The Syrian Crisis


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Nov 16, 2011
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Israel military vehicle hit by Syria fire
From:AAP November 06, 2012 7:07AM

AN Israeli military vehicle on the occupied Golan Heights has been hit by gunfire from neighbouring Syria, the Israeli army says.
"A military vehicle travelling in the Golan was hit by gunfire from Syria. Apparently they were stray bullets, and there were no injuries" to those aboard the vehicle, a military spokesman told AFP.

"The incident occurred in the central sector of the Golan Heights near the demarcation line," he said, adding that the Israeli army took no action in response on Monday.

Israel's armed forces chief Lieutenant General Benny Gantz said on Sunday that his country could become involved in the Syrian conflict, as fighting between regime forces and rebels raged near Israeli positions on the strategic Heights.

"This is a Syrian affair that could turn into our affair," Gantz was quoted as saying by the army's website during a visit to troops. It added that he told the soldiers to be alert, but did not elaborate further.

Syria remains formally at war with Israel, which captured part of the Golan Heights in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed it in 1981 in a move the international community does not recognise.Israel on Saturday lodged a complaint with United Nations monitors after three Syrian tanks entered a demilitarised zone on the Heights which separates the two sides, reportedly to fight rebels.

Since a 1974 disengagement agreement between the two countries, a 1200-strong unarmed UN force has patrolled a buffer zone on the Heights.

In July, Israel complained to the UN after Syrian soldiers entered the zone in violation of the agreement.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Assad warns of world apocalyptic war
In a rare interview with Russia Today TV, President Bashar al-Assad vigorously clarified his stance on the current Syrian crisis created by the West and some regional states including Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar and warned them of the apocalyptic consequences of any foreign intervention in Syria.

"I do not think the West is going [to intervene], but if they do so, nobody can tell what is next. I think the price of this [foreign] invasion if it happened is going to be more than the whole world can afford,"
Assad said in a Thursday interview with the Russia Today TV network.

Assad warned that the domino effect of any military attack on the country "will affect the world from the Atlantic to the Pacific and you know the implication on the rest of the world."

Assad is well aware of what the West and their Arab allies are up to and what kind of scenario they are planning to follow in his country.

Assad Warns Of World Apocalyptic War


Regular Member
Apr 24, 2011
Israel Fires missile Into Syria

The Israeli military said it fired a missile after a stray mortar shell from Syria hit a military post in the Golan Heights.

Israel says its forces have fired "warning shots" into Syria after stray mortar fire from fighting in the civil war-hit nation struck the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

It was the first time Israel has been drawn into the fighting in the neighbouring country, and was the first Israeli fire directed at the Syrian military since the 1973 war.

The Israeli army said: "A short while ago, a mortar shell hit an IDF (Israeli Defence Force) post in the Golan Heights adjacent to the Israel-Syria border, as part of the internal conflict inside Syria.

"In response, IDF soldiers fired warning shots towards Syrian areas."

Another report said the Israeli military had fired a missile into Syria.

An Israeli security source told Reuters the military fired in the direction of a Syrian army mortar crew that had launched a shell.

The shell overshot the Golan disengagement fence and exploded near a Jewish settlement without causing casualties, it was claimed.

There were no reports of damage or injuries inside Israel.

A string of mortar shells have struck the Golan during the 19-month long Syrian conflict between forces loyal to President Bashar al Assad and rebel fighters.

Israel's military chief, Lieutenant-General Benny Gantz, warned troops on the Golan Heights a week ago: "This is a Syrian issue that could become our issue."

The Jewish state captured the Golan from Syria in the 1967 Mid-East war.

Video in link: Israel Fires 'Warning Shots' Into Syria


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2011
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Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

again a great job done by theIDF!its time to teach those syrian bafoons a lesson or two regarding border issues!again thumps up for the mighty IDF!:thumb:


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2011
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Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

Israel Strikes at Syria Again

JERUSALEM — Israeli tanks made a direct hit on Syrian artillery units on Monday, the army said, responding to mortar fire that fell near an army post in the Israeli-held Golan Heights.

It was the second consecutive day that Israel confronted fire along its border with Syria. On Sunday, a mortar shell crashed in from Syria, prompting Israel to respond with what its military described as "a warning shot" at a Syrian position across the frontier for the first time in 39 years.

On Monday, a military spokesman said that a mortar shell hit an open area in the vicinity of an Israeli army post in the central Golan Heights but caused no damage or casualties. In response, Israeli soldiers fired tank shells toward the source of the fire, hitting Syrian mobile artillery units, the spokesman said.

"The difference is that we confirmed a direct hit this time," the spokesman said, comparing Monday's exchange to the events on Sunday, when a stray Syrian mortar shell hit an Israeli military post in the Golan Heights. "Yesterday it was a warning shot. Today we fired toward the source of the fire."

Syrian government forces are battling armed rebels on the other side of the Israeli-Syrian armistice line, which has been in place for decades.

The direct strike by Israel on Syria's artillery unit was another example of how the conflict in Syria has escalated by spilling into neighboring countries. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have poured out of the country, with more than 408,000 in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq now registered with the United Nations. Shells fired from Syria have killed civilians in Lebanon, and in one episode last month, Islamic extremists attacked Jordanian soldiers on the border with Syria, killing a corporal.

On Monday, a Syrian MIG-25 jet bombed the rebel-held town of Ras al-Ain a few yards from the Turkish border, killing civilians, Syrian witnesses said. Five Turkish civilians were killed in October when a Syrian shell landed in Akcakale, another border town about 75 miles west of Ceylanpinar, an act that prompted the Turkish Parliament to revise engagement rules and allow the military to retaliate in case of a direct threat from the border region.

Israeli military officials have made it clear that Israel has no desire to get involved in the fighting in Syria. Israel had already filed complaints with the United Nations observer force that monitors the armistice agreement reached between the Israeli and Syrian forces after the 1973 war, and the United Nations has warned that the spreading violence could jeopardize the cease-fire between the two countries.

"We hope they get the message this time," Moshe Yaalon, Israel's minister of strategic affairs, said on Israeli television on Sunday, referring to the missile fired at a Syrian mortar battery.

Israel also confronted fire along another one of its border areas on Sunday, when from morning through nightfall more than 50 rockets fired by Palestinian militants from Gaza struck southern Israel. The first heavy barrage came as residents of this rocket-battered town near the Gaza border were getting up to go to work and school.

The prospect of violence flaring with Syria and with militants in Gaza meant that after years of relative quiet along the country's borders, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finds himself tested on two fronts. Under increasing pressure and with Israelis scheduled to go to the polls in January, the nation's leaders are talking tough and threatening broader action.

"The world needs to understand that Israel will not sit idly by in the face of attempts to attack us," Mr. Netanyahu told his cabinet on Sunday morning. "We are prepared to intensify the response."

But on Sunday, while Israel viewed the fire from Syria as unintentional, though still unacceptable, the rockets from Gaza were deliberately aimed at population centers. Hamas, the Islamic militant group that controls the Palestinian coastal enclave, has claimed credit for participating in several recent rounds of rocket fire.

The latest surge began on Saturday when Palestinian militants fired an antitank missile at an Israeli military jeep patrolling Israel's increasingly volatile border with Gaza, wounding four soldiers. Four Palestinian civilians were killed when Israel returned fire with tank or artillery shells, prompting new rocket fire against southern Israel. At least one Palestinian militant from a rocket-launching squad was killed in an Israeli airstrike.

Responding to years of rocket attacks, Israel carried out a three-week offensive against the militant groups in Gaza in the winter of 2008-9, resulting in an informal and shaky cease-fire. After three civilians were wounded by shrapnel in the Sderot area early Sunday, Silvan Shalom, a vice prime minister from Mr. Netanyahu's conservative Likud Party, said that Israel was "not eager" to embark on another major ground operation in Gaza, but that the military was prepared to act. Yisrael Katz, another Likud minister, called for the liquidation of the Hamas leadership in Gaza and said that Israel should stop supplying the enclave with water, electricity, food and fuel.

In a statement, the defense minister, Ehud Barak, said that the military had been "evaluating a host of options for harsher responses against Hamas and the other terror organizations in Gaza" and that "it is Hamas that will pay the heavy price, a price that will be painful."


DFI Buddha
Senior Member
Aug 21, 2010
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Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

Israel should broker a treaty with the Free Syria Army that if Israel helps it remove Azad they will lose their Anti-Israel ideology.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

again a great job done by theIDF!its time to teach those syrian bafoons a lesson or two regarding border issues!again thumps up for the mighty IDF!:thumb:
Getting into a shooting war with Israel is exactly what Assad wants. The rebels would never tolerate Israeli intervention and would cease fire if it came down to it.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

Israel should broker a treaty with the Free Syria Army that if Israel helps it remove Azad they will lose their Anti-Israel ideology.
Syria rebels are not like the Kurds who happily accept assistant from anywhere. There is bad blood between Syrians and Israelis and as long as they occupy the Golan Heights they will never be willing to talk peace and never willing to accept them occupying more of Syria.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

"The difference is that we confirmed a direct hit this time," the spokesman said, comparing Monday's exchange to the events on Sunday, when a stray Syrian mortar shell hit an Israeli military post in the Golan Heights. "Yesterday it was a warning shot. Today we fired toward the source of the fire."
How do mortar rounds "go astray." Anyone?

If IDF is going to respond, it should be targeted fire.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2012
Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

Pakistan should show thakedari of Islam and fire BABUR , HUMAYU, TIPU in return:rofl::rofl::laugh::laugh:


DFI Buddha
Senior Member
Aug 21, 2010
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Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

Getting into a shooting war with Israel is exactly what Assad wants. The rebels would never tolerate Israeli intervention and would cease fire if it came down to it.
Right now they are getting slaughtered, do you think they will consider Israel as a bigger problem?


DFI Buddha
Senior Member
Aug 21, 2010
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Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

How do mortar rounds "go astray." Anyone?

If IDF is going to respond, it should be targeted fire.
Thats what i was wondering to, how can one stray round hit an IDF post of all the places in the desert? Sounds fishy and if Syrian army wants to hit an IDF post they wont stop at one mortar!

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

Rebels have been caught shelling turkish posts in the past also, they are getting massacred so want israel to interfere.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

Right now they are getting slaughtered, do you think they will consider Israel as a bigger problem?
I think the hatred of Israel is a bigger problem. that will distract from the war effort.


Regular Member
Mar 27, 2011
Israel Strikes Back After Syria Shelling


TEL AVIV—Israel's army said it had fired on and hit a Syrian military vehicle on Monday after a Syrian mortar shell landed in the Golan Heights—the first time in four decades the Jewish state struck a Syrian target from the strategic plateau and the first time Israel has been drawn militarily into its neighbor's war.

Israel's Border Tensions Rise

The exchange raised the specter that the Golan Heights, a staging ground of three regional Arab-Israeli wars in 25 years, could again become a volatile border zone.

It also opens the possibility of a troubling new flash point in a war that is already spilling over Syria's other borders. Also on Monday, a Syrian war plane bombed the rebel-held Syrian town of Ras al-Ain, which lies just yards across a border fence from the Turkish town of Ceylanpinar, sending shrapnel and injured refugees into Turkey. At least 16 people died in the attacks on Ras al-Ain, Turkey's state news agency reported.

Israel and Syria have respected an internationally patrolled demilitarized zone after the end of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, making the frontier one of Middle East's quietest. But fire from Syrian battles have been increasingly entering Golan Heights recently, with Syrian army mortar shells landing near an Israeli border farming cooperative and bullet fire spraying an Israeli patrol jeep.

In the Golan Heights on Monday afternoon, Syrian artillery units shelled rebel forces in a Syrian village located inside the United Nations-patrolled demilitarized zone, just south of Queneitra, according to similar accounts by the Associated Press and Israel's Channel 2 television news. Some of the Syrian salvos flew over the target and landed on the Israeli side of the border, according to these accounts. One Syrian mortar landed near an Israeli army outpost in the central Golan Heights, the Israeli army said.

In retaliation, Israel's military said it fired at and landed "direct hits" on what it called a Syrian mobile artillery battery. The Israeli attack injured Syrian soldiers, according to the Channel 2 report.

Enlarge Image

Israeli tanks stand in position overlooking a Syrian village from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Monday, a day of cross-border tensions.

Until Monday, military officials and experts have viewed fire from Syria as accidental. That view remains prominent, but the increased frequency in the last two weeks of shelling and tank incursions into the demilitarized zone have prompted some pundits to wonder out loud whether Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is trying to drag Israel into the conflict.

The move came one day after Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak announced a tit-for-tat retaliation policy for every mortar that lands in Israeli territory. He spoke Sunday, after announcing that the Israeli army had fired a warning shot at Syria in response to a mortar that hit an Israeli army outpost in the Golan. Israel would "exact a higher price" for the fire, he vowed.

"We are watching the developments closely and will respond accordingly,'' Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement on Monday. "We won't allow our borders to be breached or our citizens to be fired on.''

But neither side desires a clash, most experts and officials believe. Mr. Assad is fighting rebel insurgents and can't afford a clash with Israel, they say. Mr. Netanyahu, meanwhile, is grappling with an escalation in which Gaza militants have rained rockets down on Southern Israel just as he embarks on a re-election campaign.

"Assad is fighting for his survival. The enemy at this stage is not Israel. He has much bigger problems," said Alon Liel, a former Israeli diplomat, who called Israel's response measured so far. "When we have the south burning, and it's an election period—if you're Israel, why do you need" war with Syria, he said.

In recent months, Turkey, too, had been hit by several mortar rounds from neighboring Syria. Starting in early October, after a Syrian round landed in the Turkish border town of Akcakale and killed five people, Turkey has launched several retaliatory attacks into Syria.

On Monday, Turkish television images showed plumes of black smoke rising from the Syrian town of Ras al-Ain, which is separated from Ceylanpinar by a border fence, after what Turkish officials said were several strikes on the Syrian town by regime jets. Shrapnel from the Syrian bombardment shattered windows of shops in the town and sprayed some municipal buildings, a Turkish official said.

Turkish F-16 jets took off from an air base in nearby Diyarbakir to patrol the border, flying with orders to shoot down any Syrian warplanes should they breach the border, private news agency Dogan reported, citing military officials it didn't identify.

In Israel, the skirmish in Golan come on top of rising security concerns elsewhere.

Israel has been focused on a three-day escalation of fighting with militants in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, who have launched more than 100 rockets into southern Israel since Saturday. Mr. Netanyahu, who is under pressure to step up Israel's response to the rocket fire, briefed foreign ambassadors gathered in southern Israel, insisting that Israel was within its right to attack in Gaza to stop the rocket fire.

In the early days of Syria's uprising, Israeli officials preferred the survival of Mr. Assad, fearing that the alternative would destabilize its northern border with a country that has a large arsenal of rockets as well as chemical weapons.

Eventually, however, Israeli officials came to see the fall of the Syrian leader could deal a strategic blow to Iran and its allies, especially Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militant group.

Though some Israeli politicians and public figures have called on Jerusalem to offer humanitarian assistance and embrace the Syrian rebels, the government's attitude is that Israeli intervention won't help the opposition and could even backfire. Israel and the U.S. have feared that Syria's chemical weapons will fall into Hezbollah's hands.

High-ranking Israeli military officials say their real fear is that a power vacuum in Syria near the Golan Heights border could be exploited by militants or Iran in the same way that armed groups have exploited a breakdown in security in the Sinai Desert.
—Emre Peker and Joe Parkinson in Istanbul contributed to this article.
new conflict on horizon.

Dont know when our political leadership will get bolls like Isralis.


DFI Buddha
Senior Member
Aug 21, 2010
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Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

I think the hatred of Israel is a bigger problem. that will distract from the war effort.

Either way i think its a bad idea the west encouraged arab spring, its going to be a ship wreck. As long as the dictators where there they knew the "dos and don'ts" of war and religion, they kept Islamic fanatics in check and since they had already fought Israel they knew not to do it again. Now all the lessons are lost and its all young ideological thugs getting into politics. Who will either learn it the hard way or never learn like pakistan.

So do you think the arab spring and democracy is going to turn Arabs into Pakistan?


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

Rebels have been caught shelling turkish posts in the past also, they are getting massacred so want israel to interfere.
If war between Syria and Israel happens, all Arabs side with Assad. The rebels fail. Does Israel want to keep Assad in place?


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Re: Israel Fires missile Into Syria

Either way i think its a bad idea the west encouraged arab spring, its going to be a ship wreck. As long as the dictators where there they knew the "dos and don'ts" of war and religion, they kept Islamic fanatics in check and since they had already fought Israel they knew not to do it again. Now all the lessons are lost and its all young ideological thugs getting into politics. Who will either learn it the hard way or never learn like pakistan.

So do you think the arab spring and democracy is going to turn Arabs into Pakistan?
The "Arab Spring" is a creation of western news media, especially in the US, where the goal was adulation of Obama. That is what I believe.

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