The Syrian Crisis


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2013
Re: Obama is right on Syria

Fall of Assad regime in Syria would result in rise of Islamist parties.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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@SajeevJino Why will IDF conduct drills along syrian border if hamas leader is killed?

the main reason of Pillar of Defense is IDF killed a top hamas leader in Gaza strip and hamas retaliated with raining of 1500 rockets towards Israel ..last day they did the same ..killed another top Terrorist ..only Precaution actions are taken but yesterday they fires two rockets towards Israel.pls check the last post

Near Syria border ..Sometimes Assad forces violating Israel borders ..and Syria is on the Red line right now both US and EU admitting that Syrian used Siren Chemical against the Rebel Forces..So may be some Coincidences
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Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
@SajeevJino what i meant was if hamas leader is killed, idf should strengthen border along gaza strip and not along syria which is opposite end of gaza. So if they are on syrian border it should be to contain/attack syria and not hamas in gaza. I am not sure hamas has capability to open a new front along syrian border against israel.
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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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@SajeevJino what i meant was if hamas leader is killed, idf should strengthen border along gaza strip and not along syria which is opposite end of gaza. So if they are on syrian border it should be to contain/attack syria and not hamas in gaza. I am not sure hamas has capability to open a new front along syrian border against israel.
Near Syria border ..Sometimes Assad forces violating Israel borders ..and Syria is on the Red line right now both US and EU admitting that Syrian used Siren Chemical against the Rebel Forces..So may be some Coincidences
Answer is there ↑↑↑ ....Israel had Enemies in their every Front like India
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Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
I see by the paper today that SecDef Hagel says US is considering supplying Syria rebels with arms.:wat:


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2012
I see by the paper today that SecDef Hagel says US is considering supplying Syria rebels with arms.:wat:
Dude why would you want to supply Syrian rebels with arms? Seven years ago those same organizations were ramming car bombs down America's throat in Fallujah.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Dude why would you want to supply Syrian rebels with arms? Seven years ago those same organizations were ramming car bombs down America's throat in Fallujah.
My main point was, and I did not state it clearly, that US has been supplying arms to rebels in Syria from Libya since last year, and the operation is connected to the murder of the US ambassador in Benghazi..

I agree with you completely.

The Obama administration depends on widespread ignorance among Americans.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Syria plays same game as Pakistan does with its nukes.

Where Are Syria's Chemical Weapons? - The Daily Beast
"We've lost track of lots of
this stuff," one U.S. official told The Daily
Beast. "We just don't know where a lot of it

One official said U.S. spy satellites
in November picked up clear photographic
evidence of trucks being loaded at known
chemical-weapons storage sites outside
Damascus. But this official also said the
satellite did not track the movement of the
trucks in the country. "You have to
remember that satellites are not unmanned
aerial vehicles," this official said. "We saw
the trucks being loaded, but we did not
see where they went."
this is Tough situation

Sir .., I think the Chemical warheads are everywhere in Syria..Sometimes in Trucks sometimes in their Garbage room too

What you think sir If Rebels get the Chemical weapons ...


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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My main point was, and I did not state it clearly, that US has been supplying arms to rebels in Syria from Libya since last year, and the operation is connected to the murder of the US ambassador in Benghazi..

I agree with you completely.

The Obama administration depends on widespread ignorance among Americans.

Believing Rebel groups is like a deer going to lunch with hungry Tiger

Obama get the Price for what he did ..?


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
this is Tough situation

Sir .., I think the Chemical warheads are everywhere in Syria..Sometimes in Trucks sometimes in their Garbage room too

What you think sir If Rebels get the Chemical weapons ...
Employing chemical weapons is not trivial, and Syrian forces have not trained even with simulations, I'm guessing. From what I remember about the US Army field manuals, there is a lot of calculation to be done to put artillery and rocket fire containing chemical munitions on a target. Weather, time of day, and wind speed must be factored in, for example. The insurgents will have even less knowledge about the subject, so if they acquire chemical munitions, we can expect a real disaster.

My view is that the US has the experience with disposing of vast stockpiles of chemical weapons and should be consulted to do that under UN supervision.

The Syrian Crisis and Chemical Weapons

Kentucky: Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program - Chemical Demilitarization


Senior Member
Dec 20, 2012
Employing chemical weapons is not trivial, and Syrian forces have not trained even with simulations, I'm guessing. From what I remember about the US Army field manuals, there is a lot of calculation to be done to put artillery and rocket fire containing chemical munitions on a target. Weather, time of day, and wind speed must be factored in, for example. The insurgents will have even less knowledge about the subject, so if they acquire chemical munitions, we can expect a real disaster.

My view is that the US has the experience with disposing of vast stockpiles of chemical weapons and should be consulted to do that under UN supervision.

The Syrian Crisis and Chemical Weapons

Kentucky: Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program - Chemical Demilitarization
If the Syrian rebels start using chemical weapons, it would be Rubicon in terms of Obama's Mideast strategy. How far is he willing to go in order to back Saudi Arabia's dream of a constellation of Sunni republics?


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
If the Syrian rebels start using chemical weapons, it would be Rubicon in terms of Obama's Mideast strategy. How far is he willing to go in order to back Saudi Arabia's dream of a constellation of Sunni republics?


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Israel has conducted an airstrike in Syria

The United States believes Israel has conducted an airstrike into Syria, two U.S. officials tell CNN.

U.S. and Western intelligence agencies are reviewing classified data showing Israel most likely conducted a strike in the Thursday-Friday time frame, according to both officials. This is the same time frame that the U.S. collected additional data showing Israel was flying a high number of warplanes over Lebanon.

One official said the United States had limited information so far and could not yet confirm those are the specific warplanes that conducted a strike. Based on initial indications, the U.S. does not believe Israeli warplanes entered Syrian airspace to conduct the strikes.

Both officials said there is no reason to believe Israel struck at a chemical weapons storage facilities. The Israelis have long said they would strike at any targets that prove to be the transfer of any kinds of weapons to Hezbollah or other terrorist groups, as well as at any effort to smuggle Syrian weapons into Lebanon that could threaten Israel.

The Lebanese army website listed 16 flights by Israeli warplanes penetrating Lebanon's airspace from Thursday evening through Friday afternoon local time.

The Israeli military had no comment. But a source in the Israeli defense establishment told CNN's Sara Sidner, "We will do whatever is necessary to stop the transfer of weapons from Syria to terrorist organizations. We have done it in the past and we will do it if necessary the future."

Sources: U.S. believes Israel has conducted an airstrike into Syria -

The Jews Once again Proved..Shall India get a leaders like Israel


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Moscow Ready to Talk to Free Syrian Army – Minister

Moscow is ready to hold talks with all representatives of the Syrian opposition, including Salim Idriss, leader of the Free Syrian Army, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Friday.

Lavrov made his comment after Idriss said he would be ready to meet the Russian authorities to discuss paths to a resolution of the Syrian civil war.

"We are ready for talks with all of the Syrian opposition," Lavrov said, adding he had not heard any statement from Idriss.

Armed "non-state players are against international laws," Lavrov added, and said it was not time to pour oil on the fire, but do everything which was agreed at the Geneva meeting of June 30 last year.

At a meeting on Syria in Geneva on June 30, foreign ministers from UN Security Council permanent member states and from countries neighboring Syria proposed establishing a transitional Syrian government that would comprise both the Syrian authorities and opposition forces.

Armed groups in Syria, Lavrov said, were a gamble on a military scenario and not a political solution.

Lavrov said he would discuss the situation in Syria at a meeting next week with his US counterpart Secretary of State John Kerry.

Yesterday, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the US was reconsidering whether to arm Syrian rebel groups, which it has previously held back from doing.

That follows reports last week, as yet unconfirmed, that the government forces in Syria had used chemical weapons including nerve agents against rebel forces in the conflict, which President Obama had previously said would be a "red line" for the US.

Moscow Ready to Talk to Free Syrian Army – Minister | Russia | RIA Novosti


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Israel confirms Syria strike, says hit Hezbollah-bound missiles

US officials claim 'game changing' missiles targeted as Israeli officials confirms attack for AP, saying target was shipment of advanced, long-range ground-to-ground missiles intended to Hezbollah. Rebels, Lebanon also confirm attack

n Israeli official said on Saturday that Israeli warplanes had targeted a shipment of missiles in Syria believed en route to Hezbollah guerrillas in neighboring Lebanon.

The air strike took place on Friday after it was approved in a secret meeting of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's security cabinet on Thursday night, the official said on condition of anonymity.

Earlier Saturday, a security source in the region confirmed Israeli warplanes have carried out an air strike in Syria confirming a disclosure by a US official. The target remains unclear, however it was not a Syrian chemical weapons facility, the source said.

An Israeli official said that Israel had targeted a shipment of advanced, long-range, ground-to-ground missiles in Syria believed to be en route to Hezbollah guerrillas in neighboring Lebanon.

The officials say the shipment was not of chemical arms, but of "game changing" weapons bound for the Lebanese militant Hezbollah group. They say the airstrike was early Friday. They did not say where it took place.

Syrian rebel commander Qassim Saadedine confirmed the reports on Saturday that an Israeli strike targeted a convoy of missiles being sent to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Our information indicates there was an Israeli strike on a convoy that was transferring missiles to Hezbollah. We have still not confirmed the location," said Saadedine, a defected colonel, speaking to Reuters by telephone from his base on the Turkish-Syrian border.

Lebanon's Foreign Minister, Adnan Mansou, responded to reports that IAF's jets attacked targets in Syria from Lebanese airspace.

The Israeli air force has so-called "standoff" bombs that coast dozens of kilometers (miles) across ground to their targets once fired. That could, in theory, allow Israel to attack Syria from its own turf or from neighboring Lebanon.

Israel confirms Syria strike, says hit Hezbollah-bound missiles - Israel News, Ynetnews

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