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  1. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    One thing I want to understand is who are these guys like sawhney and shoooookla. What is their motive? 1. Are they opposition parties’ stooges places just to annoy the government? 2. Do they get payoffs from the CCP/MSS for false plants? This is a punishable offense, by the way. 3. Are they...
  2. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    XiNHua story is more comprehensive. It looks like a car bomb blast with IED pellets that took off the side of the bus. You can see the chassis of a car in the video. From the injuries we saw, it is clear they are pellet injuries. Looks like someone rammed a car or some other vehicle with...
  3. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Bullseye X 9
  4. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Taking territory is easy. Holding it is another thing. Let’s see if the Taliban can hold onto the gained areas. Afghan forces are still better equipped and better trained than the Taliban and sooner or later they would launch a counter offensive. It maybe a bloody civil war all over again - the...
  5. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    The CCP has set aside about $100-200 million per year to pay US media, magazines, Hollywood etc to project China’s soft power. A lot of the sci-fi movies that were released recently were produced with CCP funds - so you can see how Chinese and Americans are working together as peers to advance...
  6. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    This might be good for us. Potentially we could lure the semi conductor manufacturing here as there is no way US law will allow its ip to be based in a Taiwan absorbed into China. At some point, the US will have to decide: if shifting semi conductor manufacturing to other locations is the safest...
  7. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Maybe the US thinks that Taiwan will take over China and is the best bet to introduce “democracy” in China. At the end of the day, the US would have won the war if Taiwanese end up dominating the political discourse of China and end up taking over the PRC. the other thing is I am not satisfied...
  8. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    1. No one is advocating that China will economically collapse. Just that they face a whole lot of financial issues like everyone else who misuses money. And that their defense tech is behind the curve by a decade at least. 2. And what does economically catching up with China mean? China is just...
  9. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    The scale and sophistication with which Chinese cheat is unprecedented. Anyone remember the $2 billion loan backed by fake gold, incidentally also from Wuhan: Wuhan appears to be...
  10. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    This means there may not be an approval. Or , at the least, the approval will be a long drawn out process. And if the US cracks the whip, the deal is dead. It is not going to be easy for the CCP chimps to lay their hands on any semi conductor capacity.
  11. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Germany and China? Unfortunately that will continue. German companies like Siemens and their building architects are majorly responsible for the limited amount of quality trains and buildings we see in China. A lot of German architects moved to China to design their insane number of...
  12. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    They better not have even a small amount of US IP anywhere, or this deal is dead. Have the UK regulators approved this deal?
  13. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    You can bet that Chinese are going to get dropped from these projects. They pretty much pissed off all the partners in this list, other than Germany, who are great supporters of the CCP, maybe because of their Nazi past - they are comfortable with the CCP‘s brutalities. Expect 🇮🇳 to take up...
  14. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Doubt it…frankly availability of Sukhoi planes has been much lower than the western planes. Sukhois, especially the engines require heavy maintenance and so higher downtime. Unless the Chinese have figured out a way to reduce maintenance and downtime, Sukhois would be inferior to western...
  15. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Mostly because : 1. their platforms are based on 60s/70s tech. We started much later so our base designs are much more modern. 2. We have access to all sorts of advanced tech from the west and an aerospace industry that is actively part of the supply chain of western armaments makers. For...
  16. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Spot on. Yeah we can discuss about infra more in infra threads. the relevant thing for this thread is the fact that it is now established that China is facing debt defaults like any country that overborrows and that they don’t have unlimited moneys to spend on their military modernization as...
  17. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    The fear on the chinki side is palpable when they have extended my comment on just the carriers to the entire PLA Navy is behind Indian Navy. I will take this as the truth as there is nothing like truth spilling out inadvertently. This goes to show that assets like two dozen P8I anti submarine...
  18. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    We have pulled millions out of poverty too. The question remains do we do it at the speed and scale at which China has done - that is borrow enormous amounts of money and build excess, wasteful capacity. Think about a scenario like this: - build a city called new Varanasi that is ultra modern...
  19. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    This is where the arguments get a bit weak. Like I said there are all sorts of issues in India but the scale and gravity of those issues in India are much low compared to what is happening/has happened in China. India's global projection pales in comparison to what the Chinese do. You only have...
  20. RoaringTigerHiddenDragon

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    What I dont get is why everyone wants India to beat China or be like China. Why is also there this assumption that we are globally projecting? We simply are not. In the broad theme the only difference between China and India is China essentially followed an ASEAN model - that is take on...