2020 US election and its Impact on India Megathread

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Senior Member
Feb 27, 2019
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This better be true sir I keked hard.
It is ... we have many more such examples ...

In Great US of A , Kids are trained / taught to call 911 if they get a scratch and trust me the teachers are supposed to check each kid for any bruises or any signs of physical abuse by their parents.... U cannot shout on kids ... and if they report to police.. you are screwed for life......

problem lies with their high divorce rates which increases child abuse cases.... My own friend wants to come back after 8 years in US b,cause his kids are woke liberals and want them to face real life...

what u think is the reason that they have such hugely pampered kids population....


Regular Member
Oct 23, 2019
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So disappointed with the happenings so far.

Trump has won this election. Fair and Square. He has 280 electoral votes right now. He has won NC PA GA and MI and called them on tweeter. Not even bringing AZ NV WI into picture.

It is an in-your-face stolen action and a soft coup. There are dozens of easily provable frauds and hundreds of more suspicious activities recorded by private citizens and volunteers. But the problem is the Mainstream Media (CNN FOX MSNBC) and Social Media has a complete black out on any such reporting and are suppressing the truth. Trump has no way of getting his message out and fighting in supreme court is the only venue open.

The Globalists playbook was as follows:

Project Biden 10 points ahead in fake national polls continuously before election to set up the expectation.

On election day when results were showing Trump wining big, MSM refused to call any states for trump (i.e. fl tx called late on purpose) while rushing to call as many states for biden as possible. This was to give Biden an appearance of early lead and show him as the front runner. And give him a high moral ground in case of legal fight later.

Now MSM doesnt have any authority to declare winners but them calling states is a psychological weapons that puts pressure on remaining neutral participants to swift narrative in their favor.

All 50 states have different election rules. They are created by state legislature. The Election Secretary of State of each state has the authority to certify results and declare winners. Problems in SS in all fraud states are controlled by Dems or bought by the globalist cabal. So while all this blatant fraud is happening they are on MSM TV singing praise of this great flawless election and training people to ignore all the reports of fraud that will eventually come up.

The MSM is stating that the mysterious delay in reporting in some states is because of the unprecedent mail in vote and every vote must count. So they are turning this messed up counting into a positive thing saying each and every vote is being counted and this is a testament to equality and fairness of their democracy.

What is actually happening is Trump leaning states all mysteriously stop reporting at 80-90% and pause for 4-12 hours and then all of sudden have exactly the right amount of mail-in votes needed to overcome the trump margin. Due to the complex nature of early mail-in, early in person voting and same-day mail-in and same day in-person voting options available this year, they can "explain away" all this fraud using myriad of genuine-sounding BS reasons.

The late calling of states gave them enough extra time to fix states in such a way to make Trumps path impossible.

Now what they are going to do is have Biden cross into 270 territory in the media over next couple days while MSM singing Kumbaya and appeals for unity while Biden acts all presidential and claims the title.

Now if Trump comes from behind and tries to litigate in the courts he will be seen as a sour loser or a power-hungry dictator who cant give up power. Just like MSM had been projecting him all these years.

So it is all a perception battle now.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2019
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Little do these dindus know that left devta Bernie himself is against H1b.....
Read this for reference
www.brightworkresearch.com › wh...
Web results
Why Bernie Sanders Opposes the H1-B Visa Program - Brightwork ...
I hope he tightens the screw around H1 more... and makes it more tough for them... assholes deserves KLPD ......


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Well they are... for them getting more H1's and bringing their relatives to US matter more than country... what else do u expect from these liberalandu's .....

many of my own colleagues have votes for joe fells in the hope that he will relax the H1 rules and let them beg for $$$'s there....while their own childrens screw around with others destroying their own families.... Lure of $$$$$$$$$ 's is above alll..

Sample below -

A colleague refused to give his INDIA born but amurican bought up son IPAD since his salary was less and he cannot afford it.. his woke liberal kid called 911 and complained to police.....

result- he was called by 911 and ordered to give IPAD to his kid or he will be in jail for child abuse... he fulfilled his kids promise...

A month later- he politely booked tickets to chennai for whole family under the pretext of seeing their grand parents.. Boy was happy till he crossed indian immigration.... guy gave a lifetime of beating to his son from airport to his home and continue for few days ....

returned alone to US to complete his work....LOL

this is real story .....between.....
What an entitled spoilt brat. These will be the ones who will call police fascist, spit on their faces & then indulge in a screeching spree when the police retaliate.

BTW, i do not understand as to how not giving your kid an iphone due to financial restraints could be construed as child abuse.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2019
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What an entitled spoilt brat. These will be the ones who will call police fascist, spit on their faces & then indulge in a screeching spree when the police retaliate.

BTW, i do not understand as to how not giving your kid an iphone due to financial restraints could be construed as child abuse.
well, if he doesn't get his IPAD , that's a emotional trauma for kid...that's child abuse... rules are interpreted the way they benefit the kid....not other way...

If u cannot afford kids costs, than don't give birth to one....


Senior Member
Mar 2, 2019
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It is ... we have many more such examples ...

In Great US of A , Kids are trained / taught to call 911 if they get a scratch and trust me the teachers are supposed to check each kid for any bruises or any signs of physical abuse by their parents.... U cannot shout on kids ... and if they report to police.. you are screwed for life......

problem lies with their high divorce rates which increases child abuse cases.... My own friend wants to come back after 8 years in US b,cause his kids are woke liberals and want them to face real life...

what u think is the reason that they have such hugely pampered kids population....
this is a problem with bringing up kids in the west, you leave for the good life but have to be prepared to accept this pc shit. you can't even chide your son/daughter if they are shacking up with a latino, black, white every other week and some day say they 'feel' they would be more comfortable in the skin of the opposite sex. kids are taught about ideas like gender fluidity from kindergarten so they can complain about cisheteronormative patriarchy. this shit is coming to india too but social fabric is still pretty conservative here so public opinion keeps a lid on a lot of things.


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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I know this is where our presstitutes will come ask for paper votes as they can't rig EVM , Like USA seeing surprise dumps of postal ballots, we will see truck loads of ballot boxes getting changed in states were autocrats rulers are like we know which state has such CMs now who just give a damn about any rules and do what they feel best for their whim .

EAM refused to meet P Jaypal not K Harris . Still as these all belong to the hardcore leftist dems of bernie group they will still put pressure on Kamla to act against all these past actions of our EAM

Here is what i am guessing will happen once the Dems come to power

1.US-China trade deal will be negotiated and all tariff wars trump started will be ended (Advantage China)
2.US-Iran deal will be back on table and Iran will be lifted of sanctions
3.QUAD will be softer version compared to serious partnership it was taking shape (Advantage China)
4.Taiwan F-16 sale will be stalled and so does another weapons sale
5.Taiwan will see a democratic coup where Pro china KMT will take over and drop anti china stand
6.US troops will continue in kabul and which will indirect help porkistan get more $ and weapons
7.SEA countries will make peace with CCP thugs for all their territorial aggression and surrender
8.India will see less friendly voice for all its future internal policies from washington
2 is actually good for us . more sanctions will push Iran into China's arms and we will eventually be kicked out of Chabahar port .

6 Trump wants US to entirely leave Afghanistan , US is also pushing us to be closer to Taliban .
What happens when US troops leave Afghanistan , the afghani gov will collapse , then pakistan isi babus can setup a nice office in kabul and we will get kicked out of there too.

Biden will go soft on China , because Chinese will be largest domestic market in future , Everyone corporation from apple to tesla wants a share of that pie . sooner or later "everyone" will have to suck up to China.


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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Well they are... for them getting more H1's and bringing their relatives to US matter more than country... what else do u expect from these liberalandu's .....

many of my own colleagues have votes for joe fells in the hope that he will relax the H1 rules and let them beg for $$$'s there....while their own childrens screw around with others destroying their own families.... Lure of $$$$$$$$$ 's is above alll..

Sample below -

A colleague refused to give his INDIA born but amurican bought up son IPAD since his salary was less and he cannot afford it.. his woke liberal kid called 911 and complained to police.....

result- he was called by 911 and ordered to give IPAD to his kid or he will be in jail for child abuse... he fulfilled his kids promise...

A month later- he politely booked tickets to chennai for whole family under the pretext of seeing their grand parents.. Boy was happy till he crossed indian immigration.... guy gave a lifetime of beating to his son from airport to his home and continue for few days ....

returned alone to US to complete his work....LOL

this is real story .....between.....
he was called by 911 and ordered to give IPAD to his kid or he will be in jail for child abuse.

Yea right the 911 operator called up your friend and ordered him to buy his kid an IPAD.
Clearly the 911 is like Judge Dred , judge jury and executioner.

This is god tier bullshit dude.

Sounds like his son had some one callup the house.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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So disappointed with the happenings so far.

Trump has won this election. Fair and Square. He has 280 electoral votes right now. He has won NC PA GA and MI and called them on tweeter. Not even bringing AZ NV WI into picture.

It is an in-your-face stolen action and a soft coup. There are dozens of easily provable frauds and hundreds of more suspicious activities recorded by private citizens and volunteers. But the problem is the Mainstream Media (CNN FOX MSNBC) and Social Media has a complete black out on any such reporting and are suppressing the truth. Trump has no way of getting his message out and fighting in supreme court is the only venue open.

The Globalists playbook was as follows:

Project Biden 10 points ahead in fake national polls continuously before election to set up the expectation.

On election day when results were showing Trump wining big, MSM refused to call any states for trump (i.e. fl tx called late on purpose) while rushing to call as many states for biden as possible. This was to give Biden an appearance of early lead and show him as the front runner. And give him a high moral ground in case of legal fight later.

Now MSM doesnt have any authority to declare winners but them calling states is a psychological weapons that puts pressure on remaining neutral participants to swift narrative in their favor.

All 50 states have different election rules. They are created by state legislature. The Election Secretary of State of each state has the authority to certify results and declare winners. Problems in SS in all fraud states are controlled by Dems or bought by the globalist cabal. So while all this blatant fraud is happening they are on MSM TV singing praise of this great flawless election and training people to ignore all the reports of fraud that will eventually come up.

The MSM is stating that the mysterious delay in reporting in some states is because of the unprecedent mail in vote and every vote must count. So they are turning this messed up counting into a positive thing saying each and every vote is being counted and this is a testament to equality and fairness of their democracy.

What is actually happening is Trump leaning states all mysteriously stop reporting at 80-90% and pause for 4-12 hours and then all of sudden have exactly the right amount of mail-in votes needed to overcome the trump margin. Due to the complex nature of early mail-in, early in person voting and same-day mail-in and same day in-person voting options available this year, they can "explain away" all this fraud using myriad of genuine-sounding BS reasons.

The late calling of states gave them enough extra time to fix states in such a way to make Trumps path impossible.

Now what they are going to do is have Biden cross into 270 territory in the media over next couple days while MSM singing Kumbaya and appeals for unity while Biden acts all presidential and claims the title.

Now if Trump comes from behind and tries to litigate in the courts he will be seen as a sour loser or a power-hungry dictator who cant give up power. Just like MSM had been projecting him all these years.

So it is all a perception battle now.
Chance of civil war

Adding to the globalist playbook :

1) Release a bio weapon into the world and call it a pandemic.

2) Force lockdowns to hurt US economy.

3) Allow Big Tech and Big Media to control narrative.

4) Put a pathetic candidate who will last one term with an even more unpopular VP.

5) Use pandemic to push the largest ballot rigging/ ballot harvesting tactic in US history to narrow down the odds.

6) Put US into stagnation.

7) Allow for anti Globalist President to be narrowly defeated.

8) Margins call for massive turmoil.

9) Corona + Recession will strain people for change.

10) Republican Senate and SCOTUS, possible as per current trends, deadlocks any meaningful agenda.

11) Democrats lose house seats in 2020 and due to AOC squad lose mid-term 2022 house control.

12) Republican Party is now Multi racial worker party with suburban support (fusion of Trumpers + Romney GOP)

13) Tucker Carlson or some popular face is Republican ticket in 2024 against unpopular Kamala Harris.

14) Bush 2.0 + Trump

15) Events coagulate into WW3 in 2030s.

16) US-Democracy Allies vs Sino-Islamic Axis.

17) Post WW3, space colonization effort under some kind of EU style world government.

P.S : Neo-liberal globohomo movement in India will be discontinued due to above events.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2020
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Chance of civil war

Adding to the globalist playbook :

1) Release a bio weapon into the world and call it a pandemic.

2) Force lockdowns to hurt US economy.

3) Allow Big Tech and Big Media to control narrative.

4) Put a pathetic candidate who will last one term with an even more unpopular VP.

5) Put US into stagnation.

6) Allow for anti Globalist President to be narrowly defeated.

7) Margins call for massive turmoil.

8) Corona + Recession will strain people for change.

9) Republican Senate and SCOTUS, possible as per current trends, deadlocks any meaningful agenda.

10) Democrats lose house seats in 2020 and due to AOC squad lose mid-term 2022 house control.

11) Republican Party is now Multi racial worker party with suburban support (fusion of Trumpers + Romney GOP)

12) Tucker Carlson or some popular face is Republican ticket in 2024 against unpopular Kamala Harris.

13) Bush 2.0 + Trump

14) Events coagulate into WW3 in 2030s.

15) US-Democracy Allies vs Sino-Islamic Axis.

16) Post WW3, space colonization effort under some kind of EU style world government.

P.S : Neo-liberal globohomo movement in India will be discontinued due to above events.
That place is in AZ, Trump is closing in there...they are looking for the excuse nothing else.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2019
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he was called by 911 and ordered to give IPAD to his kid or he will be in jail for child abuse.

Yea right the 911 operator called up your friend and ordered him to buy his kid an IPAD.
Clearly the 911 is like Judge Dred , judge jury and executioner.

This is god tier bullshit dude.

Sounds like his son had some one callup the house.
Well.. he had child protection officers at his home ... for sake of clarity...he was given the option of either buying a IPAD or face law... offcourse this will ensure that his H1 status is done away and he will be deported ...


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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Well.. he had child protection officers at his home ... for sake of clarity...he was given the option of either buying a IPAD or face law... offcourse this will ensure that his H1 status is done away and he will be deported ...
i can believe the child calling 911 part,and officers coming to the house .

but rest is just unbelievable

Is it part of law that every child should have an IPAD ?

:hmm: this is some real dumb shit . your friend lied to you.

@utubekhiladi bhai plz clarify .
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