
Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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They handled it 200 years back. We have been prone to it past 1000 years.
200 years back they settled feud between liberal whites and racist whites. It is today that white majority is less then 50% . Today USA is dealing with it.
education is not sufficient , opportunity is required.
Educated people create opportunity for themselves and others. Who created USA and European economy . Jesus Christ??

How will population stabilize in 2050? We are 60% young and below 35 just do the geometric progression. It's going to triple.
Ever heard about total fertility ratio. It's declining fast. It's 2.2 now . By 2020 it will be under 2.1 that means below replacement level. Modernity will also take it's toll. Read UN population documents.
Our population will stabilize 2050-2060 or even before that.

You cannot grasp the tech or TOT without English. This means a lot of things.
No you can. How the hell did Korean or Japanese or Russian or French or German or swedish or Danish or Spaniard or Chinese ever developed anything.

We chose to implement technical education in this nation in English because we needed our youth to compete globally.
As domestic economy expands we can either become an majority English speaking nation or we will start teaching technology to young people in local language.
English is spreading even in rural areas . We will be the nation with most English speakers soon enough.

No, even in govt service it's a day today affair.

Let's not compare the thought process of whites and us Asians.
Why not!! The white descended from heaven?? It takes generations to change mindset. I am the highest cast yet I value people only on knowledge and merit. As simple as that. That is what education and urbanization and economics does!!!

People start identifying with economic class rather than birth cast!!

Anyway if you believe we are doomed why are you even debating. If the future is not bright why not just roll over and die.

Or see the rapid change happing around you.
Yesterday I was debating a British about data pricing. In England poor chap was paying £5 == 400rs for 5 GB data monthly.
Some were paying even higher . Here in India I'm burning through with 84 GB 4g data for 84 days for 400 rs.
That's what happens with economic growth. And the story will repeat in every sector with time. Chill on.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Socho yaar zara. Mazak nahi hai...

pataka na ho jaye..
Bro like I said before. We don't have an option . The conditions are what they are. Either we improve and thrive or we wither away. We're capable of taking hard decisions . GST was one such decision. We did it.

We have been growing over 6% annually from 1980s it's been 35 + years of positive growth that too in most negative scenarios.

Forget 8 or 10 %. Just see if we can continue grow at mundane 6% for 30 years as we have already been doing for 30 years now and look what we will achieve .

We'll have better living standard individually than most countries in the world. Not bad by any measure.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Educated people create opportunity for themselves and others. Who created USA and European economy . Jesus Christ??
They have different thought process than Asians.
Educated people create opportunity for themselves and others. Who created USA and European economy . Jesus Christ??
Bhai you are correct but tell me
it's been 70 years and out standard of living is so bad we lack commonsense

Bhai Japan do bum kha gaya they bounced back... and look at us.

Tell me where are the jobs?

Today if you are employing some one for 15k a month it's a shame.

reality mein ao yaar.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Bro like I said before. We don't have an option . The conditions are what they are. Either we improve and thrive or we wither away. We're capable of taking hard decisions . GST was one such decision. We did it.

We have been growing over 6% annually from 1980s it's been 35 + years of positive growth that too in most negative scenarios.
Bhai what took them to introduce GST so late?

70 years were sufficient. To change economy. We are highly fertile peninsular country.

And I fail to understand one logic. When these leaders were fighting for freedom was rest of the India Ganwar that they did not understand why we are taking Independence?

How the hell we remained uneducated for so long?

This means most of the people in India didn't even know what's going in the country? I mean are we so naïve or what???


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
Senior Member
Aug 14, 2015
These talks are good but the ground reality is opportunity is low for talented people. And if nothing is done on time and we keep getting f*cked b/w stupid issues the opportunity will reduce further. This will give rise to corruption and crime.

So let's not dream. You don't know that with current rate of our population growth rate you need to have 2 times the industrial capacity of China to accommodate all of the people.

Socho yaar zara. Mazak nahi hai...

pataka na ho jaye..
Do give a read to this:
Indian economy: That 2002 feeling
The article misses the jobless growth part, but recovery will not be without job creation. Now we need job creation to match rising workforce levels. Some thoughts off the top of my head:-


^This chart is a good one to keep in mind while talking about population challenges. Watch the pyramid on the left, particularly the 25-29 age group graph. The highest number of workers will enter our workforce between 2025 and 2030. That is the peak. That is a total of 63 million males in that age group in the year 2030.

The challenge is immense, but if we somehow make through it to 2035 without incident, we are not likely to have an incident in the future.

Now to make it through to 2035, we cannot rely only on export-oriented policies. Indian demand needs to rise to cater to this.
  • The best way forward is a government-NGO driven upskilling program that focuses on niche areas where we can excel.
  • We need to invest in future industries like
    • Water conservation tech and other techs that help the world absorb impact of climate change.
    • Digital and IoT tech.
    • Cyber security (upskill low level IT workers, introduce programs in Engineering colleges to churn out cybersecurity experts en-masse).
    • Renewable energy
    • Deep-sea mining
    • Nanotechnology
    • Space applications: leverage ISRO tech to become a global leader in this sphere
    • Medical tech and medical services
    • Tele-education (thinking both Byjuus type and Distance education programs for Africa) and other innovation projects to simplify and revolutionize learning at all levels.
    • Prod Indian cinema to start competing in foreign markets on a regular basis with bigger budget (not very big) increase. Ensure that they shoot most of the film in India or take Indian crew abroad if they go there. Develop Indian special effects industry on the back of this, and slowly create a gaming industry to match that of Ubisoft (not kidding, is possible).
    • If possible, revive the Japanese anime industry by having us outsource some of the animation jobs (jobs for fine arts graduates: they can fit into anime drawing style after a short course). [Not joking, the market exists, the Chinese are trying to flood market with their animes, but nothing beats the original product, so collaborate and save the Japanese anime industry, and win more jobs for Indians]
  • We need more people taking the route of entrepreneurship than relying on jobs. Sadly, entrepreneurship relies on funding and guidance (both are in short supply).
  • We need to attract foreign firms to Make in India ostensibly for a large domestic market, although we are aiming to use that excuse to become a stronger exporter.
  • We need to compete not with China, but with countries like Vietnam, which are better positioned at attracting foreign investment.
  • We do need to create barriers for Chinese goods, or at least force them to manufacture here rather than importing.
  • We need to disincentivize automation. Not actively discourage it, just let it run its course and not stimulate it.
  • Need to reform labour laws.
  • Improve ease of doing business.
  • Improve awareness in the public and protect them from misinformation campaigns unleashed against us by inimical forces (easier said than done).
  • Need to use our growing clout in global affairs and economic influence to secure jobs for young Indians overseas. Make a program where they come back to India after certain years of experience to guide growth here.
  • Grab African market and resources. Use AAGC and Japanese funding to compete for infra contracts overseas. Compete with OBOR, kills two birds with one stone.
Edit: for the second an third last points, we need to create a Nationalistic fervor that raises morale and defeats any India-will-definitely-fail propaganda. The Modi govt. created the hype, now its time to deliver on the growth front.
Bro like I said before. We don't have an option . The conditions are what they are. Either we improve and thrive or we wither away. We're capable of taking hard decisions . GST was one such decision. We did it.

We have been growing over 6% annually from 1980s it's been 35 + years of positive growth that too in most negative scenarios.

Forget 8 or 10 %. Just see if we can continue grow at mundane 6% for 30 years as we have already been doing for 30 years now and look what we will achieve .

We'll have better living standard individually than most countries in the world. Not bad by any measure.
We need these GST type big-ticket reforms to become the new normal. We need to become the most rapidly transforming economic regime in the developing world in order to achieve the kind of job growth that will preserve social stability.

Point @Screambowl is trying to make is that we need to concentrate on job growth and GDP growth, not only the latter. Its a known fact that economic growth does not automatically lead to improved social metrics. However, the current establishment seems like its cognizant of this fact. They just need to up the speed of reform and keep it up for as long as they need the growth to go on.
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Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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They have different thought process than Asians.
Thought process evolves with time. Asians also includes Japanese and Korean . We are evolving too.
it's been 70 years and out standard of living is so bad we lack commonsense
We chose socialism and failed. We made mistake in past but we are learning and improving.
Bhai Japan do bum kha gaya they bounced back... and look at us.
Japs were already technologically on par with west when bombs were dropped. Bombs destroyed cities not knowledge. Japanese redeployed knowledge and technology and bounced back. Today we too have huge techno -knowledge capacity. Not on par with Japan or USA but still recognizable .
Tell me where are the jobs?
I agree jobs are a problem.but that is because we lacked entrepreneurship since independence nothing new there. With a change in culture jobs will come too.

BTW unemployment rate in so called developed countries is also record high.
Today if you are employing some one for 15k a month it's a shame.

reality mein ao yaar.
Shame or not it's better than nothing at all.
What is the alternative??

And how do we improve reality with pessimism.
Bhai what took them to introduce GST so late?

70 years were sufficient. To change economy. We are highly fertile peninsular country.

And I fail to understand one logic. When these leaders were fighting for freedom was rest of the India Ganwar that they did not understand why we are taking Independence?

How the hell we remained uneducated for so long?

This means most of the people in India didn't even know what's going in the country? I mean are we so naïve or what???
You are right. Most people in India are passive bystander. That is the different between west and Asia or Africa.

Maybe it was too much religious influence , maybe it's tropical heat!

In West people take matter into their own hands . They earn money by hook or crook or even violence. In India people tolerate poverty as something sacred , a result of previous karma. But that is changing. Wealth is raining on metro cities and is changing attitude too. Just like chinese indians too are slowly realizing that it's glorious to be rich first!

Education is the most prominent family expense in India today and youth literacy is above 90% , enrollment ratio is almost 100 % .

In 15 years we shall have an fully educated India ( ok some 95%). That will transform both attitude and aptitude.

Yes we should have grown faster. We shouldn't have been colonized , we should have stopped Muslim invasion at afghanistan borders. But alas here we are.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Ever heard about total fertility ratio. It's declining fast. It's 2.2 now .
bro if 60% are young and 60% of 1.3 billion is almost 700 Million let's multiply it by 1.5 ( though it is 2.2) = 1 billion

1 billion young and then further if the growth rate is 2.. Bhai 3 billion ho jayenge by 2070

We chose socialism and failed. We made mistake in past but we are learning and improving.
there is no guarantee that we will chose anything better

Shame or not it's better than nothing at all.
What is the alternative??
This means India will not rule!

Japs were already technologically on par with west when bombs were dropped. Bombs destroyed cities not knowledge. Japanese redeployed knowledge and technology and bounced back. Today we too have huge techno -knowledge capacity. Not on par with Japan or USA but still recognizable .
When britishers left India had good industry and machinery India was at very good level. But but but... you know


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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India can NEVER "rule" the world in military terms ever.It can only become influential by economy at most and it has already started doing it.

With so many jihadis who are growing like cockroaches inside India and their well wishers(CONgis,Commis,LiberTURDS etc) who are hell bent on changing demographics and looking to divide India again on communal basis.Can you even imagine how the hell these foreign Rohingya cockroaches were settled in sensitive Kashmir where Native Hindu Pundits cant even dream of going back. :dude:

Next 20 years might see WB becoming a Islamic Republic or at least not a Indian state with normal peace and development.
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Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Point @Screambowl is trying to make is that we need to concentrate on job growth and GDP growth, not only the latter. Its a known fact that economic growth does not automatically lead to improved social metrics. However, the current establishment seems like its cognizant of this fact. They just need to up the speed of reform and keep it up for as long as they need the growth to go on.
The fastest way to create jobs is by increasing spending/ lending. So that business thrives and hires more and more people. But in corrupt system it doesn't work effectively as cronies turn money into private wealth and it never hits the ground.

So the govt has to shake the system First. That is why it went for demo , and suspending bureaucrats etc .

Reforms will move on their own pace. Congress and left still have Rajya sabha and some states under their hold.
And then there are Union in ordinance factories and air India. Modi will have to chose his battles. One battle at a time.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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bro if 60% are young and 60% of 1.3 billion is almost 700 Million let's multiply it by 1.5 ( though it is 2.2) = 1 billion

1 billion young and then further if the growth rate is 2.. Bhai 3 billion ho jayenge by 2070
Bhai it's only for women as only they can have babies. So multiply it with 350 million.
And it keeps decreasing universally. In china it's 1.5 today. Despite opening two child policy it's not growing back to 2.

there is no guarantee that we will chose anything better
There is no guarantee we'll chose any thing worse.
This means India will not rule!
It will be most populous country , it will have 2nd biggest economy and economy . What does ruling means anyway.

When britishers left India had good industry and machinery India was at very good level. But but but... you know
You need to read about this. Even nails for railways were imported into India by British. They only ever created maintaining repair facilities. They too were staffed with majority whites. So when British left the funding stopped for these industries and they had no skilled people.
( New govt had to feed the millions which was never a concern for British so we were quite low on funds as we chose to not kill people like mao or starve them like Churchill.)


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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if I am spending 25 lakhs on my education and then getting 20k per month
I think it's known as dhakke khana.

This is the biggest problem.
Yes but how do we change it. By encouraging entrepreneurship and also by improving vocational training so that not everyone goes for higher education but only the brightest.

Govt is working on it.

Akshay Fenix

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Jun 17, 2017
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They are all here yet we are growing stronger every day.
see the Percentage of Hindu population in the last 70 years and tell me who is exactly winning.

Fact: Without dharma, this country will split up into 1000 countries.

My previous post is pessimistic, I agree but it is also a reality check. These videos about where we will be in next 50 years is utterly wasteful timepass instead we must spend our time working hard (strengthening our dharma, and our economy).

We will reach number 1 through our work and not through the strength of our population.

Also (All these baba log going to jail for rape is seriously giving a bad publicity to this beautiful religion).
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Regular Member
Sep 7, 2017
So many people in this thread that try to sabotage the mindset of Indians that want to better their country and community. I can't imagine how awful it is in India itself for people that are actually trying.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Reforms will move on their own pace. Congress and left still have Rajya sabha and some states under their hold.
And then there are Union in ordinance factories and air India. Modi will have to chose his battles. One battle at a time.
buddy if something can happen it can happen now after this I don't think India has any leader. Yogi is one but he has to learn for now. And they are after him because they know he is going to be one of the prominent leaders. Just like modi.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Yes but how do we change it. By encouraging entrepreneurship and also by improving vocational training so that not everyone goes for higher education but only the brightest.

Govt is working on it.
Govt can't do any thing.
What happens is you start a business, and in 3 years you have it closed and then you shift to some other field of business.
Stability hi nahi hai Bhai. This is the reason people end up in generating less profit. Why because there are NO Industrial laws.


Sep 7, 2015
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India already has a lot of great stuff to work with. It has a good manufacturing base, plenty of room for educational growth and strong economic ties with other nations. By improving conditions within the country and fostering positive relationships beyond its borders, India could live up to its highest economic potential.

However, before the country can really be an economic force on par with the United States, the EU, and China, it will have to undergo a major overhaul of everything including trade policies, education, infrastructure, health and good governance.

Do we have it in us to bring about this change? Only time will tell.

Prashant Sharma

Regular Member
Jan 15, 2016
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bro if 60% are young and 60% of 1.3 billion is almost 700 Million let's multiply it by 1.5 ( though it is 2.2) = 1 billion
TFR of 2.2 is replacement level in India. Population don't grow at this level.

If u think india was industrialized when British left then u r delusional. Sadly u hv no knowledge of india


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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TFR of 2.2 is replacement level in India. Population don't grow at this level.

If u think india was industrialized when British left then u r delusional. Sadly u hv no knowledge of india
sadly you are not aware that after 1947 no industry was upgraded

what happened in Bhagalpur? It was known for it's silk textile.
What happened to Kanpur? India produces best leather but where is the profit?
Look at railways, I really don't want to add figures here on electrification. How slow it was until 2015
Where is the cotton Industry now? What are the advancement in production of cotton fibre techniques, it's same 30 years old tech.

Britishers had looted India but they also had developed Industries. And tell me isn't south and North block with Rasina looks amazing? It was designed by britishers.

So let's not go into such debate.

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