Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Apr 13, 2013
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Terrorist, Four Overground Workers Held in J&K's Awantipora; Probe Launched

Jammu and Kashmir: Police on Tuesday arrested an active terrorist and four overground workers (OGW) of Hizbul Mujahideen from J&K’s Awantipora, news agency ANI reported. Further, a big amount of cash has been seized from them. A probe has been launched into the matter.


Regular Member
Jul 27, 2018
China to sell 48 armed drones to Pakistan

China will sell 48 high-end armed drones to its “all-weather ally” Pakistan in what a military observer said will be the largest deal of its kind, official media here reported on Tuesday.

The cost of the major defence deal was not revealed. Wing Loong II is a high-end reconnaissance, strike and multi-role endurance unmanned aerial system, capable of being fitted with air-to-surface weapons.

It is roughly equivalent to the American MQ-9 Reaper drone.

The drones will also be jointly manufactured by China and Pakistan, state-run Global Times reported. Last year, China reportedly sold to countries like the UAE and Egypt the Wing Loong II at an estimated $1 million per unit, reports said.

The Air Force academy aerobatics team announced that in the future, the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra and the Aviation Industry Corporation of China’s Chengdu Aircraft Industrial (Group) Company will jointly manufacture the drones, the report said.

Largest supplier
China is the largest supplier of weapon system to the Pakistan Army. Both countries also jointly manufacture JF-Thunder a single engine multi-role combat aircraft.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
^^Blind worshiping is not good.... most of our missiles are Russian made,due to Western sanctions or some xyz reasons some are RENAMED in India. No doubt only one country has so-called FAKE MISSILE MAN, which no other originally developed countries never heard. :pound:


The BrahMos (designated PJ-10)[12] is a medium-range ramjetsupersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarine, ships, aircraft, or land. It is the fastest cruise missile in the world.[13] It is a joint venture between the Russian Federation's NPO Mashinostroyeniya and India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) who together have formed BrahMos Aerospace.[14] It is based on the Russian P-800 Oniks cruise missile and other similar sea-skimming Russian cruise missile technology.
Jeez an unknown keyboard warrior taking on A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. Now that's funny.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2017
^^Blind worshiping is not good.... most of our missiles are Russian made,due to Western sanctions or some xyz reasons some are RENAMED in India. No doubt only one country has so-called FAKE MISSILE MAN, which no other originally developed countries never heard. :pound:


The BrahMos (designated PJ-10)[12] is a medium-range ramjetsupersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarine, ships, aircraft, or land. It is the fastest cruise missile in the world.[13] It is a joint venture between the Russian Federation's NPO Mashinostroyeniya and India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) who together have formed BrahMos Aerospace.[14] It is based on the Russian P-800 Oniks cruise missile and other similar sea-skimming Russian cruise missile technology.
Yeah I don't think anyone is arguing that Kalam is a von Braun (and if anyone is they are just ignorant).

But it is disappointing to see our own shitting on the legacy of a guy under whose leadership we saw the development of a respectable guided missile program in a piss poor country with almost no industrial, engineering, or scientific base. He was instrumental in creating the foundation of our entire guided missile program which is now growing at a good pace!

Can you please tell which missiles under the IGMDP ( are copies of which Russian missiles?


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Dude if you need a hobby why don't you take up stamp collecting? I am no one to judge your fetishes but surely there are better avenues to satiate your sadomasochistic desires than trawling a forum and hoping to bait people.
Stamps are also just a fancy invention to fool the Indian audience. :laugh:


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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^^Blind worshiping is not good.... most of our missiles are Russian made,due to Western sanctions or some xyz reasons some are RENAMED in India. No doubt only one country has so-called FAKE MISSILE MAN, which no other originally developed countries never heard. :pound:


The BrahMos (designated PJ-10)[12] is a medium-range ramjetsupersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarine, ships, aircraft, or land. It is the fastest cruise missile in the world.[13] It is a joint venture between the Russian Federation's NPO Mashinostroyeniya and India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) who together have formed BrahMos Aerospace.[14] It is based on the Russian P-800 Oniks cruise missile and other similar sea-skimming Russian cruise missile technology.
AK 103 is also "based on " AK 47. Does that mean there is no difference between them ? Think Think Think


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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China to sell 48 armed drones to Pakistan

China will sell 48 high-end armed drones to its “all-weather ally” Pakistan in what a military observer said will be the largest deal of its kind, official media here reported on Tuesday.

The cost of the major defence deal was not revealed. Wing Loong II is a high-end reconnaissance, strike and multi-role endurance unmanned aerial system, capable of being fitted with air-to-surface weapons.

It is roughly equivalent to the American MQ-9 Reaper drone.

The drones will also be jointly manufactured by China and Pakistan, state-run Global Times reported. Last year, China reportedly sold to countries like the UAE and Egypt the Wing Loong II at an estimated $1 million per unit, reports said.

The Air Force academy aerobatics team announced that in the future, the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra and the Aviation Industry Corporation of China’s Chengdu Aircraft Industrial (Group) Company will jointly manufacture the drones, the report said.

Largest supplier
China is the largest supplier of weapon system to the Pakistan Army. Both countries also jointly manufacture JF-Thunder a single engine multi-role combat aircraft.
The word "SELL" bothers me and makes me laugh at the same time. How does a country seeking an IMF bailout is being "SOLD " these drones for $1 million a unit? Surely auctioning buffaloes won't cover the cost.


Regular Member
Mar 27, 2017
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Why r u acting like teenage kid:rofl:?It is defence forum not a fan page. Just simple google search will reveal everything. Its not a rocket science.


You can’t just tell looking at exterior pictures if they’re the same or not.
Khuda na khasta, god forbid if one lands on you in Pakistan, maybe you’ll be able to identify it up close and let us all know. Until then kindly STFU.

@Defenceanalyst91 i have no problems with you posting here, but wear your flags. Don’t be a false flagging troll
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Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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China offers Pakistan drones but India is not ruffled

Indian military experts, however, were quite unperturbed about the development. “They will be good targets for our air defence missile systems. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) like Wing Loong-IIs may be good over Chhattisgarh but will be dead meat in defended or hostile airspace along the Line of Control or for that matter, Doklam,” said a senior officer.

Indian officers contend their “armed Herons”, which are also MALE drones capable of flying for well over 24 hours at heights over 32,000-feet, are “somewhat better” than the Wing Loong-IIs. “The American Predators and Reapers are in a different league altogether. They are much more technologically advanced than the Wing Loong-IIs, with better engines for higher ranges and speed,” said an officer.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Before India can DREAM OF 'MISSILES' many countries- US,UK,Russia,French,German,Israel and etc have their OWN MISSILES .... Show me ONE ORIGINALLY DEVELOPED COUNTRY which boasts about MISSILE MAN?:pound::pound:

Our missiles are mostly USSR and later Russian made... ignoring reality doesn't make us technically advanced.
Kudos for figuring that out. :clap2:


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Before India can DREAM OF 'MISSILES' many countries- US,UK,Russia,French,German,Israel and etc have their OWN MISSILES .... Show me ONE ORIGINALLY DEVELOPED COUNTRY which boasts about MISSILE MAN?:pound::pound:

Our missiles are mostly USSR and later Russian made... ignoring reality doesn't make us technically advanced.
You are the one who is ignoring the "reality".

P800 oniks also called yakhont was developed way back in 1989 . But since in russia after the time of post bifurcation of soviet union they didnt had that sort of finances to productionise this missile.India latched on to this opportunity by giving them electronic technology for the missile and using mechanical technology of russians. Hence the rise of brahmos started.

But remember yakhont was only ship launched or land launched missile.

Its was due to pioneering work of scientists at brahmos and russian scientist that they went on to modify the present brahmos to air launched version which substansiatly required fabrication of new and lighter systems capable of sustaining low temperatures of flight , new launcher to carry this 3 ton missile by a fighter aircraft ( a feat no country in world has even dared to imagine). Su 30 was also given a bit of mod to adjust this new baby under her belly.

So it was not the missile development but a development of all associated system related to brahmos have to be designed and modified to let this fiery missile take India to the league of big daddies at a supersonic speed.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2017
Before India can DREAM OF 'MISSILES' many countries- US,UK,Russia,French,German,Israel and etc have their OWN MISSILES .... Show me ONE ORIGINALLY DEVELOPED COUNTRY which boasts about MISSILE MAN?:pound::pound:

Our missiles are mostly USSR and later Russian made... ignoring reality doesn't make us technically advanced.

Lot of words but you didn't answer my question:

Can you please tell which missiles under the IGMDP ( are copies of which Russian missiles?

Kalam was the head of IGMDP fyi.

As for celebrating his achievements, just because US and whatever shit while sitting doesn't mean we should not shit while squatting now does it? what a fucking juvenile argument. Like I said, giving India a semblance of missile capability inspite of imposed technology restrictions is no mean feat, but it looks like having a inspirational figure in the indigenous defence industry is for some reason giving you a heartburn.
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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2017
Your answer from your own source

By the start of the 1980s, the DRDL had developed competence and expertise in the fields of propulsion, navigation and manufacture of aerospace materials based on the Soviet rocketry technologies.

After India test-fired the first Prithvi missile in 1988, and the Agni missile in 1989, the Missile Technology Control Regime (then an informal grouping established in 1987 by Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States) decided to restrict access to any technology that would help India in its missile development program. To counter the MTCR, the IGMDP team formed a consortium of DRDO laboratories, industries and academic institutions to build these sub-systems, components and materials. Though this slowed down the progress of the program, India successfully developed indigenously all the restricted components denied to it by the MTCR.

So,already developed countries restricted India access to tech.... from whom? OF-COURSE Russia.

IF some restrict legally,it opens another ROUTE called as ILLEGAL because buyer-India and Seller-Russian are ready to exchange.
And everything, engineering or scientific, starts from some base. And your quote itself shows that the components were later indigenously developed. Did you want them to start from Newtons laws of motion and medieval rocketry? give me a break.

Many countries have and had access to western missiles and we decided to build from them. Apparently we are not allowed to because 30 years later some bozo decides to belittle the men and women for trying to work from what they have.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2017
Why u think so? ... i simply said truth, it hurts u because i quoted it from your own source.
btw that is only one example of 'how govt's cheat gullible public even in this Internet era'
Dude. once again nothing in your quote shows that the missiles were "copies" like you had claimed to be. Individual technologies were obtained and then built on by the labs for our programs. Quite a step down from your original pompous dismissal of our efforts wouldn't you say?

Yeah it damn well hurts when you parrot the casual dismissal of our programs by the people who would rather have us buy everything off the shelf from the countries that have the benefit of being the first off in the races.


Living in Post Truth
Senior Member
May 31, 2017
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Why u think so? ... i simply said truth.It hurts u because i quoted it from your own source.

btw that is only one example of 'how govt's cheat gullible public even in this Internet era'
This is a futile discussion. India never attempted to build a solid millitary industrial complex since independence. Even though we had a large capacity of OFB factories of WWII era. Rather than laughing at the mess one shld be asking why was it not done. Probably coz generations of that time had drank too much NonViolence koolaid and never felt the need to develop weapons. US, Russians, Europeans all developed weapons coz they faced wars and had strategic ambitions. We had none.
PS. More of this can be discussed in an appropriate thread rather than in LoC/ IB thread.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Why u think so? ... i simply said truth.It hurts u because i quoted it from your own source.

btw that is only one example of 'how govt's cheat gullible public even in this Internet era'
Your reply doesn't cover my source. also, you haven't acknowledged the difference betweeb P800 & Brahmos.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2017
Don't u see Design resemblance?
Don't u see which country technology used in the missiles?

U want Govt/Modi stand up and say ''hello Indians we illegally procured/copied Russian weapons and technology because western sanctions''?? ..... dude wake-up.
Design resemblance of which one? Dont beat around the bush my man. Agni? Prithvi? Oh is it a long tube with a conical top? Just like every other missile produced in the world?

Once you go for "secret procurement" there is really no way me win in it is it? I am not denying we got a headstart from such procurement. Till when were we buying it though? Are we still doing it or have we figured it out enough to build our own designs? For our new generation missiles? Are we secretly procuring technology for our ICBMs too? The Russians are really a helpful lot!

BTW I too secretly banged Katrina Kaif last night. Funny how that happens...


जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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am not an missile expert i just gave my idea after checking few basic things like design and tech used in it.

It(Brahmos) is based on the Russian P-800 Oniks cruise missile and other similar sea-skimming Russian cruise missile technology.

By the start of the 1980s, the DRDL had developed competence and expertise in the fields of propulsion, navigation and manufacture of aerospace materials based on the Soviet rocketry technologies.

These are first few lines of wiki .... what do u want me to do just ignore this... ok u people won.

This forum is filled with blind worshipers no logic, no sense just rhetoric. All the best. :lol:
It is same like saying US and Soviet rocket technology was based on German V2 rockets they found after the war, Rhetoric is on your side ,the cryogenic engine ,the ramjet and the ongoing development of Scramjet engine as well as inertial navigation systems ,the space programme are they also Russian based ,cut down the Rhetoric and don't derail the thread


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2017
am not an missile expert i just gave my idea after checking few basic things like design and tech used in it.

It(Brahmos) is based on the Russian P-800 Oniks cruise missile and other similar sea-skimming Russian cruise missile technology.

By the start of the 1980s, the DRDL had developed competence and expertise in the fields of propulsion, navigation and manufacture of aerospace materials based on the Soviet rocketry technologies.

These are first few lines of wiki .... what do u want me to do just ignore this... ok u people won.

This forum is filled with blind worshipers no logic, no sense just rhetoric. All the best. :lol:
You started by bashing Kalam and in the end hooked on to Brohmos-Oniks relationship (which someone has already explained the differences between) which Kalam had nothing to do with. And it is you who consistently ignored the fact technology is continuously built on a foundation of pre-existing knowledge and latched on to the technology we got in the 80s to bash our entire missile program.

And we are the blind ones.
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