The Syrian Crisis


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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check this tweets ..


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Senior Member
Dec 20, 2012

check this tweets ..


If Syria goes to war with Israel it would mean the end of Syria as a functioning nation-state. It would also, however, draw Israel into a guerilla conflict that would make Lebanon in the 80s look like a kid's playground.

Also, @W.G.Ewald - roger on your message.
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Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
What makes u think Iran has abandoned B Assad? can such a rhetoric be just Iranian usual posturing "we're not directly engaged on the ground" just like Russians?
Iran has invested only on assad and hezbollah. So if assad falls, everything they have falls. All this investments falls. With iraq going the way its going iran will loose everyrthing they have in the region. And wrt to iran not engaged directly, there were reports that irgc special forces operating in syria. Never knew russians are also fighting for assad.

And wrt assad now crying hoarse that evil jews have attacked pious muslims will fetch him no brownie points among gcc or among arabs.So he may cry whatever he wants, he can do nothing about it.

It needs to be seen how he assauges the ego of himself and his followers when he failed so miserably against israel. This may have a de moralizing effect on soldiers fighting for him and they maynot put a stiff resistance against rebels. But can the rebels pull up their socks and get the job done?? Seeing by the way they have performed its a long way still for them. They are crying for nato support. But nato is not helping them.

Q to you. There are reports that IDF senior member recently visited china secretly and discussed on iran and syria extensively. Now israel prime minister netanyahu will be visiting china. What is the position of china?? Will you still veto any measures against assad in UN??
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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Which type of Missile hit the target in Damascus

Jets which struck Syria did so while flying above Lebanese airspace and using missiles operated under stand-off technology, according to Reuters and other sources. These missiles allow for high accuracy while launching dozens of kilometers from a target.

Though Israeli confirmation of the strike was only done anonymously, analysts note that IAF arsenal includes several stand-off missile variations, among them the Popeye and the Spice-2000 – both manufactured by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.

Spice-2000: Autonomous operations, visual targeting

Spice missiles on IAF jet

An autonomous missile, the Spice can be pre-programmed with a photograph of its target, and knows to hone itself in on it. The Spice is known for its destructive capabilities, its ability to perform accurately under any weather conditions, and its ability to remain neutral to attempts at disruption or deception by the enemy.

A missile expert who spoke with Ynet estimated that the Air Force used the Spice-2000 in its most recent strikes on Syria. According to the source, the Spice-2000 provides "high accuracy at low risk. It is immune to disruption, due to the fact that you provide early visual intelligence, thus making it unnecessary to use the GPS, which can be distorted."

The missile has another benefit, in the form of a reduced radar signature. While the Popeye has a rocket motor which burns fuel and makes it detectable, the Spice glides toward its target using wings. "This is a missile which saves on the preliminary flight over a target, makes visual contact with its target, and also avoids anti-aircraft systems," the source said,

Popeye: Sends video to operator

The missile can reach land targets, including missile launchers, without being exposed to enemy anti-aircraft systems. The Popeye missile has been upgraded over the years, with one of its versions, according to foreign reports, enabling launch from a submarine.

The missile head carries a television camera, allowing for it to be directed by its operator and locked onto its target, even after launching from the plane. Additionally, the Popeye's internal navigation system leads it directly to its target. The missile carries 350 kg of explosives. It weighs 1,320 kg and is 4.5 meters in length. The Popeye can be launched against targets at sea, and is effective even at night or under adverse weather conditions.

JDAM series weapons or Paveway series Laser Guided Bombs.

If it is true that Israeli fighters remained over Lebanon during the strike, it raises interesting questions regarding the choice of weapons used in the raid. The distance from the Lebanese border to Damascus prevents the use of JDAM series weapons or Paveway series Laser Guided Bombs. However, by examining the IAF order of battle, it can be inferred that the Israelis likely utilized the Rafael Popeye standoff missile to strike these targets.

Delilah air to surface missile.

It is unlikely, but possible, that the Israelis used the Delilah air to surface missile. Delilah was originally conceived as a low-speed, loitering weapon that could strike moving targets and be reprogrammed after launch. The loiter capability of the weapon makes it ideal for attacking surface to air (SAM) sites or radars as well as high value mobile targets such as ballistic missiles. However, the small 66 lb warhead is a poor choice for a large target such as a warehouse.

GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb.

It is also possible that the Israelis used the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb. The folding wings of the glide weapon give the requisite range. However, the small warhead makes the weapon a less attractive choice, unless a large number of the weapons were used. The GBU-39 uses a JDAM style GPS guidance system and is believed to only have been integrated on the F-15I strike fighter.

A look at arsenal of Israel, Hezbollah - Israel News, Ynetnews

The Aviationist » Examining Israeli Air Force Weaponeering in the Damascus Strike

Still It's classified which missile is used to strike this long range Target ..and this proves Israeli Capability of Electronic warfare and feeding false target to their radars flying across hot zone


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2012
U.N. has testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas: investigator | Reuters

(Reuters) - U.N. human rights investigators have gathered testimony from casualties of Syria's civil war and medical staff indicating that rebel forces have used the nerve agent sarin, one of the lead investigators said on Sunday.

The United Nations independent commission of inquiry on Syria has not yet seen evidence of government forces having used chemical weapons, which are banned under international law, said commission member Carla Del Ponte.
----ing sick bastards. Gassing your own people to liberate them? How does that make any sense at all?


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
US Senator, war hero, and candidate for president is getting very outspoken about US going into Syria now, at least with air strikes and no-fly zone.

I'll find a link to the story, but I do not like his ideas, which may be politically motivated..


Tihar Jail
Apr 20, 2013
Foreign sources: this rocket was destroyed by Israel's air force in Sy

The Iranians have developed an improved model of medium-range rocket Fatah-110. The current model is held by Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel believes that the advanced model was on its way to the missile units of the organization. The Iranians have not provided many details on this new rocket model, but experts in Israel said yesterday that Iran's rockets and missile industry make constant efforts to improve the directive mechanism.

According to foreign sources, the attacks carried out by Israel in Syria in recent days were aimed, among other things, at the delivery of this rocket model.

Rockets of the Fatah-110 model remain the primary medium-range rocket power held by Hezbollah. The Rocket warhead weighs half a ton and has a maximum range of 250 km.

With such a range – this rocket threatens Israel all the way to Beer-Sheba area in the Negev. The rocket was developed by the Iranian military industry, and is launched by a launcher similar to that used by the ground to air missile of model S.A.-2., Israel's Homeland Security


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Apr 13, 2013
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42 Syrian soldiers dead in reported Israeli strike, opposition group says
From Frederik Pleitgen. Sara Sidner and Hada Messia CNN
May 6, 2013 -- Updated 1722 GMT (0122 HKT)

Damascus, Syria (CNN) -- Concern about the possibility of broader war in the Middle East grew Monday after reported airstrikes on Syrian military installations.

The reported strikes killed 42 Syrian soldiers, the opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Monday, citing medical sources. It said 100 people remained missing.

The Syrian government warned Sunday's apparent strikes -- which followed one last week attributed by Syria to Israel -- "opens the door wide for all the possibilities."

Syrian ally Iran warned of a "crushing response" while Russia called reports of Israeli involvement "very worrying."

But an Israeli general who commands forces on the Syrian border said "there are no winds of war," according to the Israel Defense Forces website.

The heightened tensions come amid questions over possible chemical weapon use in Syria and international debate over how to respond to the country's bloody civil war, in which more than 70,000 people have died in more than two years of fighting.

On Monday, a U.N. official spoke of strong suspicions that rebels, not Syrian government forces, have used chemical weapons.

Details of reported strikes

Syria claimed Israeli missiles struck at its military facilities on Sunday.

According to the state-run SANA news agency, Israeli missiles struck a research center in Jamraya, a facility in Maysaloun and what the news agency described as a "paragliding airport" near Damascus.

The blasts prompted terrified residents nearby to run for cover.

"Everything kept exploding over and over again," said Anna Deeb, whose family lives just over a mile away. "We could hear gunshots, we could hear people screaming. ... We didn't know what to do, and there was a problem with us breathing because the smoke was too much."

Syria says the attack followed another Israeli airstrike late last week.

Israel has not confirmed or denied that its forces were involved in any attacks inside Syria, but a U.S. official told CNN's Barbara Starr on Monday that Israeli forces conducted Sunday's strike, as well as one last week.

Sunday's strike targeted a research facility in a mountainous area near Damascus and weapons that were to be transferred to Hezbollah, according to the source.

The earlier strike, which U.S. officials had previously said happened Thursday or Friday, targeted Fateh 110 missiles stored at the Damascus airport, the source said.

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Mekdad told CNN the attacks amount to a declaration of war by Israel.

"The details are not clear on what happened," al-Mekdad told CNN. "Did they fire missiles? ... It is not clear for me, because I don't know how it happened, and of course it is worrying, but Israel will suffer the same."

'Watching everything'

While Israel has not acknowledged responsibility for the attacks, the country has long said it would target any transfer of weapons to Hezbollah or other terrorist groups.
"We are watching everything when it comes to the movement of these types of weapons. We have the means to do that," a senior Israeli defense official told CNN's Sara Sidner on Sunday. The official is not authorized to speak to the media.

Shaul Mofaz, a lawmaker in Israel's Knesset, told Israeli Army Radio on Sunday that Israel isn't meddling with Syria's civil war. But Israel must protect itself from Lebanese militants, he said.

"For Israel, it is very important that the front group for Iran, which is in Lebanon, needs to be stopped," Mofaz said.

International response

Hezbollah did not immediately comment after Sunday's claims.

Syrian ally Iran said will stand by Syria, "and if there is need for training, we will provide them with necessary training," Brig. Gen. Ahmad-Reza Pourdastan, commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Forces, told reporters Sunday.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said he had no doubt Syria and its allies will "give a crushing response to the aggressions of the Zionists," the state-run IRNA news agency reported.

Russia also weighed in Monday, with a Foreign Ministry spokesman calling the reports of Israeli strikes "very worrying."

"Any intensification of military confrontation greatly increases the risks of creating hotbeds of tension aside from Syria, in Lebanon, and also destabilizing the Israeli-Lebanese border, which has so far remained relatively calm," ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said Monday.

But Israeli Maj. Gen. Yair Golan indicated war is not imminent, according to the IDF's website.

"There are no winds of war," said Golan, who is in charge of the Northern Command.

Two rockets fired from inside Syria fell into the Golan Heights, the IDF said in a tweet. The military said the rockets were "fired erroneously as a byproduct of internal conflict in Syria."

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told reporters Monday that the alliance had no information on the reported airstrikes, but said the alliance remains concerned about the possibility that the conflict could spread beyond Syria's borders.

"It's not a new concern that for quite some time we have expressed concerned of the risk of spillover of this conflict," he said.

Chemical weapons reports

The tensions have been worsened by conflicting reports on the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria.

On Monday, a U.N. official said evidence points to the use of the deadly nerve agent sarin by Syrian rebel forces.

Carla Del Ponte told an Italian-Swiss TV station that the findings come after interviews with doctors and Syrian victims now in neighboring countries.

Del Ponte, the commissioner of the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry for Syria, said the notion isn't surprising, given the infiltration of foreign fighters into the Syrian opposition.

Later, the commission issued a press release saying it "has not reached conclusive findings as to the use of chemical weapons in Syria by any parties to the conflict."

Therefore, "the commission is not in a position to further comment on the allegations at this time," the statement said.

A U.S. State Department official told CNN that the United States does not have information suggesting that rebels have "either the capability or the intent to deploy or use such weapons."

But, the source said, the "facts are not complete" and efforts to obtain more information are ongoing.

Rebel Free Syrian Army spokesman Louay Almokdad said rebels don't have unconventional weapons, nor do they want any.

"In any case, we don't have the mechanism to launch these kinds of weapons, which would need missiles that can carry chemical warheads, and we in the FSA do not possess these kind of capabilities," Almokdad said.

"More importantly, we do not aspire to have (chemical weapons) because we view our battle with the regime as a battle for the establishment of a free democratic state. ... We want to build a free democratic state that recognizes and abides by all international accords and agreements -- and chemical and biological warfare is something forbidden legally and internationally."

Intelligence claims

The claim of rebels using sarin gas comes after months of suspicions that the Syrian regime has used the same nerve agent against rebels.

Last week, the United States said its intelligence analysts had concluded "with varying degrees of confidence" that chemical weapons had been used in Syria and that the regime of President Bashar al-Assad was the likely culprit.

In April, the head of Israeli military's intelligence research said the Syrian government is using chemical weapons against rebel forces.

"In all likelihood they used sarin gas," Brig. Gen. Itai Brun said.

The Free Syrian Army's chief of staff has also said the Syrian regime has used sarin in cities such as Homs, Aleppo and Otaiba, outside Damascus.

"We took some samples of the soil and of blood. The injured people were observed by doctors, and the samples were tested, and it was very clear that the regime used chemical weapons," Gen. Salim Idriss told CNN's Christiane Amanpour last month.

Sarin gas can be hard to detect because it is colorless, odorless and tasteless. But it can cause severe injuries to those exposed to it, including blurred vision, convulsions, paralysis and death.

Why Syria matters

The Syrian civil war has pitted rebel fighters against the regime run by al-Assad, whose family has ruled the country for four decades.

Syria matters to Iran because it is believed to be the main conduit to the Shiite militia Hezbollah in Lebanon, the proxy through which Iran can threaten Israel with an arsenal of short-range missiles.

In 2009, the top U.S. diplomat in Damascus disclosed that Syria had begun delivery of ballistic missiles to Hezbollah, according to official cables leaked to and published by WikiLeaks.

The last thing Iran wants is a Sunni-dominated Syria -- especially as the Syrian rebels' main supporters are Iran's Persian Gulf rivals: Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Hezbollah's feared scenario is Israel on one side and a hostile Sunni-led Syria on the other.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Iran is stepping up its preparations for war with Israel
By Con Coughlin World Last updated: May 5th, 2013

Confirmation that Israeli warplanes have carried out a series of air strikes in Syria against consignments of missiles being shipped to Hizbollah in southern Lebanon has highlighted Iran's attempts to reinforce its regional allies in anticipation of military conflict with Israel.

As I revealed last month, recent intelligence reports indicate that Iran has revived its efforts to ship weapons to the radical Hamas movement in Gaza. Following negotiations between members of the Quds force from Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Sudanese government officials and Hamas leaders earlier this year, Iran has chartered a number of Boeing 747 cargo planes to smuggle weapons to Hamas via Sudan.

Under the terms of the agreement, weapons are shipped from Tehran to the Syrian capital Damascus, and from Damascus they are sent to Khartoum. Then they are transported by road from Sudan to Gaza travelling through Egypt and the Sinai Desert.

At the same time it now appears that Iran is also trying to send shipments to weapons to Hizbollah, its proxy militia in southern Lebanon. Hizbollah and Israel fought an inconclusive war in 2006, and with Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, a close ally of Hizbollah, involved in a desperate battle for survival, Iran is anxious to ensure that Hizbollah is fully equipped if the conflict results in renewed hostilities with Israel.

Israel and Iran have issues of their own, with the Jewish state repeatedly warning that it will not allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons. With so much regional tension, Iran has decided that it needs to be fully prepared for conflict with Israel. And what better way to put pressure on the Jewish state than to supply Hamas and Hizbollah, Iran's allies on Israel's southern and northern borders respectively, with fresh supplies of arms.
Iran is stepping up its preparations for war with Israel – Telegraph Blogs


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Assad Green-Lights Palestinian "Operations" Against Israel on the Golan Heights, Threatens Missile Attacks — Syrian TV

Two mortar shells struck Israel's Golan Heights on Monday in the early evening local time. Though the IDF described the mortars as accidental spillover from fighting across the border in Syria, they are bound to deepen fears of escalating violence in the region.

Most pointedly, Syrian state TV announced today that President Bashar al-Assad was activating Palestinian groups to retaliate against Israel.

Al-Ikhbariya announced that the government had given a green light to Palestinian groups to conduct "operations" against Israeli targets on the Golan Heights. Hezbollah-linked media, meanwhile, reported that Lebanon and Syria had established "popular committees" ready to fight Israel in the region.

The Kuwaiti daily newspaper Al Rai, quoting sources close to Assad, reported that the Syrian leader had used Russian backchannels to tell the Israelis that Damascus would react if Israel struck Syria again. Syria, they said, would consider any such act a declaration of war and would contemplate firing surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles at Israel.

Syrian sources told a range of media outlets that Damascus had deployed missile batteries aimed at Israel that could respond to any further Israeli actions.

Errant mortars and other projectiles from Syria have fallen on the Golan Heights a number of times over the two-year Syrian civil war. After Monday's incident Israel filed a complaint against the UN observer force monitoring the two countries' border.

EXCLUSIVE: Assad Green-Lights Palestinian “Operations” Against Israel on the Golan Heights, Threatens Missile Attacks — Syrian TV |


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2013
US Senator, war hero, and candidate for president is getting very outspoken about US going into Syria now, at least with air strikes and no-fly zone.

I'll find a link to the story, but I do not like his ideas, which may be politically motivated..
It is completely political. I'm no fan of the current administration, but in strictly logical terms, there is absolutely no good reason for the US to get involved... because no matter who wins in Syria; no matter what we do or don't do... the same two things are going to happen:

1. The regime that ends up ruling Syria will be hostile to Western interests. Whether this is through Iranian (via Assad) or AQ (via the FSA) influence is immaterial; the outlook for having someone we can deal with is bleak.

2. Terrorists and/or "non-state actors" will acquire chemical weapons. Again, whether it's Hezbollah (via Assad) or AQ (via the FSA) is immaterial; someone very unpredictable is going to end up with WMD capability.

Given that we're looking at a no-win on the ground in Syria no matter what happens, the only sensible course of action is to save our money and prepare for the worst. Fortunately, chemical weapons have a shelf-life no matter how they're stored and are very difficult to handle for even the most suicidal death-cult. Let us maintain a cool-headed vigilance whilst Russia and Iran pour resources down that rat-hole.

Of course, if Assad were to do something dramatically stupid (like gassing an entire city or attacking us directly), we might be obligated to act out of basic humanity or immediate self-interest; but I don't see that happening.


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
MODS: How is syrian crisis relevant in indian air force sub-forum?? Why is this thread moved from west asia sub-forum to india air-force sub-forum???


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
Israeli Attacks on Syria Fuel Debate Over U.S.-Led Effort
The apparent ease with which Israel struck missile sites and, by Syrian accounts, a major military research center near Damascus in recent days has stoked debate in Washington about whether American-led airstrikes are the logical next step to cripple President Bashar al-Assad's ability to counter the rebel forces or use chemical weapons.
Kerry is in moscow for talks about syria.

Nowadays one is finding lot of articles regarding choices/options for obama in US media on syria?? Is this the media build up for domestic audience just before some sort of "action"????? We are waiting to see what happens

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