Su-30 MKI

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New Member
Aug 14, 2009
Nice upgrade, let us hope hal learns from this and adapts this on lca now and mca on future.


New Member
Aug 14, 2009
I was talking about the air-frames. V can always source better avionics indigenously, or from israel, french companies.


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Aug 17, 2009
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Indo-Russian negotiations on Sukhoi upgrade to conclude in Oct this year

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Indian Air Force (IAF)'s mainstay heavy weight fighters, the Russian Sukhoi 30MKI aircraft to be upgraded, will undergo two types of upgradation programmes. India Director of the Sukhoi programme, Vitaly A Borodich said during the biennial air show MAKS-2009 in Zhukovsky, near Moscow, that Moscow was looking at an increased participation from New Delhi in the upgrade programme.The joint upgrade will involve the Russian Federation's Irkutsk, and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).

One of the upgrades will be the structural modification of the aircraft to have the air version of the Brahmos missile installed on it. Active negotiations are on for Brahmos integration on the aircraft. Sources have indicated that the IAF is looking at around three years to recieve the modified aircraft.

The launcher interface is to be integrated to the aircraft, internal trials to be conducted, before the field evaluation tests of the missile could begin, all of which would take a year or slightly more, and three years for its induction in service.

The air-launched version of the missile for the IAF has taken longer than anticipated. The air to ground missile to be integrated on the Sukhoi-30MKI aircraft of the IAF was to be ready by the end of 2007.

The first test of the missile is likely not before 2010-11.

The second upgrade for the existing fleet of the fighter is called the 'deep upgrade', which includes enhanced combat features, systems and avionics, which would increase the flight performance of the aircraft and the variant of this upgrade would keep the aircraft in service for a longer duration.

The technical negotiations between the IAF and ICDS of Russia, which have been going on for sometime, are likely to conclude in October this year, said Borodich.

The biggest feature of the deep upgrade, is the inclusion of the AESA (active electronically scanned array) radar.But the integration would be in two phases, one with array and one without array. Presently the Sukhoi aircraft uses a passive radar. The upgradation of the radar too has two stages, one of which is modification of the radar system, since it has to be integrated on the aircraft, which is possible by 2015, and the other stage would be installation of the system on the aircraft.

Sukhoi CEO Mikhail Pogosyan had several meetings with the IAF Vice Chief Air Marshal P K Barbora, during the MAKS air show, to sort out the configuration of the upgraded radar on the aircraft as specified by the IAF.

The IAF operates three squadrons of the Sukhoi-30MKI aircraft, and has approximately 60 aircraft in its inventory, all of which would have the upgraded data systems, digital glass cockpit, and other systems on board, after the contract is signed for upgrade.


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
hanks for helping me out on the weapons that can be carried on the MKI.

well Su-30 all said and done is an air dominance platform with option for long range maritime strike with Brahmos when integrated .By the way it can carry nukes as well if required and that is what makes it formidable.

Its primary function in a war will be to sanitize hostile air space allowing not so capable mig 27 and jagurs to laucnh ground strike mission with impunity .


House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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Indo-Russian negotiations on Sukhoi upgrade to conclude in Oct this year

The Indian Air Force (IAF)'s mainstay heavy weight fighters, the Russian Sukhoi 30MKI aircraft to be upgraded, will undergo two types of upgradation programmes. India Director of the Sukhoi programme, Vitaly A Borodich said during the biennial air show MAKS-2009 in Zhukovsky, near Moscow, that Moscow was looking at an increased participation from New Delhi in the upgrade programme.The joint upgrade will involve the Russian Federation's Irkutsk, and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).

One of the upgrades will be the structural modification of the aircraft to have the air version of the Brahmos missile installed on it. Active negotiations are on for Brahmos integration on the aircraft. Sources have indicated that the IAF is looking at around three years to recieve the modified aircraft.

The launcher interface is to be integrated to the aircraft, internal trials to be conducted, before the field evaluation tests of the missile could begin, all of which would take a year or slightly more, and three years for its induction in service.

The air-launched version of the missile for the IAF has taken longer than anticipated. The air to ground missile to be integrated on the Sukhoi-30MKI aircraft of the IAF was to be ready by the end of 2007.

The first test of the missile is likely not before 2010-11.

The second upgrade for the existing fleet of the fighter is called the 'deep upgrade', which includes enhanced combat features, systems and avionics, which would increase the flight performance of the aircraft and the variant of this upgrade would keep the aircraft in service for a longer duration.

The technical negotiations between the IAF and ICDS of Russia, which have been going on for sometime, are likely to conclude in October this year, said Borodich.

The biggest feature of the deep upgrade, is the inclusion of the AESA (active electronically scanned array) radar.But the integration would be in two phases, one with array and one without array. Presently the Sukhoi aircraft uses a passive radar. The upgradation of the radar too has two stages, one of which is modification of the radar system, since it has to be integrated on the aircraft, which is possible by 2015, and the other stage would be installation of the system on the aircraft.

Sukhoi CEO Mikhail Pogosyan had several meetings with the IAF Vice Chief Air Marshal P K Barbora, during the MAKS air show, to sort out the configuration of the upgraded radar on the aircraft as specified by the IAF.

The IAF operates three squadrons of the Sukhoi-30MKI aircraft, and has approximately 60 aircraft in its inventory, all of which would have the upgraded data systems, digital glass cockpit, and other systems on board, after the contract is signed for upgrade.

Chindits: Indo-Russian negotiations on Sukhoi upgrade to conclude in Oct this year


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
a small correction to above report -as on date there are over 100 Su-30 MKIs on IAF service


New Member
Jul 22, 2009

Zhukovshy, Russia: Russian officials at MAKS 2009 (August 18 to 22) were upbeat about defence relations with India. The IAF will soon sign a contract for 50 additional Su-30MKI aircraft, and 40 more Mi-171V helicopters. Indian and Russian officials held extensive talks on upgrade of Su-30MKI and on modifications to carry BrahMos cruise missile on the aircraft. This is not all. According to Russian officials, the partnership on the fifth generation aircraft, PAK FA (T-50) and the Multi-purpose Transport Aircraft (MTA) is on schedule. Notwithstanding the uncertainty over INS Vikramaditya (Admiral Gorshkov), the first batch of MiG-29K/KUB fighters will be delivered to India by end this year. The remaining two IL-38SD aircraft of the Indian Navy with Russia since five years would also head home. And Russians are superbly confident of MiG-35’s successful participation in the 126 M-MRCA competition. They have also decided to field Kamov Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter for the IAF’s 22 attack helicopter tender. With so much on the bilateral platter, Indian officials were Russian’s favourite flavour at the air show.

Back in New Delhi, senior IAF officials confirmed that the case for Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) for 50 additional Su-30MKI has been sent to the defence ministry. (This is over and above the earlier 40 Su-30MKI being sought from Russia. With 230 aircraft to be assembled by HAL, the IAF will now have a total of 320 Su-30MKI aircraft.) As this purchase will be on a fast track basis to arrest depleting force levels, it would take a maximum of three months for clearance by the Cabinet Committee on Security, after which the contract would be signed. Considering that all this would be a formality, both sides discussed and agreed on the production schedule of these additional aircraft at MAKS-2009. The cost of these aircraft would be higher than the earlier lots. By how much, both sides remained tight-lipped, with one official finally saying that each aircraft could cost 10 per cent more. This single order is upwards of Rs 20,000 crore.

FORCE - A Complete News Magazine on National Security - Defence Magazine


Excellent news! I am not too sure about the final number of 320 though. I think it will be 230+50=280MKIs. imo the number 230 already includes the previous order of 40 additional MKIs. Anyway, 280 or 320, further addition of these beasts to the IAFs inventory is always welcome!


New Member
Jul 31, 2009

We will have a bigger and better Russian Air-force than Russia herself has.


Top Gun
New Member
Feb 21, 2009

We will have a bigger and better Russian Air-force than Russia herself has.
Now thats an Overstatement, You forgot the Mig 31s et al serving the russians. Anyways lets stick on topic!


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
that is so good ..more MKI means ...more enemy aircraft being shot out of the sky ...hoep IAF does not face pilot shortage


DFI Technocrat
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Mar 7, 2009
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Zhukovshy, Russia: Russian officials at MAKS 2009 (August 18 to 22) were upbeat about defence relations with India. The IAF will soon sign a contract for 50 additional Su-30MKI aircraft, and 40 more Mi-171V helicopters. Indian and Russian officials held extensive talks on upgrade of Su-30MKI and on modifications to carry BrahMos cruise missile on the aircraft. This is not all. According to Russian officials, the partnership on the fifth generation aircraft, PAK FA (T-50) and the Multi-purpose Transport Aircraft (MTA) is on schedule. Notwithstanding the uncertainty over INS Vikramaditya (Admiral Gorshkov), the first batch of MiG-29K/KUB fighters will be delivered to India by end this year. The remaining two IL-38SD aircraft of the Indian Navy with Russia since five years would also head home. And Russians are superbly confident of MiG-35’s successful participation in the 126 M-MRCA competition. They have also decided to field Kamov Ka-52 Alligator attack helicopter for the IAF’s 22 attack helicopter tender. With so much on the bilateral platter, Indian officials were Russian’s favourite flavour at the air show.

Back in New Delhi, senior IAF officials confirmed that the case for Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) for 50 additional Su-30MKI has been sent to the defence ministry. (This is over and above the earlier 40 Su-30MKI being sought from Russia. With 230 aircraft to be assembled by HAL, the IAF will now have a total of 320 Su-30MKI aircraft.) As this purchase will be on a fast track basis to arrest depleting force levels, it would take a maximum of three months for clearance by the Cabinet Committee on Security, after which the contract would be signed. Considering that all this would be a formality, both sides discussed and agreed on the production schedule of these additional aircraft at MAKS-2009. The cost of these aircraft would be higher than the earlier lots. By how much, both sides remained tight-lipped, with one official finally saying that each aircraft could cost 10 per cent more. This single order is upwards of Rs 20,000 crore.

FORCE - A Complete News Magazine on National Security - Defence Magazine


Excellent news! I am not too sure about the final number of 320 though. I think it will be 230+50=280MKIs. imo the number 230 already includes the previous order of 40 additional MKIs. Anyway, 280 or 320, further addition of these beasts to the IAFs inventory is always welcome!
it is 229+50 remember the one that crashed ahmed?


New Member
Aug 12, 2009
British AF operates lesser number of combat aircrafts compared to Indian AF, still it is un-disputedly superior to us, due to better technology. We must shift our focus from numbers (quantity) to quality. This will serve two purposes:
a) Easy maintenance of slim (and qualititavely superior) asset
b) Diversification of assets (deployment of diverse platforms [by role])
c) Better utilization of funds for procurement
d) More investment into R&D

MKI is a great fighter by strature, but by looking at the way USAF & PAF are going with their induction program, I really doubt if they consider SU-30s as a serious threat. We must have had tested SU-30MKI during kargil wars to prove their battle worthiness.

The most important point you failed to mention is training,british pilots have world class training and its very expensive.this has been indias achilles heel.get this right along with evey thing else you said and god help pak/china.


Top Gun
New Member
Feb 21, 2009
MKIs where not around during Kargil, atleast not in the full MKI configuration.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
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The most important point you failed to mention is training,british pilots have world class training and its very expensive.this has been indias achilles heel.get this right along with evey thing else you said and god help pak/china.
Well right now things have changed...The induction of Hawk 132 has changed everything. Thanks to the Brits for that. Now we are following the 4 tier approach as compared to the British 3 tier approach. Things would have been changed for good by 2015. The training hours have increased from 250 to 320 hours this year. Yes training is more expensive I agree with you.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
here is about the training? iaf have serious problems with the traning

Indian Air Force were left without training aircraft

. Air Force India faced a severe shortage of training aircraft fleet, after flying all the basic training aircraft of the Indian development of HPT-32 Deepak had been suspended after a series of crashes, informs the local edition of Business Standard. No less of a problem with military experience and training of pilots at a higher level as in India and could not be fully set up production of the British training aircraft Hawk.

It clarifies the publication, the blame for the situation lay in the largest Indian aircraft maker Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), while another culprit that full production of aircraft has not yet begun, and consider her British partner - the corporation BAE Systems. It is time to execute pre-contract, under which it was necessary to transfer to the customer production technology, related documentation, components and other components.

It involved the sale of 24 ready-made Hawk 132, and the production license 42 more in the company HAL in Bangalore, India. Issued in the UK aircraft have already been transferred to the buyer, then how to set up assembly of these machines in India is not yet fully succeeded. . Instead of fifteen, to date released only five aircraft.

Recall that in April 2009 the military department of India has announced to hold another tender for the purchase of 56 training aircraft. The invitation to take part in it were an Italian company Alenia Aeronautica aircraft with M346, a South Korean with Korean Aerospace Industries T-50 Golden Eagle, the Czech Aero Vodochody with L-159, and the British BAE Systems with the Hawk. In addition, to participate in the contest may be Russia's two aircraft - the Yak-130 and MiG-AT.
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