US - Iran Conflict 2020


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Informants in Iraq, Syria helped US kill Iran's Soleimani: report

Iraqi investigators focusing on suspected informants at Damascus and Baghdad airports who collaborated with the US military.

Soleimani's last moments

Soleimani's plane landed at the Baghdad airport at about 12:30am on January 3, according to two airport officials, citing footage from its security cameras.

The general and his guards exited the plane on a staircase directly to the tarmac, bypassing customs.

Al-Muhandis met him outside the plane, and the two men stepped into a waiting armoured vehicle. The soldiers guarding the general piled into another armoured four-wheel drive, the airport officials said.

As airport security officers looked on, the two vehicles headed down the main road leading out of the airport, the officials said.

The first two US rockets struck the vehicle carrying Soleimani and al-Muhandis at 12:55am. The four-wheel drive carrying his security was hit seconds later.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
Lots of rants, zero substance. Why dont you ask your own Foreign minister about the role Pakistan played. Your narrow mindedness and ignorance can only be cured through enlightened knowledge provided to you by your own Foreign ministry

For your frothing and foul mouthing, it just shows that you know Pakistan took the lead and you can not do anything at all. Jealousy at it's peak.
Take time to stuff the below complicated sentence into your thick shaved skull under that stupid cap. Read slowly and repeatedly if its too much effort the first time -

Un-kill Sam put up a show of having to retaliate to any possible irani aggression by using porki terrritory. Unkill called up the porki whore and asked her to get undressed and be ready to bend over.. yet again. This phone call to get ready to whore is what you are considering as a great event.



Senior Member
Jul 20, 2015
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Cowards are those who attack in night time and miss their targets. From Bluster to Whimper. Al-Bakistan forewarned the entire world They are going to Retaliate. And Retaliated in the broad day light in next 24 hours. Trump that example of retaliation or bring any modern day example which trumps that.

Al Bakistan Retaliation struck fear in such a way It caused Fratricide at the rival camp. This is the way. As Mandalorain would say.
Cowards are those who's 93K armed soliders surrendered pants down. Maybe largest in the history.
Cowards are those who gained Kargils in Militants and surrendered again when confrontation started.
Cowards are those who surrendered our Pilot in less than 60 Hrs.

Cowards are those who couldn't manage to do anything after 5 months when we removed 370. Basically surrendered Kashmir to us.

Why your pathetic koum always surrender.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
Modafakka soleimani kills even after being sooooo dead - co-passengers in suv, mourners, flight passengers, iraqi hoomans and sheep in the fields, etc. Thats one mean sofabitch nigga!!!


Tihar Jail
Oct 27, 2019
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Cowards are those who's 93K armed soliders surrendered pants down. Maybe largest in the history.
Cowards are those who gained Kargils in Militants and surrendered again when confrontation started.
Cowards are those who surrendered our Pilot in less than 60 Hrs.

Cowards are those who couldn't manage to do anything after 5 months when we removed 370. Basically surrendered Kashmir to us.

Why your pathetic koum always surrender.
@Sayaaf Cowards are those who convert to Islam||

Khalsa will free the Indo-Aryan race from Mohammad||


abhay rajput

New Member
Apr 10, 2016
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Might is right. Action and ability to take action is better than squealing and complaining- which I see in India all the time.
The problem with your statement is that your leaders don't say that openly and instead hide behind democracy, human rights blah blah... Truth is just a matter of perspective. It depends on how you look at it. Lastly nobody is Saint in this world but I only have problems with USA when they say something's like democracy and human rights, - first get out Saudi Arab from dictatorship. Otherwise don't talk about democracy. Another example why are you so mad about Russian elections interference , it's not like your country has not change regimes , and interfere in foreign elections. If we do it then it's right but if someone else do it then it's wrong... Thats hypocrisy I am talking about... You want to be Saint and bully(sanctions) at the same times.. you want to be protector of freedom , also at the same time you want to be protector of dictatorship.. if that's not hypocrisy I don't know what is..?

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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IF It was about ego, Pakistan would have broke the news that US approched them, no? So It was americans who acknowledged the fact. There is no ego involved. Pakistan never claimed that they are some important player in the region.
Wadda? Read your own post.

I understand the Jealousy and name calling India was left behind in this High stake games.

India is no where in consulted on that level as Pakistanis were consulted and even americans acknowledged Pakistan consultations were valuable to them.
The "acknowledgement".
And I said:
India isn't known to have agreed to use its assets to protect American assets unlike Pak. If India does, US won't even need a single base in region given size of Indian armed forces.

India just doesn't need anyone and Pakistan just can't survive withoutsupport.
Basically, this is not an achievement, not for Indians for sure. If they are trolling you or making fun of you, they are just doing it as routine, they don't need to be "jealous".

"Involvement", the dilemma of 13 years old nationalists, their nation being just "engaged" is as abundant as long your nation's spans are. Indian kids had more often instances of these "involvements" and bored of this.

And in India, even that dilemma is on fall and nationalism more engaged with internal strength and position rather than a role.
Hope it helps.
Pakistan is in survival mode.
That's exactly what I'm saying. Being a pawn is necessary for it's survival right now. For external national security.
It doesnt want its Iran border to get destabilize as well.
  1. A vast and middle income country like Iran isn't going to become like Iraq & Syria or face a crisis to push migrants into your border.
  2. You'd most obviously want Iran to get weakened enough to not make any pressure on you. It would help you out of mess of Saudi-Iran cold war and reduced threats on western border (army and terrorists are different scale of threats to focus on east), India will lose its transition routes to Central Asia, US will go for containing India after Iran to finally establishing absolute naval superiority of its allies in gulf.
So it will do whatever it takes to stop this war at all costs. they cant afford this. !
Pakistan doesn't have any assets or intentions to "stop" the war.

Your problem lies with aftermath of war. Supporting US will provide you a cover against India for another decade who is posturing to annex land from you. But will make Iran your permanent enemy and their proxies can make your country a hell.

Supporting Iran, US will turn against you for short term and India will have a free pass to hit in intermediate period without any third party intervention just like 1971.
DIdn't India do this by intervening in Srilanka and Maldives?
You aren't doing that. Not assisting or overthrowing a regime (nor you are a regional power who could do that) but avoiding taking sides and truffle along till out of your internal crises.
Pakistan will be the first country to get affected by this war.
More depends upon what's the location of war in Iran.

Only thing affecting Pakistan will be attitudes of US and Iranian regimes towards Pakistan.
So by this extension PAkistan is not a pawn
Being affected doesn't translate into being a player.

You are still looking to get used but can't choose sides.
You aren't a net security provider of your region to shoo away any foreign power. You have to be at least regional power for it, what you are not.
only in the deluded minds of this forum
Pakistan is a player only within deluded minds with frontiers of this state whose people ocassionally invent new definitions rather than simply differentitaing between using & being used.
India doesn't need anyone then why it cries to America and other countries who sell weapons to Pakistan? See just negated your point that india doesnt rely on anybody.
Objecting to foreign support never negates India's net superiority in IOR against any other country from East Africa, Middle, East, Southern Asia, Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia to Australasia. You are an idiot.

Even if they throw their full support behind Pakistan, it won't translate into India's relative weakness against any single country of these regions even in decades. Gap is too big.

Indeed no one would want their enemies being supplied with something that could cause more damage to them.
India is investing and financially supporting enemy of America.
India isn't affiliated to America or any country to support or oppose their allies. Our only official ally is Bhutan (who literally doesn't do anything). Precisely cause India isn't anyone's pawn.
Playing or not playing is all about interests.
The only Pawn in this game is you cuz you guys are in a pickle that your investments will go down the drain if war starts.
Lose of investments isn't definition of being pawn (it's a very small amount moreover, we're worried about route than money poured in it).

Running around every other country for help and playing the dangerous games of strongest one to save your @$$ from neighbor is precisely a pawn or a vassal state.
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Jameson Emoni

Senior Member
Apr 15, 2018
Might is right. Action and ability to take action is better than squealing and complaining- which I see in India all the time.
Agree. Americans are proud people. They are not arrogant. There is a difference between pride and arrogance.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Might is right. Action and ability to take action is better than squealing and complaining- which I see in India all the time.
Ehh 9/11 was Saudi conspiracy and perpetrators were trained in porkistan.
What might have American shown against them other then selling more weapons and giving more money to them. Lol


Jun 14, 2012
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We were so lucky civilian aircraft's were close to jammu and srinagar airspace when paki's fired their AIM C-5 in DMAX and ran away . Any of those could have brought down a civilian jet
This is war. There are various situations in war. In our country, a political scandal erupts over this incident. When the crash occurred, the NSDC was able to collect only after 20 hours.


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
Iran should buy aakash if It wants credible defence.
We can supply a few batch of these systems if they give us a good deal.
What if Akash Failed to Stop US Strikes? Or what if it ends up in the hands of Iranian Supported Shia Jihadi Terrorists who will mostly likely use it against our Home Boi Israel? Then India will be in trouble.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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US unsuccessfully targeted another Iranian military official in Yemen on same day as Soleimani

On the same night the US military killed Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani, they unsuccessfully targeted another senior Iranian military official in Yemen, according to a US official with knowledge of the events and another source familiar.

The sources would not give any details about the mission or how the US had attempted to carry it out. The US official said to the best of their knowledge there is no broader operation to decapitate the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps-Quds force leadership at this time.

According to the Post, the Iranian target was Abdul Reza Shahlai, a financier and key commander of Iran's Quds Force which is an elite wing of the Iranian military operating throughout the Middle East.

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