Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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New Member
Nov 15, 2016
Increasing budget is a futile proposition if MOD keeps returning thousands of crores each year to Finance ministry. CAPEX is not the problem, bureaucracy is.

Shekatkar committee's recommendation of "carrying on" of unused funds is a step in the right direction.

Another thing is that the "shopaholicism" of Indian Armed Forces should be curbed in the earnest.

but a balance is required to reduce bureaucracy to reduce time on acquisition and forever file stuck in fianance ministry for approvals and also on undue expenditure (whose only solution is make in india)which manohar parrikar has started again she has a job on hand


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
A great example of how paki posts looks like after getting thrashed, roasted by Indian Army's Retaliation to their CFV. Afterall, surrendering is in their DNA.
Well this pic isn't new, but it can be definitely used to troll porkis.
View attachment 20506
This is kaman aman loc bridge (most probably) where both Indo Pak officals meet at the middle of the bridge on various occasions sometimes exchange sweets and sometimes to return the civilians back etc

Nothin extraordinary about it and not related to CFV and retaliation

@hammer head



New Member
May 10, 2017
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This is kaman aman loc bridge (most probably) where both Indo Pak officals meet at the middle of the bridge on various occasions sometimes exchange sweets and sometimes to return the civilians back etc

Nothin extraordinary about it and not related to CFV and retaliation

@hammer head

View attachment 20507
I clearly said "example", they do raise white flags when getting pounded. Trolling pakis isn't childish but important, such pics could have psychological effect to them.


New Member
May 10, 2017
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Sure but only if we post appropriate pic.
Well yes, but finding such high quality pics is like finding rare earth metals. Coz some appropriate pics are being ignored by Pakis by calling it fake, coz of low quality.

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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As anniversary of surgical strikes draws nearer, tight vigil at LoC

Intelligence inputs have suggested that Pakistan may try to avenge the killings of its soldiers by India, and may choose the first anniversary of surgical strikes for the action.


    • 1
      Everyone is supposed to maintain a 24x7 vigil: senior Army officer
    • 2
      Any Pakistani post trying to push through terrorists will be destroyed: Officer
    • 3
      Troops have now been deployed in an innovative manner, using a grid deployment
As the first anniversary of surgical strikes conducted by Indian Army special forces draws nearer, the tension on the line of control (LoC) is palpable and the vigil tight. The soldiers of 4/1 Gorkha Rifles posted at Nowgam sector, which looks deep into the Leepa Valley in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, have their fingers firmly on the trigger.

"The orders are very clear. Everyone is supposed to maintain a 24x7 vigil and anyone attempting infiltration will be engaged and eliminated. Any Pakistani post trying to push through terrorists into our territory will be destroyed," a senior Army officer told India Today TV. "We are keeping our powder dry."

The commanding officer of Nowgam post, Colonel Sharang Pun, told India Today TV that the troops have now been deployed in an innovative manner (using a grid deployment) so that they can intercept the infiltrators.

"Our surveillance capabilities have improved significantly in the last few years with the inclusion of radars and sensors which help us monitor our area of responsibility very effectively and more accurately," Pun said.

On the LoC, the Pakistan Army posts are nearby but not much activity could be seen there. Indian troops also maintain a low profile while moving outside their bunkers.

During the night patrolling that India Today TV team took up with the troops, one could see that patrol party is adopting extra care and moving with eyes and ears open literally.

Intelligence inputs have suggested that Pakistan may try to avenge the killings of its soldiers by India, and may choose the first anniversary of the surgical strikes for the action.

Army officers said in the recent times, ground sensors, infra-red thermal imagers and battlefield surveillance radars have been deployed in a big way along the LoC, to improve the monitoring of any movement of terrorists.


Officers also admit that after Gen Bipin Rawat took over as Army chief in January this year, the Indian stance on the LoC has also become "very aggressive" as they take direct shots at the Pakistani posts if they are seen aiding terrorists.

"Quick punitive action is taken in case Pakistanis violate ceasefire by firing at our posts, often to provide cover for terrorists trying to infiltrate. The action is so severe that it becomes difficult for the opposite posts to operate for a long time to come," said an officer posted on the LoC.

Due to the newly-adopted aggressive posture on the LoC, the morale of troops seems to be very high. The Gorkha troops that the India Today TV team interacted with sounded very confident.

"As our Army chief Gen Bipin Rawat has said, we will receive the terrorists in the reception area on our side and send them two-and-a-half feet below the ground," the troops said in the KB battalion area.

Already, two major BAT (Pakistani border action team) attempts have been foiled by the troops in the Keran and the nearby Uri sector.

In Uri, where four top Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorists were killed early this week, the attackers had come fully geared to carry out an attack similar to last year, when 19 soldiers were martyred. The Indian Army conducted the surgical strikes in retaliation to the dastardly attack.

The security forces this year have been successful in eliminating almost 160 terrorists along the LoC and the kills are likely to go up after the end of the apple season, which gets over by October 15.


Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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today saw the surgical strike heroes interview, eagerly waiting for a movie on surgical strike
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