Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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Any major attack like Mumbai or Uri type could lead to an all out war. Porki Army & ISI knows it that's the reason why no major attack has taken place in last 1-1/2years. They know India has reduced threshold and they'll be fucked up.....
Not Uri type, but yes Mum 2008/ 2001 parlmnt type of attacks will not go without major retaliation. I believe ISI network inside our country has also taken a hit thereby less sleeper cells are available to carry out terror attacks in various cities.


New Member
Mar 24, 2013
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Not Uri type, but yes Mum 2008/ 2001 parlmnt type of attacks will not go without major retaliation. I believe ISI network inside our country has also taken a hit thereby less sleeper cells are available to carry out terror attacks in various cities.
Porkistanis are rattled and pissing in their pants. They are not going to stage any major events now as they know they will be in trouble so they must have asked sleeper cells to sleep till BJP govt is in power in India.

Only chance of something happening is any terrorist group like let acting independently.


New Member
Jan 30, 2015
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Porkistanis are rattled and pissing in their pants. They are not going to stage any major events now as they know they will be in trouble so they must have asked sleeper cells to sleep till BJP govt is in power in India.

Only chance of something happening is any terrorist group like let acting independently.
Yes , ISI will keep her assets low until INC is back into power . It will be like chopping your own head off if Pak thinks they can get away by doing anything stupid. China wants India into OBOR program and they won't come to paki's if they do something stupid.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
Not Uri type, but yes Mum 2008/ 2001 parlmnt type of attacks will not go without major retaliation. I believe ISI network inside our country has also taken a hit thereby less sleeper cells are available to carry out terror attacks in various cities.
Sir what is the process of identifying and executing these Paki sleeper cell, is there a book or document where I can read about this.


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Sep 7, 2015
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Breaking News:

Heavy shelling, firing on LoC; 4 Pak army jawans killed
3 enemy posts catch fire, burnt
This portion is worth reproducing.....

Reports said there were six Pakistani troops inside these three posts in which four of them were reported dead and two others injured. Ambulances could be seen ferrying dead and injured Pakistani troops to the hospitals as virtual panic was reported in the Pakistani camp after Indian Army undertook punitive action against Pakistan for targeting civilian areas in Krishna Ghati and Mendhar sectors of Poonch district.

The Indian side didn’t suffer any casualties or damages in today’s mortar shelling and firing that lasted nearly three hours.

There were reports that Pakistan army also tried to push infiltrators into the Indian territory during ceasefire violations but their attempts failed as alert troops on this side of the Line of Control (LoC) didn’t allow the militants to come close to the LoC.


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Sep 7, 2015
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Forget 1962, India now better poised to deter the Dragon

  • India does not want war but if the push comes to shove, we are prepared, a senior official said.
  • "China has been forced to accept that India is no pushover after repeatedly testing our resolve over the last few years,” the official added
  • In the maritime domain, Indian warships can easily choke China’s sea lanes for its energy imports
The swift dragon can be held to a stalemate, even though it may be able to inflict some damage by breathing fire. India is militarily no longer the pushover it was during the 1962 war despite persisting critical operational and infrastructure gaps as well as the ever-expanding military asymmetry with China.

This is the assessment of top Indian military commanders, who contend they are being realistic without any false bravado, even as PM Narendra Modi heads for China later this week to reset ties and cool down tempers with the much larger neighbour.

“India does not want war. But if the push comes to shove, we are prepared. China has been forced to grudgingly accept that India is no pushover after repeatedly testing our resolve over the last few years, especially during the Doklam troop face-off last year,” said a senior official.

Some may dub this gung-ho approach foolhardy, given the People’s Liberation Army’s overwhelming superiority in terms of sheer military power. Apart from a huge nuclear missile arsenal that dwarfs India’s, China is also leagues ahead in conventional military power, be it submarines and fighters or tanks and artillery. Moreover, backed by economic muscle, China adroitly combines this “hard power” with “smart power” in terms of cyber warfare and other disruptive capabilities.

But a walkover like 1962, it will not be. With Chinese military capabilities mainly geared towards preventing any intervention by the US and others in the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea, it all comes down to what the PLA can “actually throw” at India along the 4,057-km Line of Actual Control stretching from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh.

“The terrain does not give the PLA adequate space for maneuverability. And we have the capability to counter-attack,” said a senior Army officer. India has 15 infantry divisions (each with over 12,000 soldiers) tasked for its “northern borders” with China, apart from several artillery, missile, tank and air defence regiments and other reserves.

Moreover, the new 17 Mountain Strike Corps and associated units, with a total of 90,274 soldiers for “swift ground offensive capabilities”, will be fully raised by 2021-2022. “PLA, as an aggressor, would require a combat ratio of at least 6:1 for mountain warfare along the LAC. We have more than adequate numbers for dissuasive deterrence,” he added.

India holds most of the aces as far as the maritime domain is concerned. Indian warships can easily choke China’s sea lanes for its huge energy imports, especially through the Malacca Strait. “The PLA Navy may be much larger but in terms of operational expertise and experience in the Indian Ocean Region, they are far behind. The Chinese Navy is still learning to operate far away from its shores,” said a senior naval officer.

Similarly, even though China may have constructed 14 major airfields, advanced landing grounds and helipads on the Tibet Plateau, the IAF can conceivably outgun its numerically superior adversary. For one, the weapon and fuel-carrying capacity of Chinese fighters is limited due to the 9,000 to 10,000-feet altitude of their airbases.

“They will try to use their rocket forces to disrupt our airbases…That’s why during the just-concluded GaganShakti exercise, we war-gamed hitting China from widely dispersed locations. We also conducted maritime interdiction sorties in the Bay of Bengal,” said a senior IAF officer.

The overall aim is to build credible strategic deterrence to dissuade China from embarking on any misadventure. And, India is slowly but steadily getting there.,-India-now-better-poised-to-deter-the-Dragon-547808

1962 is ancient history when troops were sent from the deserts of Rajasthan to high altitude areas to fight without acclimatization and lack of winter clothing and adequate logistics support. The higher direction of war was woeful and troops from the plains were not trained in mountain warfare and thus fought against all odds at altitudes ranging from 10,000 to 16,000 feet.

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then. Our mountain warfare capabilities have been transformational and the Indian army has become a formidable force to reckon with.


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Sep 7, 2015
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China, India must build new unity to reform old global order

The 2017 Doklam standoff following Indian troops' illicit border-crossing dragged Sino-Indian relations down to their lowest level in decades. Since then, the decision-makers, academic circles and media of the two countries have focused on Beijing-New Delhi relations. After the standoff, the two sides deepened their understanding of the status and nature of Sino-Indian ties. Partly owing to the standoff, leadership from the two countries realized the hazards in the Sino-Indian relationship. High-level interactions have increased between China and India so as to reposition their relations.

There are many controversial issues in Sino-Indian relations, most of them old. They include territorial disputes, the Pakistan and Tibet issues. Although such issues persist, remarkable improvements have been made in the last 20 years. The biggest challenge in ties between the two is that today's Sino-Indian relations do not fit into any international template. China and India are both rising rapidly. Their relations do not accord with their strategic goal of pursuing dreams of major power status.

China's strategic indifference towards India and India's strategic sensitivity towards China have always existed. These attitudes are rapidly becoming major obstacles to the development of the two countries. The more they develop, the more serious the strategic anxiety in the other side and the greater the security burden unless positions are addressed and traditional notions of geopolitical competition are abandoned.

The recent China-US trade conflict and the US one-sided ban of China's ZTE Corp remind China, India and other countries with dreams of rejuvenation that China and India still need strategic unity in order to reshape the old international political and economic order. China and India must build a new strategic framework that faces the future. Recognizing the vicissitudes in Sino-Indian ties since 2013, it is obvious that to build a long-term, healthy, positive relationship will take more than various leadership efforts. Academic research and media reports should change at the same time, so as to provide a stable basis for Sino-Indian relations.

China and India should set up a bilateral strategic dialogue mechanism. It should be all-round including official, semi-official and nongovernmental mechanisms. It must not only offer a chance for the two sides to understand each other better but also continuously generate positive energy for bilateral relations.

China and India should also set up joint scientific research projects aimed at analyzing the origin and influence of the 1962 Sino-Indian border conflict and finding an academic solution to territorial disputes. By forming a joint research group, the two countries can try to reach a consensus on the origin and influence of the conflict. Only by reaching an academic consensus prior to influencing publicity can Chinese and Indian governments truly solve territorial disputes.

China and India should promote cultural exchanges. Beijing and New Delhi are each other's biggest neighbor, yet their cultural exchanges occur at a rather low level. Scholars and students of the two countries prefer to go to the US, Japan and the Europe rather than each other. The psychological distance between the two countries is actually much farther than that between them and the West. After all, Sino-Indian relations refer to the relations between Chinese and Indian people. The two countries' governments should take practical measures and adopt policies to promote closer cultural exchanges.

In ancient times, religious and cultural personages from China and India made arduous journeys to promote communication between the two countries despite life-threatening conditions. The experiences of Chinese Buddhist monks such as Faxian and Xuanzang are not only everlasting memories in our hearts, but also show us that as the two longest-standing civilized countries in human history, China and India enjoy a profound shared history. More importantly, they show a vision of the future and our historical responsibilities.

Let's see if the chinese walk the talk. Will they still raise objections to India's joining the NSG and designate Masood Azhar a global terrorist in line with the UN? Let's wait and see. Interesting times ahead seeing the change of stance towards India.

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
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Oct 3, 2009
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Check out the body language of Wang, the Chinese foreign minister. He seems pissed off at the Paki foreign minister!!

And the contrast with India's foreign minister...
Well, that's how Paki slaves are treated!! :biggrin2:
Ftfy ..................... :heh:


New Member
Aug 13, 2016
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Let's see if the chinese walk the talk. Will they still raise objections to India's joining the NSG and designate Masood Azhar a global terrorist in line with the UN? Let's wait and see. Interesting times ahead seeing the change of stance towards India.
I will take this with not a grain but with two bucket load of salt and a side of soya sauce for good measure but the evolving geo-strategic situation may force China's hand in India's favour and what if we can take the Cpec and turn it in to a CIEC o better still make it a pan Asian economic corridor
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