The Syrian Crisis


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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So even if syrian regime agrees to give up on chemical stockpile, it will take huge amount of people and time to do it. So more or less strikes are off??
Assad demands one month for him to declare his stockpile. That is unacceptable and strikes will commence.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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This one Looks like Russian Ships are Trapped by the US forces ..

the map is also not clear I have some news there are 12+ Russian Ships in that region

for all Chinese ..hy do you steal others Photos/Arts ..This is the Real Artwork done by Israeli media or a Russian Media without Watermarks

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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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US Rejects Syria's 30-Day Weapons Deadline

Speaking at a news conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, he noted that it was standard procedure for a country to submit its weapons data a month after signing an international chemical weapons ban

But he said: "There is nothing standard about this process. The words of the Syrian regime in our judgement are simply not enough."

He warned that the US could still launch a military strike if Syria's President Bashar al Assad reneged on his promises, and said the US was wary of any stalling process.

"There ought to be consequences if it doesn't take place," he warned.

Mr Lavrov, who addressed the briefing first, said: "The solution of this problem makes unnecessary any strikes on Syria. I am sure that our American partners ... are strongly in favour of a peaceful way to regulate chemical weapons in Syria."

US Rejects Syria's 30-Day Weapons Deadline


I don't know what really he Thinks Does Assad punishable for his Crime or not ..!!!


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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None of the Russian ships are trapped. They will be escorted out prior to strikes beginning. Just watch for when CdG battle group leaves Toulon, that is when fireworks will soon commence.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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None of the Russian ships are trapped. They will be escorted out prior to strikes beginning. Just watch for when CdG battle group leaves Toulon, that is when fireworks will soon commence.
oh Please ..does the US forces Waiting for CdG to begin Strikes


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syria crisis: Tense US-Russia talks on chemicals deal

US officials had earlier described Russia's plan as "doable but difficult".

Mr Lavrov also gave an outline of the three main phases of the proposal:

  • Syria joins the Chemical Weapons Convention, which outlaws the production and use of the weapons
  • Syria reveals where its chemical weapons are stored and gives details of its programme
  • Experts decide on the specific measures to be taken
Mr Assad said that Russia's proposal was "not unilateral", adding: "Syria will accept it if America stops military threats and if other countries supplying the rebels with chemical weapons also abide by the agreement."
[HIGHLIGHT]Commetary: It would be interesting to see whether the Obama Administration shows any interest in taking away chemical weapons from the rebels.[/HIGHLIGHT]
However, Russia regards as unacceptable any resolution backed by military force, or a resolution that blames the Syrian government for chemical attacks.
Moscow has already objected to a draft resolution that would be enforced by Chapter VII of the UN charter, which would in effect sanction the use of force if Syria failed in its obligations.

Russia, supported by China, has blocked three previous draft resolutions condemning the Assad government.
Source: BBC News - Syria crisis: Tense US-Russia talks on chemicals deal


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
As of March 2012 1,00,000 of Civilian deaths He ordered his man to kill peoples with Chemical warheads
Where is the proof that Assad ordered him man or men use chemical weapons? This is all gibberish.

Also, who is responsible for 1,00,000 civilian deaths?


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Where is the proof that Assad ordered him man or men use chemical weapons? This is all gibberish.

Also, who is responsible for 1,00,000 civilian deaths?
Navi Pillay is up to her old tricks: she's abusing her position as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to provide a pretext for imperial aggression against Syria. Today, February 18, 2013, she repeated her call for Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad to be referred for investigation to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the actions of his forces in trying to repel the western-back mercenary war against his country, which the UN says has killed almost 70000 in 22 months of fighting
UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay: "Pretext-maker" for Western Military Aggression | Global Research

From Al Jazeera

Syrian activists claim that government forces have carried out a "poisonous gas" attack in suburbs of the capital, Damascus, leaving hundreds of people dead.

Activists said regime forces fired "rockets with poisonous gas heads" in the alleged attack early on Wednesday.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the shelling was intense and hit the eastern suburbs of Zamalka, Arbeen and Ein Tarma.

It said at least 100 were killed, while the Local Coordination Committees said hundreds of people were killed or injured in the shelling.
Hundreds reported killed in Syria gas attack - Middle East - Al Jazeera English


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I will ask once again. Where is the proof that Assad used chemical weapons? Show me one paragraph in that Qatar based Al-Jazeera that gives proof that Assad used chemical weapons.

Please don't ask me to accept al-Qaida affiliated rebels' testimonies and claims as proof.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syrian Rebels Say Saudi Arabia Is Stepping Up Weapons Deliveries

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Saudi Arabia, quietly cooperating with American and British intelligence and other Arab governments, has modestly increased deliveries of weapons to rebels fighting in southern Syria, the rebels say.
The developments point to the delicate balance that the United States is trying to maintain. On the one hand, it is exploring a proposed deal that could create common ground with President Bashar al-Assad's main supporters, Russia and Iran, and might eventually lead to a political settlement of the Syrian civil war. On the other hand, it is keeping up military pressure on Mr. Assad and trying to avoid alienating Saudi Arabia and other gulf allies that the United States has relied on to work with the rebels.

"My sense," Mr. Hassan said, "is that the Americans are reassuring them behind the scenes."

The situation points to the many competing interests the United States is trying to balance in the Syria crisis. The Americans' stated goal in Syria is a political settlement, but that outcome is all but impossible to achieve without talking to Syria's allies. And the close association among Saudi Arabia, Qatar and rebel groups has been a source of mistrust for government supporters inside Syria and others outside the country who fear the Islamic militants who have risen to prominence on the battlefield on the strength of financing from private donors in the gulf.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Why is the US adamant about a strike on Syria?

Could this be the reason?
The prospect of a Syria free of chemical weapons would be a great relief to Israel, a neighbor long seen as the main target for Syria's arsenal, built up over decades. Further, many Israeli experts said Wednesday, the deal presented by Russia, in which Syria would relinquish its stockpile of such weapons, could become Exhibit A for how a credible military threat by the United States — something Israel's leaders have ardently urged against Iran's nuclear program — could force the hand of a reluctant and adversarial government.

But there was also pessimism in Israel that the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, would actually fulfill his promise to turn over and ultimately destroy his chemical stockpile. Instead, many analysts worried that Mr. Assad, his Iranian patrons and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah would emerge strengthened, and that the main upshot of the episode would be a sense of American wavering on involvement in the Middle East.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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I will ask once again. Where is the proof that Assad used chemical weapons? Show me one paragraph in that Qatar based Al-Jazeera that gives proof that Assad used chemical weapons.

Please don't ask me to accept al-Qaida affiliated rebels' testimonies and claims as proof.
I think you are satisfied Pillay's statement of 70k deaths ..

Intercepted calls Cleared use of Chemical weapons by Assad

The 8200 unit of the Israeli Defence Forces, which specialises in electronic surveillance, intercepted a conversation between Syrian officials regarding the use of chemical weapons, an unnamed former Mossad official told Focus. The content of the conversation was relayed to the US, the ex-official said.The 8200 unit collects and analyses electronic data, including wiretapped telephone calls and emails. It is the largest unit in the IDF.
Israeli intelligence 'intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack' | World news |

U.S. intelligence officials were able to confirm that chemical weapons were used in Syria last week in part because they intercepted panicked phone calls in which a Syrian defense official demanded an explanation for the attack from an official in a chemical weapons unit, according to a new report.The phone calls, as well as photo evidence and local accounts, are part of the portfolio of evidence the U.S.
Intercepted call reportedly clinched US claim on Syria chemical weapons strike | Fox News

A report set to be released by the United Nations on a chemical weapons attack in Syria last month will not directly accuse the Syrian regime of gassing its own people, according to three U.N.-based diplomats familiar with the investigation, Foreign Policy reported Wednesday night.
UN Report to Confirm Chemical Weapons Used in Syria, But Avoid Ascribing Blame | Jewish & Israel News

Chemical weapons usage in Syria Confirmed by the UN team


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Syria Moving Chemical Weapons to Lebanon, Iraq – Rebel General

A general in the opposition Syrian Free Army on Thursday accused the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad of moving its chemical weapons out of the country, even as US and Russian diplomats held talks on a Russian proposal to get Syria to place those weapons under international control.

"We have information that the regime began to move chemical materials and chemical weapons to Lebanon and Iraq, and that is very, very dangerous," Gen. Salim Idris said in an interview with CNN correspondent Christiane Amanpour, adding that the rebels fear the Assad regime will "use these weapons against us."

Idris spoke to CNN as US Secretary of State John Kerry began talks in Geneva with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Russia's plan to secure Syria's chemical weapons and prevent them from being used again in the Middle East country's civil war.

Syria Moving Chemical Weapons to Lebanon, Iraq – Rebel General | World | RIA Novosti


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
There are different ways how one looks at the same thing:

Vladimir Putin warns America to obey international law over Syria
The US must obey international law and not strike Syria without the approval of the United Nations, Vladimir Putin warned on Thursday as he used the editorial pages of the New York Times to make his own personal address to the American people.
Read in full: Vladimir Putin warns America to obey international law over Syria - Telegraph

From Russia, a plea for caution
Addressing Americans through "The New York Times", President Putin makes a forceful appeal against the U.S. going to war in Syria and asks for a return to the path of diplomacy
Source: From Russia, a plea for caution - The Hindu


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Let me know when you have proof. So far, you have provided only claims.

There is a phrase, "Avoid Ascribing Blame," in your post, that should be some food for thought.

Israel is a party in a dispute, and not neutral.

White House: Irrefutable Assad link to gas attack lacking, but passes 'common-sense test'

Read more: White House: Irrefutable Assad link to gas attack lacking, but passes 'common-sense test' | Fox News


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Let me know when you have proof. So far, you have provided only claims.

There is a phrase, "Avoid Ascribing Blame," in your post, that should be some food for thought.

Israel is a party in a dispute, and not neutral.

White House: Irrefutable Assad link to gas attack lacking, but passes 'common-sense test'

Read more: White House: Irrefutable Assad link to gas attack lacking, but passes 'common-sense test' | Fox News
Only Claims as of Now Because of Biased Nations and Please Wait for the Official UN Reports ..until Now this one makes sense

The results of testing of blood and environmental samples gathered by U.N. inspectors after last month's suspected chemical weapons attack in Syria will be released as early as Monday, and are expected to show that sarin gas was used, U.S. officials told NBC News on Thursday

UN tests expected to show nerve gas sarin used in Syria chemical attacks - Investigations


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Four-point peace plan for Syria:
1. UN inspectors take control of chemical weapons and destroy them.
2. Saudi Arabia and Qatar remove their fighters from the territory of another sovereign state - Syria.
3. A UN force is placed on Syria's borders to ensure no more foreign fighters can get into the country. The same force monitors the departure of the foreign fighters (providing certain information to Interpol).
4. A peace conference is held with all the major actors: Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, US, EU, Jordan, Turkey, etc.
Excellent comment by a commentator, Renato Timotheus (LINK), on the article: John Kerry on Syria: how a gaffe could stop a war | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free |

Looks like Putin outfoxed the US, UK, and France.

Russia gets to stave off a US strike, chemical weapons are removed which keeps them from falling to al-Qaida affiliated rebels' hands, foreign mercenaries are removed, Assad gets to wipe out whatever remaining opposition he has, thus winning the civil war, eventually allowing Russia to retain its naval base in Syria free from threats from rebels and under a friendly government, Russia can continue to sell its arms to Syria, and Russia denies Saudi Arabia and Qatar the opportunity to lay pipelines over Syrian territory, thus preserving its natural gas monopoly over the European market.

Now, this is what I call is smart diplomacy!

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