The Syrian Crisis


C'est la vie
Senior Member
May 31, 2012
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This subtle and not-so-subtle support for the wahabbis by US will come back and bite in the ass some time.
It Amazes me that they haven't learnt a single thing from their mis adventures in Af/Pak .

Whoever is responsible for their Foreign Policy was obviously sleeping during History Lesson

In War you chose the lesser of Two Evils . . .

Anyway . . .I guess they are playing in the hands of the Israelis this time.
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Senior Member
Aug 4, 2012
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It Amazes me that they haven't learnt a single thing from their mis adventures in Af/Pak .

Whoever is responsible for their Foreign Policy was obviously sleeping during History Lessons
may be they are too pragmatic.. they want to pump every oil producing state to their advantage ! They may have learnt history but they don't know Middle-east culture. That's why these folks from Military or Army think Sikhs are Sheikhs! :shocked:


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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wahabis in saudi arabia only consolidated there power because of support and continued support from the west.
They rob each other's back. The Wahabis made significant help to the West in destroying the USSR. With their past successes don't expect their unholy alliance to change anytime soon. Moreover, I think there's a recognition in their capitals that they are better off working together (like an odd couple) than on their separate ways or working with other players.
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The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
They rob each other's back. The Wahabis made significant help to the West in destroying the USSR. With their past successes don't expect their unholy alliance to change anytime soon. Moreover, I think there's a recognition in their capitals that they are better off working together (like an odd couple) than on their separate ways or working with other players.
Thats from there point of view.

From my point of view the wahabis saud family should be dragged through the streets and beaten! The saudi royal family has spawned more terrorists than osama could do in seven lifetimes.

Son of Govinda

Regular Member
Apr 1, 2012
They rob each other's back. The Wahabis made significant help to the West in destroying the USSR. With their past successes don't expect their unholy alliance to change anytime soon. Moreover, I think there's a recognition in their capitals that they are better off working together (like an odd couple) than on their separate ways or working with other players.
And how is destroying the USSR a bad thing? The Soviets oppose any form of theology and/or spirituality outside of materialism, the Wahabis were only fulfilling their faith if anything by helping the west divide and ultimately destroy Bolshevism.

The Sauds big mistake is helping the kaffirs(USA, Israel) divide and conquer the Islamic Ummah. The most "orthodox" muslims are committing the greatest sins according to their own holy book Al-Qu'ran which is exactly what spawned Usama bin Laden and is helping to advance Qutbism.
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Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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The saudi royal family has spawned more terrorists than osama could do in seven lifetimes.

It's in their warrior (barbaric) culture. I hope future Saudi royals can start the path to religious moderation. Hopefully their jet set lifestyle can have a positive effect on them. Although, this hope is tempered by the fact that their royal family has also to bend down to their powerful conservative religious figures (real politic). But yes I agree with you that the Saudis have had a major influence on international jihadist movements (more so in their private capacities).
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Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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The Wahabis made significant help to the West in destroying the USSR. With their past successes don't expect their unholy alliance to change anytime soon.
How did Wahhabis make "significant" help in destroying the USSR? Their puppet government in astan lasted longer than they did. They spent less over the whole decade of war than the US spends in 6 months in adjusted $. Collapse of USSR had nothing to do with Wahhabis but with famine and rock bottom oil prices.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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How did Wahhabis make "significant" help in destroying the USSR? Their puppet government in astan lasted longer than they did. They spent less over the whole decade of war than the US spends in 6 months in adjusted $. Collapse of USSR had nothing to do with Wahhabis but with famine and rock bottom oil prices.

I see, France was in another universe during the entire Cold War. This is actually what happened in the lead up to USSR's collapse: US ups the anti on the arms race forcing the Soviets to respond in kind to maintain their perceived balance. At the same time Saudi Arabia with coordination with US dumped oil into the international market to depress the prices. In case you overlooked this, then as now Russia has always been dependent on oil revenues to keep its economy going. Anyway, the USSR simply got broke due to the twin evils of sky high defence spending and dried revenues...

Son of Govinda

Regular Member
Apr 1, 2012
But christians and jews are not kaffirs according to quran :troll:
"The People of the Book" are still considered Kaffirs and idolaters by mainstream Islam and Al-Qu'ran. Hell Sayyid Qutb took Takfir to the extreme and declared that all muslims that don't follow Islamism are Kaffirs.
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Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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And how is destroying the USSR a bad thing? The Soviets oppose any form of theology and/or spirituality outside of materialism, the Wahabis were only fulfilling their faith if anything by helping the west divide and ultimately destroy Bolshevism.
I did not say ot was a bad thing. I was merely stating a matter of fact (collapse of the USSR) without ascribing value to it.

The Sauds big mistake is helping the kaffirs(USA, Israel) divide and conquer the Islamic Ummah. The most "orthodox" muslims are committing the greatest sins according to their own holy book Al-Qu'ran which is exactly what spawned Usama bin Laden and is helping to advance Qutbism.
I don't think the Saudis think they're committing a big mistake by going along with the division of the Islamic World. Islam or the Middle East to be more specific is not homogeneous.

Anyway, you can liken the mentality of SA to India in Asia. By conventional wisdom Asia should be united to effectively negate the West (if we're talking purely of balancing the West) or even simply for purely economic purposes (to have a super economic block). Hence, India should be working and cooperating with China. But what is India doing? It is cooperating with the US (West) to undermine its neighbor China. This is the same thing happening to the Middle East or even the Islamic World.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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@ Armand, aside from dumping oil to squeeze the USSR of revenues, SA also directly financed and train the Mujahaddins in Afghanistan. You and I know that the Afghan excursion weighed down the USSR so heavily.

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
"The People of the Book" are still considered Kaffirs and idolaters by mainstream Islam and Al-Qu'ran. Hell Sayiid Qutb took Takfir to the extreme and declared all muslims that didn't follow his ideology as Kaffirs.
I dont care what these individuals say...anyone can say anything.

"And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit."[Quran 29:46]

Son of Govinda

Regular Member
Apr 1, 2012
I dont care what these individuals say...anyone can say anything.

"And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit."[Quran 29:46]
In this case the "book" would be Al-Qu'ran. This same book refers to the "Children of Israel" as slayers of the prophets, idolaters, disbelievers, etc in numerous passages. This same book also says that god has no son and that anyone who makes partners with Allah are disbelievers and guilty of shirk.

Sayyid Qutb stated that the entire Islamic world was acting unjustly by playing politics and dividing the Islamic world, thereby allowing it to be dominated and conquered by "America and the Jews," and that Islam was also extinct because it had no true following except in Islamism. Usama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda, and many other Islamist organizations were greatly influenced by this same person. Usama even said that Afghanistan under the Taliban was the only islamic nation left in the world.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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I see, France was in another universe during the entire Cold War. This is actually what happened in the lead up to USSR's collapse: US ups the anti on the arms race forcing the Soviets to respond in kind to maintain their perceived balance. At the same time Saudi Arabia with coordination with US dumped oil into the international market to depress the prices. In case you overlooked this, then as now Russia has always been dependent on oil revenues to keep its economy going. Anyway, the USSR simply got broke due to the twin evils of sky high defence spending and dried revenues...
which had little to do with Wahhabis... :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Confused civilians swarm into Salaheddine district thinking Rebels routed

By Hadeel Al Shalchi
ALEPPO, Syria | Sun Aug 12, 2012

(Reuters) - Syrian civilians desperate to check on their homes pushed into fluid front lines around the devastated Salaheddine district of Aleppo on Sunday, even as sniper fire cracked out and rebels warned them to stay away.

Civilians drove their cars up to rebel checkpoints demanding to be allowed through, apparently convinced by government messages that the army had regained full control of their neighborhood, where battles have raged for three weeks.

"Snipers, snipers," the rebels manning the checkpoints shouted, but some women sat there, confused and stubborn, insisting they had to go through to check on their homes.

"I have to go in," pleaded one man. "My neighbor told me my house is being looted and I need to get my stuff. Please let me in, I left with only the clothes on my back."

One exasperated fighter eventually responded: "Say your prayers and go, just go."

Aleppo is vital to President Bashar al-Assad, struggling for the survival of a ruling system that his family and members of his minority Alawite clan have dominated for four decades.

Dozens of Salaheddine residents surged back after Syrian state television broadcast assurances that the area was now free of "terrorists" and that families were returning to their homes.

"Congratulations to Aleppo for the liberation of Salaheddine from the terrorists with the help of the families of Salaheddine," read a text message from a mobile network.

Outgunned rebels who have been fighting army troops backed by warplanes, tanks, artillery and helicopter gunships were unimpressed by the residents besieging their checkpoints.

"All these civilians are people who are against the revolution. They believe Syrian TV propaganda that the area is cleared of fighters," said a rebel calling himself Abu Islam.

Nearby, just off Saif al-Dawla street on the eastern edge of Salaheddine, a bullet struck a young man aged about 20 in the stomach, killing him. Rescuers dragged him to the side of road, where his father cried hysterically. "My only son has gone."

Out in the streets in and around Salaheddine, a southern gateway to Aleppo, fighting intensified.

Fighters at one intersection on Saif al-Dawla Street took turns to fire assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and an anti-aircraft gun mounted on a pickup vehicle.

A huge truck drove up carrying broken concrete blocks and rubble to create barriers against army tanks.

Yasir Osman, commander of the Abu Bakr al-Sedeeq Brigade, said his fighters had seized weapons and ammunition overnight after overrunning a petrol station in Salaheddine being used as an army base and killing its commander.

But he acknowledged the army was also inflicting losses. Three of his men were killed and seven wounded on Sunday.

Confused civilians swarm into Syria battle zone | Reuters


Now Syrian propoganda is getting people killed. :shocked:

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