays, Agnis, SU-30 MKIs and in future UCAVs for such deep strikes, FGFA is following hot on the heels(it will start entering squadron service just when rafale induction is over!!!) , which is especially made for this role . But by spending this huge 20 billion dollar on rafale IAF is killing off the prospects of 300 to 400 tejas providing invaluable service in the Himalays in any two front wars. Is it well thought out?

certainly No. because MMRCA started out as a straight 126 Mirage-2000 buy after Mirage did well in IAF, But the tragedy is MMRCA is going to do the exact opposite of this capability that was previously sought. It is going to kill 300 to 400 tejas mk1 and mk2 which will be far far better than Mirage-200 at those altitudes by diverting money to Deep strkie rafales.

SO modernizing jags and delaying tejas is not going to do any world of good for IAF in any future IAf war , for which tejas was designed with exceptionally low wing loading than Mirage-2000, higher thrust to weight ratio than mirage-2000 ?
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Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
New Member
Jan 27, 2012
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SO with such fleet reliability why is IAF hesitant in ordering tejas mk-1, which did have one of the most reliable and safest record so far?

Ask p2prada to answer this
By that logic F22 is worse than Tejas as Tejas record is flawless compared to F22 which crashed few times. So US should disband all its F 22s and order Tejas from India. Seriously dude?:rolleyes:

This is how your logic comes across here. You have not actually answered @p2prada 's point on How Tejas cant do the stuff Rafale can!
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Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
New Member
Jan 27, 2012
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I will second the nation of cancelling Rafale deal... but th ebad news is we are in a dead lock the max we can do is reduce the order size and transfer money to MK2 and AMCA....
Yes Govt cancelled M777 it was a wise decision which forced IA to go for Baba Kalyani's group Howitzer but that is still an year or two away...
On the contrary there is no latest update on the induction of Dhanush....

LCA MK2 was initiated on the request of Navy and later IAF jumped in so saying ADA prefers IAF will not be correct... These Govt Org DPSU favour prefer only money and there lazy approach nothing else....
The excuse of lack of funds and resources 10 years back was a good excuse but delays even today are no excuse....
Just saying as FOC is delayed and hence Date of Tejas MK2 will also get pushed further.....
ITs also no secret that people who talk about LCA and that crap DRDO have no clue as to what they are actually talking about and are all keyboard warriors:truestory:

Mad Indian

Proud Bigot
New Member
Jan 27, 2012
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Cancel the Rafale then you will see the Approach of IAF towards LCA , today for IAF LCA is last option and they have Rafale which is favourite baby
Eg: Govt cancelled BAE light weight M777 Howitzer , now Army is banking on Bharat forge light weight howitzer

And who knows how it will bite us back in the ass . LIke how we had to rely on Israel for Kargil
To be honest Navy has shown great interest and support on LCA but ADA gives first preference to IAF rather than Navy:rolleyes:
Navy is not going to fight off two front war with China and PAK anyime soon, atleast not to the extend IA and IAF are going to. Their threat perception needs may be met by LCA alone. That is not the case with IAF and IA. Thats why fan boys should allow people who actually "know" the issue to handle it like defence professionals in IA and IAF
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