Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan 2021: Impact on India


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Why this frustration dude?

India plays its own game. Why are you expecting US to do your own job?
Bro it's not frustration
It's irony

These bloody Anglo Saxons Caucasians take
us Bharati's
As fool they think we can capitulate like all other Christians Nato vassals

Ifv they apply pressure.

Irony is in the words of these mofos

"It's Afghanistan neibours who has job to address
Mess created by US high and mighty Anglo Saxons"

Another Stereotypical Self-serving Neo Colonialism attitude 😒


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Bro it's not frustration
It's irony

These bloody Anglo Saxons Caucasians take
us Bharati's
As fool they think we can capitulate like all other Christians Nato vassals

Ifv they apply pressure.

Irony is in the words of these mofos

"It's Afghanistan neibours who has job to address
Mess created by US high and mighty Anglo Saxons"

Another Stereotypical Self-serving Neo Colonialism attitude 😒
the problem with Indian policy is that it isn’t proactive. It is reactive, so by default Indians are usually caught by surprise. This is a cultural difference between focusing inwards and focusing outwards. India needs to have a vision about its role in the world and work towards it. By not having such vision, it allows outsiders to define its role and perception.

the first milestone that needs to be achieved is stabilizing the neighborhood so India can actually prosper. This means extending Indian sphere of influence to our immediate neighborhood and making sure India is the epicenter of the economy. This means steamrolling the Taliban, ISI and Pakistan and removing them from the equation with a 5 year plan. India needs to use hook or crook to remove these bad actors and reclaim the sphere of influence. A PM that can clearly articulate this strategy to his defense minister and cabinet / MEA is the need of the hour.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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Bro it's not frustration
It's irony

These bloody Anglo Saxons Caucasians take
us Bharati's
As fool they think we can capitulate like all other Christians Nato vassals

Ifv they apply pressure.

Irony is in the words of these mofos

"It's Afghanistan neibours who has job to address
Mess created by US high and mighty Anglo Saxons"

Another Stereotypical Self-serving Neo Colonialism attitude 😒

A little gratitude will be on order. Just imagine how many terror attacks Al Qaeds and other Islamists protected by the Taliban in Afghanistan could have done in India and Indian intetests had tge US not invaded Afghanistan and embarked in their 20-year quixotic nation building dream?


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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A little gratitude will be on order. Just imagine how many terror attacks Al Qaeds and other Islamists protected by the Taliban in Afghanistan could have done in India and Indian intetests had tge US not invaded Afghanistan and embarked in their 20-year quixotic nation building dream?
Something that largely goes unappreciated. The Americans bought us a lot of time, 20 years, even if unintentionally. People forget that before the fence went up and a strong grid system was created, there were very large movements of fighters or wannabe fighters crossing the LoC. Both ways.

The Taliban fighers will come to Kashmir soon, make no bones about it . There is very little they have to do in Afghanistan anyways. Some will end up coming here, that's a given. The impact though will be very different from the 90's and most will meet a quick end. The only thing that will prevent them from coming in numbers will be the Pakistani fear of Modi's unpredictability. If Modi is no longer PM at some point, expect the Pakistanis to redouble their efforts.


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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A little gratitude will be on order. Just imagine how many terror attacks Al Qaeds and other Islamists protected by the Taliban in Afghanistan could have done in India and Indian intetests had tge US not invaded Afghanistan and embarked in their 20-year quixotic nation building dream?
AQ, Taliban were created by USA itself, to defeat Soviets. Had USA left Afghans to decide whether to choose capitalism or socialism there was no need to fight Soviet order in Afgh. It could have remained a Soviet/Russian a peaceful vassal state similar to many other Stans which were part of USSR.

nWo 4 Life

Tihar Jail
May 16, 2021
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AQ, Taliban were created by USA itself, to defeat Soviets. Had USA left Afghans to decide whether to choose capitalism or socialism there was no need to fight Soviet order in Afgh. It could have remained a Soviet/Russian a peaceful vassal state similar to many other Stans which were part of USSR.
Apparently, we are supposed to thank a nation which first funded and trained the jihadis and the Mujahedeen and then invaded the country for oil and heroin, targeted and manipulated people in Western countries, preying on their fears of what will happen to women if Taliban comes back, lied to the public at large about the state of the war and the casualties, and destabilizing a whole region.
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Senior Member
Aug 17, 2021
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AQ, Taliban were created by USA itself, to defeat Soviets. Had USA left Afghans to decide whether to choose capitalism or socialism there was no need to fight Soviet order in Afgh. It could have remained a Soviet/Russian a peaceful vassal state similar to many other Stans which were part of USSR.
Taliban were not created by the US, they were created by Pakistan. Heck there was a focused group study to even arrive at the name 'Taliban'. They did have some factions from the earlier anti- Soviet Mujahideen (which was started by Pak, funded by US) but most of the fighting corp and a significant portion of the Talib leadership is homegrown in Pak, nothing to do with the US.
Had USA left Afghans to decide whether to choose capitalism or socialism there was no need to fight Soviet order in Afgh. It could have remained a Soviet/Russian a peaceful vassal state similar to many other Stans which were part of USSR.
This part is absolutely correct. US had no business funding insurgency there. They only created a problem for the world.It could have been a peaceful state like Uzbekistan or Tajikistan. And yes, USSR didn't "invade" Afghanistan, it went there on the request of the then ruler.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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AQ, Taliban were created by USA itself, to defeat Soviets. Had USA left Afghans to decide whether to choose capitalism or socialism there was no need to fight Soviet order in Afgh. It could have remained a Soviet/Russian a peaceful vassal state similar to many other Stans which were part of USSR.
It is mujahideen that drove the Russians, not Taliban. Taliban came after the war.

people often bracket both of them, Mujahideen fought for their independence. Taliban are Pakistani proxies who work for Sharia and Pakistani interests.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2020
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Taliban were not created by the US, they were created by Pakistan
But Pakistan was funded by US for all that so it doesn't matter what name and face they give, and what is popular narrative.

And all terrorist organisations were funded by US directly or indirectly at some point of time even against India when we were in Soviet fold.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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But Pakistan was funded by US for all that so it doesn't matter what name and face they give, and what is popular narrative.

And all terrorist organisations were funded by US directly or indirectly at some point of time even against India when we were in Soviet fold.
This is where one needs to draw the line. Pakistan wanted to gobble up Afghanistan and use it for its strategic interests. So they started to replace Mujahideen with the Taliban. Taliban came in mid 90’s after the soviet war.

Taliban are the manifestation of Pakistani greed, double cross and double speak.

nWo 4 Life

Tihar Jail
May 16, 2021
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But Pakistan was funded by US for all that so it doesn't matter what name and face they give, and what is popular narrative.

And all terrorist organisations were funded by US directly or indirectly at some point of time even against India when we were in Soviet fold.
If the Taliban is strong and dominant today, it is undoubtedly because of the US. Do not forget that the US was fully aware of Pakistan's plans to raise a jihadi insurgent group which was focused no longer on killing Soviets, but doing holy war and they continued to fund and help Pakistan in their mission. A bhikari state like Pakistan would never have had the balls to create the Taliban from scratch without any help.


Regular Member
Jun 18, 2020
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Taliban came in mid 90’s after the soviet war.

Taliban are the manifestation of Pakistani greed, double cross and double speak.
Glad that I am not the only one, who does not use Mujahideen and Taliban in one breath. I am sometimes surprised when so-called "defense analysts" use both of these terms interchangeably, as if they are one and same. Taliban came out around in the year 1994-95 and captured Kabul in September 1996. Taliban is out an out, a creation of Pakistan, who were given by arms and ammunitions provided by USA and originally intended for Mujahideen. Taliban is nothing but a proxy of Pakistan Army, an occupational force bent on making Afghanistan a vassal state of Pakistan.


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2020
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Glad that I am not the only one, who does not use Mujahideen and Taliban in one breath. I am sometimes surprised when so-called "defense analysts" use both of these terms interchangeably, as if they are one and same. Taliban came out around in the year 1994-95 and captured Kabul in September 1996. Taliban is out an out, a creation of Pakistan, who were given by arms and ammunitions provided by USA and originally intended for Mujahideen. Taliban is nothing but a proxy of Pakistan Army, an occupational force bent on making Afghanistan a vassal state of Pakistan.
Nobody is really using them interchangeably the discussion started with the responsibility of US in all of this not Pakistan or any other country the discussion is in context of that.

The thing is US did all the funding for Taliban or any other terrorist organisation either deliberately or unknowingly as we all know how Pakistan took billions of aid from US to fight terrorism and then carried on finding Taliban for the reason you mentioned.

If US had not funded any of that we would be having less problems to deal with and they haven't stopped yet as you can see from the weapons they left for Taliban and they really are not going to stop the funding we can be certain of that either they will fund the same organization or prop up a new one with new name need to be seen after all this settles.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Taliban and Mujahideen have a common subset so it's not all black and white as it's been peddled here.

At the end of the day we live in a very hostile neighborhood so we must act like it.
No need to give Murica a free ticket, they have done more against India than we can count.

Detective Pennington

Regular Member
May 1, 2015
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Taliban and Mujahideen have a common subset so it's not all black and white as it's been peddled here.

At the end of the day we live in a very hostile neighborhood so we must act like it.
No need to give Murica a free ticket, they have done more against India than we can count.
Yeah i used to get annoyed when you guys talked shit about US here but I'm starting to see where your anger comes from. US did so much shit to prop up Pak, even when Pak double crossing on hiding Osama and supporting the Taliban was literally costing their taxpayers money and killing their own troops, and harming their interests in Afghanistan. If it weren't for US self-righteously virtue signalling about preventing nuclear war between India and Pakistan, or preventing destablization of Pak due to fears of JIhadis getting nukes, or needing Pak for it's "Geostrategic location", all India would have had to deal with is China protecting Pak, which would have been much more manageable. We could have liberated Balochistan and taken back POK/GB by now.

nWo 4 Life

Tihar Jail
May 16, 2021
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Taliban and Mujahideen have a common subset so it's not all black and white as it's been peddled here.

At the end of the day we live in a very hostile neighborhood so we must act like it.
No need to give Murica a free ticket, they have done more against India than we can count.
Add to that the fact that the Director of the CIA, William Casey said, "Political Islam and the Catholic Church are natural allies in the “realistic counter-strategy” of covert action and militant Islam and militant Christianity should cooperate in a common cause against the Soviets."

They were also aware that a significant portion of their arms and money that they were supplying to the ISI to be given to the Mujahedeen was being stolen by the ISI itself and they didn't do anything. The ISI wouldn't let them interact with the Mujahedeen; instead the ISI told the Americans to TEACH PAKISTANIS how to operate any new military equipment and to give them training, which they will later pass on to the Mujahedeen. And that's exactly what USA did.

And plus, if the noble USA just funded the Mujahedeen all for "independence", then can anyone explain why at ISI headquarters in Rawalpindi, Casey raised the subject of the most sensitive operation then under way between the two intelligence services: pushing the Afghan jihad into the Soviet Union itself.

Beginning in the late 1970s, the CIA’s covert action staff had produced proposals for secret publishing and propaganda efforts targeting Muslims living in Soviet Central Asia as well as Ukrainians.
Carter’s national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, was among the most passionate advocates for a covert American program to stir up nationalism in the Soviet Union’s non-Russian border republics.

So, if the goal of the USA was just "helping Mujahedeen get independence", why did they propose plans for fomenting Islamic jihad inside the Soviet Union? Whose "independence" was that about?

The CIA commissioned an Uzbek exile living in Germany to produce translations of the Koran in the Uzbek language. The CIA printed thousands of copies of the Muslim holy book and shipped them to Pakistan for distribution to the mujahedin. The ISI brigadier in charge recalled that the first Uzbek Korans arrived in December 1984, just as Casey’s enthusiasm was waxing. ISI began pushing about five thousand books into northern Afghanistan and onward across the Soviet border by early 1985.

It was William Casey, the CIA Director himself who first proposed to the ISI to encourage the Afghans to carry out "suicide bombings". Casey said that there was a large Muslim population across the Amu Darya that could be stirred to action and could “do a lot of damage to the Soviet Army in Afghanistan and also in the Soviet Union itself".

It was the CIA, at the behest of the ISI, which funded and allocated the highest amount of resources to the most radical factions of the Mujahedeen, like Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who became the Taliban later on.

So, despite any excuses the Americans or their think-tank apologists might be making now, both the USA and Bhikaristan are equally guilty in fomenting and giving birth to the Taliban.

Assassin 2.0

Senior Member
Aug 13, 2019
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You and I do not know the situation on the ground, do we?

The US marines did what they could and showed great courage in trying to enable American citizens and others to evacuate. The cheap, objectionable comments about the US and how it does not care about those deaths are undeserved.

I happen to be 1/8 American. How would you like me talk about India and Indian troops who lost their lives in the same way? Please show a little respect.
Yes we should respect them because they open fired on civilians which were just trying to get out and killed multiple people off course this is under wraps by American Deep state but now slowly and slowly some noises are coming out we should respect them for plotting how to make sure Afghan national army collapse. ( confirmed by Afghan VP). I see everything from the narrative if Indian army used open fire to kill masses it would have been called genocidal and fascist by your very loving US army and US government and deep state actors.

If Indian force conducted Drone strikes and showed a auto getting damaged in that. Whole west would have trolled us and made unverified claims to humiliate us.

I have no comments on US army soldiers which died but respect but as a overall propaganda machinery it's very much obvious why Indian's like to troll US establishment especially after Budden in charge.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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A worthwhile listen

Kathy McCollum, mother of 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, called into the “Wilkow Majority” show on SiriusXM Patriot radio where revealed that she had just been notified at her home that her son was killed in the bombing that claimed the lives of at least 13 U.S. soldiers.

“That feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap just sent my son to die,” she said, speaking about Biden. “I woke up at four o’clock this morning, two Marines at my door telling me my son was dead. So, to [have her on] right before me and listen to that piece of crap talk about diplomatic crap with frickin Taliban terrorists who just freakin blew up my son and no, nothing, to not say anything about oh my god, I’m so sorry for families. So, my son is gone.”

..“I never thought in a million years [my son] would die for nothing, for nothing, because that feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap who decided he wanted a photo-op on September 11th,” she continued...

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