Sukhoi PAK FA


New Member
Dec 2, 2016
What is this all about? I was hoping for update on sukhoi pakfa and FGFA.....but all these nuclear nonesense. Is not there forum rules or this thread is dead?
Some people can't speak coherently, are narrow Minded and insist that certain special restrictions exist in nature instead of accepting that 'if it can be done, it will be done'. They keep arguing incessantly over a point until answer is given in their terms. The initial discussion of requirements of only PAK-FA technology and not the hardware turned out ugly and took a bad turn as some people kept arguing without absolute arguments

I apologise for My role


Rest in Peace
New Member
Mar 5, 2017
What is this all about? I was hoping for update on sukhoi pakfa and FGFA.....but all these nuclear nonesense. Is not there forum rules or this thread is dead?
Don't worry, this guys want to be famous with his all bullshit.
You can ignore him to hide all the mess spread here.


New Member
Jun 19, 2013
What is the difference between T50 and PAK-FA? What is the RCS of PAK-FA? Did someone measure the RCS while it was flying in MAKS?
T-50 is an internal cipher of PAK FA project in Sukhoi DB.

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New Member
Dec 2, 2016
With digital cameras?
Hohohoho! Do you know that F22 was analysed with infrared camera during its flight and was said to be clearly visible to infrared sensors. The distance at which F22 is visible is not known. Bit certain details can be obtained. There are certain people whose only job is to find out many things.

Asking questions is how one gets answers. I am not abusive towards people who don't answer. But, I am not a day dreaming retard living in a closet like you


Rest in Peace
New Member
Mar 5, 2017
Hohohoho! Do you know that F22 was analysed with infrared camera during its flight and was said to be clearly visible to infrared sensors. The distance at which F22 is visible is not known. Bit certain details can be obtained. There are certain people whose only job is to find out many things.

Asking questions is how one gets answers. I am not abusive towards people who don't answer. But, I am not a day dreaming retard living in a closet like you
That is why most of of the Airforces like to use IRST against stealth jets.

Yup, you are a day dreaming retard but not living closest to me.

Anyways, Good Day


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Jan 12, 2015
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A T-50 fighter performs demonstration flight during the International Aerospace Salon (MAKS 2015) in Zhukovsky near Moscow
Independent military observer Vladimir Tuchkov outlines why the T-50 PAK-FA fighter's new, truly fifth-gen engines are set to turn the aircraft into easily the best fifth generation fighter aircraft in the world.
Last week, speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the MAKS-2017 air show, Russian Aerospace Defence Forces Commander Col. Gen. Viktor Bondarev told reporters that the first stage of state testing on the T-50 (PAK-FA) fifth generation stealth air superiority fighter have been completed, and that the first flight tests would be finished before the end of the year.
Trials will continue into 2018, and mass production of the T-50 for introduction into the air force is slated to begin in 2019.
One of major obstacles widely reported to have held the T-50 back from production in the past was the absence of a true fifth-generation engine for the aircraft, with prototypes of the aircraft using a derivative of the AL-41F1 engine, similar to the one used in the Sukhoi Su-35S 4++ generation multirole fighter.
But now, Russian designers are on the brink of reaching a breakthrough on a totally new, truly fifth-gen engine, known as Izdeliye 30 (Product 30), a design which experts say has no equivalents in the world of engine construction.
Developed from scratch over the course of almost a decade at the Saturn Tool-Making Plant in Rybinsk, central Russia, Izdeliye 30 features improved thrust characteristics (19,000 kgf vs. 15,000 kgf in the AL-41F1), better fuel efficiency, fewer moving parts, and subsequently improved reliability and lower maintenance costs.
Ground tests for the engine have already been completed. Now, following its installation aboard the T-50, the second stage of testing, both for the engine and the plane, can begin. This process is expected to start in the fall.
Commenting on the significance of this development, military journalist and Svobodnaya Pressa contributor Vladimir Tuchkov explained that the long-awaited pairing of the T-50 with a fifth-generation engine will be a milestone, one giving Russia not only a true next generation fighter aircraft, but undoubtedly the best plane of its kind in the world.
For starters, the analyst noted, "in terms of manoeuvrability, the T-50 is second-to-none. This was predestined by the design of its airframe," as well as the plane's three dimensional thrust vector jets, a design which the US does not have.
The F-22 Raptor, for example, uses two-dimensional vector thrust jets, affecting only its pitch, for manoeuvrability. The F-35 Lightning II lacks the capability altogether, except for its vertical take-off and landing functions. No information is available regarding China's J-20 stealth fighter.
In the stealth department, the T-50's radar cross section (rcs) value is 0.1-0.5m, lower than the F-22 and the F-35 (whose values are an impressive 0.0001 and 0.0015).
However, Tuchkov emphasised that the RCS indicators are "a subject wide open to conjecture, based on disinformation provided either by developers for advertising purposes…or for the purpose of disorienting the enemy (so that he cannot predict in advance the tactics of air battles and interception by air defence forces)."
Military observers have long said and written that among the major military powers (and sometimes even among smaller ones) the 'antidotes' to stealth technology have a tendency to be conceived of, designed and deployed long before stealth fighters ever get off the ground. Furthermore, the engines onboard every stealth aircraft give off thermal signatures which infrared sensor systems (including those used by Russia) could easily pick up and track. Finally, Russia also has over-the-horizon surface-wave radar systems capable of detecting stealth jets "as clearly as WWII-era aircraft."
In other words, while the idea of a magic plane invisible to enemy air defences may be relevant when fighting small countries with Cold War-era radar and air defence technology, in combat with larger powers, other factors, including a plane's target detection systems, as well as its range of their missiles, are far more significant.
In the first area, Tuchkov noted that T-50's delayed start behind both the F-22 and the F-35 worked out perfectly for the developers of the plane's on-board radar systems, giving them access to fundamentally new electronic components and technologies which were unavailable ten or even five years before. "Furthermore, Russian designers were able to take into account, as far as possible, the experience of the F-22's radar," the journalist wrote.
“First, it must be said that the angle of the T-50's active phased array is installed on an incline. Because of this, the aircraft's rcs is reduced. Going with this design, which also makes possible a reduction in power usage during operation, was made possible thanks to the excellent characteristics of the N036 Belka radar, developed to replace the N035 Irbis passive phased array antenna system.”

The N036 Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar System
The N036 is more effective than the N035, Tuchkov noted, but even the earlier system “remains very convincing when compared with the US AN/APG-77 radar. The Russian system finds targets with an rcs of 1 square meter at distances up to 300 km. The American radar, meanwhile, does the same up to 225 km. For targets with an RCS of 0.01 square meters, the Russian radar’s range is 90 km. For the US system these figures are not available.”
Altogether, the T-50 has six radars onboard – including one on the plane’s nose, two on its sides, two on the wings and one in the aft section. They are capable of monitoring up to 60 targets at once, and targeting up to 15.

KS-175 Missile
“In addition to the radar-based visibility, the T-50 features the OLS-50M optic-electronic sensor system, which includes a thermal scanner using a QWIP-matrix with unique resolution and range characteristics. In this area…Russia is considered to be the absolute world leader,” the military observer stressed. A similar system, which enables the pilot to detect targets which have their radar systems turned off, is fitted on the F-35, albeit the US design has a smaller range. The F-22 does not have this technology.
If there is one advantage of the F-35’s avionics to speak of, “it is the pilot’s helmet, which makes the aircraft ‘transparent,’" Tuchkov wrote. "That is, visibility is not limited by the cockpit windows. The whole panorama of the surrounding area is displayed in the pilot’s visors, in both the visible and the infrared spectrum. Monitoring the pilot’s head and eye movements, the computer provides the necessary panoramic viewpoint and provides the pilots with tips, and manages targeting.”
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, when it comes to armaments, here the T-50 stands out, according to the observer.
Among all the world's existing and prospective fifth-generation fighter aircraft, “the T-50 has the most extensive missile and bomb arsenal. A total of 14 high-precision missiles and smart bombs have been developed specifically for the plane. Half have already been adopted into service; the other half are undergoing testing. The KS-172, the longest-range air-to-air missile, has a maximum range up to 400 km. This is double that of the US AIM-120D missile, which has a maximum range of 180 km."
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New Member
Jan 12, 2015
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Contradictory statements on New Engine in two published article @gadeshi can you comment on which one is more closer to reality or both are to be taken as advertisements ?

Russia’s first stealth fighter aircraft, the fifth-generation T-50 (PAK FA) multi-role fighter, will complete its first set of flight tests by the end of 2017, the commander-in-chief of the Russian Air Force, Viktor Bondarev, said on July 17.
“We do have something to be proud of. The first stage of PAK FA trials will be over in December and eventually we will receive such planes,” Bondarev said, according to TASS news agency. The announcement appears to indicate a delay in the T-50 (PAK FA) program as mass production of the stealth fighter jet was slated to begin this year.
Now, the aircraft’s trials are expected to be completed in 2018.
Currently, nine T-50 (PAK FA) prototypes are conducting flight trials and are undergoing technical testing with two additional aircraft to be handed over to the Russian Air Force for trials by the end of the year.
“The work on PAK FA is now at the final stage, and this year we receive the 10th and the 11th planes, which will be tested, and in the future state armament program for 2018-2025 we plan [the] first purchases of T-50 fighters,” Russia’s Deputy Defence Minister Yuri Borisov said in early June.
The Sukhoi T-50 (PAK FA) — the name will change for the production aircraft — is a fifth-generation multirole, single seat, twin-engine air superiority/deep air support fighter slated to replace the Russian Air Force’s fleet of MiG-29 and Su-27.
One of the major technical obstacles remains designing and mass producing new engine for the aircraft. The prototypes currently under evaluation are fitted with a modified engine from the Su-27 and Su-30 fighter jets. It is a derivative of the Saturn AL-41F1S engine, called AL-41F1, which has also been installed on the upgraded Sukhoi Su-35S Flanker-E.
The first T-50 (PAK FA) prototype fitted with the new engine was expected to perform its debut flight in the last quarter of 2017. However, the new engine— the next-generation Saturn izdeliye 30 — will purportedly not be ready until 2020.
The new aircraft will be armed with some of Russia’s most advanced air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles. As I explained last month:
The PAK-FA/T-50 fighter jet will be armed with beyond visual range air-to-air missiles and different variants of air-to-ground missiles inside the aircraft’s two main internal weapon bays (two additional triangular-section weapon bays are located under the fuselage). The aircraft could also be fitted with the nuclear-capable BrahMos-A supersonic cruise missile. As I reported last month, the fighter jet will also be armed with an extended range Kh-35UE tactical cruise missile.
Russia has also announced that it will build a new fifth-generation fighter interceptor, dubbed PAK DP, with research and development work on the new aircraft expected to kick off in 2019.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Any update on FGFA deal anyone.
Also given the usa latest sanctions might make Russia more accommodating to Indian demands maybe???

