Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Jun 21, 2018
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They are probably meant for non-Kashmiri areas, (red corridor, N.E). In Kashmir they have Bakharwal dogs.

This breed has no issues with the ice.

This is taken in Siachen :

In bakharwali good boi pups ko pakdo aur kambal me thoos do! :scared2:


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May 6, 2013
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I would love to see the Paki army and its pimps and Paki leaders turn up in Egypt as well as Turkey and openly say:

The Egypt and Turket air force (with the jets from USA especially) and army (with the tanks from USA especially) is absolutely great and they can join by the hips with Pakis. Like a interoperability agreement between Egypt, Turkey and Pakis. The equipment traits and dynamics are similar especially with the mixture of USA and non-USA entaglements. A form of personal guarantee of the existence of each other especially against Israel. I would add that the Paki PM visiting Turkey in itself is highly provocative.

Best is the Pakis ought to openly say all well and good but Pakis are the ones with the nuke weapon that can reach Israel. The truth is Pakis have no idea what they are doing and have done and ought to do. Also because of the even thought any of the above ought to make them sleepless. The countdown to decapitation of pakis has begun. Turkey isnt what everyone thinks it to be (its bit obvious).
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New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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I would love to see the Paki army and its pimps and Paki leaders turn up in Egypt as well as Turkey and openly say:

The Egypt and Turket air force (with the jets from USA especially) and army (with the tanks from USA especially) is absolutely great and they can join by the hips with Pakis. Like a interoperability agreement between Egypt, Turkey and Pakis. The equipment traits and dynamics are similar especially with the mixture of USA and non-USA entaglements. A form of personal guarantee of the existence of each other especially against Israel. I would add that the Paki PM visiting Turkey in itself is highly provocative.

Best is the Pakis ought to openly say all well and good but Pakis are the ones with the nuke weapon that can reach Israel. The truth is Pakis have no idea what they are doing and have done and ought to do. Also because of the even thought any of the above ought to make them sleepless. The countdown to decapitation of pakis has begun. Turkey isnt what everyone thinks it to be (its bit obvious).
Turkey!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Wowww!! the mighty shoooper paaawwaaaa
aaak thooo..Toilet paper Turkey


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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The article has propaganda written all over it. First its coming from a JNU Proff. Second its quoted by a rabid mothpeice The Hindu.
1. Quoting from the author "Surgical strikes as they were carried out in 2016 involved no casualties of Pakistani military personnel, and involved no land grab. That is business as usual on the LoC and happens all the time,” he added.". Okay where have we heard this before???

2. Another gem of an observation " When compared to what the Pakistanis did in Kargil, that was an opportunistic takeover of land, and winter-vacated posts, where Gen. Musharraf tried to take advantage of an opportunity: but at most it was a small tactical operation that went out of control,” Prof. Jacob explained. So Kargil was a small tactical Opn.

3. Fortune Telling: "Eventually, the units were prepared for Op Kabaddi on September 1, 2001, but the order to proceed was never given given the changed geopolitical situation after the 9/11 attacks as it would have been considered “taking advantage of a tragedy” and “viewed unfavourably by the international community”, Prof. Jacob writes.
Do you really want to believe this BS.
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