Sukhoi PAK FA

Anshu Attri

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Nov 19, 2009
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PAK-FA Airinternational

-T-50 not only supercruises but also and most importantly manoeuver and fights at this speed.

-AL 41F1 engine will be power plant of PAK FA untill 2020, after that new engine with 176.5 kN/39679lb thrust is expected.(F-22.... Dry thrust: 23,500 lb(104 kN) each ...Thrust with afterburner: 35,000+ lb (156+ kN) each)

-Production version will have radiation absorbing skin.

- reason why ''QUICK WAYS'' are installed is the aircraft needs short range A-O-A missile for close air combat.the seeker of such missile must lock-on to target before launch,which is impossible if the missile is carried in main theoretically , a short range missile must be launched ''BLIND'' by autopilot and then lock on to target...but practically it is impossible because in close air combat time is less and missile will miss the target.

and lot more....have a look
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Air International article regarding the PAK-FA.

  • The fairings under the wings are for the short range missiles, as most people expected.
  • The production planes will be coated with RAM.
  • The bays are 1m wide and 4,6m long, capable carrying medium, long range missiles and PGM's.
  • Around 70% of the plane's weight is composite materials.
  • Secure communication links with other planes, airborne comand posts as well as ground and sea posts.
  • The EO system will consists of three different sensors distributed on the plane.
  • There is a HMSD being developed for the PAK-FA.
  • There is the posibility to carry a 6th radar antenna in a pod, operating in the Ka band.
  • Typical AA loadout will be 4 R-77M and 2 R-74M2
  • A-G weapons include the Kh-58UShk, Kh-38M and KAB-500S, -500M and UAB-500


New Member
Jan 27, 2011
Sukhoi, Rosoboronexport, HAL to Jointly Develop Multi-role Fighter Jet (FGFA)

Development and production of multi-role fighter is the largest joint project of Russian-Indian military-technical cooperation. In December 2010 during the visit of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to India, the Rosoboronexport, the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and the Sukhoi Company signed a contract to develop a preliminary design project of the new aircraft. This is the first of a series of documents governing the obligations of the parties at different stages of the program. The PMF project includes the design and development of a next-generation fighter, which will have such advanced features as stealth, supersonic cruise speed, high maneuverability, highly integrated set of avionics, an advanced warning system about the situation, the internal deployment of weapons and the possibility of a centralized reporting and electronic warfare system. The fighter is being developed on the basis of the Russian perspective aviation complex (PAK FA) according to stringent technical requirements of the Indian side. The further development of the program envisages design and development of a two-place version of the aircraft and integration of an advanced engine with increased thrust. The two sides are supposed to cooperatein joint marketing of the complex in other countries. Implementation of the Russian-Indian PMF project enhances the strategic partnership between the two countries and strengthening of regional and globalsecurity. The project is based on innovative technologies that promote the aviation industry and allied industries, total military-industrial complex of the two countries. The joint development and creation of a fifth generation fighter will facilitate the development of scientific schools. It will provide sustainable load of defense industry enterprises involved in the design and manufacturing of the PMF. This program provides an opportunity to accelerate the development and introduction of new materials, components and high technologies with a high potential for innovation, opens up prospects for the development of other projects of the unified aviation complexes of new generations. The PMF project activity is based on the agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of India on cooperation in the development and production of perspective multi-role fighter.The agreement was signed on October 18, 2007 at the 7th session of the Russian-Indian intergovernmental commission on military-technical cooperation in Moscow. Sukhoi also participates in other projects in the area of the Russian-Indian military-technical cooperation: modernization of the Su-30MKI fighters of the Indian Air Force, after-sales support of these aircraft, as well as the program ofthe BrahMos missile integration on Su- 30MKI.
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New Member
Oct 2, 2009
No background IP rights , sad.

We really are getting the short end of the stick. I am a bit disappointed by that.
Me thinks Russia won't need India to sell 5th gen jets , its only a fear only time will tell if its valid.

Foreground IP rights are to be expect of any JV. So so far as the FGFA config is concerned it belongs to both Russia and India.

For those a lose on what each means:

"Intellectual Property" includes inventions (whether patentable or not), patents, patent applications,
registered designs and applications thereof, copyright material including computer software,
technical information and know-how.

"Foreground Intellectual Property" includes Intellectual Property arising from the research and
development undertaken within this project after the date of signature of this agreement whether
generated by one Party or two or more Parties jointly.

"Background Intellectual Property" includes Intellectual Property deemed to be relevant to the
project and already owned by the Parties on the date of signature of this agreement.
My guess those 6 labs will also be working on AMCA.
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DFI Technocrat
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
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Well no one is going to give the Background IP...that will be ridiculous on their part to give..and ludicrous in our part to ask....


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
Kunal! what about the AESA Radar? is it operational or under development by NIIR? can the same be fitted for SU-30 MKI upgrades? possibly NO-50 developed for MIG-35 by phazotron is being offered to India by Rosboronexport!!!!

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Kunal! what about the AESA Radar? is it operational or under development by NIIR? can the same be fitted for SU-30 MKI upgrades? possibly NO-50 developed for MIG-35 by phazotron is being offered to India by Rosboronexport!!!!

It is said that [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]AESA radar being developed by Tikhomirov NIIP design bureau. NIIP's full-scale phased array antenna was unveiled at Moscow MAKS in August 2009.

Currently its unknown abt the project but assumed in test phase with T-50 prototype..

It can be done for MKI also same for Engines..
It is know that MKI is getting
[/FONT] Zhuk AE..
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