The Syrian Crisis

pack leader

May 22, 2011
This is why the UNSC needs to be dismantled. Let the UNGA vote on decisions such as Syria and the will of the UNGA must be respected. If any country decides to go against the will of the UNGA, the rest must staunchly oppose that country through political, economic as well as military means.

If a 4th world war is needed to bring the arrogance of some countries to kneel, then so be it.

that will mean total war
no strong country will let a combination off Arab and African retards make all the rules (the above group have absolute majority in number of states)
does it make sense to let India and butan have the same voice in global affairs

the UN is a facade it has no power of its own the powerful make the rules (and don't have to follow them )
get over your gelous fantasy


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Horrors of war: Mass grave discovered in Damascus (GRAPHIC PHOTOS)

As the Syrian Army expelled rebel forces out of the capital of Damascus, soldiers discovered a mass grave of 20 corpses buried under rocks and other debris.
Armed men harassed and killed the civilians, and then buried the bodies, locals told RT Arabic's correspondents. Some described the stench of dead corpses blanketing entire areas of the city. The victims reportedly include both civilians and military personnel. Others claimed that the number killed is much higher than the 20 reported.
Graphic photos that you might never see in Western 'mainstream' press, such as, BBC, CNN, Fox: Horrors of war: Mass grave discovered in Damascus (GRAPHIC PHOTOS) — RT


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
"What's really going on in Syria"

Excerpts from a QA with RT reporter Ankhar Kochneva: 'Bloody bandits and Western lies: What's really going on in Syria' — RT

  • There are a large number of videos from those camps showing people walking upright, not ducking down even though you can hear shooting. The options are that either the sound was added to the video later, or that people knew that they were only shooting in the air without any intention of actually hitting them.
  • People are returning to Homs, to areas that have been cleared of bandits.
  • Because I have seen what they do to the kidnapped people. I have been to the torture chambers; I have met mothers who saw their children die. The whole country loathes them as bandits. There is nothing worse than being loathed by your own nation. They killed a mufti's son, they kill Christian priests, and they kidnap and torture children. A few days ago they killed two elder brothers of a five-year-old boy to take vengeance on him for reciting poems at rallies to support Syria. They massacred the whole family of an MP.
  • The government has announced nine amnesties for criminals and opposition activists never implicated in any murders. Yet now the government is blamed for these amnesties! Let me remind you that the bandits would first set court archives on fire with files of criminal cases and smuggling.
  • In Homs, the insurgents have been keeping a living shield of around 2,000 civilians, including women and children. Many need urgent medical aid. Some badly need dialysis; others suffer from diabetes, while more have no disinfectant for their wounds. The UN and the Elders are negotiating their evacuation, but it would be out of synch with the insurgents' intents.
  • They kidnap soldiers from their homes; they attack their cars and capture the passengers. Sometimes bandits would stop a regular bus and take the military hostage. First they make the soldiers claim they are deserters, next they torture them, and finally kill and play them off as victims of the army.
  • One of the indirect pieces of evidence regarding the information I have is the widely spread news that Russia and China allegedly agreed to remove Assad. This is as much a lie as all the trash that the media sells to its audience.
  • Civil war and instability in Syria are very profitable for Israel. Apart from this situation, nobody raises the issue of returning the Golan Heights and Jerusalem. The specific characteristic of Israeli mass media is making up sensational news. As for Qatar, one could speak for ages about this nano-aggressor: they provide weapons and money supplies in an attempt to solve their own internal problems.

Please do read the whole article, because I picked out portions that I found relevant.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
From the same article above:

CNN reports:
The Syrian Army assaulted the city of Houla on May 25, murdering 90 people, 30 of them children younger than 10. Amateur video reveals rows of bodies, adults and children, riddled with bullet holes and filling makeshift morgues.
Frankfurter Allgemeiner Zeitung reports:
Das Massaker von Hula hatte sich nach dem Freitagsgebet ereignet. Die Kämpfe setzten ein, als sunnitische Rebellen die drei Straßenkontrollen der syrischen Armee um Hula herum angriffen. Die Kontrollpunkte haben die Aufgabe, die alawitischen Dörfer um das überwiegend sunnitische Hula vor Anschlägen zu schützen.
The Hula massacre had taken place after Friday prayers. The fighting suspended, and as Sunni insurgents attacked the three roadside inspections of the Syrian army to around Hula. The checkpoints are responsible for the Alawite villages around the predominantly Sunni Hula to protect them against attacks.
Neue Erkenntnisse zu Getöteten von Hula: Abermals Massaker in Syrien - Politik - FAZ


CNN article headline: Now is the time for U.S. to act on Syria
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Not now, not ever; unless Syria attacks USA. Here's why:

Thomas Jefferson summed up the noninterventionist foreign policy position perfectly in his 1801 inaugural address: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations — entangling alliances with none." Washington similarly urged that we must, "Act for ourselves and not for others," by forming an "American character wholly free of foreign attachments."
Article by Congressman Ron Paul.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Analysis: Hamstrung Turkey's nightmares coming true in Syria | Reuters
(Reuters) - Turkey's worst nightmares are beginning to come true in Syria - a protracted sectarian civil war on its long southern border with the emergence of a de facto Kurdish-controlled region friendly to its main domestic foe.

The Syrian conflict is also poisoning Ankara's sensitive relations with Iran, Syria's vital regional ally, and Iraq and complicating ties with Russia, undermining a declared policy of "zero problems" with the neighbors.

"Syria has turned Turkey's neighborhood policy on its head," said Sinan Ulgen, a former Turkish diplomat now at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Brussels. "Ankara's approach to the Syria conflict has been a radical departure from traditional Turkish caution."

Yet despite bellicose statements, political support for the Syrian opposition and growing covert aid to opposition fighters, there is little Turkey can do alone to shape the outcome.

"We will not allow a terrorist group to establish camps in northern Syria and threaten Turkey," Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan told a news conference on July 26, referring to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has waged a bloody armed struggle since 1984 in southeastern Turkey.

"If there is a step which needs to be taken against the terrorist group, we will definitely take this step."

It was the latest of a string of warnings that have so far had little traction on the course of a conflict that has wrong-footed Turkish diplomatic ambitions in the region.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Kurdish Gains in Syria Rattle Turkey , 7 August 2012 Tuesday 16:23
CEYLANPINAR, Turkey — Kurds in the north of Syria say they have taken control of most of the region's major towns and cities from government forces. Turkey fears the twin threats of the Syrian civil conflict spilling over the frontier along with a potential escalation of its internal war against Kurdish separatists.

Climbing up to his fourth-floor balcony, Mehmet Bervan, a Kurd from Ceylanpinar in southeast Turkey, has a frontline view of the conflict playing out in Syria. His house lies close enough to the border fence to shout at family members on the other side.

Bervan hoped this large villa would provide somewhere to live out a peaceful retirement. Week by week, he has watched the Syrian uprising descend into civil war.

"Often we would see explosions, bombs going off, smoke rising into the air. It was very scary for us here, terrible," he said.

Bervan echoes the feelings of Kurds across the Middle East.

"Of course people would like to live together. These fences were not here before. We were all one family. Then they put up the fence and it separated us all... some families are divided, we have uncles over there, brothers over there on the Syrian side," he said.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
To Win Syria, Turkey Should Woo the PKK - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
Turkey knows that the PKK is in Istanbul, Ankara and all Kurdish cities in the southeast of the country. It knows that the PKK is in the heart of the Turkish Parliament and that this party's fighters, cadres and political and cultural institutions are all over the Turkish mountains, villages, cities and prisons.

Moreover, Turkey knows that the PKK fighters are located on the eastern (Iranian Kurdistan) and southeastern borders (Iraqi Kurdistan). If Turkey is afraid of the "terrorists" risk, then it must declare war on three neighboring countries. It also has to further engage in war against the Kurds of Turkey in the Kurdish and Turkish mountains and cities.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Assad's air power has so far proven incapable of being a decisive factor and its helicopters are becoming less active after unprecedented hours and no means to overhaul them. The use of fixed wing aircraft is a sign of desperation as lack of PGMs simply kill more civilians than intended targets. Rebels have been quiet effective so far with simple AK-47s and RPG-7s. As helicopters fall out of operational use and tank columns become decimated, there isn't really a need for foreign intervention at this time. Rebels wish they could get MANPADs but the risk of falling into extremist hands is too great, they are doing well enough without them and the aircraft are becoming inoperable anyway. When Aleppo falls into rebel hands, the entire NW of the country will be liberated and a safe zone can be established then.

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
Assad's air power has so far proven incapable of being a decisive factor and its helicopters are becoming less active after unprecedented hours and no means to overhaul them. The use of fixed wing aircraft is a sign of desperation as lack of PGMs simply kill more civilians than intended targets. Rebels have been quiet effective so far with simple AK-47s and RPG-7s. As helicopters fall out of operational use and tank columns become decimated, there isn't really a need for foreign intervention at this time. Rebels wish they could get MANPADs but the risk of falling into extremist hands is too great, they are doing well enough without them and the aircraft are becoming inoperable anyway. When Aleppo falls into rebel hands, the entire NW of the country will be liberated and a safe zone can be established then.
They already have it.

The Messiah

Bow Before Me!
Senior Member
Aug 25, 2010
I have already posted articles reporting that they have MANPADs, but not everyone reads. :D
Syrian rebels acquire surface-to-air missiles

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Rebels fighting to depose Syrian president Bashar al Assad have for the first time acquired a small supply of surface-to-air missiles, according to a news report that a Western official did not dispute.

NBC News reported Tuesday night that the rebel Free Syrian Army had obtained nearly two dozen of the weapons, which were delivered to them via neighboring Turkey, whose moderate Islamist government has been demanding Assad's departure with increasing vehemence.

Indications are that the U.S. government, which has said it opposes arming the rebels, is not responsible for the delivery of the missiles.

But some U.S. government sources have been saying for weeks that Arab governments seeking to oust Assad, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have been pressing for such missiles, also known as MANPADs, for man-portable air-defense systems, to be supplied to the rebels.

In recent days, air operations against the rebels by Syrian government forces appear to have been stepped up, particularly around the contested city of Aleppo, making the rebels' need for MANPADs more urgent.

Precisely what kind of MANPADs have been delivered to Syrian rebels is unclear and NBC News did not provide details. Such weapons range from the primitive to highly sophisticated.

And even if the rebels do have the weapons, it is unclear whether they have the training to operate them effectively against Assad's air forces in the immediate future.

Some conservative U.S. lawmakers, such as Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham, have criticized the administration of President Barack Obama for moving too slowly to assist the rebels and have suggested the U.S. government become directly involved in arming Assad's opponents.

The White House, at least until now, has taken a considerably more cautious approach.

As of last month, U.S. officials warned that if any Middle Eastern nation was "even considering giving arms to the Syrian opposition," it ought to "take a measured approach and think twice about providing arms that could have unintended consequences."

Nonetheless, even at that time, U.S. and allied officials acknowledged that officials of Saudi Arabia and Qatar were discussing whether surface-to-air missiles might help Syrian rebels bring down Russian-made helicopters and other aircraft the Syrian army was using to move troops between trouble spots.

Following the fall of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, some intelligence experts estimated that as many as 10,000-15,000 MANPADs sets were looted from Libyan government stockpiles. The whereabouts of most of these are unknown.

Many U.S. officials have been wary of the notion of arming Syrian rebels with MANPADs, noting that they could be easily turned on targets other than the Syrian government, including civilian airliners.

After the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, the CIA, with Saudi backing, provided sophisticated shoulder-fired Stinger missiles to Islamic militants seeking to oust Soviet troops.

The missiles proved deadly against Soviet helicopter gunships, but subsequently became a major headache for U.S. and western counter-terrorism agencies when anti-Soviet militants morphed into anti-Western militants.

Recent intelligence and news reporting has suggested a growing number of militants, including some affiliated with al Qaeda, have traveled to Syria to try to join anti-Assad forces. U.S. officials have said, however, that they do not believe the militants yet play a dominant role in the Syrian opposition.

Syrian rebels acquire surface-to-air missiles: report -


On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
Syria Arrests Turkish Army General in Aleppo

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army announced that it has recently apprehended a Turkish general who commanded the terrorists trying to seize control of Aleppo.

According to an informed source in Syria, the Turkish general was arrested during the Syrian Army's clashes with the terrorists in Aleppo.

News reports said that the Turkish general has been taken to Damascus for further interrogations.

Earlier, Turkish media also reported that Syria has detained 40 Turkish military officers in different parts of the country, and said that efforts to release them have failed.

Turkey along with the US, Saudi Arabia and Qatar have been supporting terrorists and rebel groups in Syria and have practically brought a UN peace initiative into failure to bring President Assad's government into collapse.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by well-armed gangs against Syrian police forces and border guards being reported across the country.

Hundreds of people, including members of the security forces, have been killed, when some protest rallies turned into armed clashes.

The government blames outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups for the deaths, stressing that the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad.

In October 2011, calm was eventually restored in the Arab state after President Assad started a reform initiative in the country, but Israel, the US and its Arab allies are seeking hard to bring the country into chaos through any possible means. Tel Aviv, Washington and some Arab capitals have been staging various plots in the hope of increasing unrests in Syria.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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FSA claims responsibility for Russian general's death in Syria

The Free Syrian Army (FSA) claimed responsibility on Wednesday for the killing of a Russian general in Syria who was working as a consultant to the Syrian defense minister and head of general staff of military affairs, it said in an announcement aired by Al Arabiya

Free Syrian Army has claimed responsibility for the death of Russian general Vladmir Petrovic Kojai.

FSA said the killing of the general, Vladmir Petrovic Kojaiv, along his private translator, Ahmed Aiq, was evidence that Russia was embroiled in the "humanitarian crimes" against Syrians.

"We warn all the snakes to go back to their dens whether it is Russia, Iran and Iraq or Lebanon," a FSA officer said in the video.

Russia, Iran, Iraq and Lebanon's Hezbollah have long opposed foreign intervention in Syria and the toppling of President Bashar al-Assad. Russia and China have blocked U.N. Security Council's resolutions that seemed to be against Assad regime.

The rebel army said a number of documents and maps about the opposition and FSA were also seized.

The operation was conducted by its Ghota Western Brigades from Damascus along with FSA countryside forces, the rebel group said.

FSA claims responsibility for Russian general's death in Syria


On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
Syria rebels abandon frontline Aleppo district

(Reuters) - Syrian rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad's forces in the city of Aleppo have abandoned their positions in a district that has been a frontline of fighting in recent days.

"We have retreated, get out of here," a lone rebel fighter yelled at Reuters journalists as they arrived on Wednesday in the Salaheddine district. A checkpoint that had been manned by rebel fighters for the last week had disappeared, its location marked only by an opposition flag.

Explosions could be heard as incoming gunfire hit buildings in the area. A Syrian government security source told Lebanon's Al-Manar television that Syrian forces were now in control of the Salaheddine district.

Helicopters flew over a police station that was still in rebel hands about 1 km (half a mile) away from Salaheddine. Fighters ran around in chaos shouting into walkie talkies: "The army has entered, the army has entered".

A rebel commander who identified himself as Abu Ali said he had received information that army tanks had entered Salaheddine, adding that he had little additional information because communications were bad.

Syria rebels abandon frontline Aleppo district | Reuters

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