The Syrian Crisis


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syria frontline RAW: Assad's army in fierce offensive in Damascus suburb


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Bodies of I.S. Forces. Syria Situation. جثث I.S. القوات. سوريا الوضع.
(Some might find the video disturbing, but personally, it did not bother me at all.)



Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Aircraft of the Russian air group in the Syrian Arab Republic in the past days continued application of point air strikes on the infrastructure of the terrorist group ISIL.

From the base of the "Hamim" completed 33 sorties in 49 targets for terrorists, located in the provinces of ALEPPO, DAMASCUS, IDLIB, LATAKIA and HAMA.

Per day as a result of air strikes destroyed:

2 command post of the gangs;
3 warehouses of munitions and weapons;
2 underground bunker;
32 firing positions in mountainous wooded terrain;
9 fortified firing positions of the gangs;
workshop on production of launchers and rockets.
During carrying out of air reconnaissance in the area of EL-ES, in the province of IDLIB, the Russian unmanned means they opened a command post of one of the detachments of the group "Jabhat-EN-Nusra". After the exploration the object through other channels, the su-24 bomber struck the air strike. As a result of the use of bomb a command post of terrorists and two were near him freight car equipped with anti-aircraft installations ZU-23, were destroyed.

In the area of the settlement CUB EZ-SAROS, in the province of HAMA, the su-34 struck a corrected bombs uncovered by means of intelligence underground shelters with extensive network of outlets in different parts of the village. As a result of hitting bombs a complex of underground structures of terrorists destroyed.

Shot su-25 in the area of the settlement JDEIDA, the province of ALEPPO, terrorists destroyed a workshop for manufacturing homemade rockets. In equipped premises were made with disposable launchers, and rockets to fire at positions of the Syrian armed forces and settlements. As a result of a direct hit by bombs and the subsequent detonation of the contained explosive substances, the facility was completely destroyed.

A pair of Russian su-25 in the area of the settlement DOUAR EL-ARKADIA of LATAKIA province have had two consecutive blow explosive bombs on identified Russian intelligence funds large training camps of ISIL militants. As a result of two strokes training camp and all infrastructure destroyed.

Point the use of Russian combat aircraft in the DAMASCUS province, led to core changes in the operational situation in the area. The militant group ISIL, are experiencing a serious shortage of ammunition, large quantities leave their positions. Reconnaissance only for last night recorded the abandonment of positions and nursing in the direction of the settlement MARJ SULTAN several large detachments of about 100 fighters each.

After combat missions all aircraft of the Russian air group returned to the base "Hamim".


The campaign so far:
On the 30th of September took place 20 outputs against 8 targets.

In the early morning hours of 30 September and 1 October were carried out 8 outs against 4 objectives.

The 1 of October and carried out 18 outputs cons 12 white

In the early morning from 1 to 2 October were carried out 10-out combat against 9 goals.

The 2 of October took place 20 outs against 9 white.

In the early morning of 3 October 2, were carried out 6-out combat against 3 targets.

On the 3rd of October took place 20 outs against 10 targets.

On October 4, were carried out 25 departures 9 against whites.

The 5 of October took place 15 outs against 10 targets

On the 6th of October took place 20 outs against 12 white

On the 7th of October took place 22 outputs against 27 white

On the 8th of October took place 67 outputs against 60 white

October 9 was carried out to 64 outputs against 55 white

The 10 October was carried out to 64 outputs against 63 white

On the 11th of October took place 55 outputs against 53 white

On 12 October were carried out 88 outs against 86 white

On the 13th of October took place 41 outputs against 40 white

On the 14th of October took place 33 outputs against 32 white

On October 15, was carried out 37 outputs against

On the 16th of October took place 36 outputs against 49 white

On the 17th of October took place 39 outputs, 60 attacks against 51 white

On October 18, took place 33 outputs against 49 white


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
CUTE: The Club of the Irrelevant Talking About How Much Longer Assad Gets to Stay in Power
Turkey wants him gone in six months, France immediately, Germany at a later date - however none of their opinions matter, nor should they

(Reuters) | Russia Insider

Should Turkey get a vote?

Turkey is ready to accept a political transition in Syria in which President Bashar al-Assad stays in symbolic power for six months before leaving office, and is discussing the plan with Western allies, two senior government officials said on Tuesday.

NATO member Turkey has long been one of Assad’s fiercest critics, insisting that no lasting peace can be achieved in Syria without his removal from power.

“Work on a plan for Assad’s departure is under way … (Assad) can stay for six months and we accept that because there will be a guarantee of his departure,” one of the officials told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“We have moved forward on the issue to a certain degree with the United States and our other allies. There is not an exact consensus on when the six-month period would begin, but we think it won’t be too long.”

The United States will put the proposal to Russia, one of the Turkish officials said, but it was not clear whether Moscow would entertain the idea. Three weeks ago, Russia launched air strikes in support of Assad against insurgents fighting him.

European nations have struggled to find a common position on the role Assad should play in the solution of the Syrian crisis. France is keen to see Assad go as soon as possible, while Germany would prefer to have him involved in the transitional phase before he quits.

Britain wants Assad to leave power “at some point” as part of any deal by world powers to end the four-year-old conflict, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said on Tuesday.

Assad said in an interview with Iranian television aired on Oct. 4 that it was not up to any foreign official to decide Syria’s future, including any transitional period mooted.

“The future political system, and which individuals govern Syria, this is a decision for the Syrian people. That's why these statements don’t concern us,” he said.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syria War 2015 - The Syrian Army(SAA) in Close Urban Firefight During Clashes In Jobar 1080p HD


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
Country flag
@ pmaitra , if I am not wrong, this is the time to start a new dedicated thread named something like ---> political solution for Syrian crisis.

Only and only posts related to political efforts to solve Syrian crisis goes in it.

This part (I mean political solution part) is also important because if they failed to achieve solution then the world will get dragged towards global military conflict, I guess.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
@ pmaitra , if I am not wrong, this is the time to start a new dedicated thread named something like ---> political solution for Syrian crisis.

Only and only posts related to political efforts to solve Syrian crisis goes in it.

This part (I mean political solution part) is also important because if they failed to achieve solution then the world will get dragged towards global military conflict, I guess.
I think it is premature, but if you want, please start a thread with these links below, and include other links if you wish:
Putin says Syria's Assad is open to working with some rebels
Putin to Assad: Russia ready to contribute to political solution in Syria
Putin meets Saudi prince on 'political solution' in Syria

Putin says Syria's Assad is open to working with some rebels


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
ISIS using Condom Bombs
ISIS escaping dressed as women



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
SYRIA: Exclusive footage of the Syrian army repulses ISIL Syria news Today


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Western Media Mum as Iraq And 4+1 Inflict Huge ISIS Defeat
The operation proceed under advice from Russia and Iran. The U.S. was not involved. It is no wonder then that “western” media are mostly silent about it

(Moon of Alabama) | Russia Insider

Originally appeared at Moon of Alabama

Yesterday saw a huge defeat of the Islamic State but “western” media hardly noted it.

Iraqi Hashd militia and the Iraqi army defeated the Islamic State fighters in Baiji refinery and Baiji city. This was a big success:

Footage aired by the state-run TV showed Iraqi troops waving flags from rooftops in Baiji as thick black smoke billowed into the air.

Baiji is the second most significant area recaptured in Salahuddin over the past months as pro-government forces retook the provincial capital of Tikrit in late March after weeks of clashes with the militants. The liberation of Baiji could be a prelude to Iraq’s highly-anticipated offensive into Mosul, which has served as the de-facto capital of Daesh in Iraq.
The road from Baghdad to Mosul runs south to north through Balad, Samara, Tikrit and Baiji. Tikrit was liberated in March and the fight about the Baiji refinery and Baiji city had waged since. The victory now opens the road towards Mosul, Iraq’s second biggest city and in the hand of the Islamic State.

The success can be attributed mostly to Iraqi militia supported by Iran. The 4+1 intelligence and operations room in Baghdad, where Iraq, Iran, Russia, Syria and Hizbullah as well as the Hashd coordinate their efforts, advised throughout the operation. The U.S. was not involved as it does not want to work with the Hashd militia and Iran.

When looking through the daily strike reports of the U.S. lead operation Inherent Resolve one finds hardly any air strikes against IS forces around Baiji. The few that took place hit some IS “machine gun position” or “tactical fighting position. Hardly the effort that was needed to free the city. Indeed it took the Iraqi air force to do the real work:

Zaid Benjamin @zaidbenjamin
Inherent Resolve Spx Steve Warren: Dealing with small pockets in #Beiji refinery. Iraqi air-force mounted 40 airstrikes & the coalition 4.
Iraqi militia did the groundwork and the Iraqi air force covered the attack. The operation proceed under advice from Russia and Iran. The U.S. was not involved. It is no wonder then that “western” media are mostly silent about it.

There is nothing about the Iraqi victory in the Washington Post and the New York Times gives it just one sentence in a piece about the Joint Chiefs chairman. This after wall-to-wall coverage when the Islamic State first captured the refinery. Even the small mention in the NYT manages to deceive its readers about the leading party of the operation:

The American-led coalition is putting pressure on the militants on several fronts. Backed by American air power, Iraqi forces are on the outskirts of Ramadi, which was taken by the militants in May. Iraqi forces and Shiite militias captured the Baiji oil refinery, north of Baghdad, on Friday and are trying to expand the territory under their control there. On Tuesday, the Iraqi military said it had secured the nearby town of Baiji after days of fighting.
The casual reader of that paragraph will assume that the “American-led coalition” and “American air power” was responsible for the liberation of Baiji. But besides four minor airstrike in as many days that “American-led coalition” was not involved at all. The Iraqi militia supported by Russia and Iran are clearly steeling the Pentagon’s show.

The U.S. fears the replacement of its sham campaign against the Islamic State by a real one run by Russia and Iran. The Joint Chiefs chairman Dunford even threatened the Iraqi premier with love deprivation:

If Russia did begin flying missions over Iraq, it would preclude the United States from flying, Dunford told the Iraqi leaders. They understood the situation, he said, and Abadi told him that Iraq has not asked the Russians to fly missions over Iraq and Russia has not offered to launch strikes inside Iraq.

Officially Abadi has not asked. But Iraqi requests were made to Moscow and answered positively. Iraq will wait a few month and then compare the Russian success in Syria with the U.S. success in Iraq. Should the campaign in Syria be more successful than the U.S. led one in Iraq it surely would consider switching its partners.

In Syria meanwhile the “moderate rebels” open more joined operations rooms with Ahrar al-Shams and Jabhat al Nusra. There is new talk about a unification of the “moderate rebels” of Ahrar al-Shams and the “moderate rebels” of Al Qaeda:

Zaid Benjamin ‏@zaidbenjamin
Ahrar ash-Sham forge alliance with Jabhat al-Nusra one day after a CNN interview with #Qatar’s FM saying that Ahrar has no links to al-Qaeda

Russian intelligence picked up talks between the the Islamic State and Nusra/al-Qaeda commanders about a united effort against the Syrian government.

The reality that all these groups submit to the same ideology and aims will soon become even more evident. That will make it more difficult for the U.S. and Turkey to continue with their sham campaign against the Islamic State while supporting the “moderates” that are joined with that professed enemy.

Meanwhile Russia continues its political efforts to end the fighting in Syria. After a visit by the Syrian president Bashar Assad in Moscow the Russian president had phonecalls with the Turkish president Erdogan and the Saudi King Salman today. The foreign ministers of Russia, the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Turkey will meet Friday in Vienna. There is either a deal in the making … or the war on Syria will escalate further.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
The overall situation in Syria to 22 October 2015

A General overview on the situation on the Syrian front.
In General, the army of Assad, supported by Russia and Iran continues several offensives, but the momentum of small and large operational success hasn't been achieved yet.

The offensive of the Syrian army in early October continues, but a key operational objective 22 not achieved. What are the challenges facing the Syrian army?

1. Liquidation of a huge cauldron to the North of HOMS, or even dismemberment.
2. The unblocking of the route of HOMS-Hama.
3. El Latnenskogo pocket, taking Salma and access to Idlib province.
4. Deblokada Kouvaris airbase East of Aleppo and areas of control around the city.

It is likely that there may be an ambitious plan strike in converging directions along the Damascus-Aleppo (hence the offensive along the track to the East of El Latnenskogo pocket and simultaneous attack to the South of Aleppo towards the same track. But at the current rate of progress the plan would look too fantastic. At the moment the Syrian army has only a tactical success, dozens of the liberated towns and a considerable territory that had been freed. However, the task of offensive operations is not resolved, all three parties bear substantial losses in manpower and equipment.
At the moment offensive the Syrian army can be recognize moderately successful, but it is unlikely that these rates meet the various and cocksure bravura forecasts the beginning of October, in the style of Assad with our support it is now all show and all the enemies will flee. The situation at the front is far more complex than cocksure in various reports that in some way repeats the story of the battle for Debaltsevo, which was more difficult and intense than was described in the media. In General, I can only once again to call for a moderation in the ratings.

The areas of the bombings and their intensity clearly show that the Caliphate today is a secondary goal, the main strikes hit An Nusra and other "good terrorists".
The Caliphate get homeopathic doses, although in light of the fighting near Aleppo, the number of attacks on the troops of the Caliphate grows. In Sevastopol in the last days has been flying combat aircraft. It was about the same before sending our planes to Syria. I that the size of the aviation groups in Syria will increase.

The battle for Aleppo.

By 22 October, the Syrian army has cleaned out a significant areas South of Aleppo, causing a number of tactical defeats troops of the Pro-Western rebels.

To the South of the city continues a slow advance from the area of mount Azzan. The pace of progress is quite slow. Of the withdrawal to al-Khader is not discussed yet.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
To the North of the city of the Caliphate attempts to advance on the Northern parts of the city were generally treated (not without the support of Russian aviation), it is also worth noting that the armies of the Caliphate had become bogged down in battles with Pro-Western rebels to the North-West of the commercial capital of Syria. Release surrounded by more than three years the airbase in Cowarie is not yet possible, although the distance between this enclave and the advancing troops of Assad decreases.

By the 20th October the armored vehicles Assad had to walk 7 kilometers to the enclave. In case of successful deblokady and intercept the road to the South of the airbase, the troops of the Caliphate to the West Kowaris were in an extremely difficult position. The command of the troops of the Caliphate under Aleppo this point is well understood and therefore not only tries to counterattack the advancing al-Assad, but also tries to eliminate the enclave in the rear, increased the shelling of the enclave and taking in Cowarie attack using light armored vehicles and artillery.

By the evening of 21 October to the enclave remained from 4 to 5 kilometers. In fact, the rate of onset of troops under Assad Aleppo are 1-2 kilometers per day.

It is already clear that a quick victory will not be here, and will be exactly what severe bloody ousting of the rebels and the Caliphate. However, the situation of the troops of Assad in Aleppo seems to be improving, so as long as there are reserves and maintained reserves of ammunition, the army certainly will go ahead with the support of Russian and Iranian specialists.

Fighting in Hama province.

The offensive in the mountainous areas obviously savasla in the district of Salma, around which heavy fighting continues. Frankly the terrain here favors the defense. Initial success after the capture of al-Bakhsi in General is winding down, the momentum is dropped, during the last days was able to take only a small settlement Sirmaniyah North of al-Bakhsi, the enemy withdrew to the North and strengthened in hilly terrain based on small settlements.
El Lutomirski pocket still held by the rebels attacks on the neck pocket at this moment repulsed, the perimeter is kept the same, while here the troops were able to wring out a bit of territory. To the West and East of El Latnenskogo pocket, the momentum of the Syrian army as a minor. In General, without increasing the effort, then it will be difficult to succeed. Actually hence the disappearance of the offensive North of Hama with editorials military reports and move attention to the more successful actions of the troops of Assad in Aleppo.

Fighting in the Damascus area.

Fighting in the area of Duma and in the area Dzhobar predictably resulted in unconvincing Stripping with fighting for individual buildings in terms of destroyed residential buildings. The war is essentially in ruins with a large quantity of cellars, trenches, concrete bunkers and underground tunnels. A quick success here is not expected. The momentum is several buildings a day. It should be noted that the shock of the Assad army is now actually spread out in several areas by participating in several offensive operations, but because of this, offensive capabilities are limited enough troops and the troops have to work for wear, as the reserves are produced in small quantities, and the help of Russia and Iran is limited.
In the area of Damascus also released a small but culturally significant town Sebdani.

The offensive in the mountainous areas obviously savasla in the district of Salma, around which heavy fighting continues. Frankly the terrain here favors the defense. Initial success after the capture of al-Bakhsi in General is winding down, the momentum is dropped, during the last days was able to take only a small settlement Sirmaniyah North of al-Bakhsi, the enemy withdrew to the North and strengthened in hilly terrain based on small settlements.
El Lutomirski pocket still held by the rebels attacks on the neck pocket at this moment repulsed, the perimeter is kept the same, while here the troops were able to wring out a bit of territory. To the West and East of El Latnenskogo pocket, the momentum of the Syrian army as a minor. In General, without increasing the effort, then it will be difficult to succeed. Actually hence the disappearance of the offensive North of Hama with editorials military reports and move attention to the more successful actions of the troops of Assad in Aleppo.

Fighting in the Damascus area.

Fighting in the area of Duma and in the area Dzhobar predictably resulted in unconvincing Stripping with fighting for individual buildings in terms of destroyed residential buildings. The war is essentially in ruins with a large quantity of cellars, trenches, concrete bunkers and underground tunnels. A quick success here is not expected. The momentum is several buildings a day. It should be noted that the shock of the Assad army is now actually spread out in several areas by participating in several offensive operations, but because of this, offensive capabilities are limited enough troops and the troops have to work for wear, as the reserves are produced in small quantities, and the help of Russia and Iran is limited.
In the area of Damascus also released a small but culturally significant town Sebdani.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
advances in south Aleppo!

(στο 5:00 - 5:300 ΤΟS!!)

Syrian TOS-1A that they recently recieved from Russia in action


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
SYRIA: As the Syrian troops are preparing to fight against the Islamic state Exclusive news Syria

SYRIA: large-Scale attack of government troops on ISIL Map of hostilities news Syria

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