Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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जय परशुराम‍।
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Oct 7, 2015
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The Paki ELINT plane downing was not weird, more weird was it getting crashed in a dense civilian area as even if a technical or mechanical failure happens ,you can still glide to open areas ,some madarsa Pakis were claiming as it was night and because of loadshedding it was pitch dark ,it is ISR aircraft ,it will knew the built up areas,well good news is Paki lost another ISR craft after loosing 2 to TTP few years back


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Jan 17, 2019
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Do you think all these problems are because of internal issues?

Let me bring in one example here. Heard of the HongKong protest? China is so good in quelling any protest in its homeland. Why is it taking so much time in Hong Kong or for that they are not doing anything forcefully overtly?

There would always be external powers who would be meddling in your internal politics and you simply can't shag them off with a strong RS or a RW. The foremost requirement would be a strong Socioeconomic status for India. Lets again take example of China. The level of Human Rights violation in China is equal to none. But no one simply cares about it. You would see a couple of articles on it sometimes, but those are negligible to what is published against Indian social structure. Sometimes they plant it in a way that it seems like India is advancing towards a Civil War. Social media on top of that is not helping much.

Now China controlled this with a virtual dictatorship. They controlled there domestic media first and then all the institutions. But that can't happen in India. In a democracy, the strongest link is its citizens. But irony is that the weakest link too is its citizens. Educated citizens would make a strong democracy. But sadly, that's not in our case. So, first we have to create a environment where the external forces would not meddle into our internal politics and then we have to create another environment to cull this voice of decent within us.

So 1st step, make ourself an economic powerhouse. If you are a seller, what would you look in a market? The skin color of customer.or the profit margin of the market?
2nd step, kill the voice of dissent among your society which acts against the interest of nation. For that there are two ways. You literally kill them. Now we can't do this now. For that too we have to first attain 1st step. Or go down the second way of killing the ideology. Now how you could do it? Make people busy. Give them so much of work to do that they don't have time to look into these nonsense. For that too, you have to implement the step 1st to an extent.

So a strong foreign and economic policy is needed along with strong RW to achieve our goal. Keeping our religious ego in forefront would only make us go down the Paki way. I am a Hindu and I do wear my religion proudly in my sleeve. But it doesn't mean that I would roll up my sleeve at the drop of a hat. Our national interest should come before our ego.
I agree with the broad points of your comment, but in politics, brute majorities aligned in every house don't last forever. You have to make hay while the sun is shining; and it's up to BJP to aggressively go behind the enemy ideology, the parties that represent it, their supporters in the media, and those doing the bidding of external powers. Completely marginalize that ideological stream in society, and go after them with every single means (fair & foul).

And beyond a certain level, you simply have to become a bit thick skinned when it comes to dealing with the hypocrites in the West. No matter what BJP or Modi do, or try to do, for peace/equality and *real* secularism, they will always be smeared; and even if BJP/Modi are gone, vested interests will continue launching hitjobs on India. India as a democracy may not be able to brazen it out as much as China, but we can still take a similar approach to quite an extent.


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Jan 7, 2016
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It is your utter STUPIDITY to look things on only one perspective. BJP offcourse said that they would build Ram Temple and they declared that in written.
But have they said anywhere that they would do it forcefully?
Yes I've voted Modi not to build 1 Ram Temple or 100 Ram Temple. I've voted him to make a strong India and it could be achieved only when a nationalist party remains in power. This stupid stunt of ego satisfaction is not going to help the cause.

Yes I am a blind bhakt. And I believe I am 100 times better then a BLIND EGOIST.

Can you define blind egoistic and how you used that word for me? If somebody argues which you don't counter is egoistic is your definition than it's ok. First you guys said that none of BJP leader said that in their election rally. When I gave example, you turned to strong India. If your agenda was strong India , you should have asked for the vote for strong India. If you are reduced to 2 seats, you play strong Hindu cards. Soon as you start getting good outcome, you start diluting that. People don't like parties with double standard and who battery the trust of people. BJP should not forget how it lost 3 state in trying to ignore its dedicated vote bank and expand its reach to its non traditional vote bank. If BJP can be rejected in a state like MP, it can be rejected from any where. They have to do course correction immediately to win its loyal vote bank. So batteying people don't work so many time. Had there been a strong pro Hindu party, BJP would have got a kick on its back. They were forced take pro Hindu stand in election. If they cheat people, they will be kicked on the back like people did to Vajpayee.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
US Goes For Strict Monitoring of Pakistan’s F-16s

''So it turns out @realDonaldTrump didn’t approve spare parts for pakistan. Far from it, as @seemasirohi reports, the entire amount is to fund some 60 US inspectors to monitor the Pakistani F-16s fleet 24/7 over 5 years...hardly a ringing endorsement''

More bad news for porks?
He is late. I said following on Saturday on another thread.


Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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#NeelumValley is now #RedValley

Looks like,Our "standoff" weapons,doing their jobs very well.

आज #शिवरात्रि पर शिव झूम झूम कर तांण्डव कर रहे हैं। हमारे बहादुर सैनिक भगवान #कटासराज का दुश्मन के रक्त से #रक्ताभिषेक कर रहे हैं। ये शायद 27 फरवरी के बाद कि सबसे बड़ी कारवाई है।
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