The Syrian Crisis


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Nov 16, 2011
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Boots on the Ground: Pentagon to Launch 'Direct Action' in Syria and Iraq

In a major reversal for the US military, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced Tuesday that the Pentagon will begin "direct action on the ground" in Iraq and Syria, in an effort to the combat the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group.

Last week, US forces conducted a rescue operation in northern Iraq. Working alongside Kurdish forces, the maneuver led to the freeing of hostages being held by IS. Curiously, the Pentagon insisted that the mission “represents a continuation of our advise and assist mission,” and should in no way be thought of as US boots on the grounds.

But speaking before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, Defense Secretary Carter indicated that not only would be US forces be deployed in Iraq to fight the terrorist group, but also in Syria.

"We won’t hold back from supporting capable partners in opportunistic attacks against ISIL, or conducting such missions directly whether by strikes from the air or direct action on the ground," he said.

Responding to the rescue op last week, Carter said that continued missions in the region could mean that American soldiers "will be in harm’s way, no question about it," telling NBC News that "this is combat and things are complicated."

On Tuesday, the defense secretary also acknowledged that Master Sgt. Joshua Wheeler, a US commando involved in the IS raid, was "killed in combat."

In response to Carter’s announcement, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, stressed that the Kremlin is waiting for more details on Washington’s plans.

"It’s not an announcement, no," he told reporters. "Not until we know, until we clarify the details, what [the Pentagon] has in mind. For now it’s not clear."

Hawks in Washington have been calling for a more aggressive stance on Syria after the embarrassing failure of the Obama administration’s plan to train and equip so-called "moderate" rebels. Originally hoping to create a fighting force of 5,000, the program fell apart after the CIA was only able to identify a handful of "moderates." Of those, most surrendered to IS soon after being sent into the field.

The US has also insisted that the only way to insure peace in the region is to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power. In its own fight against IS, Moscow has maintained that the fall of the country’s legitimate government would only lead to more conflict, and that no one but the Syrian people has the authority to decide who is in power.

On Tuesday, Congress expressed its frustrations to Carter over the US’ muddled foreign policy. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham described Washington’s effort in Syria as a "half-assed strategy at best," and said that the US is not doing a "damn thing" to achieve its goals in the country.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
ISIL Militants Transported From Syria to Yemen - Syrian Army
Over 500 ISIL militants have been transported from Syria to Yemen aboard planes arriving from Turkey to fight against Houthi rebels, a Syrian general said Tuesday.

(Sputnik - Russian news agency) | Russia Insider

Originally appeared at Sputnik International

Syrian Armed Forces spokesman Brig. Gen. Ali Maihub claimed that more than 500 ISIL militants had been transported from Syria to Yemen aboard 4 planes that had arrived from Turkey on October 26.

According to him, two of the planes belong to Turkish airlines, one is a Qatari aircraft and one is a UAE plane.

“According to the intelligence data, 4 planes arrived from Turkey at the airport of Aden [in Yemen] on October 26. Two of them [planes] belonged to Turkish airlines, one — to Qatar airlines and another aircraft was owned by an UAE airline. More than 500 militants of ISIL terrorist group were on board, they were transported from Syria to save them from Russian airstrikes,” Maihub said, according to RIA Novosti.

He further claimed Saudi-led coalition officers met ISIL militants at the airport in Yemen. The Syrian general said that the jihadists were supposed to take part in a ground operation against Houthi rebels.

“[ISIL] militants were met by officers from the Saudi-led coalition, who took them out of the [Yemeni] airport in three groups. The first group was taken to the town of al-Bab in the Mandeb province, the second — to Maariv, the third — to Saudi provinces Jazan and Asir,” he said.

“The militants are expected to take part in the ongoing ground operation where ground coalition forces have recently suffered serious losses in clashes with Houthi fighters,” the general said, adding that, based on intelligence data, similar transfers of ISIL militants from Syria would continue.
“According to available information, operations aimed to transport ISIL terrorists from Syria will continue in a short time,” he added.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Moderate Syrian Rebels Using Caged Civilians as Human Shields
It’s Sunnis who have a family member in the military and any Alawites they can lay their hands on

(Agence France-Presse) | Russia Insider

Beirut, November 1 (AFP) - A major Syrian rebel group is using dozens of captives in metal cages as “human shields” in the largest opposition stronghold on the outskirts of Damascus, a monitor said Sunday.

Jaish al-Islam, regarded as the most powerful rebel group near the capital, has put regime soldiers and Alawite civilians it was holding in metal cages, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told AFP.

The group then placed these cages in public squares in the Eastern Ghouta region in an attempt to “prevent regime bombardment,” Observatory head Rami Abdel Rahman said.

“Jaish al-Islam is using these captives and kidnapped people – including whole families – as human shields,” he said.

Government forces regularly bombard the Eastern Ghouta area, from where rebel groups fire rockets into the capital.

On Friday, at least 70 people were killed and 550 wounded in regime bombardment of Douma, a large town in the area.

A video published by opposition news outlet Shaam Network showed cages of men and women, about five people in each, being transported on the backs of three lorries through war-ravaged streets as young children rode by on bicycles.

Speaking to camera, both men and women asked government forces to stop shelling Eastern Ghouta.

“Your women are our women. If you want to kill my mother, you will kill them too,” a dark-eyed teenage boy said outside one of the trucks.

Abdel Rahman said most of the civilians were kidnapped by Jaish al-Islam two years ago outside Adra al-Ummaliyah, a regime-held neighbourhood in Eastern Ghouta.

A Jaish al-Islam spokesman was not reachable for comment.

Both regime forces and rebel groups have been criticised by rights groups for indiscriminate attacks on civilians in Syria’s war, which has killed more than 250,000 people since it began in March 2011.


Regular Member
Oct 20, 2015
The Islamic State’s Kid Jihad

Why militants of the Islamic State kidnap children, what they do with kids in training camps, what is youngsters’ role in various conflicts of the 20th century – find the answers in the following material prepared by Voennoe.RF.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syria War 2015 - One of Syrian Rebels Shot Out By Assad Snipers in Daraa | JUNI 2015

Syrian rebel shot by machine gun and bomb goes off

Syria Nice hit by Syrian Soldiers Killing Syrian Rebel

Syria - FSA terrorist sniped while trying to check on his dead comrade

Syrian Army artillery strike makes a direct hit on terrorists.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syrian Army score a direct hit on terrorists in a gun mounted truck.

FSA/Islamist terrorists on a hill side are cut down by the Syrian Army.

Syrian Army soldiers hunt down al-Nusra Front terrorists near Jisr Al-Shoghour, Idleb

Syrian Army Sniper takes out multiple ISIS members

Syria - Sniping a terrorist commander in the head || 2015
Last edited:


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Russia shifted military assets into Eastern Homs Province in response to an ISIS offensive against pro-regime forces south of Homs City that began on November 1, 2015. Russia positioned at least five attack helicopters at the T4 (Tiyas) military airbase and additional rotary wing aircraft at the Shayrat military east of Homs City by November 4. Russia is also operating rotary wing aircraft out of the Hama military airport, while their fixed wing aircraft remain based at the Bassel al-Assad military airbase in Latakia. Russia has also deployed an additional 2,000 personnel to Syria since the start of its air campaign on September 30, according to U.S. security officials, though it is unclear whether these personnel are located at these bases in Eastern Homs Province. Russia also maintains a military base at the Hama municipal stadium, which likely houses Russian military personnel. The Russians have spoken of the plus-up. Russian Air Force Commander Viktor Bondarev, in an interview on November 5, stated “we sent not just fighter planes, strike aircraft, and helicopters but also anti-aircraft rocket systems” because “we took into account every possible threat.” It is unclear whether Bondarev’s remarks indicate that Russia has deployed additional anti-aircraft Systems to Syria since the start of Russian airstrikes in Syria on September 30, 2015.
An ISIS offensive against pro-regime forces south of Homs City prompted some of the Russian deployment into Eastern Homs Province. ISIS captured the desert city of Palmyra in May 2015 and has been positioning itself for further offensives toward Homs. ISIS advanced westward from the town of Quryatayn in southeastern Homs Province on November 1. It seized the regime-held town of Mahin and attacked the neighboring town of Sadad, located less than 15 km. east of the M5 highway. ISIS likely seeks to seize portions of the M5 highway south of Homs City, possibly by seizing the town of Hasiya and the adjacent industrial city on the highway. Capturing the town would sever the regime’s ground line of communication (GLOC) from Homs City to Damascus, limiting the regime’s ability to move forces between fronts in southern and central Syria.

ISIS may be pursuing other operational level goals with the new offensive. It could seek to fix regime forces away from the regime-held T4 (Tiyas) airbase east of Homs City. ISIS has launched periodic attacks against the airbase since the capture of Palmyra and has stated its intent to capture it. ISIS could instead intend to seize the Shayrat military airbase, located less than 30 kilometers northwest of Mahin. ISIS will likely attack pro-regime forces on multiple axes in a future offensive against any of these regime-held positions and is . positioned to conduct a pincer movement on any of the objectives listed here. ISIS has a support zone in the northeastern corner of Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, bordering Syria, and could simultaneously attack Hezbollah forces concentrated south of Homs City from Lebanon in order to disrupt the ability of pro-regime forces to respond. ISW forecasted in mid-September that ISIS would most likely launch a multi-pronged offensive to seize either the T4 or Shayrat military airbases, and most dangerously attack south of Homs near Qusayr.

ISIS has been conducting mutually supporting operations to thwart the Russian-backed ground advance in several locations. ISIS had severed the regime’s ground line of communications (GLOC) from Hama to Aleppo City on October 23, before its assault south of Homs City, and had seized multiple checkpoints along the road between the towns of Ithriya and Khannaser. ISIS also attacked the regime’s command and control node in Safira, southeast of Aleppo City along the GLOC, on October 28. Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) members in Northern Syria appear to headquarter in Safira, as evidenced by the death of multiple IRGC officers in the area since 2012. Russian special forces are coordinating airstrikes on behalf of the regime in Syria, and could also be present in Safira. ISIS’s attack against Safira forced the regime to abandon an ongoing offensive to break ISIS’s siege on the Kuweiris airbase east of Aleppo City. Pro-regime forces repelled ISIS from Safira and regained control of the GLOC by November 4 with the support of Russian airstrikes in Aleppo.

The Russian deployment to the T4 and Shayrat airbases positions Russia to blunt the ISIS advance using airpower. Russia has also increased the defensive fortifications of both bases, likely including heavy artillery. Russia conducted airstrikes against ISIS in Eastern Syria from November 2-3, including positions near Quryatayn and Palmyra. These strikes did not directly target the ISIS forces attacking Sadad and are not the first Russian airstrikes against ISIS in Eastern Syria. It is possible, however, that Russia will shift fixed wing aircraft to either the T4 or Shayrat military airbases in order to increase its air sorties against ISIS in Eastern Syria. The forward deployment of attack helicopters in Homs could also support a future regime offensive to retake the ISIS-held city of Palmyra, although such an offensive appears unlikely in the near term.

ISIS’s attacks in Aleppo and Homs Provinces demonstrate that ISIS remains capable of launching offensive operations in Western Syria in November 2015. ISIS attacked strategic regime terrain in both Northern and Central Syria in quick succession, forcing the regime and its Russian backers to alter their deployment. ISIS is likely setting conditions for a major offensive by stressing the regime’s ability to defend core terrain on numerous fronts. ISIS has thus far focused its major attacks on pro-regime forces but will likely attack rebel-held terrain in Western Syria if the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) successfully isolates ar-Raqqa City from the north. The current strategy of the U.S.-led anti-ISIS coalition does not adequately account for this risk; the U.S. does not have sufficient ground partners in Western Syria to prevent further expansion by ISIS. The U.S. must develop an alternate strategy to prevent ISIS from expanding into Western Syria in order to preserve the impact of counter-ISIS operations in Northern Syria on ISIS's overall strength in Syria.

The military situation in Syria by November 6, 2015

A month after the start of a large-scale offensive the Syrian army with the support of Russia and Iran can be stated that none of the operational tasks has not been solved. There was both a tactical victory and a tactical failure. The initiative as a whole is still on the side of Assad, but opponents are increasingly trying to snatch her up, adapting to the actions of the Russian aviation, which has already led to the escalation at several sites.

Lataki & HAMA

Offensive in the Northern provinces of Latakia and Hama, in General, are staying in mountain areas, the army continues trying to chew through the rebels ' defense, but significant forces are stuck in the battle for Salma and then it is not necessary to expect rapid results. To vostoku from Salma on the offensive stood in the area Shermanii. Attempts to form copper at El Vitamina in fact failed. Moreover, the enemy went on the offensive, expanding and protecting the neck of El Latnenskogo pocket, taking including important town Morec.

With the loss Moreka about the environment of El Latinskoi militant groups does not have to speak, as a maximum, the situation would amount to ousting the militants and return of former positions. Assad forces apparently ran out of steam and they need regrouping and replenishment to continue intensive offensive operations in the face of strong resistance and feeding militants supply of weapons and mercenaries across the Turkish border. The goal was to qualify to the border with Turkey by the breakthrough of the front in Latakia or Hama so far, it appears malorichens. Constant counterattacks prozapadnaya the rebels have limited the activity of the Syrian army, which is to a considerable extent of front is forced to move to defense.

2. The battle for Aleppo.

Under Aleppo continues chaotic battle in which the parties continue the fight for the initiative.
a) North of the city's Pro-Western rebels in General stopped the advance of the Caliphate and trying to conduct offensive operations to retake some lost territory. The battle developed in a positional way. The front line between the Caliphate and the army of Assad has stabilized here.
b) Assad army Offensive South of Aleppo is gaining momentum - every day cleanse from fighters a lot of territory and of settlements and the control zone to the South of the city expands. To the South-East was a battlefield for al-Carassi and al-Khader (town is not completely captured). South of Aleppo the density of enemy troops is less and here the troops of Assad are moving more confidently.

C) to Release the air base in Cowarie still not possible - the Caliphate rested here and despite all the efforts to walk several kilometers to the desired goal, the army can't. Fighting continues in Sheikh-Ahmad, followed by the desired track, the cutting of which could worsen the situation of the Caliphate group, which recently tried to step on al-Safira and Nasiriya. On the southern flank of the offensive, the army regained some ground in Gabala lost during the offensive, troops of the Caliphate at the end of October. The fights here are very fierce, both sides suffered serious losses in men and materiel.
g) In Aleppo, the situation overall has not changed, his fate continues to be decided in the battles around the city.
d) the Army as a whole was able to prevent the threat of supply road on which hangs the whole group Aleppo Assad - troops of the Caliphate suffered losses and were driven back from the road, but the problem is that its length allows the Caliphate to resume attacks on her from the desert regions after regrouping and replenishing (from Iraqi territory to Syria recently were deployed reinforcements). Equipment new posts for the retention of the route will require the allocation of people and equipment, which is lacking on more important areas.

Overall, the battle continues. From the stated objectives only partially solved the problem of extending the control zone to the South of the city and caused the March of the case, retaining the track which is supplied with the leading group, fighting to the East of Aleppo. The task of deblokade Kouvaris yet to be resolved. Still with the Caliphate turned out to be much harder to fight than with a Pro-Western rebels.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Rastanski , HOMS, Palmyra.

The task of unblocking the road of Hama-HOMS a month of fighting has not been resolved. Rastanski boiler cut failed, it came out only a few to reduce the size of banal pushing back. This enclave still continues to seriously impede the communication of the troops of Assad in Central Syria. Moreover, while the army is trying to achieve success North of HOMS, to the South of the town trying to attack the Caliphate. After the capture of the Machine of the troops of the Caliphate moved to the highway Damascus-HOMS, but the approaching reserves has halted this progress and to push the militants back to the Edifice and began moving in the direction of Palmyra, upon which the Caliphate has active operations in the East of the province. Yesterday managed to recapture several villages and heights, but all this fuss does not bring an army here to achieve some significant goals. The main forces are bound in the fighting North of HOMS, to the South - how high will discourage Mahin and probably will move to Palmyra, the Caliphate will continue to seek opportunities to strike at poorly defended human settlements to the East of the province and stretched communications of the Syrian army.


Announced the offensive in the Jobar district of Damascus predictably resulted in weeks of fighting in urban areas with very slow promotion and reports captured several buildings in a day. Here a quick actually success few expected.

But in the district councils some success managed to achieve, having wrung out a piece of territory and several towns, but not much has changed the overall situation in the area of Damascus, which essentially requires a systematic and multi-week sweep of the dilapidated residential and industrial buildings with numerous underground utilities and weakly loyal population. Simultaneous attempt to attack near HOMS and cleaned the suburbs of Damascus looks a bit strange, because quick results were not expected here, and the battle in the area of HOMS appears to be more significant from the point of view of the application of available forces.

Dara'a, Deir-ez-Zor, Kuntara.

In these areas, the Syrian army has led the tactical offensive, having no actual strength to solve ambitious tasks. Here the results are rather modest in Deraa pressed the militants of the residential areas in Deir ezzor repelled the attacks of the Caliphate and extend the control zone in the region of Kuntara pressed the same piece of territory. On the overall situation of these purely local successes influence little.

"American" offensive.

Despite the loud announcement of the occurrence of the Pro-Western rebels and Kurdish troops with American support, success is also not available, the Caliphate confident enough to discourage these attacks, so after pompous statements about movement in Raqqa, all resulted in a fairly peculiar to this theatre swarming with unknown settlements along the few roads. The high rate of promotion. which could create the Caliphate of the operational problem here is not discussed yet. While the Kurds decide that rather modest task of offensive on flat as a table desert to the village of al-howl.
In General, the Americans here are more PR than real help is rare and cheap airstrikes help Kurds too little investment in the fight against the troops of the Caliphate, which is not much inferior to the main regular armies in this theatre. Plus, it should take into account the Turkish factor. The election was held in Turkey, Erdogan won and is now invoked in the Kurdish area. Yesterday the Kurdish workers Party announced the end of the truce with Turkey. Clashes between Kurds and the Turkish army started a little earlier. It is clear that Kurds are concerned about the establishment of their own state or even autonomy will be more interested in protecting its territory from Turkey, which they de facto are sluggish war than to seriously throw all their forces on the American adventure with a throw associated with Raqqa. In this regard, U.S. plans face local realities and the conflict of the Kurds with the Turks. To satisfy both sides is difficult, so Washington will have to choose whose interests to sacrifice.


So, if we consider the situation as a whole, over the month of the military campaign decisive results was not achieved.

1. The Syrian army has liberated many settlements and quite a lot of territory, but are unable to solve the main tasks. This is largely due to the rather strange strategy of multiple attacks in different directions while weakly protected communications and limited reserves. It looks like an attempt to achieve maximum success in the short term, but the results are quite modest. Plus, do not forget that they achieved largely due to the active assistance of the Russian aviation plus the help of Iranian troops and detachments of Hezballa. The army is increasingly entangled in various insipid battles with multiple factions.

2. The Russian contingent (unofficial - PMCs, mercenaries, volunteers) are used mainly in the North of Latakia, but it is already obvious increasing trend - delivery "Syrian Express" go uninterrupted in Syria continue to drive as tanks and equipment for the army of Assad, and in fact our artillery and MLRS with "vacationers". The intensity of the battle requires constant fire support, therefore, a contingent for the month of the war seriously increased in size, and this trend will likely continue. Since no signs of a decision on suspension of the offensive no, and stated that while the offensive goes on, Assad would receive military support, the domestic px in Syria and will continue to work to the fullest under the air umbrella.

3. The Americans recovered from the shock caused by the Russian military intervention and the end of October launched a feverish activity to demonstrate its military presence in Syria. But while this is more PR than a real bargaining chip for future negotiations. The problem of Americans is that they can only supply Assad's opponents, but not fit for them directly, as this would lead to a clash with Russia. Time for a no-fly zone loss. It remains to demonstrate the greatness loud campaign against the Caliphate, but dedicated forces apparently not enough. We are currently trying to sign on "capture Raqqa" European "allies." Announced the dispatch of the French aircraft carrier "Charles de Gaulle" to the shores of Syria can help the US to intensify strikes on the positions of the Caliphate in Syria, while the bulk of aviation in the region involved in the fighting in Iraq, where the continuing unsuccessful attempts to squeeze the troops of the Caliphate of Ramadi. Overall, the U.S. is trying to regain the initiative, but they are lagging in the role, leading to serious internal political struggle in Washington against the current administration.

4. The Caliphate after a month of fighting is not like structure, which seriously weakened - in fact, by the end of the month, the Caliphate has already held several local offensive operations of raiding nature, and successfully leads a defensive battle East of Aleppo. Over the past month, the Caliphate, perhaps even slightly expanded its zone of control (mainly due to the captured from the rebels territories). Major losses settlements and the territory fell to the share of Pro-Western rebels. The same applies to the losses in the command structure, people and technology. In General, the Caliphate continues to be a serious disunity of their enemies, which directly or indirectly are fighting among themselves. The idea of uniting all against the Caliphate at the moment, has not received its development, although that's what the Russian proposal is most reasonable for the current situation (it is obvious that the Caliphate in data resources is the main "bad guy"), but for the middle East bloody porridge it is probably too idealistic.

5. In General, the situation for Assad looks like that requires at least partial suspension of the offensive on several fronts, regrouping and replenishment of armies (within the possible), then you can continue. Perseverance in attempts to wage an attack exhausted troops in the former group may lead to a situation where the troops begin not withstand the counterattacks of the enemy and depart from the previously captured positions. But there is a political factor that pushes Assad forces forward - if the US and Russia will come to a compromise on the future of Syria, then controlled by the time of the commencement of negotiations, the territory may prove to be a serious trump card. A lot depends on the current state of the negotiation process on Syria, shows us a light at the end of the tunnel due to the categorical requirements of several participants of the war to its desired outcome. To compromise not all are ready, so the war will continue to the delight of the inhabitants of Raqqa.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Given that the wealthy Saudi and Qataris were able to finance tens of thousands of mercenaries, while Turkey played its part under NATO umbrella in pushing in terrorists into Syria, the Syrian Army probably did its best over the last 4 years. The best solution is to hit the source of all troubles, i.e. Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Turkey cannot be attacked directly, because it is under the NATO umbrella. However, the Kurds can be armed to the teeth and Turkey internally weakened. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, can be subjected to surgical strikes, on its oil installations, to bring it to the negotiating table from a position of weakness. That much of the fighting is happening in urbanized concrete jungles, progress cannot be quick. This war, to me, is more of a marathon, than a sprint.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Weekend Special:
SAA MORTAR direct hit on ISIS || SYRIA WAR || 07.11.2015 || HD


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Farsnews reports that that the Syrian Army has reached Kuweirs airbase and that the seige has been lifted.


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