Tibetans stand trial over self-immolations

ice berg

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2011
I am not a broken tape. I am merely aware of what is a travel advisory, which apparently you are not aware of being steeped in being encapsuled in the Pavlovian dog condition.

You sure sound like one. YOu can pick which one I meant.:lol:

Please understand:

1. In Kashmir anyone can come. There is no restrictions. There are no direction that they have to come accompanied by a 'tourist guide' as in Tibet and Xinjinag. In short, one is free to roam around. There could be terrorists in the rural areas. India has some control, but not cannot stop the Pakistani sponsored terrorist sneaking in. The foreigners can still go there, but at their own risk. There is no embargo going anywhere. In Tibet and Xinjiang, the Chinese minders, masquerading as tourist guides ensure that none stray.

Dosnt change the fact many countries adviced their citizeens not travel there, despite your lies.
2. It shows India is a FREE country and it is NOT AFRAID in showing India as it is. CHINA IS AFRAID TO SHOW ITS TRUE AND REAL COLOURS!

Free to kill , yes.
Human rights in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and the Human Rights Watch (HRW) have condemned human rights abuses in Kashmir by Indians such as "extra-judicial executions", "disappearances", and torture;[20] the "Armed Forces Special Powers Act", which "provides impunity for human rights abuses and fuels cycles of violence. The Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) grants the military wide powers of arrest, the right to shoot to kill, and to occupy or destroy property in counterinsurgency operations.

3. In China, Tinet and Xinjiang are a no go and RANDOM CHECKS BY THE POLICE TO HARASS IS A PART OF THE ISSUE. That is no so in Kashmir. We have nothing to hide and nothing to explain to anyone no matter what the tourist take back home as their experience.
LOL, there are millions people living there, no go zone? ROFL.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
What a poor reply from a representative of a Police State pathetically justifying their draconian methods!

AFSPA does not and have not stopped cases on Human rights and punishments thereof?

Any such stuff from China in Tibet?

What a pathetic country China is that it requires people to travel in a group and with a Chinese minder as a 'tourist guide'.

A country that does not even trusts what they call as their own citizens, knowing fully well that the citizens don't consider themselves as Chinese citizens!

China is scared of its own shadow!
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ice berg

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2011
What a poor reply from a representative of a Police State pathetically justifying their draconian methods!
Cant handle the truth, sir? Notice I provided links to all my statements. Dont shoot the messenger just because you dont like the message.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
I can handle anything.

However, I handle freedom best!

I don't blame you for your brave defense of a system that I abhor since freedom is absent.

China is a great country and there are many greats it has achieved in the past.

It is losing its cultural and intellectual highs because of a quest charged with greed and power.

That is not the China I know!

I am only saddened that China is overpowered with greed and power when there is so much it can give the world.

I fight for real China that I know!
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ice berg

Senior Member
Nov 18, 2011
I can handle anything.

However, I handle freedom best!

I don't blame you for your brave defense of a system that I abhor since freedom is absent.

China is a great country and there are many greats it has achieved in the past.

It is losing its cultural and intellectual highs because of a quest charged with greed and power.

That is not the China I know!

I am only saddened that China is overpowered with greed and power when there is so much it can give the world.

I fight for real China that I know!.
Sir, you have never known China. You have never been there.
You need to experience her. Not through internet, but by actually been there.

If you really fight for China, then go there and come back and tell people about the real China.

I will more be more interested to hear someones personal experiences of China than his interpretation of modern day China based on internet searches.


The Chairman
Apr 17, 2009
Sir, you have never known China. You have never been there.
You need to experience her. Not through internet, but by actually been there.

If you really fight for China, then go there and come back and tell people about the real China.

I will more be more interested to hear someones personal experiences of China than his interpretation of modern day China based on internet searches.
You are entitled to your beliefs.

There is no way one can change your view.

In fact.,one can even doubt that i really exist!

Yehweh - I AM WHO I AM.
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