2016 India–Pakistan military confrontation


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Oct 25, 2016
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are you also a proxy?, or a self certified nationalist? do you distribute certificate of nationalism on the street in your khaki dress. now get back and do the marking propaganda for your leaders.
Ok let me start by taking you on first.
You are a paki or Porki proxy.Do u love Jihadisthan??? People like u are the sole reason that Porkisthan takes advantage of us.Do u get a burka from BurkaDatt at NDTV or some money from pappus lobbyists.Look it not as if BJP does not have issues but congress and its boatload of pappus headed by a joker Rahul gandhi along with their headless followers like u haveto be exterminated along with ur butcher brothers in Porkisthan.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Their DGMO bhenchod who called on to de-escalate has come back with sniper shot of our JCO. If Indian army high rank officers are not preparing to teach them a lesson and investing to safe guard our men then I think we are just being mislead by the army leadership who is running around disjointed. There is nothing Hunky-Dory at the border, It never was.

Draw some good red lines with thick nib that crosses miles into Pakistan and then sacrifice your men if the lines are breached than becoming sitting ducks.

Paki snipers dominating the LOC serves several purposes at once. Besides casualties it reduces the morale and put fear in the heart of ordinary troop out in the open.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Paki snipers dominating the LOC serves several purposes at once. Besides casualties it reduces the of morale and put fear in the heart of ordinary troop out in the open.
But terrain wise, do we not dominate most stretches on the LoC? I mean with our posts overlooking Paki positions.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
But terrain wise, do we not dominate most stretches on the LoC? I mean with our posts overlooking Paki positions.
Depend on the sector. But if there posts are beyond 800 mts then our Marksman have no chance hitting them expect with AMR which is too heavy and too limited in the army.

I have notice the better equipment of Pakis over LOC


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Paki snipers dominating the LOC serves several purposes at once. Besides casualties it reduces the morale and put fear in the heart of ordinary troop out in the open.
I can see that, every time when our security grid is compromised there is attack at our military camps in vicinity or close by township. It means someone is not guarding our borders. There can be multiple factors including tactics used by Pakistanis that help these terrorists infiltrate and execute their plan without fear.

I do not blame brave soldiers who are at the front-line but the higher rank generals who seems have ran out of ideas or simply sitting on their ass.

Political leadership has been never so hawkish and outspoken like they are today. The usual old excuse does not stands today that their hands have been held by politicians.

I further think IA ego needs a bit of reality check as they are losing men to be innovative and involve air force.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2015
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Sorry the post was'nt complete due to technical faults so here is the remaing part ' The million dollar question is WHEN ARE WE READY FOR THE DECISIVE WAR WITH PAKISTAN'
Dont say when....
The perfect sentence is
" Is Indian Army fully prepared for possible war with pak?"
Don't forget that IA has to face pak army , pak paramilitary and un known number of non-uniform army units( jihadists).
Don't even ask about present conditions of APC. Are they fit?

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Senior Member
Jan 11, 2014
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Dont say when....
The perfect sentence is
" Is Indian Army fully prepared for possible war with pak?"
Don't forget that IA has to face pak army , pak paramilitary and un known number of non-uniform army units( jihadists).
Don't even ask about present conditions of APC. Are they fit?

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The war wont be fought by the army alone.
Factor in the overwhelming superiority of the IAF over the pig air force as well. In numbers, training and quality of weapons fielded.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2015
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The war wont be fought by the army alone.
Factor in the overwhelming superiority of the IAF over the pig air force as well. In numbers, training and quality of weapons fielded.
Bringing airforce means its full blown conflict.
I am just talking about medium level fight.

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Regular Member
Nov 28, 2016
Have you ever been to any of the BOP? Have you even got any idea how things work up in border? Have you got any insight idea of how military policies are buildup?
Never was. But amount of mortar we fire and loss we inflict there difference is very staggering. Pakistanis are not firing from fox holes and trenches but from highly fortified posts, unless we score direct hits, blast impact is unlikely to cause any damage.


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2016
The day India becomes as strong as Russia, you may expect GOI to be as strong as ruskies.
Israel is certainly weaker yet they are bold. Further how on earth India agreed to DGMO level meeting without asking Pakistan to hand over our soldier?


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2014
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Bringing airforce means its full blown conflict.
I am just talking about medium level fight.

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There is no medium level conflict. If the Army crosses the international border, its a war. And the second its a war, all gloves are off.
Pakistan cant go crying from there on out saying that evil India is using their air force on us while we are only using our terrorist army.


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Never was. But amount of mortar we fire and loss we inflict there difference is very staggering. Pakistanis are not firing from fox holes and trenches but from highly fortified posts, unless we score direct hits, blast impact is unlikely to cause any damage.
Never was
Now listen.............. I've been to many BOP a lot of time. Its not like Pakis are scoring direct hits on our posts each and every time. If you do a careful investigations of even the media reports, casualty on our side due to Paki artillery is near non existent, whereas most of their casualty is due to our artillery fire.
Now most of our soldiers are getting martyred because of small arm fire and CQB in some high risk civilian as well as military installments. Now it would be very hard for any army in world to save itself from snipers or guerilla warfare when it has to carry out extensive patrolling like ours. On the other hand Pakis are doing zero patrolling on their side. Let them carry out such patrol as of us and then ask them to do a body count.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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The idea after Uri was to raise the cost for Pakistan to carry on its terror factory.

What we are realizing that whatever we have done till now is acceptable to Pakis and they are still full in with their designs.

So the only choice we have now is to escalate.

We need to drain both paki manpower and treasure chest.

So we need to start flying some plains force them to do the same which will bankrupt them much faster.

In previous few Months they lost 3-4 jets .
Thats where the costs are .
Jehadis are always available a plenty.

We need to attack at their army installations .

This is already war one kind or another.
And we are coming up short.

With skirmishes we are playing into their hands we need to raise it the level where generals in Rawalpindi start to panic.
Otherwise whatever we do is futile


Regular Member
Nov 28, 2016
Now listen.............. I've been to many BOP a lot of time. Its not like Pakis are scoring direct hits on our posts each and every time. If you do a careful investigations of even the media reports, casualty on our side due to Paki artillery is near non existent, whereas most of their casualty is due to our artillery fire.
Now most of our soldiers are getting martyred because of small arm fire and CQB in some high risk civilian as well as military installments. Now it would be very hard for any army in world to save itself from snipers or guerilla warfare when it has to carry out extensive patrolling like ours. On the other hand Pakis are doing zero patrolling on their side. Let them carry out such patrol as of us and then ask them to do a body count.
Of course I agree with that. Pakistani artillery fire now is generally at check because India is having artillery locating radar. I was talking about inflicting more on Pakistani side. A few years back we fired 30,000 mortar rounds and inflicted only about 50-60 fatalities. Many of them are civilians. Pakis dont do patrolling that's why they are less exposed.

If you disagree then tell me can a 120mm mortar and 105mm hit by a near miss or without scoring direct hit, can it destroy stone posts of Pakistan? Let alone 81mm and 57mm mortars.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Now listen.............. I've been to many BOP a lot of time. Its not like Pakis are scoring direct hits on our posts each and every time. If you do a careful investigations of even the media reports, casualty on our side due to Paki artillery is near non existent, whereas most of their casualty is due to our artillery fire.
Now most of our soldiers are getting martyred because of small arm fire and CQB in some high risk civilian as well as military installments. Now it would be very hard for any army in world to save itself from snipers or guerilla warfare when it has to carry out extensive patrolling like ours. On the other hand Pakis are doing zero patrolling on their side. Let them carry out such patrol as of us and then ask them to do a body count.
Correct analysis .
So we need to turn proxy battle into proper battle. Otherwise we are on loosing side.
We need to force Pakistan to stop funding and training proxies.

The only way to do so is to make sure that for every terror attack in India. Pakistan army will loose its officers.

When proxy jehadi actions will be paid by paki officers blood only then this circus will stop.


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2015
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If you disagree then tell me can a 120mm mortar and 105mm hit by a near mean or without scoring direct hit, can it destroy stone posts of Pakistan? Let alone 81mm and 57mm mortars.
If you want to inflict maximum damage with mortar or artillery fire, you did to fire them in pistol mode. With mortar it can't be done but India had done the same with arty. But while doing so, the range of any artillery is seriously diminished and you cant fire it at long range. Most of Paki outpost are beyond the reach of direct arty fire.
If you ask about damaging effect of any 80mm mortar shell on a stone bunker, then you should know that any direct hit from one such shell could devastate a reinforced bunker too. Why you think we do use 14mm or 12.7mm AMR against such posts. Look the effect of any 30mm AA gun in any such post.


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Correct analysis .
So we need to turn proxy battle into proper battle. Otherwise we are on loosing side.
We need to force Pakistan to stop funding and training proxies.

The only way to do so is to make sure that for every terror attack in India. Pakistan army will loose its officers.

When proxy jehadi actions will be paid by paki officers blood only then this circus will stop.
Yes......... It could be done. But even better is to start capturing strategic heights along LOC first. Start capturing posts to your advantage.

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