Sukhoi PAK FA


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Feb 17, 2009
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why can't indian moron government understand that without privatization india will have to depend on foreign private firms . These idiots are ok to buy from videshi companies but are anorexic to buy from indian private companies. STUPID INDIAN MENTALITY!
To be frank, except for L&T not much is their worth naming in private sector. Even TATA and M&M has not done anything worthwhile.

It will take years for Private players to invest and to come up with product that will suit our defence forces.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
I am not very pro regarding PAK-FA & FGFA development, If IAF must have FGFA then it better get a smaller one with twin GE powered ..

Maintaining those MKI is a massive challenge and if FGFA comes in same size, There would be no change in that picture ..

Just a thought of mine ..


New Member
May 25, 2009
Who knows! what if the system is already in secret and the developer offers it on international market intentionally to cut the gap between its effectiveness and the counter systems development cycle............
Systems are already being developed for anti-stealth. But whether they work in real life or not is obviously untested, at least outside the US.

When they say systems maturity by 2017, they really mean they will be able to develop anti-stealth techniques starting from 2017. By the time they develop and operationalize it, it will be time to start working on a FGFA replacement while improving FGFA at the same time like how Su-35 was made from Su-27.

Like ?????? Can you give me one example apart from RAM skins and coatings can you make an f-35 further stealthy ?????i understand F-22 has undergone some super secret upgrade which we will never now and final variant /production of Pakfa still has ample of scope for RCS reduction after its Rcs test.........
RCS can be reduced by three methods. One is shaping, the second is destruction and the third is negation. The first two are already well known. Destruction is carried out using RAM coating and even plasma in the internal structure of the aircraft like in the radome. Negation is what is known as active cancellation. This is the next step is meant to directly interfere with the performance of the radar using your own EW emissions.

While the first two will continue improving, especially the second method, negation will provide much more significant capabilities over the other two.

If thats so than whole point of anti stealth ground based IADS system is meaningless....why should a country develop it / buy it when she knows her enemy has steath aircraft in its air force inventory
Ground based IADS systems are somewhat of a quick reaction system. If there are no friendly aircraft in the area, then ground based defences are very weak to enemy air attacks. That's what happened during Desert Storm and other post Soviet wars. Many of these countries had very robust IADS systems, some like Iraq were as advanced as what the US had at the time. None of them worked effectively without friendly air cover.

I said this same words to the developer....the reply was the real deal is how to counter stealth a/c by a 4th-4.5 gen a/c.....whats the main difference between an f-35 and mig-35 its conventional stealth offcourse the former offers to the customer............
He wasn't very clear with his answer. Fine, it will make the Mig-35 more capable if you provide it with anti-stealth technologies (he is actually talking about new generation ESM systems that are being developed to counter LPI radars), but it won't provide it the same capability as the F-35 has against the Mig-35. In a 2v2 or 4v4 scenario, it might work, but in a networked scenario with many on many, Mig-35 will be at a huge disadvantage even if they were able to detect the F-35. Like I said, detecting is only one part of the kill cycle. If the missile does not get accurate fire control inputs, the missile will miss.

There is a lot of criticism against stealth outside the US and there is a reason for that. It is as simple as they don't yet employ it yet even in a lab environment. They don't know the extent of the workings of stealth as accurately as the actual developers do. And the US is the leader in the field and only the countries with money are pursuing the US in the same field, that's China, Russia and India. Once the F-35 is fielded and non-stealth air forces go against it, then they will know where they stand.

but we can't avoid its situational awareness in protecting the key strategic areas can't we, can you please explain us the use of it and why it primary exist....!!!!!!!!!!
Nebo-M uses VHF frequencies which have very long wavelength. It is impossible to hide from VHF frequencies because the object is much smaller than the wavelength. Meaning X band has a 3cm wavelength, if it hits a 70 cm radome, then you can use shaping to minimize the returns. VHF is between 10m and 1m, that's bigger than the aircraft's radome, other parts included. This puts the aircraft in the optic region of the radar. So, regardless of the shaping, there will be returns.

Nebo-M is used for early warning. It detects an enemy very early and tells the other systems to start searching in the area. Then a L or S band radar starts looking in that area, once a target is detected it informs the X band fire control radar to start painting the target for missile interception. Now, shaping is primarily meant to prevent the X band radar from shooting the aircraft down.

The reason why it is an early warning system is because it has very low accuracy, in the region of many Kms whereas X band radar has accuracy in the region of many meters.

Completely agree on this part.......what if the radar uses the combi of 2 wavelengths sensor fuse it give an over all picture will it help more than the conventional active radars on the market..........Raytheon has by the way produced a DBR and just found out from Jo's post on forum key pub that Russia plans to field "developer" here happens to be an
Dual band systems save more time. If you combine the workings of a UHF/VHF systems with a S/L band system, then you will have one radar network providing a more accurate early detection. A single network resource manager handles two or more radars at once. MKI's Bars radar is a dual band system which combines X band and L band for the same purpose. L band provides greater range than what is advertised by NIIP for aircraft detection in volume search modes. Of course, this is an open source "secret" because foreign radar operators identified this advantage based on their own experiences in the military.

Then the priority for a counter stealth tech would be.........quite opposite!!!!!!
The end techniques will be very similar. Ultimately you will need a combination of radar, IRST and other passive detection systems to find targets. You already mentioned one called quantum imaging. Then there is another tech called quantum radar. Of course, they are still quite far from being fielded, but both are quite possible, and at the same time impossible before FGFA itself becomes obsolete within 10 years after induction. That's why my figure of 2030 before a capable anti-stealth technology is developed against current generation stealth techniques.


New Member
Jan 30, 2014
every country found it's safe to export top technology to India, and you are so proud of it and saying that is advantage over China, that is very funny. Alright, like I always say, keep thinking in that way as long as that makes you happy
well if this make u satisfy by telling rubbish then ur welcome for that..truth is known to every one when the western countries sanctioned india for nuclear tests only russia helped us with military,nuclear,glonass satellite for military,cryogenics,stealth,leasing their nuclear subs,ToT of many of their military tech. etc. & many more far from my knowledge which no country would have's not only for money else why only india? not iran/syberia etc. they also their bests..just use ur lil brain u'll understand & if ur western buddy or a damn chinese or paki..den forget wat i said..its ur nature to dominate others to lose ur fears from india..we hv already saw ur deep cncrns fr agni-5..u don't have to remind us what russia is for us..may be they are forced to increase price to help their economy grow up but in the end india worth for it..


New Member
Sep 19, 2011
MKI's Bars radar is a dual band system which combines X band and L band for the same purpose. L band provides greater range than what is advertised by NIIP for aircraft detection in volume search modes.
The L Band Antenna on BARS is for IFF , its an X band PESA Radar


The Nobody
Nov 5, 2013
The way I see it:

Rafale is a scam with huge kickbacks. MMRCA was launched when India was doing 9% GDP growth, now it 4% and rupee slumping, it has become out of reach for us. The logical thing to do would be to scrap MMRCA and go for MiG-35 with full ToT.

Demonization of FGFA by IAF further suggests Scam in Rafale deal. All the points raised by IAF are for PAK-FA prototypes, not even for the PAK-FA final product or FGFA prototype. Indian work share is 15% of PAK-FA. It will be 50% of FGFA. We need to understand this difference.

Moreover, it would be ok if IJT is scrapped and Yak-130 bought instead. It is a cheap, robust and futuristic platform. If we expect HAL and ADA to take up all the projects simultaneously, there is no way they will succeed and deliver in time. HAL and ADA should concentrate on Tejas Mk1, Mk2, LCH, LOH, IMRH, MTA, AMCA & FGFA, apart from assembling foreign platforms. No need to dedicate assets and resources on platforms which are available for cheap elsewhere.

Make what is not available.
Buy what is available cheaply so that readiness is not compromised.
Simultaneously build capability to build home grown systems (Eg: Buy Pilatus, develop HTT-40 for replacement of Pilatus in future)
The concluding points make complete sense but I am of the view that we should go ahead with Rafale at the earliest even if the option for additional 76 is scrapped out from the contract. Even 124 would do for us. Our force-readiness would not be compromised & it would act as a buffer till next-gen fighters are available to us.

Then, focus completely on Tejas MKII & development of AMCA based on inputs from Rafale & Super-Su's programs + foreign consulting with Dassault / EADS / Boeing / LM / Northrop Grumman. Also, the export potential of Tejas should be explored to the hilt.

Worst case eventuality that AMCA delays indefinitely : Jump on the F-35 wagon.

FGFA, IMHO, should be kicked out now. Consider it a dead investment. No need to remain tied to a dud investment just because you have already invested a substantial sum. Why continue to invest several times more despite being in full knowledge of the fact that we are being taken for a ride ?


Homo Communis Indus
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Dec 25, 2012
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FGFA, IMHO, should be kicked out now. Consider it a dead investment. No need to remain tied to a dud investment just because you have already invested a substantial sum. Why continue to invest several times more despite being in full knowledge of the fact that we are being taken for a ride ?
I really fail to understand that why many think that FGFA would be a dud.


The Nobody
Nov 5, 2013
I really fail to understand that why many think that FGFA would be a dud.
From the media reports (rumors or whatever), IAF too prefers Rafale to go through, even if at the cost of FGFA.
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Homo Communis Indus
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Dec 25, 2012
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IAF currently is only interested in platforms which offer maximum kickbacks.

FGFA is a do-or-die project for India. For the first time we would have a decisive edge over our enemies. I would prefer India to scrap MMRCA, buy MiG-35 at 2/5th of the cost, and go for 400 FGFA over the next 20-25yrs.

If and when AMCA happens after 10-15 yrs, India would have missed the 5th gen bandwagon completely.

F-35 is not a viable option for India, not in the quantity it needs.

From the media reports (runors or whatever), IAF too prefers Rafale to go through, even if at the cost of FGFA.


The Nobody
Nov 5, 2013

IAF currently is only interested in platforms which offer maximum kickbacks.

FGFA is a do-or-die project for India. For the first time we would have a decisive edge over our enemies. I would prefer India to scrap MMRCA, buy MiG-35 at 2/5th of the cost, and go for 400 FGFA over the next 20-25yrs.
Disagree. Vehemently. For no apparent reasons.

If and when AMCA happens after 10-15 yrs, India would have missed the 5th gen bandwagon completely.
Fail to understand.

F-35 is not a viable option for India, not in the quantity it needs.
Agree. But since I have scrapped FGFA in favour of Rafale & my AMCA is still in making, F-35 is the only 5th-Gen option I have.


Homo Communis Indus
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Dec 25, 2012
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Let's discuss this after you come up with some 'apparent reasons'. :rolleyes:

Disagree. Vehemently. For no apparent reasons.

Fail to understand.

Agree. But since I have scrapped FGFA in favour of Rafale & my AMCA is still in making, F-35 is the only 5th-Gen option I have.


New Member
Jun 19, 2013
No. Have you even seen KAB-1500??? :p Where do you suppose to put it internally?
It is a huge slug. Even Su-34 can cary only 3 externally.

KAB-500 is also too big to cary 8 of them internally. Only 2 or 4 can be used in MWB.

The rest is OK, but not complete though, because there are 14 new and 6 existing weapon types can be used in MWB. The most of the new ones have not been disclosed yet. However, RVV-BD (400-km capable LRAAM) and KAB-250 GBU are not depicted (2 or 4 can be used in MWB).

There are rumors about special KAB-500 long range variant with smaller fins and more long and slender body, KAB-500 JDAM-like GBU based on FAB-500M-62 warhead, a new compact 1000km capable stealthy ALCM and SDB-like munitions, but none of them have been confirmed yet.
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New Member
May 25, 2009
PAKFA will have entirely new weapons with new designations, more than a dozen of them.

Only three air to ground weapons have been disclosed as of today and one interim air to air BVR weapon called K-77M which is a modified RVV-SD with DAESA seeker.


Homo Communis Indus
New Member
Dec 25, 2012
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Some old media...




Homo Communis Indus
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Dec 25, 2012
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N036 radar's L Band arrays are not only used for IFF but also for A2A target detection, as per Piotr Butowski in Air International article.

The L Band Antenna on BARS is for IFF , its an X band PESA Radar