The Syrian Crisis


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
McCain sez:
For America, our interests are our values, and our values are our interests. Nearly two decades ago, I worked with Democrats and Republicans to support President Clinton as he led the U.S. to stop mass atrocities in Bosnia. The question for another President today, and for all Americans, is whether we will again answer the desperate pleas for rescue that are made uniquely to us, the USA.
Sounds like same reasoning (plus WMD) for invasion and occupation of Iraq. No thanks, John.


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
^^^^ @W.G.Ewald But mccain hasn't mentioned about boots on ground. His approach is more of an air campaign similar to libya. If west is really not interested in any sort of action, then they should let iran and russia help assad to bring slowly (and unfortunately painfully as well) things back to normal (i.e. pre-2011 situation). If this happens , one importnt Q will be what will happen to kurds in syria. Will they give up their new found autonomy on ground?? Thats a big Q
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Nov 16, 2011
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17:51, 28 May 2013
The war in Syria will leave Russian-Ukrainian volunteer corps

Sergei Razumovsky
Picture: YouTube Video

In the Russian-Ukrainian volunteer corps, to be sent to Syria to assist its leadership in the fight against the rebels signed a few thousand people. On this, as the "New Region", said the initiator of the volunteer units, the veteran intelligence Ukrainian Sergey Razumovsky.

"We literally barrage. All of our electronic resources - treatment of people who want to join the Corps. Most of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Moldova even "- says Razumovsky. As for his fellow countrymen from the Ukraine, they are, he admits, "while responding difficult."

The authorities of the Republic, in the words of veteran intelligence, did not respond to the initiative.

When do you plan to complete the formation of the body, the agency did not specify.

In a video message on the establishment of volunteer corps Razumovsky was made in mid-May. He addressed his appeal to "all veterans of military service of the Soviet Union, all Russian and Ukrainian officers, residing in the country Ukraine." Complaining of poor living conditions of officers (namely the lack of housing), a veteran intelligence official said that "this government officers do not need" and that in this situation they can offer their skills leadership of another country - namely to help Syrian President Bashar Assad in the restoration of constitutional order.

According Razumovsky, the Syrian government in return can provide volunteers to citizenship, to provide insurance to their (volunteers) to the families and to help with the purchase of property (after the end of the war).

Author treatment also officially announced his intention to appeal to the government of Syria, as well as the commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet to assist in sending volunteers.

In Syria, as we have already several years civil war continues. Bashar al-Assad's government forces confront insurgents of the Free Syrian Army and other armed groups. The victims of the conflict in 2011, tens of thousands of people.

Source: Бывший СССР: Украина: На войну в Сирию отправится русско-украинский добровольческий корпус - In Russian

The Last Stand

Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
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If the Syrians get the AA missiles, we can put McCain in an F-4 and let him fly over.
Why the hell does he need an F-4. Send him over in a P-47. He can crash it into the shipment and die a "War hero" i.e. according to Mitt Romney.

"Unfortunately for Senator McCain, the Thunderbolt broke up before he reached the target and he became martyred when his plane crashed into a Russian ship containing S-300 missiles. Syria is miffed and wants to torture the dead body according to Sharia law."

Washington Times report :D


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Why the hell does he need an F-4. Send him over in a P-47. He can crash it into the shipment and die a "War hero" i.e. according to Mitt Romney.

"Unfortunately for Senator McCain, the Thunderbolt broke up before he reached the target and he became martyred when his plane crashed into a Russian ship containing S-300 missiles. Syria is miffed and wants to torture the dead body according to Sharia law."

Washington Times report :D

That's funny. But you are deranged. :dude:


Oct 16, 2010
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While the rebels and Assad forces wrestle it out in Syria, the country has become the boxing ring of another potentially high voltage clash.
On one side is the West, Israel and some of the Arab (Sunni) clergy as Messiahs of Syrian freedom and rennaisance.
To the other are Hezbollah, Iran, Russia and China who have been standing in opposition till now, to anything that could seriously cripple the Assad government.

The war in Syria, though brought to focus often by Israeli warnings, will continue to drag in near future as the west is not interested in direct presence into battle lines. Against a tough State like Assad's regime, long drawn rebellions of decades aren't a likely scenario.
The latter would either be assisted as needed and sound death knell of Assad's rein; or his forces will break the back of rebels.

America as a nation and state has a far more divided attention today, than the 90s. Compare that to the bold action by Russia to send warships of Pacific fleet at its Tartus naval base in Mediterranean, for patrolling in the Syrian waters. They didn't even blink an eye. Not to forget that Russia also is no longer USSR.

For now, up in the high quarters only shadow boxing takes place. Syria will plung towards a decision, when this shadow boxing begins to manifest.
So, West .. what gives??



Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Again a big proxy war awaiting if not resolved... like in 1950's in NK.


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Obama asked Pentagon to prepare Syria no-fly zone plans - report

Officials from the Obama administration have revealed that the White House asked the Pentagon to outline plans for a military no-fly zone over Syria, continuing strategy discussions that have been ongoing for more than a year.

If enacted, the no-fly zone would be enforced by the US military with help from France, Great Britain and other allies.

This update is the latest in President Obamas strategy to publicly advocate for a negotiated peaceful solution while, after speculating that Syria's President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons, he has reportedly been weighing the benefits of direct military aid to the country's insurgency. Two administration officials, speaking with The Daily Beast, stressed that no military decisions have been finalized.

The White House is still in contemplation mode but the planning is moving forward and its more advanced than its ever been, said one official, who remained anonymous. All this effort to pressure the regime is part of the overall effort to find a political solution, but what happens if Geneva fails? Its only prudent to plan for other options.

Pentagon Press Secretary George Little denied the anonymous White House quotes, reminding the public that the US has closely monitored the unrest since the dawn of the Arab Spring. However, Richard Engel of NBC News reported that no-fly zone discussions had been ongoing for more than one year.Â

There is no new military planning effort underway with regard to Syria, Little said. The Joint Staff, along with the relevant combatant commanders, continue to conduct prudent planning for a range of possible military operations.

A no-fly zone is often enacted as a final precaution before military intervention. The no-fly zone in question, according to The Daily Beast, was requested shortly before US Secretary of State John Kerry traveled through the Middle East last week attempting to convince Syrian rebel forces and President Assad to negotiate the end of the Syrian civil war next month in Geneva, Switzerland. As a precondition for negotiation, the rebels have demanded Assad leave power, a scenario that is difficult to imagine.Â

Before this news was made public lawmakers pushed Obama and his advisors to clarify the exact goals of any means of intervention, most notably those of a no-fly zone, which would be difficult to implement. Â

One thing about the Pentagon, if they dont want to do something, they will tell you all sorts of reasons why they can't it Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) told The Daily Beast last week. going to take significant pressure for them to come up with realistic plans. They will invent ways for us not to do it until the president of the United States says we've got to do it.

Obama asked Pentagon to prepare Syria no-fly zone plans - report — RT USA


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
Analysis: France and Britain roll the dice on Syria | Reuters
"The EU decision to allow members their own discretion - within limits - of arming the Syrian rebels is the third shoe to drop in a week that will be considered the full internationalization of the Syrian war," said George Lopez, a professor of peace studies at the University of Notre Dame.

There may be further pitfalls for Britain and France, too. If the Geneva talks fail - and many diplomats fear they will - then the two allies, who worked closely together to help Libya's rebels, will have little choice but to show they can follow through on commitments in Syria too. The rebels will expect it.

London and Paris say they would supply arms to "moderate" factions only, which means careful monitoring on the ground by European observers. The last thing Prime Minister David Cameron or President Francois Hollande want are headlines revealing that British arms have ended up in the hands of al Qaeda.

They also face strict limits on the type of weaponry they can send since longstanding EU law proscribes the export of any equipment, whoever the recipient, that would "provoke or prolong armed conflicts or aggravate existing tensions".

Bound by those rules, there is little chance Britain or France could match the arms Russia or Iran might supply. That is one reason why Israel, still in a cold war with Damascus but also wary of the rebels, opposes weapons being sent to either.

"At the end of the day, Britain and France are playing bluff in a game of poker," said Levy of the European Council on Foreign Relations. "But they've got a transparent hand."


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Caspian Sea is a closed sea. how way this ships may to carry missiles to Syria on Mediterranean Sea?? Unless, they crosses by Iraq territory.
They will be transferred via Iraq, I think.


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Nov 16, 2011
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Croatians in Syria(I)
Marinko Kresic, President of 'Croatian generals choir': Assad crashes and hundreds of Croatian soldiers

After Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt ... Balkan mercenaries have found a new destination - Syria. They fight on the side of government, and rebel forces. Does Croats among them? Of course it has - specifically suits Major General Marinko Kresic, president of the "Croatian generals choir", stating that the Croats little fight in Africa, some in Asia ...

- Unfortunately, I know that the Croatian mercenaries fighting in Syria today. By my estimation, and that based on the information from the field and from their fellow soldiers in the country is located between 80 and 100 of our citizens, aged 40 to 60 years. They were in Iraq, Libya, Tunisia and even Egypt, and moved to the services offered to open up to the focal point of the war.

Mercenaries fight somewhere on the side of the rebels, and somewhere on the side of government forces. The country is located between 80 and 100 of our citizens, aged 40-60 years - honest general Kresic. It is the first time that a senior officer so specifically talking about our mercenaries abroad.
Looking for a better

Krešić emphasizes that he does not condemn these people. "They're looking for a better," he adds. They're going to kill and to get money - we threw general counter-attack.

-I can not judge. Some security guards, a trained army, while others, unfortunately, have to kill and it's their job. Our rarely returned as killed or wounded, they are very well trained, they are the ones who would rather kill than be killed. They go because they have no one to pay the loans, children books for school ...

Maybe we were hungry and it was probably their only option. They go because they have to, not because they want to, although there are occasional adventurer who lives for the war because it is his natural environment - says general Kresic, stating that our people on the price because they are experienced, they passed battlefields in Croatia and Bosnia, and some they were trained at military schools, but left the MOD.

-Now that experience and knowledge unovčuju somewhere. I do not support it, but nor do I have anything against that. The last war in Europe was in this area and it is logical that the agencies that recruit mercenaries turning Croatia and countries in our environment, because there are thousands of people, hardened fighters who have fought for years, and now their knowledge no one uses. And then they siromašnji accept the offer and leaving the country. Rarely whom say where they go - revealing general details. Krešića we asked whether and asked him to connect some people with agencies seeking mercenaries.

Foreign Legion

-Yes, on several occasions, but I wanted to do because I do not want someone to carry on the soul. I know people in Croatia recruited these guys, but I would not have the names, however, is not nice to someone on the newspaper reads that sends groups of mercenaries in the country.

Companies that have private armies have their own people in the country, it is known. Who wants to go, he knows which channels go to such a job. And other officers with whom we contacted confirmed kresic words.

I know for some professionals who have been in Iraq, and later perhaps in Libya. I do not know how many there are, but I'm sure that dozens of them in Syria because it is there for them now most of the work. They are fighting on the side of the rebels, who have rich foreign donors, and Assad has a regular army.

Most of the time we are talking about older people who carry experience. In addition to our warriors I found out that there are several Croats from the Foreign Legion who left the French troops, and then they went to fight in Africa. Legions of foreign doctors already have camps on the continent, and they are easy and credible. I think though that the most, if we look the former state, a Serb mercenaries.

You know, we've edited question soldiers and there is no need for someone to lose his head for a few thousand dollars - says the "free" one senior officer, whose word is confirmed by the recent finding of Greeks Michel Koutouzisa, expert in organized crime. Experts spent several months wandering Africa and wrote an interesting report for the EU and the UN. According to sources, mercenaries come from the Balkans, mostly Serbs, followed by soldiers from Belarus, Ukraine, but there are also Polish, British, Greeks ...

Mercenaries fighting "affordable prices" come from other African countries and European fighters are paid a lot more because, says Koutouzis, specialists in heavy weapons and military tactics and commanding.

-In these countries, corruption is at a high level, and some countries, such as Libya, had stolen billions of people, and which are used for weapons. He was not a problem to buy the legal or black market any weapons, but the problem was who would manage a helicopter, tanks, planes ...

That's why leaders from Asia and Africa, as well as rebel leaders resort to the experiences of our people. And it's expensive to pay. Gaddafi is a one time premium paid mercenaries to $ 2,000 per day - says our source, stating that mercenaries, including those Croatian, do not enjoy any protection.



Serbs are the most

There were advertisements in which they asked for our people, but it is mostly going to the recommendation - general Kresic says, noting that the Balkan wars of the most moving and warriors Serbs from Bosnia and Herzegovina, because in these countries the economic situation is worse than us.

Salary up to $ 2,000 a day

Mercenaries often engage rebel forces, but sometimes the authorities, as was the case in Libya. Most are looking for mercenaries with war experience, and the last wars in Europe were fought, we know, in this area. Also, the wealth of belligerency can make members of the U.S. special forces. Foreigners in Libya are earning between four and seven thousand dollars a month, while individuals who are trained troops, ii earn five times more. Greek expert on organized crime Michel Koutouzis in his report to the UN claimed it was mercenaries who received even $ 2,000 a day.

Anyone can kill them

Mercenaries can kill anyone he wants. The Geneva Convention does not protect them. They will not even seduce as victims. Hated because they do not have a goal, an ideal - and only their essential money. If they get caught, they are treated worse than spies - warns an officer who knows the state of the world's battlefields.

Source: Marinko Krešić, predsjednik udruge 'Hrvatski generalski zbor': Assada ruši i stotinu hrvatskih bojovnika > Slobodna Dalmacija > Hrvatska - In Croatian. Translated by Google.


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2011
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They will be transferred via Iraq, I think.
Maybe. But I think this will be dangerous. Even Iraq shia gov being an allied of iran, it yet dont handle entirely its territory. There are yet sunni al-qaeda-linked terrorists groups operating in Iraq sunni provinces as Al-Anbar. This missles convoy can be targeted and the weapons destroyed or falls in wrong hands, as Israel fears.

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