Wuhan Coronavirus Thread

Is coronavirus a biological warfare agent released by China?

  • yes

    Votes: 175 89.3%
  • no

    Votes: 21 10.7%

  • Total voters


Sep 7, 2015
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Amazon, Flipkart and other e-commerce firms in India to resume sales of non-essential items from April 20
Do you want to take the risk of ordering stuff so soon? The virus may still be crawling all over the packets! Someone did get infected after receiving a parcel from Ali Express, China! And a Pizza delivery boy likely spread infection to 80 odd people he was in contact with after delivery!

So we need to be extra careful. Call me paranoid, but I even tell my newspaper delivery man to keep my newspaper on the lawn under the sun for a full day before reading it!!! Better to be safe than sorry, what?


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2013
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According to an official statement, the Central Licensing Board of DRAP has approved local manufacturing of Chloroquine Phosphate-Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API).

As per the DRAP's record, there are around 25 million tablets and around 9,000 kg of raw material available in the market to produce anti-malaria drugs
Any follow up on this??


Pakistan asks India for Hydroxychloroquine to combat coronavirus outbreak

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't know which one is correct, if they have 25 million doses and 9 tonnes API. Also, if they have approved domestic API manufacturing, why would they request from us?


Sep 7, 2015
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Spitting is the new AK47. Only this has changed. The barbarianism is still intact.

Expected name Pedophile terrorist -Mohammed Elias"

These uneducated morons think that all people from North Eastern India (who have features like the Chinese), are Chinese in India and show their aversion by spitting on them. They seem never to have visited North East India or know anything about it as they live in their own cloistered world.
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Senior Member
Feb 27, 2019
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My Worst fears are coming true

Between NIce theme.. we have 2 cases in my district as well and thullas fanned out in night to enforce strict curfew... no more 7-10 grocery buying sprees as well...


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Total cases today at 13397(prev: 12380) and active cases at 11201 (prev: 10477)
Thats a jump of 724 active. Same yesterday was (941/721) compared to day before(1076/768) . Check the 2nd plot for the growth numbers (active alone)
Growth is flattening, but graph not yet.

View attachment 45767

  • 11201 Active Cases
  • 1748 Cured / Discharged
  • 437 Deaths
  • 1 Migrated

COVID-19 INDIA as on : 17 April 2020, 08:00 GMT+5:30
Total cases today at 14378(prev: 13397) and active cases at 11906 (prev: 11201)
Thats a jump of 705 active. Same yesterday was (1017/724) compared to day before(941/721) . Check the 2nd plot for the growth numbers (active alone)
Growth is flattening, but graph not yet.


  • Active Status
    11906 Active Cases
  • Inactive Status
    1991 Cured / Discharged
  • Death Status
    480 Deaths
  • Inactive Status
    1 Migrated

COVID-19 INDIA as on : 18 April 2020, 08:00 GMT+5:30

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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Moved to chit chat thread...


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Covid hasn’t gone viral in India yet, but some in the world & at home can't accept the truth

Why are we talking movies in the era of Covid? Especially when it is neither Outbreak, nor Contagion. It is the 1992 classic, A Few Good Men.

Among the most quoted exchanges from that film is Tom Cruise as Lt Daniel Kaffee demanding the truth from Jack Nicholson’s Marine Col. Nathan R. Jessep, who famously throws a counter at the prosecutor: You can’t handle the truth.

That was about an ugly and inconvenient truth that Nicholson’s character was seeking to hide and justify. For this week’s argument, however, we are reversing that logic.

Can we confront you, therefore, with the same counter — you can’t handle the truth — when it isn’t as bad as you might have expected in this coronavirus crisis in India?

India is by no means going through a picnic. The entire country is locked down, more stringently than any other in the world, with all the attendant consequences: Economic stall, job losses, even mass misery in significant pockets, and hunger.

Yet, the truth that many, especially in the global commentariat, find so inconvenient is that contrary to what so many wise people with fancy degrees from a university in this league or that might have asserted by now, millions or lakhs, or even tens of thousands of us, are not dying. Apologies for letting you down.

Our drains are not filled with bodies, our hospitals have not run out of beds. Our crematoriums and graveyards are not out of wood or space. There is not even a cricket field-sized sliver of India anywhere that might help you make a convenient or macabre comparison with the Spanish Flu of 1918. The India of 2020 is not perfect. But it is a far cry from the India of that past.

That good news, or absence of expected bad news, is the truth that so many in the international community, and also within India, seem unable to handle. Isn’t it too good to be true?

We seek refuge again in the eternal wisdom of N.R. Narayana Murthy: “In God we trust. The rest of you bring data.”

The daily Government of India briefing on the Covid-19 crisis is often criticised for opacity, lack of information, and some Yes Minister-style bureaucratic ducking and weaving. But it gives you a set of data. We have the right, then, to be suspicious. But we then have to find facts from somewhere to counter it.

One scholar who tracks this data each day and publishes a string of brilliantly informative charts is Brookings Institution’s Shamika Ravi. You can check these out on her Twitter handle here. Her key chart shows us how India’s infection numbers had picked up pace by 23 March, but then began a decline, especially once the Tablighi bulge was absorbed, by early April. The numbers went from doubling in 3 days to 5, then 4 (with the Tablighi cluster), and now stand at 8 days. Her chart also assumes that if there was no lockdown, India’s infections would be about nine times higher than the figure now.

You can extend the same logic to fatalities and positive tests also. Both have generally remained in the same ballpark, about 3.4 per cent and 4.1 per cent, respectively.

Now, how can this be true, you can well ask. Can you trust official data? Look elsewhere. As we did.

The data plotted by the darling of the public health community, World Health Organization, plots the rate of doubling in 7 days now. As does the European Centre for Disease Control. Most delightfully, the darling of the doomsayers, Johns Hopkins University, whose logo was used by a set of them predicting millions of us dead, and was called out for misusing it, plots this rate of doubling of Covid cases in India at 8 days.

Of course, you may still say this is too good to be true; that everyone, from a top UN organisation to a premier European institution to a globally-respected university are all complicit with the Modi government. You may be right. But we will repeat to you that Narayana Murthy caveat. Bring data. Unless you think you are God.

I spend most of my time, especially during the lockdown, reading up and watching whatever is available globally on coronavirus. Every couple of days, there is a story or a commentary insinuating and implying three things: One, India must be concealing figures. Sometimes a snide remark in a TV discussion. Two, that India will soon — and inevitably — be the worst victim of the virus with millions dead. And three, that we in the Indian media are either complicit with the Modi government and won’t speak the truth, or so intimidated that we can’t.

The fact is that all our reporters are also looking at the same set of data points with a high degree of suspicion. Something to prove that the government figures are a gross under-estimation or a China/North Korea style fudge. But we do not find such facts — at hospitals, in surveillance figures, from so many state governments where anti-BJP parties rule. Health, in India, is a state subject.

An easy option is to follow the way of the BBC which, earlier this week, ran a story quoting two anonymous doctors from an unnamed hospital in Mumbai claiming lots of people were dying of respiratory collapse but were either not tested for Covid or not declared its victims. Would they run a story like that on Britain, or any other country where they’d treat human life in a more dignified, less cavalier fashion? But this is the ‘bhookha–nanga’ India, what is the story if it isn’t at least a few hundred thousands of Indians dead? Especially when the UK, Italy, Spain, the US, are already floating in high five figures. Or unless you begin counting for bodies like our Holy National Accountant of Yore used to count notional losses, with series freely added.

The truth so far, fortunately, is less “fun” than that. I am not wagering anything on the news not taking a turn for the worse tomorrow, especially after the lockdown opens, but we can’t make those presumptions now.

This is the most polarising global pandemic in world history. First, globally, because the virus came from China and the deputy superpower does not want anyone mentioning that fact. Second, because the two global leaders the liberal community detests, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, have bungled with its handling. And third, closer home, because Narendra Modi is seen as a member of the same Alpha Male Brotherhood. So sharply has this disease politicised us that even an 80-year-old drug like chloroquine has become contentious because Trump is prescribing it, and Modi dispensing it.

All stories do not necessarily turn out to be as lipsmackingly juicy as you might have expected them to be. The days when you could conveniently exaggerate, multiply and fictionalise mass tragedies in poor countries are over. And poor as India might be, its media, civil society, and most importantly, the common citizen, haven’t been mentally and spiritually transhipped post-2014 to North Korea or China that they’d pay no heed to fellow countrymen dying around them. Or to believe their government that claims there is no coronavirus victim, or that, oh, I got my count of the dead a little bit wrong, by just 50 per cent (to begin with) in Wuhan.

India, unfortunately, has a very recent experience of having been subjected to such callous and criminal excess by global influencers, especially from some sections of foundation-fattened public health mafias. Strong words, but why waste euphemisms on those who unanimously counted India’s HIV positive cases to be 5.7 million and rising? Until the summer of 2007, when a paper in Lancet derailed the gravy train? Everyone, from UNAIDS to WHO to the richest foundations, all conveniently rectified the numbers. You know to what: 2.5 million. India was being subjected to a 128 per cent exaggeration.

India’s numbers have been dropping since. You can read two stories from the venerable New York Times here and here on how everyone who had been complicit quietly retreated and reset. No one said sorry.

A few honourable Indians complained. Civil servant S.Y. Quraishi (then head of the National Aids Control Organisation or NACO) in 2005, and before that, Shatrughan Sinha as health minister in 2002, when Bill Gates arrived with a grant of $100 million for AIDS control and predicted that by 2010, India will have 20-25 million cases. They were ignored.

They all got away with it, including so many in our bureaucracy, activists and health NGOs, who had joined that well-funded, wine ’n cheese war to ‘save’ India. They all retreated. But the damage they did wasn’t just philosophical. It was real. The Hollywoodisation of AIDS in India took attention and resources away from more real issues. Like tuberculosis, to begin with.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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PoK residents urge India to send food amid shortages
No medical facilities are available in parts of PoK. Besides a bag of 20 kg flour which was under Pakistani Rupees 700 (Indian rupees 350 approx) per bag before Corona virus struck the region is now being sold at more than Pakistani Rupees 1200 a bag. Flour mills from Pakistan’s Punjab province are selling flour to PoK at extraordinary rates.
Last Updated: Apr 17, 2020, 08.52 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Residents of parts of PoK have appealed to the Indian government to send food via Rajouri and Jammu due to acute shortage of food in the region.
No medical facilities are available in parts of PoK. Besides a bag of 20 kg flour which was under Pakistani Rupees 700 (Indian rupees 350 approx) per bag before Corona virus struck the region is now being sold at more than Pakistani Rupees 1200 a bag. Flour mills from Pakistan’s Punjab province are selling flour to PoK at extraordinary rates.
Besides in Gilgit-Baltistan, the local government is struggling to deal with the coronavirus for want of financial support and medical infrastructure. “Chief Minister” of Gilgit-Baltistan Hafiz Hafeezur Rehman recently blamed Prime Minister Imran Khan's government for not providing sufficient technical and financial support to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.
He has demanded Rs 1.75 billion from Islamabad to handle the coronavirus outbreak. The region, bordering China's Xinjiang province, has registered 234 corona cases and three deaths.
Earlier, president of the Gilgit-Baltistan chapter of Pakistan People's Party also blamed the government for holding back Rs 2.5 billion (Pak currency). Amjad Hussain said that this fund could have been diverted to cope with the emergency situation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
He said the government had not yet spent a single penny from the development fund to provide relief to common people. Hussain said that even during the crisis priority of the government was not the people, but political projects.
The NGOs in Hunza area of Gilgit Baltistan also allege negligence in the distribution of relief materials to the needy.
Read more at:

oh well!!!

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Kindly don't forget to provide URL along with content if publication isn't your work.



New Member
Apr 18, 2020
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Chris has some news for the world. Anyway its me @likewise1129 I don't know what happened to me previous account I tried to regenerate my password but apparently DFI isn't sending any emails to gmail accounts I guess. So, I have to create a new account. I am requesting the mods and/or admins to look into my old account @ezsasa @Indx TechStyle @Mikesingh @LETHALFORCE



Senior Member
Jul 20, 2015
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PoK residents urge India to send food amid shortages
No medical facilities are available in parts of PoK. Besides a bag of 20 kg flour which was under Pakistani Rupees 700 (Indian rupees 350 approx) per bag before Corona virus struck the region is now being sold at more than Pakistani Rupees 1200 a bag. Flour mills from Pakistan’s Punjab province are selling flour to PoK at extraordinary rates.
Last Updated: Apr 17, 2020, 08.52 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Residents of parts of PoK have appealed to the Indian government to send food via Rajouri and Jammu due to acute shortage of food in the region.
No medical facilities are available in parts of PoK. Besides a bag of 20 kg flour which was under Pakistani Rupees 700 (Indian rupees 350 approx) per bag before Corona virus struck the region is now being sold at more than Pakistani Rupees 1200 a bag. Flour mills from Pakistan’s Punjab province are selling flour to PoK at extraordinary rates.
Besides in Gilgit-Baltistan, the local government is struggling to deal with the coronavirus for want of financial support and medical infrastructure. “Chief Minister” of Gilgit-Baltistan Hafiz Hafeezur Rehman recently blamed Prime Minister Imran Khan's government for not providing sufficient technical and financial support to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.
He has demanded Rs 1.75 billion from Islamabad to handle the coronavirus outbreak. The region, bordering China's Xinjiang province, has registered 234 corona cases and three deaths.
Earlier, president of the Gilgit-Baltistan chapter of Pakistan People's Party also blamed the government for holding back Rs 2.5 billion (Pak currency). Amjad Hussain said that this fund could have been diverted to cope with the emergency situation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
He said the government had not yet spent a single penny from the development fund to provide relief to common people. Hussain said that even during the crisis priority of the government was not the people, but political projects.
The NGOs in Hunza area of Gilgit Baltistan also allege negligence in the distribution of relief materials to the needy.
Read more at:

oh well!!!
20kg flour only 700 PKR...o_Oo_O.... Normally 10kg is 350-400 INR here at D-Mart. Right now in my society I will have to pay 900 INR or 2000 PKR for 20 kg bag.

Gautam Sarkar

Regular Member
Apr 24, 2019
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Coronavirus news: 20 lakh ‘made in India’ testing kits per month from May

Sushmi Dey | TNN | Updated: Apr 18, 2020, 13:15 IST

NEW DELHI: India is set to locally produce 10 lakh kits per month each of RT-PCR testing and rapid antibody detection tests for Covid-19 from May, reducing dependence on imports amid soaring global demand caused by the pandemic. Efforts in areas of diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines are also being monitored on a war footing, health ministry said. The present ventilator manufacturing capacity in India is 6,000 a month.

The Centre along with states have also expedited work on dedicated Covid hospitals. Till Friday, a total 1,919 dedicated Covid-19 facilities were identified across the country with 1,73,746 isolation beds and 21,806 ICU beds. The 1,919 facilities include 672 dedicated Covid hospitals for serious patients needing tertiary care and 1,247 dedicated Covid healthcare centres for patients with moderate symptoms.

“Production of ancillary support devices such as personal protective equipment, oxygen concentrators, ventilators, CSIR engineering labs is being augmented by indigenous designs of Sree Chitra Tiurumalai Institute of Medical Science and Technology (SCTIMST) under Department of Science and Technology,” health ministry joint secretary Lav Agarwal said.

While India received five lakh rapid antibody testing kits from China on Thursday after a long delay, the kits were immediately distributed to districts on the basis of high case burden, officials said. The health ministry has also shared forecasting tools with states and district administrators for better planning of infrastructure across different Covid facilities based on the assessment of caseloads.



Sep 7, 2015
Country flag
PoK residents urge India to send food amid shortages
No medical facilities are available in parts of PoK. Besides a bag of 20 kg flour which was under Pakistani Rupees 700 (Indian rupees 350 approx) per bag before Corona virus struck the region is now being sold at more than Pakistani Rupees 1200 a bag. Flour mills from Pakistan’s Punjab province are selling flour to PoK at extraordinary rates.
Last Updated: Apr 17, 2020, 08.52 PM IST

NEW DELHI: Residents of parts of PoK have appealed to the Indian government to send food via Rajouri and Jammu due to acute shortage of food in the region.
No medical facilities are available in parts of PoK. Besides a bag of 20 kg flour which was under Pakistani Rupees 700 (Indian rupees 350 approx) per bag before Corona virus struck the region is now being sold at more than Pakistani Rupees 1200 a bag. Flour mills from Pakistan’s Punjab province are selling flour to PoK at extraordinary rates.
Besides in Gilgit-Baltistan, the local government is struggling to deal with the coronavirus for want of financial support and medical infrastructure. “Chief Minister” of Gilgit-Baltistan Hafiz Hafeezur Rehman recently blamed Prime Minister Imran Khan's government for not providing sufficient technical and financial support to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.
He has demanded Rs 1.75 billion from Islamabad to handle the coronavirus outbreak. The region, bordering China's Xinjiang province, has registered 234 corona cases and three deaths.
Earlier, president of the Gilgit-Baltistan chapter of Pakistan People's Party also blamed the government for holding back Rs 2.5 billion (Pak currency). Amjad Hussain said that this fund could have been diverted to cope with the emergency situation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
He said the government had not yet spent a single penny from the development fund to provide relief to common people. Hussain said that even during the crisis priority of the government was not the people, but political projects.
The NGOs in Hunza area of Gilgit Baltistan also allege negligence in the distribution of relief materials to the needy.
Read more at:

oh well!!!
POK/GB are going to explode soon what with the virus entering the region big time through COVID infected Porkies being forcibly sent there so Pakjab is not affected by the virus. There is also an intel report that the Pakis are not only shifting these patients to POK/GB but also trying to infiltrate COVID infected mercenaries into Kashmir .

Pakis are living a hand to mouth existence (except the bourgeois class like the fat land owners and the Khakis) so where is the money and resources to feed the Kashmiris and provide medical aid against COVID?
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Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
Country flag
Link from BR forum.

Reason why HCQ is effective:

Easy explanation below.

Covid hasn’t gone viral in India yet, but some in the world & at home can't accept the truth

Why are we talking movies in the era of Covid? Especially when it is neither Outbreak, nor Contagion. It is the 1992 classic, A Few Good Men.

Among the most quoted exchanges from that film is Tom Cruise as Lt Daniel Kaffee demanding the truth from Jack Nicholson’s Marine Col. Nathan R. Jessep, who famously throws a counter at the prosecutor: You can’t handle the truth.

That was about an ugly and inconvenient truth that Nicholson’s character was seeking to hide and justify. For this week’s argument, however, we are reversing that logic.

Can we confront you, therefore, with the same counter — you can’t handle the truth — when it isn’t as bad as you might have expected in this coronavirus crisis in India?

India is by no means going through a picnic. The entire country is locked down, more stringently than any other in the world, with all the attendant consequences: Economic stall, job losses, even mass misery in significant pockets, and hunger.

Yet, the truth that many, especially in the global commentariat, find so inconvenient is that contrary to what so many wise people with fancy degrees from a university in this league or that might have asserted by now, millions or lakhs, or even tens of thousands of us, are not dying. Apologies for letting you down.

Our drains are not filled with bodies, our hospitals have not run out of beds. Our crematoriums and graveyards are not out of wood or space. There is not even a cricket field-sized sliver of India anywhere that might help you make a convenient or macabre comparison with the Spanish Flu of 1918. The India of 2020 is not perfect. But it is a far cry from the India of that past.

That good news, or absence of expected bad news, is the truth that so many in the international community, and also within India, seem unable to handle. Isn’t it too good to be true?

We seek refuge again in the eternal wisdom of N.R. Narayana Murthy: “In God we trust. The rest of you bring data.”

The daily Government of India briefing on the Covid-19 crisis is often criticised for opacity, lack of information, and some Yes Minister-style bureaucratic ducking and weaving. But it gives you a set of data. We have the right, then, to be suspicious. But we then have to find facts from somewhere to counter it.

One scholar who tracks this data each day and publishes a string of brilliantly informative charts is Brookings Institution’s Shamika Ravi. You can check these out on her Twitter handle here. Her key chart shows us how India’s infection numbers had picked up pace by 23 March, but then began a decline, especially once the Tablighi bulge was absorbed, by early April. The numbers went from doubling in 3 days to 5, then 4 (with the Tablighi cluster), and now stand at 8 days. Her chart also assumes that if there was no lockdown, India’s infections would be about nine times higher than the figure now.

You can extend the same logic to fatalities and positive tests also. Both have generally remained in the same ballpark, about 3.4 per cent and 4.1 per cent, respectively.

Now, how can this be true, you can well ask. Can you trust official data? Look elsewhere. As we did.

The data plotted by the darling of the public health community, World Health Organization, plots the rate of doubling in 7 days now. As does the European Centre for Disease Control. Most delightfully, the darling of the doomsayers, Johns Hopkins University, whose logo was used by a set of them predicting millions of us dead, and was called out for misusing it, plots this rate of doubling of Covid cases in India at 8 days.

Of course, you may still say this is too good to be true; that everyone, from a top UN organisation to a premier European institution to a globally-respected university are all complicit with the Modi government. You may be right. But we will repeat to you that Narayana Murthy caveat. Bring data. Unless you think you are God.

I spend most of my time, especially during the lockdown, reading up and watching whatever is available globally on coronavirus. Every couple of days, there is a story or a commentary insinuating and implying three things: One, India must be concealing figures. Sometimes a snide remark in a TV discussion. Two, that India will soon — and inevitably — be the worst victim of the virus with millions dead. And three, that we in the Indian media are either complicit with the Modi government and won’t speak the truth, or so intimidated that we can’t.

The fact is that all our reporters are also looking at the same set of data points with a high degree of suspicion. Something to prove that the government figures are a gross under-estimation or a China/North Korea style fudge. But we do not find such facts — at hospitals, in surveillance figures, from so many state governments where anti-BJP parties rule. Health, in India, is a state subject.

An easy option is to follow the way of the BBC which, earlier this week, ran a story quoting two anonymous doctors from an unnamed hospital in Mumbai claiming lots of people were dying of respiratory collapse but were either not tested for Covid or not declared its victims. Would they run a story like that on Britain, or any other country where they’d treat human life in a more dignified, less cavalier fashion? But this is the ‘bhookha–nanga’ India, what is the story if it isn’t at least a few hundred thousands of Indians dead? Especially when the UK, Italy, Spain, the US, are already floating in high five figures. Or unless you begin counting for bodies like our Holy National Accountant of Yore used to count notional losses, with series freely added.

The truth so far, fortunately, is less “fun” than that. I am not wagering anything on the news not taking a turn for the worse tomorrow, especially after the lockdown opens, but we can’t make those presumptions now.

This is the most polarising global pandemic in world history. First, globally, because the virus came from China and the deputy superpower does not want anyone mentioning that fact. Second, because the two global leaders the liberal community detests, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, have bungled with its handling. And third, closer home, because Narendra Modi is seen as a member of the same Alpha Male Brotherhood. So sharply has this disease politicised us that even an 80-year-old drug like chloroquine has become contentious because Trump is prescribing it, and Modi dispensing it.

All stories do not necessarily turn out to be as lipsmackingly juicy as you might have expected them to be. The days when you could conveniently exaggerate, multiply and fictionalise mass tragedies in poor countries are over. And poor as India might be, its media, civil society, and most importantly, the common citizen, haven’t been mentally and spiritually transhipped post-2014 to North Korea or China that they’d pay no heed to fellow countrymen dying around them. Or to believe their government that claims there is no coronavirus victim, or that, oh, I got my count of the dead a little bit wrong, by just 50 per cent (to begin with) in Wuhan.

India, unfortunately, has a very recent experience of having been subjected to such callous and criminal excess by global influencers, especially from some sections of foundation-fattened public health mafias. Strong words, but why waste euphemisms on those who unanimously counted India’s HIV positive cases to be 5.7 million and rising? Until the summer of 2007, when a paper in Lancet derailed the gravy train? Everyone, from UNAIDS to WHO to the richest foundations, all conveniently rectified the numbers. You know to what: 2.5 million. India was being subjected to a 128 per cent exaggeration.

India’s numbers have been dropping since. You can read two stories from the venerable New York Times here and here on how everyone who had been complicit quietly retreated and reset. No one said sorry.

A few honourable Indians complained. Civil servant S.Y. Quraishi (then head of the National Aids Control Organisation or NACO) in 2005, and before that, Shatrughan Sinha as health minister in 2002, when Bill Gates arrived with a grant of $100 million for AIDS control and predicted that by 2010, India will have 20-25 million cases. They were ignored.

They all got away with it, including so many in our bureaucracy, activists and health NGOs, who had joined that well-funded, wine ’n cheese war to ‘save’ India. They all retreated. But the damage they did wasn’t just philosophical. It was real. The Hollywoodisation of AIDS in India took attention and resources away from more real issues. Like tuberculosis, to begin with.
Great article!!!

It's been failures after failures for rags like NYT, WaPo, BBC, WSJ etc and their good for nothing professors with fancy degrees. First cover up of Balakot strikes, shot down F16 then CAA/NRC and now Covid19.

Damage has been done to their credibility, atleast in India.

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