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  1. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Would rather develop mechuka into a major city with a good airport. Mechuka is much more closer to occupied Tibet border than Tezu which virtually is in Assam neighborhood. Got to build in areas that the bat munchers think is theirs.
  2. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Actually I am not going to believe in Chinese data as usual. I think those are PLA barracks. And the stad are for pla. Census in occupied territories like Tibet by an occupying power like China is meaningless.
  3. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    I did not ask you to divulge any details. Just be sure that your friend is on the interpol’s RCN. The US is keeping a close watch on Interpol after that CCP fuck up with Interpol. So his best bet is to hit the US embassy in Taiwan. Sorry cannot help any further. Good luck to you and your friend.
  4. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Yeah…but what ethnicity- Hans or occupied Tibetans? How many Tibetans are there in this town? Not the army base and their families.
  5. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    You can search here to see if there really is a red corner notice on your friend. And then see if he can go to the us embassy in Taiwan?
  6. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    This is not the first PLA deserter in Taiwan. Here’s another who has interesting things to say about pee ell aaa. more specifically “Yao also mentioned the “one child policy.” Since most soldiers in the PLA are only children, there are many...
  7. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Why does your ”friend” not approach media in Taiwan or the US embassy there or whatever? He can hire a lawyer in Taiwan to help. This is a strange request in a defense forum. And sounds a bit fishy.
  8. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    A town that hardly has maybe 500 Tibetan people has two stadiums. Lol. What a joke. It is just an army base facility and entertainment venue for resettled Han families. These are Han kids in occupied Tibet.
  9. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Bringing ugly communist architecture to occupied Tibet. This is what the chinis do - build ugly concrete towns in the middle of nowhere - this one Rutog Town is not that far from Occupied Tibet side's pangong lake. Notice there are two athletic stadiums/football grounds for a town where there...
  10. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    If there is one thing the wumaos are good at is construction projects - most of the CCP members became multi millionaires through the construction bribery route. So, you can bet that they are going to construct a lot - I mean a lot, lot like 5 or 6 times what we do. It is another matter that...
  11. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    if true, the US would have to add Chinis to child soldiers army list like they did Porkis and Tharkis…
  12. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    The thing that bothers me about all this is what is our position on China occupied Ladakh, the Akashi chin territory and Shaksgam valley? Are we just going to let the bat munchers get away with it? Or have we reconciled to freezing the borders as is? If we do freeze, we would have lost a chunk...
  13. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Yes yes…but the thing we want to know is why did Emperor Xi replace J20 with the shaolin monkey theater Corp? Perhaps the Shaolin monkeys did not come with a second rate Russian engine and inferior Chinese electronics, and therefore were more reliable flyers? At the end of the day Shaolin...
  14. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    For sure, the PLA Shaolin Monkey Corp is much more reliable than a J20. This has prompted Emperor Xi Pingpong to replace PLA AF with the PLA Monkey Corp theater command in the Vietnamese Himalayas. In return the Vietnamese have deployed their Kungfu Panda Corp to starve PLA to death by eating...
  15. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    I did not know Vietnam had 7000 meter average peak height Himalayas. I know the PLA soldiers fly from tree top to tree top Shaolin style. But did not know they also fly from mountain to mountain - was this skill developed before or after the great leap backwards?
  16. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    What taxpayers? Only 1-2% of Indians pay direct income taxes. The rest are too poor to even qualify. This 1-2% are probably wondering what the heck the government is doing with their money and why this token direct tax collection system even exists.
  17. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    ‘I think our MEA is full of nehruvian bureaucraps who prioritize getting a pat on the back from the international community more than establishing our sovereign rights in territories taken away from us. Essentially the statement “international community would be not on our side “ is used to...
  18. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    This strategy has a limit. Chinese economy is tanking and they can no longer finance infrastructure builds by printing money backed by bad loans. And they are never going to win over Tibetans no matter what they do as Tibetans are now settled all over the world and are heavily exposed to their...
  19. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    I am telling you CCP treats its citizens like a cockroach. They just don’t care. they have never cared for human rights in their 100 years of genocide. Nor will they ever. The CCP has to be brought down and the poor Chinese saved from these modern day Nazis. The world will be always restless...
  20. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Welcome Jaiwan and Jaiwanese.