Sukhoi Su 30MKI


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Nov 3, 2012
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Please overlook single engine - double engine relationship & look at their size.
Mig29 is a match for F16 &
Su27/30 is more than a match for F15 in their roles and capabilities.
Let us first agree that most planes are not in action for almost 95% of their lives, they just fly normal sorties, and some training missions, but never an actual combat mission.
You can have n nunber of relationships between F-15 and F-16 such as Single engine- dual engine, MRCA. - Air dominance MRCA, Medium altitude interceptor - high altitude interceptor. Price etc.
We can either follow what Russia or USA does or we can have our own relationships within the planes that we have.

Su-30 MKI, top of the line predator,, Air dominance, long range, well armed, high altitude interceptor. SEAD/DEAD, Deep strike role and also Nuclear strike if required.

MiG-29, War horse, MRCA, can handle tactical level strikes (with A2G weapons) Air superiority and interception. I am just confused, we already have a twin engine, MRCA which comes in "medium" weight as IAF requires, so why dont they just get better avionics package from Israel and France and make it top notch? I do not see the whim of having "medium " MRCA when we as of now have two .. MiG-29 and Mirage 2000. Or are the IAF top brass now going to put Mirage 2000 in "light category and MiG-29 in "LIGHT MEDIUM " category?

Tejas: MRCA and actually the back bone of IAF flying more hours than Su-30 MKI and MiG-29

PAKFA: The top notch plane that can ensure air dominanance and sEAD/DEAD

Thus the idea sbould be that PAKFA - Su-30 MKI open up the enemy defences and supress them so that the likes of Tejas can fly and complete missions with impunity.
The advantage of using Tejas is that it is cheap to use and operate, also spares are what we ourselves produce and hence no issues of that too, rather using it more, we get more experience and better and tighter specs from IAF for MK2 or AMCA.

Tejas and Su-30 MKI based on their numbers will be the twin backbones of IAF and handle the roles complimenting each other

With the same logical brain, they killed HF24-Marut & orphaned indigenous jet engine project. What can I say more about those fantastic strategists ?
MiG-35 is being offered very cheaply and hence India could be tempted to get more nos again and in a way that is better than going for Rafales. Since IAF is crying about numbers, Egypt got roughly 50 planes for 2.2 billion dollars, 6.6 billion dollars will bring in 150 planes and for the same price we are waiting for 36 Rafales? What stupidity, and that too from a country that has very recent history of bulking under NATO pressure. Imagine some of the foreign leader feels that india is "intolerant" ? With Su-30 MKI and Tejas we have the issue of spares highly covered, the only hitch being the engine. But with Rafale, we would be in worse position.

Please don't take this otherwise, but are we talking of a Boxing match ? From when did fighter jets are categorized on the basis of their weight ? They are categorized on their roles & capabilities, which you have done below.
Not offended at all and actually this is what I have been saying for long time, why the hell does a professional force like IAF insist on weight??? It should be the capability. I can understand the navy coming with weight for planes on carrier use, but air force??? But then when we have such "wise" top brass who do not actually realise that we have two planes which are in the "medium"weight category that they talk of and very capable, so why this whim of adding another plane to the mix? Already IAF has a lot of different planes, and adding another plane to the mix will again give rise to issue of spares stocking. The entire exercise of IAF to want Rafale calling it an MMRCA when we actually have an MMRCA in MiG-29 and also Mirage 2000 does smell more like trying to please someone rather than actual requirements. Mig-29 can be upgraded with better Israeli avionics. Rafale is NOT A NEED, its a WHIM.

Though I have enough respect for Mig29 as a fighter par excellence, I don't think IAF requires the bird. Rather, Mig29K is required in Navy..
MiG-29 is a nice bird and recently is being upgraded to MiG-29 UPG UPG standard is very close to MiG-29K, the MiG-29 upg will have the older airframes but never ZHUK ME radar and never avionics.
Have a read here

Can't Su30MKI perform the tasks of Mig29 such as Air Superiority, Deep Strike, Ground Attack etc ? I believe Su30MKI can do them better. So where is the need to have both ?
Su-30 MKI can perform all the roles, but unfortunately IAF is stuck on the weight that they want, the advantages of Russian planes is that they are designed for ACTUAL WAR, where the air fields are going to be littered etc and these planes operate in those conditions. On other hand Indian Mirage 2000 are kept in air conditioned pens and still crash.

PAKFA / FGFA is still a distant dream. So let's not discuss that.
Just round the corner


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Sep 6, 2010
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Prior to Bahrain Air Show, "Chair Marshals" were casting similar doubts regarding flight capabilities of Tejas. The performance of Tejas has silenced all such gossips.

Therefore, request you to not form opinions before seeing the actual performance of Tejas in various tasks.

No aircraft can perform all tasks single handedly. Tactics are developed & improved upon for different scenarios like dogfight & interception.

I believe, Tejas should adapt hunting tactics of "Pack of Hyenas"; i.e. always hunt in groups. One lion doesn't stand a chance when faced with pack of Hyenas.

For that to happen, Tejas should be inducted in numbers; not less than 25-30 squadrons. Pinned my hope on Raksha Mantri Parrikar...
Yes indeed, i have watched Tejas LIVE performance at bahrainTV online and im proud of it,

you ask me to make my opinoin cautiously, on the downside you tell "No aircraft can perform all tasks single handedly" thats confusing, moving on...

im just casting my opinion coz the actual question was about USA, Russia having only 2 or few variants in their air force, ... but this countries dont have immediate neighbor or potential hostile and enemy counties, thus the roles and the fighters cannot be compared exactly.
I questioned the Tejas interception and dogfight effectiveness coz as we know its a multirole fighter, and not a specialist in only to one particular role, coz keeping in mind of its multirole the airframe has to be altered to all roles and thus not dedicate to one particular role.
im of a opinion that we need a specialist in crucial roles along with multi role aircrafts.


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Where is my good friends, who said service availability is more than 65% ..

Here what IAF said to a journalist



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Nov 3, 2012
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Where is my good friends, who said service availability is more than 65% ..

Here what IAF said to a journalist

The agreement for Spares has been signed and these will improve the availability rates

Asking IAF officials who themselves are responsble for not keeping spares and making certain that the Su-30 MKI has lower avaibility rate? Priceless..
Thats similar to asking Manmohan singh abt Coal scam, and he said.. there is no coal scam..


New Member
Oct 31, 2015

Where is my good friends, who said service availability is more than 65% ..

Here what IAF said to a journalist

I gave you a link on how IAF does not keep spares for its Su 30 MKI
Here is a extract
By standard norms, a fighter fleet consumes five per cent of its worth in consumables and spares each year. By that benchmark the Su-30MKI fleet, currently worth about Rs 69,000 crore - 193 Su-30MKIs at Rs 358 crore a fighter - should consume spares worth Rs 3,450 crore annually. Yet, IAF orders from HAL add up to less than Rs 50 crore, including ground handling equipment.

Without competent inventory management by IAF, and with spares ordered piecemeal when defects arise, Su-30MKI fighters spend weeks on the ground awaiting spares.

To ensure that 13-14 per cent of the Su-30MKI fleet is not grounded for want of spares, HAL has stockpiled spares worth Rs 400 crore in Nashik. According to S Subrahmanyan, the chief of HAL's Nashik facility, the inventory is based on a study of consumption patterns of Su-30MKI spares over the preceding five years.
And here is the link:


New Member
Jul 10, 2015
Apparently the Russian proposal ten years ago was to appoint Sukhoi as the single supplier for the servicing the Su-30MKI fleet and the Russians were willing to `guaranteed' 75% availability. Off course people both in the IAF and in the MOD just slept over it.


New Member
Jun 19, 2013
It will be more dangerous if they are glide bomb and guided bombs with a range of 30-40 km
There are KAB-250 for this case, but they will be rather less than 26 applied :)
Or SVP-24 to use dumb bombs with 5m CEP :)
This picture demonstrates payload capability rather than the others.

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Aug 13, 2014

In between lca rafales and fgfa

The low hanging fruits of reengining of jaguars and su30 mki upgrade to super standards are being ignored or being pushed back

Both of them should be given priority now instead if them being taken up later in dire and time crunch situation and again leading India to be fleeced


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Dec 12, 2015
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Air force will do nothing which even remotely looks rational.
It seems this year is pretty much done as far as announcements go. It is all about 36 rafale.


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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If rafale is to be paid for (15% upfront), there is no money for anything else.
I am also expecting s400 deal this year.
Counting payments for existing contracts, iaf budget is pretty much done.


New Member
Jul 9, 2014
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There are KAB-250 for this case, but they will be rather less than 26 applied :)
Or SVP-24 to use dumb bombs with 5m CEP :)
This picture demonstrates payload capability rather than the others.

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KAB-250 is too big..i'm saying about Small diameter bombs...


New Member
Jun 19, 2013
KAB-250 is too big..i'm saying about Small diameter bombs...
SDB is a forced solution to give F-22 and F-35 internal multy-munition capability.
Russians don't need them. They love big serious "presents" :)

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New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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SDB is a forced solution to give F-22 and F-35 internal multy-munition capability.
Russians don't need them. They love big serious "presents" :)

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Actually I dont think so. SDBs are costly solutions to DBs :). Although its a technological marvel .

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Russia To Provide Five Full Mission Simulators For SU-30MKI Aircraft

India’s Defence Acquisition Council has approved purchase of five Full Mission Simulators for Su-30MKI aircraft.
The contract was signed with a Russian firm for the supply of simulators during 2015-16, Business Standard reported. The value of the contract is not known.
According to the Indian Air Force, at present, more than 200 Su-30MKI fighters have been inducted into active service.
The simulators are produced bySpetztekhnika, a Moscow area company. It also makes flight simulators for the Su-22M4 fighter bomber, the Su-25SM attack aircraft, the Su-27SM air superiority fighter besides the Indo-Russian Su-30MKI fighter jet.
Irkut corporation had displayed the Su-30MKI simulator at the Aero India 2013 show in Bangalore.


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Nov 3, 2012
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Why does IAF not have a policy that for every 2 squadrons of top of the line fighter plane, it will be imperative to have 1 Mission/Flight Simulators,
This way the pilots can have more training without actually having to fly the plane and hence get more flying time on the plane at much lower cost.
The manufactuter of those sims suits will be Technodynamica concern.

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New Member
Jun 19, 2013
Why does IAF not have a policy that for every 2 squadrons of top of the line fighter plane, it will be imperative to have 1 Mission/Flight Simulators,
This way the pilots can have more training without actually having to fly the plane and hence get more flying time on the plane at much lower cost.
Each and every full scale AF base in Russian VKS has full-scale simulators campus facility. And all the bases that had no them until now are getting built them now.

