Irrelevant and obvious to anyone with even the most rudimentary understandings of how modern firearms work.
Complete garbage based upon CoD logic and stupid hollywood war movie tropes.
In reality, a 6-9 round burst is only good at suppression if rounds land within 1-3 meters of a target. Between British Ministry of Defence studies, Canadians, US Marines, and even the US Army, they've all pretty much agreed at this point after conducting extensive studies that a regular bullet, regardless of volume of fire, that doesn't land inside that range has no ability to suppression. That's the issue.
When it comes to machine guns, the problem is that a proper 6-9 round burst takes under about a second to fire (850 rpm/60 s=14 rps). If its all aimed at the same place, not purposely traversing or searching, then the burst pattern generally walks upwards. What that means in terms of effects on target, is only the first, maybe the second round actually comes near a target location, and the rest decorate the sky. So the answer is repeated single shots, or very short bursts from a weapon that barely recoils.
However, just spraying in the general direction of the enemy with a machine gun, which is what most consider suppression, is not. Its just a mix of posturing, noise, and wasting ammo.
No shit Captain Obvious, what would we do without you endowing us with this top secret inside information about advanced squad tactics.
What a load of garbage!!Again, this is based not in reality but long running stupid war movie tropes!!In reality, no soldier can hold an M-16 (or any other rifle regardless of the caliber) on the target for any meaningful amount of time, even while firing from a prone position and would waste a lot of ammunition, which could end up costing you dearly if you get involved in a long, drawn out fire fight. An M-16 has a cyclical rate of fire of over 800 rounds per minute, and you could empty a 30 round clip in a mere2 seconds!!
After the Vietnam war, an US Army study found out that all but 3 of the rounds within a burst were wasted, since the barrel would drift up and to the left.That's the sole reason why the M16A1 was replaced by the A2 variant you bloody mong!!
More bullshit!!While it's true that the barrels (along with trigger assembly, extractor spring, recoil buffer, barrel chamber, magazine, and bolt as well as some ergonomic modifications) were changed to better maintain accuracy and zero while withstanding high volumes of fire that simply doesn't translate to US Army soldiers spraying their carbines in full auto mode all the time like a bunch of rabbles!!For the nth time, you don't need to fire in auto to achieve a sustained high volume of fire!!The world doesn't work like in FPS video games, kid.
In reality, the US Army and USMC grunts are not only not trained to fire their personal rifles in full auto mode in the ranges, it's in fact, actively discouraged and for very good reasons which I've mentioned already.
Get out with this steaming pile of horse shit and stop misleading the readers.