Hypersonic Missiles


Tihar Jail
Aug 30, 2012
From your link
The officials said the PAEC had finalised a plan to establish more than 6,000 tons of reasonably assured reserves of uranium by 2011 to fulfil the one-third requirement of fuel for producing 8,800mw of nuclear power.

6 kiloton total capacity and 2 reactors running on 1/3 capacity Not even enough for 1 bomb..
you think one can mount 1mt pure warhead on a missile?


this is just considered as a equilent of tnt

any member around who can calculate how much size warhead can yield UPTO 1megaton


Tihar Jail
Aug 30, 2012
are you really that weak to understand the difference between the actuall warhead size and the yield

lol i Am from medical field though i do know this Atleast

i suspect that @yousuf know about this


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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are you really that weak to understand the difference between the actuall warhead size and the yield

lol i Am from medical field though i do know this Atleast

i suspect that @yousuf know about this
The link you gave for Khusub said Pakistan has the capacity to make 3 -5 kiloton YIELDING weapons annually.

The Khushab plutonium production reactor could produce 10-15 kg of plutonium annually, or enough material for 2 to 3 bombs.
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Tihar Jail
Aug 30, 2012
The link you gave for Khusub said Pakistan has the capacity to make 3 -5 kiloton yielding weapons annually.

The Khushab plutonium production reactor could produce 10-15 kg of plutonium annually, or enough material for 2 to 3 bombs.
in kg not kt
check again


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Feb 16, 2009
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I know this is all I want is a link that Pakistan has successfully tested a 10 kiloton yield weapon from
a neutral source. No BS about mining or empty reactors Just a simple link Pakistan has a 10 kiloton yielding
nuke from a western source.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Non wiki source. Chagai were reported as duds

Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons Program - 1998: The Year of Testing

US Geological Survey (USGS) defined regions that did not contain terrain of the high relief shown by Pakistan Television coverage of the shot. News coverage initially placed the location in the Chagai Hills area, some 40 km from the general area indicated by the seismic data and also lacking high relief terrain.
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Tihar Jail
Aug 30, 2012
from the same source

In an interview on 30 May 1998 A. Q. Khan told the prominent Islamabad daily The News that the five tests were "all boosted fission devices using uranium 235" but said that although "none of these explosions were thermonuclear, we are doing research and can do a fusion test if asked. But it depends on the circumstances, political situation and the decision of the government." Khan said that of Pakistan's five tests, the first was a "big bomb" which had a yield of about 30-35 kilotons.


Tihar Jail
Aug 30, 2012
Don't get your panties wet 5 tests yielding 35 kilotons reported by Pakistan was never
confirmed US geological data.
Read again.the First one alone had a 35kt yield.much more than the one destroyed the whole hiroshima

In an interview on 30 May 1998 A. Q. Khan told the prominent Islamabad daily The News that the five tests were "all boosted fission devices using uranium 235" but said that although "none of these explosions were thermonuclear, we are doing research and can do a fusion test if asked. But it depends on the circumstances, political situation and the decision of the government." Khan said that of Pakistan's five tests, the first was a "big bomb" which had a yield of about 30-35 kilotons.


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Feb 16, 2009
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NUCLEAR ANXIETY - THE SCIENTISTS - Experts Say Pakistan Test Was Either Small or a Failure - NYTimes.com

THE SCIENTISTS; Experts Say Pakistan Test Was Either Small or a Failure

The global network that tracks earthquakes and underground atomic blasts found only a faint echo from the nuclear test that Pakistan said it conducted yesterday, American experts said.

That could mean the test was successful but small, or that the test was a failure and produced relatively few shock waves. ''It's a small event,'' said Terry C. Wallace, a seismologist at the University of Arizona who works with the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, a scientific group in Washington.

Dr. Wallace said the blast had a preliminary magnitude of 4.3, equal to about 1,000 tons of high explosive. By contrast, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 had an explosive force of 15,000 tons.

The main Pakistani blast Thursday was monitored as having a magnitude of 4.8, equal to between 8,000 to 15,000 tons of high explosive. Such bombs are considered relatively small by the standards of world arsenals, where the explosive power of warheads can exceed millions of tons of high explosive.

Yesterday's test was too small to show up on the Government's main network for monitoring earthquakes around the world. ''We've searched everything we have and we don't see anything,'' said Waverly Person, a spokesman at the National Earthquake Informational Center, in Golden, Colo. ''We didn't record anything at all.''

Both groups of scientists said they would continue to examine new data as it came in, and held out the possibility that more faint signals from the Pakistani test site might be uncovered.

American experts said a statement attributed to Abdul Qadeer Khan, the architect of Pakistan's nuclear program, suggested that he might be exaggerating the country's atomic prowess. The Associated Press reported that The News, an English-language newspaper in Islamabad, quoted Dr. Qadeer Khan as saying that Pakistan's bomb program was more advanced than India's because it used uranium rather than plutonium. ''They have used the old technology of plutonium from spent fuel, whereas we have used enriched uranium, which is much more sophisticated and a safer process,'' Dr. Qadeer Khan was quoted as saying.

But experts say just the opposite is true if the aim is to put the nuclear weapon atop a missile.
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Feb 16, 2009
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Google translated

Национальная оборона / Оборонно-промышленный комплекс / Пять поколений ГСН ПКР Концерна �Гранит-Электрон�

Five generations of the GOS PKR Concern "Granit-Electron"

Concern "Granit-Electron" started to create radar homing (GOS) in the late 50's of the last century. The first experience was gained in the development of homing missiles to P-6, designed for firing from submarines (submarine).

Shipboard equipment management system the P-6 was based on the type of remote control and solve the problem of flight control several missiles in a volley, and guidance for the purposes of RCC with radar viewfinder. Continuous operation of the radar sighting device and use it in a simple pulse sounding signal leads to some unmasking homing missiles and the vulnerability to the effects of jamming. But at the same time in that GOS was first solved the problem of combining a sector review of space radar sight with subsequent transition to maintenance mode targets for homing missiles. To do this, the GOS has been implemented the principle of monopulse tracking of targets, based on the amplitude and phase measurement of the angular deviation of each of the reflected pulse from the direction to reflective object.

In developing the GOS in the Group created a dynamic test facility (DIC), which ensured the loop simulation of the GOS and check monopulse method of target tracking in natural conditions was carried out on the aircraft-laboratory (SL). In the final stage mining GOS it entered standby mode, including automatic search, acquisition and tracking targets without operator assistance. Standby mode was less likely to combat missions, but allows the submarine after a rocket launch and enable GOS avoid possible detection by the enemy.

In parallel with working GOS ASM P-6 was carried out concern the creation of the GOS for the complex "Amethyst" - the first missile system with underwater launch cruise missile. In the CDP was implemented autonomous control system.

Under these conditions, an entirely new task was to select targets and the choice of the main objectives in the organized interference. Was found original and effective technical solution. The principle of selection is called "rope polygon": the group was selected after a review of the purposes of equidistance and most powerful purpose. This makes it very likely to choose the order in the large ships. In monopulse seeker applied the principle of target tracking. To improve noise immunity as a working was adopted more than a short-wave station centimeter than the GOS control P-6.

In the mid 60's of the last century in the Group started to develop second-generation seeker missile system P-500. This GOS developed further the principles of the GOS to PKR

P-6. In the GOS was significantly increased detection range, which allowed the prior capture and clarify the relative coordinates, to bring the CD independently, by dead reckoning coordinates in secret mode (off radiation). As a result, the CD could decline by a low altitude outside of the affected area and the ship's anti-aircraft secretly at high speed close to the attacked target. On final re-enabled radar sight and carried recapture the transition to auto tracking. This allowed the rocket, after overcoming its zone of fire enemy opposition, successfully implement self-direction up to hit.

To combat aircraft carrier compounds in the 70s of the last century was created missile "Granite". To increase its effectiveness in the onboard automatic control system (BASS) was implemented GOS third generation. GSN possible to carry out target distribution and tselenaznachenie in a volley of missiles without operator. This function is associated with a complex logic selection of targets for background noise, and with the assessment that the objectives given attributes, was implemented in the onboard digital computer (onboard computer), made for the first time on integrated circuits. Realized it algorithms based on game theory. Strategy of the organization and activities of fire burst of enemy anti-missile seen as a game of two partners. To address calculated so-called "pay-off function" selected conditions in which damage to the enemy will be maximized and their own losses ("payments") - minimal.

GOS ASM "Granite" after starting their own searches, selection and choice of object hit, and parameter estimation purposes with subsequent capture and homing to the selected target. In the electronic part of the GOS established multi-channel (active-passive) radar sighting, who works in passive mode (radio silence), provides search and discovery orders, increasing the secrecy of the GOS and the RCC in general midcourse flight. GOS ASM "Granite" has allowed to solve the problem of application of the enemy aircraft carrier connection maximum damage when its use of means of active jamming.

GSN KR "Yakhont" and GSN fifth generation with removable antenna device.

In the 80's of last century, concern began to create GOS fourth generation, to be used in a universal missile system "Onyx", having surface and submarine launched and implemented the principle of "shot - I forget." In this GSN number of new technical solutions. Use as a probe signal pulse phase-shift keyed to the restructuring of the carrier frequency of the sensing probe to a wide frequency range, the most effective in terms of anti-jamming, organically combined with the rest of the digital control system. This can significantly increase the detection range with designated antenna device dimensions and the same average power of the radiation and the simple pulse signals in the prior art. Detection range of class "cruiser" is not less than 50-70 km at extremely harsh weather conditions.

Board computer enables the processing of signals from the GOS, GOS mode control, the task of target selection in the concept, borrowed from the set of GSN "Granite", based on game theory, and issue commands to the missile control signals from the GOS with the level of enemy opposition. Regime introduced programmable height homing in the terminal phase of flight.

The export version of the GOS used in cruise missile "Yakhont" in Russian-Indian missile BRAHMOS, taken into service Indian Navy and Army.

Currently, concerns have developed GSN fifth generation, which significantly (several times) is superior in performance GOS fourth generation.

This seeker has two versions antenna device: power-driven and as a phased array (PAR). Comparative characteristics of GOS 5th generation GOS 4th generation:

- Reducing the amount of equipment in 2 times;

- Reduction of energy consumption by 2-3 times;

- Increasing range of the 2-fold;

- Increasing secrecy of 3 times;

- Expansion of the operating frequency range of 4-5;

- Increase the resolution of 8.

In GOS 5th generation sold synthetic aperture antenna selection of all types of active and passive noise, as well as protection of their impact on problem solving.