Sukhoi PAK FA


New Member
Aug 5, 2010
India is partner in programme and investing half the money! and Russia will supply PAK FA to China? LOL


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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India is partner in programme and investing half the money! and Russia will supply PAK FA to China? LOL
no chance, they are just trolling, we no need to worry. they [China] are good Xerox machines. i have trust in them, they will definatly make beautiful J-XX, but not capabilities......


Regular Member
Jun 8, 2009
has india even finance a single rupee into FGFA program......isn't HAL just working on the subsystems which will be fitted on indian version of the aircraft....


On Vacation!
Super Mod
Apr 5, 2009
has india even finance a single rupee into FGFA program......isn't HAL just working on the subsystems which will be fitted on indian version of the aircraft....
India is spending $5 billion as part of development of FGFA.


Regular Member
Aug 21, 2010
China will not get PAKFA without indias consent as india has financed haf the project and in terms of tech it is a 25 percent partner, that is, in the avionics, complex softwares, india is a co owner of project PAKFA


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2010
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can anyone tell me what is the exact contribution of hal in fgfa project both in terms of money and technology.also will plasma stealth technology be used on pak-fa and our twin seater version.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2009
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Considering Russia has sold China the Flanker. Which, is India's Premier Fighter. Why would Russia not do the same with the PAK-FA. Sorry, your logic escapes me.....

BTW Currently, Russia is providing help to Iran for its Nuclear Program. While, the rest of the world is trying to stop it..........In short Russia will do whatever it feels is in its own interests. Regardless, of what any other country wants. Including India in my opinion.
what about america what they did in iraq is know . know wmd were never found they also ruined they country. also they are no getting oil.
Iran is only following NORTH KOREA eg because america with all its technological advancement could not muster to attack NORTH KOREA because of 2 resons one that of Korean missiles attacking american interest in american mainland as well as far away from it and now the nuclear bomb.

that why now a days we are seeing sphere of Iran different military equipment begin in produce by Iran and an urgency to produce nuclear bomb as soon as possible


Regular Member
Oct 2, 2009
YOU know this wholly ridiculous argument that China would get the FGFA , is un-waranted.

For one thing our involvement in the project is done so under contract , a contract which has clauses.

Secondly Sukhoi it self has stated initial requirements for the Russian and Indian air forces will be met first before any export is considered.And then exporting would be done with Indian partners , who have a 50% stake in the program.

Third Russia has it's own security considerations to consider they won't give out their primary fighter to a strategic rival like china. This would also upset their Indian partner. They have far more to loose then gain over the export. Keep in min Russia acted to protect its Su-33 from China.


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2009
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Indians look into Russia's fifth-generation jet fighter : Voice of Russia

An Indian delegation has arrived at the town of Zhukovsky, near Moscow, to be briefed on and examine Russia's new "frontline aircraft system".

The delegation comprises officials of the HAL aircraft-building corporation, of the Defence Ministry and India's Air Force.

The visit is part of the effort to carry out a joint project to develop a fifth-generation jet fighter that's partly funded by India.

India's Defence Ministry is expected to buy some 250 such planes.

Quickgun Murugan

Regular Member
Oct 1, 2009
PAK FA showed to the Indian delegation

Yesterday, on August 31 in Zhukovsky near Moscow a demonstration of the new Russian promising aviation complex tactical aircraft (PAK FA) representatives of the Ministry of Defence and Indian Air Force, and Indian aircraft corporation HAL. Aviation EXplorer -

Understanding promising complex was part of the process for the preparation of the contract between the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and the corporation HAL to jointly develop fifth generation fighter. It is assumed that such an agreement could be signed soon.The current draft of the PAK FA can form the basis of future joint Russian-Indian fighter. First flight of the PAK FA was held on 29 January 2010.

During yesterday's demonstration of the Indian delegation were shown the possibility of a new machine.It is assumed that the aircraft was 5-th generation will be multi-functional complex and versatile, able to solve a wide range of tasks to work on the ground and air targets, have the maneuverability, low profile and be able to cruise at supersonic speeds.Russian Ministry of Defense expects to receive the first such aircraft in 2015.

The cost of each aircraft 5-th generation will be about 100 million U.S. dollars.

Новости Aviation EXplorer: ПАК ФА показали индийской делегации


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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YOU know this wholly ridiculous argument that China would get the FGFA , is un-waranted.

For one thing our involvement in the project is done so under contract , a contract which has clauses.

Secondly Sukhoi it self has stated initial requirements for the Russian and Indian air forces will be met first before any export is considered.And then exporting would be done with Indian partners , who have a 50% stake in the program.

Third Russia has it's own security considerations to consider they won't give out their primary fighter to a strategic rival like china. This would also upset their Indian partner. They have far more to loose then gain over the export. Keep in min Russia acted to protect its Su-33 from China.
Rightly said. But I think the final export version after both Russian and Indian requirements are met, would be slightly watered down versions just like JSF is for the NATO brigade. I still don't believe that USA will supply 100% tech equivalent to any export country, as it would keep the best for itself. China doesn't need PAKFA. It already is been working on its own stealth fighter as we are for AMCA. Reports of them hacking Pentagon and other such establishment shows that they're really serious about getting their own bird in the air unlike our own dodos.

However, knowing the Chinese wealth and determination, I have a feeling that they might have agents placed in Sukhoi itself working for them for money. They might leak some stuff that would be essential for building Chinese stealth fighter. Industrial espionage in arms industries is common and China would be the last to let go of this chance. Their end product would be something that would be a mixture of JSF and PAKFA and this is for sure.


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2010
In case u might have forgotten that india is preparing its own stleath fighter Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), formerly known as the Medium Combat Aircraft (MCA), is a twin-engined 5th generation stealth multirole fighter being developed by India. It will complement the HAL Tejas, the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA, the Sukhoi Su-30MKI and the as yet undecided MRCA in the Indian Air Force. The main purpose of this aircraft is to replace the aging SEPECAT Jaguar & Dassault Mirage 2000. The AMCA will be designed with a very small radar cross-section and will also feature serpentine shaped air-intakes, internal weapons and the use of composites and other materials.

It will be a twin-engined design using the GTX Kaveri engine with thrust vectoring with the possibility of giving the aircraft supercruise capabilities.:happy_8: A wind-tunnel testing model of the MCA airframe was seen at Aero-India 2009.

As well as advanced sensors the aircraft will be equipped with missiles like DRDO Astra and other advanced missiles, stand-off weapons and precision weapons Unofficial design work on the MCA has been started


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2009
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PICTURES: Indian officials get up close to new-look PAK FA fighter

Russia has conducted a flight demonstration with its prototype PAK FA fighter for a delegation of Indian defence ministry and industry officials.

Held at Ramenskoye aerodrome near Moscow on 31 August, the 10min display was made in support of talks over the bilateral development by Moscow and New Delhi of a new fifth-generation fighter.

Indian officials inspected Sukhoi's lone PAK FA following the demonstration, which included low-speed passes and high angle-of-attack manoeuvres. The aircraft, which will be followed by two more prototypes before the end of the year, is pictured with new-look camouflage markings.

The new fighter programme is a topic of discussion by an Indo-Russian commission for military industrial co-operation, along with another to produce a multi-role transport aircraft with a 20t payload capacity.

New Delhi is insisting on executing both programmes as joint ventures, with equal sharing of investment and workshare.

Russia's air force has a requirement for 250-300 next-generation T-50 fighters to enter use from 2015-16, while India plans to buy between 200 and 250 of the joint design. This should use a common airframe and engines, but have its on-board systems and weapons tailored for their individual needs.

First flown in January, the PAK FA prototype is intended to de-risk features such as the use of low-observable materials and thrust-vectoring engines with supercruise performance, plus internally carried weapons.

Russian sources suggest a pre-production batch of between six and 10 aircraft will be built to support future testing of the type, with the nation's air force expected to launch operational trials in Lipetsk around 2012-13.


Regular Member
Jun 8, 2009
Russia's air force has a requirement for 250-300 next-generation T-50 fighters to enter use from 2015-16,

Russian sources suggest a pre-production batch of between six and 10 aircraft will be built to support future testing of the type, with the nation's air force expected to launch operational trials in Lipetsk around 2012-13.
T-50 entering the service much earlier expected...

from 2015 , for IAF T-50 probably start coming along side with MMRCA aircrafts...
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Regular Member
Aug 21, 2010
In case u might have forgotten that india is preparing its own stleath fighter Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), formerly known as the Medium Combat Aircraft (MCA), is a twin-engined 5th generation stealth multirole fighter being developed by India. It will complement the HAL Tejas, the Sukhoi/HAL FGFA, the Sukhoi Su-30MKI and the as yet undecided MRCA in the Indian Air Force. The main purpose of this aircraft is to replace the aging SEPECAT Jaguar & Dassault Mirage 2000. The AMCA will be designed with a very small radar cross-section and will also feature serpentine shaped air-intakes, internal weapons and the use of composites and other materials.

It will be a twin-engined design using the GTX Kaveri engine with thrust vectoring with the possibility of giving the aircraft supercruise capabilities.:happy_8: A wind-tunnel testing model of the MCA airframe was seen at Aero-India 2009.

As well as advanced sensors the aircraft will be equipped with missiles like DRDO Astra and other advanced missiles, stand-off weapons and precision weapons Unofficial design work on the MCA has been started
yes..but i think AMCA is atill in a concept stage...the project will start only after Tejas MK 2 i guess theres a long time for it...but if India is able to get its AMCA a lill early by defying all odds our airforce can be a formidable force not only in Asia but in the world...PAKFA undertaking the role of airsuperiority while AMCA providing the multirole dimension...i guess India should pursue it vehemently ..if successful the each PAKFA with its advanced sensors aftr achieving air superiority can act as an independent sensor in the air..get a few of them up and u will virtually be getting a 3D image at the command centre of the entire theatre of combat whch then can be relayed to the AMCAs whch will unleash hell on the enemy ground...i guess AWACS will be less useful then may be as they are the first to be targeted by enemy fighters

Anshu Attri

Senior Member
Nov 19, 2009
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New planes for Russian air force

New planes for Russian air force: Voice of Russia

Yak-130. Photo: RIA Novosti
Russia is modernizing its air forces. Later this year 10 new Yak-130 training-combat planes will be added to the ones the Russian air forces already have.The Yak-130 combat trainer, which is a new generation aircraft, was created at the Yakovlev Design Bureau. The Yak-130 is a dual-use plane, for which it can only be praised. It can be used as a combat trainer and also as a light strike plane, General of the Army and the former Russian air force commander Anatoly Kornukov says.

"The Yak-130 seems to be a light and not very expensive plane but there're many weapons on it. As regards its cabin, it is comparable to many types of modern planes. There's a Russian engine there. This is a very modern plane."

According to General Kornukov, the Yak-130 combat trainers have a big export potential and many countries will be ready to buy it. The Yak-130 training-combat plane can be regarded as a universal plane, since pilots, who undergo training on such a plane, can practically without any preparation at all operate all types of jet fighters, including both Russian and foreign-made jet fighters. The Yak-130 plane will be used to train the crews for the "Su" and "MiG" families, including the "Su-35"and "MiG-35" fighter jets, and in the future, for the "T-50" Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA), which is currently undergoing tests.

The Yak-130 combat trainer is often called the "Russian Stealth aircraft" but it is more known under the Russian abbreviation PAK FA, which in English means Future Air Complex for Tactical Air Forces. In a number of parameters, the Russian jet fighter surpasses the U.S. warplanes of the same class. For example, it can maneuver under any engine mode possible. And one more circumstance. The Russian Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) or PAK FA will be by nearly 3 times cheaper than its foreign analogs.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
ДНИ.РУ ИНТЕРНЕТ-ГАЗЕТА ВЕРСИЯ 5.0 / За истребителями Т-50 выстроилась очередь

Experts identify more than a dozen countries that are potential and the most likely buyers of Russian T-50. Among them were: Algeria with the alleged purchase of 24-36 fifth-generation fighter in the period of 2025-2030 years, Argentina - 12-24 units in the years 2035-2040, Brazil - 24-36 units in the years 2030-2035, Venezuela - 24 - 36 units in the years 2027-2032, Vietnam - 12-24 units in the years 2030-2035, Egypt - 12-24 units in the years 2040-2045. Also on the list referred to Indonesia (6-12 units in the years 2028-2032), Iran (36-48 units in the years 2035-2040), Kazakhstan (12-24 units in the years 2025-2035), China (up 100 units in 2025 -2035 years), Libya (12-24 units in the years 2025-2030), Malaysia (12-24 units in the years 2035-2040) and Syria (12-24 units in the years 2025-2030).


Regular Member
May 10, 2010
India, Russia to Ink gen-5 fighter pact

late on Thursday evening, in a triumph for the Russia-India defence relationship, the two countries signed off on a joint venture to co-develop a 15-20-tonne payload, 2,500-km range multi-role transport aircraft (MTA), which will replace the Indian Air Force's venerable AN-32 at the end of the next decade.

But this path-breaking $600-million co-development of the MTA is likely to be dwarfed soon, when India and Russia each pledge $6 billion to co-develop the world's premier fighter, a step ahead of the US Air Force's F-22 Raptor, which currently rules the skies.

Senior defence ministry sources have confirmed to Business Standard that years of tortuous negotiations have been successfully concluded in time for Russian President Dimitry Medvedev's visit to India in December. Russian and Indian negotiators have finalised a preliminary design contract (PDC), a key document that will allow designers from both sides to actually begin work on the fighter.

"The negotiators have done their job, and the Cabinet Committee for Security will consider the PDC, probably this month," says the ministry official. "If the CCS gives the green signal, as is likely, the contract will be signed during Medvedev's visit."

HAL Chairman Ashok Nayak had indicated to Business Standard on a recent visit to HAL, Bangalore, that the deal was done. "It is in the system for approval," said Nayak. "The respective work shares have been agreed to by both sides and once we sign the preliminary design contract, we will finish the design in about 18 months. Developing and building the fighter could take 8-10 years, and each side will pay $6 billion as its share."

The Russian and Indian Air Forces each plan to build around 250 fighters, at an estimated cost of $100 million each. That adds up to $25 billion, over and above the development cost.

These astronomical figures prompted Russia into co-development with India. The inescapability of cost sharing was reinforced last year when the Pentagon was forced to shut down its F-22 Raptor programme. Since the technologies in the F-22 were deemed crucial to America's technological superiority, the fighter was developed and built entirely within the US. As a result, its prohibitive cost — $340 million per fighter — forced the Pentagon to cap the programme at 187 fighters, just half what it planned to buy in 2006.

"If the US could not afford to go it alone on a fifth-generation fighter, Russia clearly cannot," points out a senior Indian Air Force officer. "There was no choice but to co-opt India as a partner."

Russia initially offered India partnership in the fighter programme around eight years ago, but there was little clarity then on crucial issues like work-share, ie, what systems and components each side would develop. From 2005-07, India's growing closeness with the US slowed down the project. Progress received a boost from the Russia-India inter-government agreement in November 07.

But HAL sources recount that, even after the agreement, Russian negotiators' concerns about sharing top-secret technologies meant that a green signal from Moscow was needed for every step of the negotiations.

"This is the first time that Russia is co-developing a cutting-edge military platform with another country. Therefore, they were unclear about how to share work in a top-secret project like this," says a senior HAL official. "Before each step, the Russian officials wanted clearances from the highest level in Moscow. Those 'presidential decrees', as they call them, took their time."

Consequently, says the HAL chairman, it has taken almost three years from the inter-government agreement to negotiate a general contract and non-disclosure agreement. In March 2010, a tactical technical assignment was signed, in which the work-shares were agreed upon.

Meanwhile, Russia's Sukhoi Design Bureau has built a basic fifth-generation fighter, which Russia terms the PAK-FA, an acronym for Perspektivnyi Aviatsionnyi Kompleks Frontovoi Aviatsy (literally Prospective Aircraft Complex of Frontline Aviation). A prototype, tailored to Russian Air Force requirements, made its first flight in January 2010.

India's work-share for the joint fighter programme, according to HAL officials, will amount to about 30% of the overall design effort. This will centre on composite components and high-end electronics like the mission computer, avionics, cockpit displays and the electronic warfare systems. Additionally, India will have to redesign the single-seat PAK-FA into the two-seater fighter that the IAF prefers. Like the Sukhoi-30MKI, IAF prefers one pilot flying and the other handling sensors, networks and weaponry.

India, Russia to Ink gen-5 fighter pact

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