Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan 2021: Impact on India

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Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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Yup, Biden too mentioned “Over the horizon” capability multiple times over past few months.

interestingly in a indo-pacific related Q&A with US military leaders, they too mentioned “over the horizon” capability for Indo-pacific strategy as well. Something about taking out the archer before he let loose his arrow. This video is there in the think tank thread.

It's like Clinton unleashing tomahawk missiles on Taliban.. Can only help so much..

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Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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nWo 4 Life

Tihar Jail
May 16, 2021
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Yup, Biden too mentioned “Over the horizon” capability multiple times over past few months.

interestingly in a indo-pacific related Q&A with US military leaders, they too mentioned “over the horizon” capability for Indo-pacific strategy as well. Something about taking out the archer before he let loose his arrow. This video is there in the think tank thread.

It seems nothing but false bravado to me. Not only is the Taliban padded with massive numbers of American civilians, but the American troops have been pushed back to ONE airfield in the middle of Afghanistan. 6000 of their men are surrounded by a country full of Taliban. No support to speak off. Only armed with light infantry weapons. It's a flat airfield, what defensive positions are there?

If they start to resume airstrikes now, the Taliban is sure to respond, and if they do, there's not much America can do other than start another war and that would be political suicide right now.


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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It seems nothing but false bravado to me. Not only is the Taliban padded with massive numbers of American civilians, but the American troops have been pushed back to ONE airfield in the middle of Afghanistan. 6000 of their men are surrounded by a country full of Taliban. No support to speak off. Only armed with light infantry weapons. It's a flat airfield, what defensive positions are there?

If they start to resume airstrikes now, the Taliban is sure to respond, and if they do, there's not much America can do other than start another war and that would be political suicide right now.
Their was some short of agreement between Taliban and US.
US forced porkistan to realise birader in 2018 who became prime minister of Afghanistan.
US and Taliban were constantly in talk with each other in doha from 2018.
Both have reached some kind of peace agreement.
Approximately no fighting took place between ANA and Taliban. US just did formality of airstrikes.
Taliban captured kabul without any fight when US troops were present in kabul.
When US was evacuating it's left over people US military secured airport and Taliban dit not fired a single bullet on US soldiers on airport.
It's a peaceful transfer of power to Taliban and nothing else(peaceful in context of Afghanistan. Afghanistan is very violent country)

nWo 4 Life

Tihar Jail
May 16, 2021
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Their was some short of agreement between Taliban and US.
US forced porkistan to realise birader in 2018 who became prime minister of Afghanistan.
US and Taliban were constantly in talk with each other in doha from 2018.
Both have reached some kind of peace agreement.
Approximately no fighting took place between ANA and Taliban. US just did formality of airstrikes.
Taliban captured kabul without any fight when US troops were present in kabul.
When US was evacuating it's left over people US military secured airport and Taliban dit not fired a single bullet on US soldiers on airport.
It's a peaceful transfer of power to Taliban and nothing else(peaceful in context of Afghanistan. Afghanistan is very violent country)
Possibly, but the Taliban still isn't fully "buddy-buddy" with the USA yet. A lot of them are still pissed about the 20 years of war that US waged against them.


Desi Homelander
Regular Member
Feb 6, 2019
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Nothing new, the fact is 95 percent of Indian Muslims do not support our country. They support Pakistan and its allies .
these 95 percent of Indian Muslims are waiting for a time when the war will break out between Indian and Pakistan and if .... if Pakistan by chance starts penetrating Indian borders, these 95 percent of Indian Muslims will gonna switch the side and gonna support the Pakistan army logistically and morally despite our nation has given them equal rights.
And this is the harsh truth, I myself pretended to be an indian Muslim for many years and I lived among them as Muslim by not telling my real identity and my conclusion is 95 per cent of Indian Muslims support Pakistan, Pakistan army . They are just waiting for correct time so that they can fulfil their ghazwa e hind thing

We have to be very careful if this amount of Indian Muslims support our enemy nation then look at our border areas,u will surprise to know in our border area with Pakistan, the Muslim population is increasing day by day and these people can turn out to be harmful in future


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2021
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Spot on, CDS saheb, Spot on.
This is from Raisina Dialogue 2020

Wise words. I note his observation that the only way to find lasting peace is to change the ideology responsible for causing conflict. How do you do that? Having said that, very few Muslims in Europe follow the obligation in the Koran to attempt to convert all others to Islam. The ideology is there but they choose not to enact it.

nWo 4 Life

Tihar Jail
May 16, 2021
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Okay, here's something I found very interesting.

I don't know if people know this or not, but yesterday there was a guy around the Capitol Building threatening to detonate an explosive saying stuff like, "The Patriots are coming, you thought the South won't come? Well, the South has come!!"

You know, the typical "white-supremacist, Nazi, KKK" talking points according to the American Left. And then he surrendered to the police without doing anything.

What is very interesting and very convenient too, about this, is that in the same week that US withdraws from Afghanistan (and ALL American Regime-linked Think Tanks cry about it), someone appears from nothing to give an excuse to US Govt focus its resources and tools on the "Domestic War on Terror"

You know, censorship, banning, putting people who were at the Capitol on January 6 on no-fly lists, some of them have been put in prison for 15-20 years, talks of putting them on surveillance. Their bank details and personal information was handed over to the FBI without their permission by the banks. Tucker Carlson, one of the right-wing journalists was being snooped on by the NSA, their defense agencies are working on removing "white supremacists, racists and such people" from within their ranks, they even released a list saying how 90 groups of people are domestic terrorists, which contained lines like "groups which advocate for small taxes, libertarians" and such.

Seems like the MIC has simply moved on from a foreign war to a domestic one, and will now rent their technologies and surveillance tools to the government to wage a war against their own people.

The false flags just keep on coming, anything to sustain the War Machine.


Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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Wise words. I note his observation that the only way to find lasting peace is to change the ideology responsible for causing conflict. How do you do that? Having said that, very few Muslims in Europe follow the obligation in the Koran to attempt to convert all others to Islam. The ideology is there but they choose not to enact it.
Because they lack critical mass in Europe..

Brood Father

Senior Member
Jun 27, 2015
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Okay, here's something I found very interesting.

I don't know if people know this or not, but yesterday there was a guy around the Capitol Building threatening to detonate an explosive saying stuff like, "The Patriots are coming, you thought the South won't come? Well, the South has come!!"

You know, the typical "white-supremacist, Nazi, KKK" talking points according to the American Left. And then he surrendered to the police without doing anything.

What is very interesting and very convenient too, about this, is that in the same week that US withdraws from Afghanistan (and ALL American Regime-linked Think Tanks cry about it), someone appears from nothing to give an excuse to US Govt focus its resources and tools on the "Domestic War on Terror"

You know, censorship, banning, putting people who were at the Capitol on January 6 on no-fly lists, some of them have been put on prison for 15-20 years, talks of putting them on surveillance. Their bank details and personal information was handed over to the FBI without their permission by the banks. Tucker Carlson, one of the right-wing journalists was being snooped on by the NSA, their defense agencies are working on removing "white supremacists, racists and such people" from within their ranks, they even released a list saying how 90 groups of people are domestic terrorists, which contained lines like "groups which advocate for small taxes, libertarians" and such.

Seems like the MIC has simply moved on from a foreign war to a domestic one, and will now rent their technologies and surveillance tools to the government to wage a war against their own people.

The false flags just keep on coming, anything to sustain the War Machine.

View attachment 105803
If this is case then either America has gone stupid or is controlled by Chinese and will finish soon.
This system won't work because people usually see the bullshit emerging from it
Eg India. Secular forces tried hard to push the Hindu terror agenda but was spectacularly beaten in 14 and 19, so much so that even seculars of yesteryears and saying Jai Shree Ram


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Wise words. I note his observation that the only way to find lasting peace is to change the ideology responsible for causing conflict. How do you do that? Having said that, very few Muslims in Europe follow the obligation in the Koran to attempt to convert all others to Islam. The ideology is there but they choose not to enact it.
To understand this you need to research “Dar ul Islam” & “Dar ul harab”, not sure if these concepts have been sufficiently explained in English but they have been well explained within India. And in India we have historical context to correlate, which you may not have except in Spain.

nWo 4 Life

Tihar Jail
May 16, 2021
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If this is case then either America has gone stupid or is controlled by Chinese and will finish soon.
This system won't work because people usually see the bullshit emerging from it
Eg India. Secular forces tried hard to push the Hindu terror agenda but was spectacularly beaten in 14 and 19, so much so that even seculars of yesteryears and saying Jai Shree Ram
Their country actually, is the most polarized now than they've ever been, something like the pre-Civil War period.


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Must watch
Basically Afghan army relied on US air power and logistics for its operation.
Firstly US air force would sanitize that area.
Then artillery would soften enemy stronghold.
Then comes infantry packed inside armoured vehicles then capturing areas from enemy.
Logistics and medical support are also supplied through air.
Typical 1 st world army in 3 rd world country.
When US went means no air support like before and no logistics from air.


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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Wise words. I note his observation that the only way to find lasting peace is to change the ideology responsible for causing conflict. How do you do that? Having said that, very few Muslims in Europe follow the obligation in the Koran to attempt to convert all others to Islam. The ideology is there but they choose not to enact it.
In the places where they are in minority they form ghettos and keep the flame of shariya burning within. Such ghetto- no-go areas are common around many european countries like Britain, France, Germany etc. When the critical mass of population is achieved all hell breaks upon the kuffirs

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